InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Messed Up Romance ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My first attempt at writing a comedy fic. My sister and I were discussing all the wacky combinations we could make. Like having Inuyasha fall in love with Naraku. It has changed a little since then, but I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha (cry). Here's how things would turn out if I did own Inu.

Warning: Inuyasha is kind of a poty mouth. Oh, and one part of this chappie is the teensiest bit perverted.

What happens when Naraku decides to mess with our favorite Inuyasha characters? Lots of mayhem and hilarity ensues.

Messed Up Romance
chapter 1

It was a chilly day in the feudal era. Kagome had just jumped out of the bone eaters well.

"Hey, what took you so long!?" Inuyasha asked looking crosser than usual. "I just caught the scent of Naraku. He's close so hurry up and get moving."

At this the young priestess started to chew him out. "Well, I guess I'm not as important to you as Naraku. Why don't you just admit that you're secretly in love with him?"

Inuyasha freaked out when he heard the lies she was spewing. "WHAT!!? I ain't in love with that bastard! What the hell are you talking about?"

Kagome just smirked. "Well, I have been gone for nearly a month. All you can do is obsess over Naraku. How about saying 'Hey Kagome how have you been?' or 'Great to see you back. We missed you.'? I don't know why I even bother coming back at all. Maybe I should just stay away for good next time."

Inuyasha looked hurt at first. Then he crossed his arms and looked straight into her eyes. "Fine. We don't need you anyway."

Miroku was furious to hear him berate her in this manner. "Inuyasha, how can you be so insensitive!? Kagome has done you no harm! She was only hurt that you would not bother to say something nice to her. She has been gone so long and all you can do is tell her to hurry up?"

Kagome looked from Inuyasha then to Miroku. "No Miroku it's okay. Inuyasha is just upset that his precious Naraku hasn't shown him any romantic interest." She said this with a laugh that could be heard all through the field. Soon everyone was laughing. Everyone except Inuyasha.

"You guys really piss me off! Just go to hell all of you!"

Suddenly a sinister laughter could be heard, seemingly from nowhere. They had been so distracted by the fight that they didn't notice when Naraku had appeared.

"Well, well, well. Inuyasha I didn't know you cared." He cooed in his usual cold manner.

"And here I thought you were in love with this annoying girl." Motioning towards Kagome with a sweep of his hand.

Inuyasha started blushing profusely. "The hell I'm in love with her."

Naraku smiled at an evil thought that crossed his mind. (Wonder what that could be.)

"Just who are you calling annoying!?" Kagome glared at him with a look of pure hatred.

"As for you Inuyasha. Just what is wrong with being in love with me!?"

Inuyasha started cowering like a little baby. She had just given him that same look she gave Naraku.

"My dear miko. If Inuyasha is in love with me who does that leave for you?"

"I shall give you another to share your affections with. The same goes for the rest of you."

"Inuyasha I can't have you running around telling people you love me. I have a reputation to protect after all."

"I shall put a spell on you when you least expect it. You shall all fall madly in love with the first person you see."

With that Naraku had vanished. Inuyasha called after him. "You damn bastard! You know I ain't in love with you!"

"Oh man. What kind of thing do you think he'll try. I don't want to fall in love with a toad or anything."

Kagome looked to each of her friends.

"Yeah, I don't want to fall for something gross like that either. Especially not someone like Miroku."

Sango was trying her best to keep a straight face when she looked over at the flirtatious monk.

"Oh Sango, your words cut me deeply. If you were to fall for me it would make me happy to say the least."

Sango just pretended not to care for Miroku's words. However, she couldn't deny to herself how it made her heart flutter.

"Well I won't be affected by his spell. I'm too young to fall in love. I don't even know anything about love yet."

Shippo looked to Kagome with pleading eyes. He wanted someone to explain exactly what this love thing was.

"Um, Kagome? Could you tell me what love is? Does it have something to do with sex?"

Kagome blushed when everyone started staring at her wondering what she would say.

"I know that my parents loved each other. One day I walked into the den when they thought I was out playing with my friends. They were naked kneeling on furs on the floor. I heard mommy crying out that it felt good then daddy screamed and fell down on top of momma's back."

"When they saw me they looked really guilty. They yelled at me and told me to go back outside."

"Was that sex?"

Kagome looked as though her cheeks were on fire.

"Um, I don't know what you saw Shippo. Maybe you should just wait until your older to ask questions like that."

Shippo was not satisfied with this answer. He looked over at Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, you were in love with Kikyou weren't you? Did you ever do anything like that with her?"

Inuyasha barked at Shippo furiously. "How is that any of your business you little brat? Why don't you ask the monk about sex? I'm sure he has more experience than any of us."

Sango glared at Inuyasha, but he took no notice of her. He was enjoying putting Miroku on the spot.

"Miroku, won't you explain it to me?" Shippo waited until Miroku collected his thoughts.

"Well, you see my young friend. When a man and a woman have a mutual attraction..."

Sango and Kagome both glared at Miroku. "You will not tell him monk he's only a child." Sango spat at him through gritted teeth. "Alright, alright Sango. Please ladies don't look at me like that."

The group was starting to get tired of this conversation. So they decided that they would head for Lady Kaede's hut. Maybe she would have some advice to give. She might be able to help them break the spell.

Give me props if you think it's a good idea so far. I have a good idea of who will fall for whom. You'll just have to read the next chapter to find out. I will not update until I get at least one good review. I have to know that my stories aren't falling on deaf ears. Tootles.