InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Messed Up Romance ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I know, I said I wanted to get more reviews. I just couldn’t wait for you guys any longer. Maybe this chapter will grab someones attention. Please read and let me know if I should continue or not. In the next chapter Naraku will make another appearance. So keep your socks on, I just had to set up the story so our characters could fall for whomever I deem they should fall for. I am so devious, aren’t I? I may have more lemony goodness in future chapters. So keep reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in this story.

Messed Up Romance
Chapter 2

Upon arriving at the village, the group set out to find Lady Kaede.

Kagome walked into the hut they shared with the elderly priestess. ‘I don't see her anywhere.’ She walked outside to address the others. “She’s not in her hut. I wonder where she could be. Maybe she’s out picking wild herbs or something.”

Inuyasha looked irritated. “Why is it whenever we need her she’s never around? Kagome, you know where the special herbs grow around here. Why don’t we go out there and see if we can find her?”

“Yeah, that might be best. Sango, why don’t you and Miroku stay here? We’ll take Shippo with us. He might be useful in tracking her scent.”

Sango was not too happy about the idea of staying in Kaede's hut alone with the lecherous monk. Miroku, on the other hand, was all too eager. “Well, if you think that is best Lady Kagome then we will stay behind.” Miroku tried to hide his enthusiasm with much difficulty.

Sango saw right through him. “Oh no you don’t monk. I know exactly what you’re thinking. There is no way I’m going to let you try anything while they’re away. So just forget it.” Turning to Kagome, she gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry Kagome, I didn’t mean to ignore your question. If that’s what you really want then Miroku and I will stay and wait for Kaede.”

“Thank you guys. We’ll hurry back as soon as we can. There’s no telling how long it will take, but we should be gone no longer than a few hours.”

Always the ancy one, Inuyasha huffed under his breath something about wasting too much time. “Let’s go Kagome.” Kagome nodded to Inuyasha, then she waved good bye to her friends. “Come on Shippo. We ain’t waitin for you all day.”

Shippo ran over to Kagome, stuck his tongue out at the half demon, and then jumped into Kagome's arms before Inuyasha could hit him.

“You little brat.” Inuyasha was about to pry Shippo out of Kagome's arms, but he thought better of it when he saw the warning glance Kagome had given him. Kagome then climbed onto Inuyasha's back with Shippo clinging to her shoulders. With one more huff of annoyance from Inuyasha, they were off.

Inuyasha leapt through the air with little care as to the extra weight he was now encumbered with. ‘I could carry her like this all day. It feels like heaven when she’s so close to me. I can feel her heart beat through my clothes. Her womanly scent is intoxicating. I like feeling her small arms wrapped around my shoulders. Not to mention the fact that her large chest is now firmly planted against my back. It’s too bad that I can’t tell her that I like her being near me. Maybe we wouldn’t fight so much if I did.’

“Inuyasha, you’re being even more quiet than usual. Is everything alright? Are you still mad at me for that crack about you being gay for Naraku? You know that I was just venting because you made me so mad.”

“What? To tell the truth Kagome I forgot all about that. I was just thinking about (blush)…. about finding Kaede to fix this spell.”

Shippo looked over Inuyasha's shoulder. By Inuyasha's scent he knew that the half demon was having another of his Mirokuish thoughts. “Is that really what you were just thinking about Inuyasha?”

“Of course it is Shippo!” Inuyasha glared at Shippo who was now sitting on his shoulder.

“If that’s true, then why do you have the scent that my father had when he and my mother were having that sex thing?” Shippo looked at Inuyasha with a smug grin when he noticed the beet red color Inuyasha's face had turned.

Kagome just turned her face away to try to keep from laughing. She too was beginning to turn a bright shade of red. “Um, Shippo why don’t you come back to my shoulder before you make Inuyasha angry?”

(Back to the hut and our would be lovers.)
“Well now, my sweet it looks like we are all alone. What ever will we do to pass the time?”

“Miroku, don’t even think about…..”

He interrupted her before she could finish crushing his beautiful dream. “I know, how about a little game of phase 10? That should be fun.” Miroku looked at her with a sparkle in his eye. ‘She thought I was going to say something perverted. I just love keeping her guessing. How I wish I could give my Sango just one little innocent kiss. Who am I kidding, none of the things I would want to do to her is entirely innocent?’

Sango looked at him with unmistakable confusion. She was more than a little annoyed that he didn’t even bother to flirt with her. After all, this was one of the only few times they had been alone since they met. “Miroku, you really just want to play a card game? Alright, sounds innocent enough. We might as well do something to entertain ourselves while we wait for the others to return. Did Kagome remember to bring back the cards?”

“Yes, I believe they are in her school bag. I’ll go see if I can find them.” Miroku went inside the hut in search of Kagome's bag that she had brought back with her. When he came out however, he was wearing a look of utter confusion. ‘What exactly was that thing I saw in there, and what would Kagome be doing with such a thing?’

Sango looked at Miroku in wonder. ‘What could he have seen in there that made him so uncomfortable?’ “What is it Miroku, couldn’t you find them?”

What kind of secrets were revealed when Miroku went through Kagome's 'very' private backpack? Read the next chappie to find out. Lots of perverted goodness in there, involving a book, a device that Miroku doesn’t know how to work, and some kind of balloon thing. Lucky for Miroku the book explains it all. Please review. Please, please, please, please I’ll keep going until someone reviews. Please, please, please…. you get the point. Love you guys. No really, I do. If you came this far it must not have bore you to tears.