InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Messed Up Romance ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I hope you guys aren’t too mad at me for having all these little cliffies, but you have to admit, it’s a good way to keep you coming back. That’s not the only reason for them though; I just like torturing you. I’m not so nice a person, huh? (Everyone shakes their heads in agreement.) Hey, you weren’t supposed to answer that people. (sniff) Meanies!

By the way, I’m so, so, so, so, so sorry that I’ve kept from updating this and my other fics. I hope I haven’t lost too many readers. I’ve come up with a plan to fix my problem. I’ll tell you about that later. No more delay, now onto the story.

Disclaimer: I don’t own it, alright?

Messed Up Romance
Chapter 5

(Recap of the last four chapters.)
(After a very funny argument between Inuyasha, Kagome, and Miroku, the group had a little visit by Naraku. He reveals to them his sinister plot to cast a spell over the group when they least expect it. Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo go searching for Kaede, while Miroku and Sango stay behind to await her return. Naraku sees an opportunity to hurt Inuyasha by making Kagome fall in love with his hated older brother, Sesshomaru. While his spell takes its time to work its magic, he decides to pay a visit to the monk and demon slayer. Seeing a great opportunity to humiliate this lecher, he proceeds to cast a spell over the old miko, making her fall for the handsome monk. Now lusting for Miroku, Kaede attacks the poor monk. Laughing his fool head off, Naraku decided to check back on the young miko. “I shall see how the miko is doing. Kana I want to see Inuyasha’s wench now. What?? How did that happen?”)

Sesshomaru sensed her coming before she was ever seen walking out of the forest. He stayed leaning against his tree as though he didn’t even notice her at all. ‘Man, the arrogance of this guy.’ Kagome walked up to him with a swinging Rin still hanging onto her hand. She just wouldn’t let go.

“Sesshomaru, I think I found something that belongs to you. Rin got lost in the woods while she was searching for food. She was frightened so she asked me to help her find you.”

Kagome stares at the demon standing before her. How can he just stand there as if he doesn't even hear me? What do I have to do to get his attention, stand on my head? "Sesshomaru, what's your problem? Don't you even care that Rin was lost? How dare you just ignore me like that!"

Sesshomaru was getting a bit annoyed by this woman’s insolent behavior. He showed just how much by growling low in his throat. It was just barely loud enough for Jaken to hear.

Jaken jumped up in front of them and started yelling at Kagome. “How dare you speak to my master that way you wretched girl! He is the Lord of the western lands. You will show him the proper respect. Right my lord?”

Sesshomaru was about to scold Jaken for his outburst, but he stopped himself when he noticed that the woman’s demeanor had changed. “What is this woman? Why do you smile at me?”

“At you? Why would I be smiling at you? You’re not nearly as beautiful as …… my Jaken!”, she squealed as she ran over to where the little guy stood, dragging Rin with her. She grabbed him up and plastered him with kisses.

“Get off of me! Lord Sesshomaru, help me; please my lord.” Sesshomaru wasn’t about to do anything of the sort. He loved seeing his vassal in such an embarrassing situation. His lips began to curve up into a smile.

Through Kagome’s breaks for air, Jaken just barely managed to speak to his lord. “Oh no, you’re smiling my lord. Does that mean that you refuse to help me?”

Finally, Rin let go of her hand. Laughing at the sight of Jaken being hugged to death by Kagome, she ran off towards a field of flowers. “Stupid girl, don’t laugh at my agony, help me!” Rin ignored Jaken’s words and began picking daffodils while singing her little heart out. “Lord Sesshomaru likes flowers. Rin picks flowers for Lord Sesshomaru. Jaken yells ‘Stupid girl.’ Jaken holds his head in pain.” (AN: I never said she was good at making up songs or that I was for that matter. Lol)

(Here we are back in the woods with Inuyasha and Shippo.)
Inuyasha and Shippo were hard at work trying to find the old woman. There wasn’t a trace of her scent anywhere. Inuyasha looked up from sniffing the ground to tell Kagome that they might as well go back, but he couldn’t see her there.

“Shippo, where did Kagome go?”

“She went a little further into the woods to find some of the herbs that we’ll…..” Shippo stopped himself short. He looked around and scanned their surroundings. “Inuyasha, do you smell something? It smells like a demon.”

