InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Scares and Chats ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Scares and Chats

When Kagome awoke the next morning, she was not surprised to find herself alone in the sleeping bag.  Inuyasha had always been the earliest riser of their group.  Blearily blinking her eyes open, she observed her hanyou setting up a fresh campfire.  It was getting to be rather late in spring, but the mornings were quite chilly, especially before the sun rose high enough to warm the land.  It didn’t bother her much anymore, but she knew Miroku and Sango would appreciate the extra heat.  Still, nothing could beat the comfort of her sleeping bag—except maybe her bed—so she closed her eyes again, intent on pretending to be asleep for a little while longer.  Her thoughts drifted back to the very pleasant dreams which had occupied her unconscious mind.  She could still see Inuyasha, dashing around a field, chased by a giggling group of dog-eared children.  

She gasped suddenly, bolting upright as her hands flew to her mouth.  Ch-children!!!  Oh, no, what if I’m…  Yes, it was true that she wanted to start a family with Inuyasha, and just the previous day he revealed that he felt the same way, but that was an eventuality.  At the very least, they needed to wait until the scourge that was Naraku no longer wandered the earth, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever he went.  If she became pregnant now, it would cause major problems and jeopardize their mission.  Taking a deep breath, she tried to reign in her rising panic.  Calm down, Kagome.  You don’t know anything yet.  Taking a minute to think rationally, she breathed a sigh of relief.  Her period was only a few days away; it was far too late in her cycle for her to conceive.  For the first time, she was very grateful she had paid attention in health class a couple years ago.  Funny how she hadn’t considered the possible ramifications of their intimate encounter yesterday.  But she supposed that was understandable in light of their stormy relationship and the rampant sexual tension that existed between them recently.  Of course, Inuyasha hadn’t thought of it either, or had he?  Could someone with a strong enough nose smell when a woman could become pregnant?  She hadn’t noticed any change in her scent a couple weeks ago, when her fertile time would have come and gone.  But that didn’t necessarily mean that Inuyasha’s nose couldn’t pick up on it.  Of course, there was still a problem with relying on that to determine whether sex was safe, namely that human sperm could survive inside the woman for up to five days, waiting for an unsuspecting egg to come along.  Somehow she doubted hanyou sperm would be any more resilient; where was the fun in having sex if you got a woman pregnant every time you did