They had been so engrossed on finding the old woman, that they hadn’t noticed when the scent of this demon had first wafted into the air.

Inuyasha took a deep whiff of the atmosphere surrounding them. He turned up his nose when he focused in on the recognizable scent. “I know this scent, it’s Sesshomaru.” ‘Damn him, what’s he doing here and where the hell is Kagome?’

Inuyasha ran towards the scent of his half brother. When he got there, he saw Kagome walking towards Sesshomaru with a child hanging onto her hand. After telling Sesshomaru of her reasoning behind her appearance, Kagome began speaking to him in that tone of voice that Inuyasha knew all too well.

Just then, he saw Jaken jump up in front of Kagome. Inuyasha heard the grating sound of that toad’s voice, as he chimed in about his annoyance of her treatment towards his master. He watched in horror as Kagome started loving on the toad demon. Inuyasha stormed over to where the others stood, just as Rin was running off towards a field of daffodils.

“What the hell’s going on here!?” Inuyasha screamed at Kagome as she kissed and hugged the life out of the irritating toad demon. “Kagome? How the hell can you kiss him? I thought that you and I, that we…..”

Just then, Shippo came into view. “Kagome must be under the spell Inuyasha. Think about it. She said that she didn’t want to kiss anything gross like a toad, remember? Why would she say that then turn right around and kiss a toad demon?”

Inuyasha hated to admit it, but the brat was right. “Fine, but we better get her away from that toad before things get any uglier. Sesshomaru had better not get in my way.”

“Hey you, ugly! Get the hell away from my woman before I rip you to shreds with my claws!”

Kagome just continued to squeeze the poor toad until it looked like his eyes would pop out. While gasping for air, he somehow managed to beg Inuyasha for help. This awarded him a dirty look from his lord, but he didn’t care. If lord Sesshomaru wasn’t going to help him, then he wasn’t above asking his younger brother for help. Besides, the woman was his wench, if anyone could control her, it would be him.

Sesshomaru grabbed the woman by the arms and shook her violently until Jaken fell from her grasp. He landed on the ground with a thud. Sesshomaru stepped closer to the woman. In so doing, he stood on the demon’s head. His voice muffled by the fact that his master was now standing on his face, Jaken said, “Fank oou my oord.” (AN: In case you don’t understand muffled toad speak, that’s ‘Thank you my lord’. Duh.)

“Now woman, you will tell me what this intrusion is all about.” He stared at her with impassive eyes. He was going to get a little information out of this wench if he had to drag it out of her. He squeezed her arms even tighter, causing her to wince.

“Get your hands off of her you filthy demon!”

Inuyasha was maddened with anger. His eyes began to glow red and Sesshomaru noticed that the scent of his blood was beginning to change. Inuyasha lunged for his half brother with murderous intent. Sesshomaru dodged his initial attack.

As Jaken ran to his master’s defense, Kagome sprang into action to protect her love. She ran in front of Inuyasha and scooped Jaken up into her arms. “SIT!” She just narrowly missed being skewered by Inuyasha’s claws, as she spoke the word of submission just in time to save her own life and the life of her treasured toad demon.

“SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!” In succession, she spoke the word that Inuyasha hated most in all the world. “Inuyasha, how dare you try to hurt my precious Jaken. What were you thinking lunging at him like that? I love him Inuyasha, don’t you see that?”

Inuyasha had now recovered from the stupor that was caused by his overpowering demonic blood. As he stood, he began trying to explain his actions. It would be no use trying to reason with her now. How could he convince her that she wasn’t really in love with the fool? “I wasn’t thinking Kagome. I was being controlled by my demonic side. I would never have hurt the little loo-er… umm… guy.”

“Fine! But if you so much as touch one wart on my lover’s head, I’ll S-I-T you so hard, it’ll break every bone in your body!!” Inuyasha wasn’t about to doubt her. The murderous intent that lay in the raven-haired beauty’s eyes was enough to convince him that she meant business.

“Kagome? Do you remember the spell put on us by Naraku?” Shippo stared at her through tears. He didn’t like seeing his protector being used by Naraku like this. “Huh, a spell? Yeah, I remember, something about falling in…” Then it hit her. “Are you saying that I, that Jaken, that we’re under this spell?”

“Speak for yourself human! Put me down!!” Jaken had about enough. He was going to get away from this psycho if it was the last thing he did. The little toad squirmed in her arms relentlessly, trying to free himself, but to no avail.

Suddenly, realizing that she was still holding onto a dirty toad demon, Kagome dropped poor Jaken on his head. “Ouch, what did you do that for, you dirty human!?”

“Oh, my poor Jaken, I’m so sorry sweetie.” Her hand flew to her mouth as she realized what she just said.

Sesshomaru raised his eyebrows. This was beginning to peak his interest. Not that he cared about the girl or his stupid half brother, but the brat mentioned something about Naraku. “Kit, what is this of Naraku?” Shippo dried his eyes and looked up at the scary dog demon.

“It’s a spell; Naraku put a spell on us. Whoever we’re looking at, we fall in love with. So far, only Kagome’s fallen under it, but who knows what’s been happening to the others while we’re gone and we still can’t find Kaede.”

Turning to Inuyasha, Shippo suddenly began to cry. “Oh Inuyasha, what are we going to do?” Inuyasha just started at the ground. “Inuyasha!”

“Shut it you brat! I’m thinking!” Inuyasha gave him a little tap… okay, it was a big tap. It left a goose egg on the kitsune’s head. “If we go back to the hut and Kaede’s not there, then what? We need to find an alternative. Let’s go get the others and see what they think our next move should be.”

Turning to Kagome, he looked at her with sad eyes. “Kagome, I’m… let’s head back now before it gets dark.”

He just couldn’t bring himself to say it. It was his fault that all this happened in the first place. If he hadn’t been a jerk, they would have noticed Naraku sooner and maybe… ‘Why can I never just say I’m sorry? One of these days, she might leave and…’ He couldn’t bring himself to finish that thought.

“Come on Kagome, we don’t have all day.” Inuyasha crouched down to let Kagome climb on his back.

“But, but… what about Jaken? I can’t just… oh, wait, what am I thinking? Yeah, let’s hurry.” She climbed on his back and looked back at Sesshomaru, Jaken, and little Rin as Inuyasha began running towards their destination. A sad look was in her eyes. A small part of her was heartbroken to have to leave Jaken behind.

“Inuyasha! We forgot Shippo!” Inuyasha growled in annoyance and turned around to retrieve the brat.

“How could you guys just leave me back there?” Shippo whined into Inuyasha’s ear as they took off again towards the hut. “Shut up Shippo, you’re lucky we came back at all.”

Sesshomaru watched the trio leave as he thought of this interesting turn of events. ‘Perhaps I should follow them. They’re bound to run into Naraku.’

Sesshomaru began to walk towards Ah-un. “Rin, come here.” Rin ran to her Lord with flowers in hand, laughing and smiling the whole time. “My Lord, look. Aren’t they beautiful?” Sesshomaru just nodded and motioned for her to get on Ah-un. “Yes my Lord.” Dutifully, Rin obeyed.

Walking towards Sesshomaru, Jaken wondered where their journey would take them next. “Where are we going now my Lord?” Sesshomaru ignored his question and started rising into the air. Jaken ran to him and jumped. Clinging to his Lord’s tail, again he asked him where they were headed.

“Jaken, be quiet.” Sesshomaru flashed Jaken a look that he recognized. It meant he better shut up or he’d be falling to the ground and forced to run to keep up with his Lord.

“The fun is just beginning Sesshomaru.” Naraku turned away from the mirror and towards his other creation. “Kagura, why don’t you go and see if you can’t stir things up?”

‘What is he up to? Is there any point to this madness?’ As she pulled out a feather and walked towards one of the windows, Kagura glared at him. She couldn’t figure out what was going through this bastard’s head.

She left through the window and flew towards Inuyasha’s group, the poison insects leading the way. ‘I wonder if he’ll be there.’

“This is going to be beyond interesting. What will happen to my little pawn after what I have planned for her?”

Ooooh, what is it he has planned? I’m sure many of you can guess. I know it’s been a while, but please review.

ps: I’m going to stick with this story for a while and try to finish it. I think having three stories at once may have been too much for me. My creativity fizzled out too soon. Again, I’m sorry for the long delay and I apologize to those of you who want my other stories updated. I’ll try to get this finished soon so you won’t have to wait too long. I’ll do one story at a time and a few one shots in between from now on. Well, that’s the plan.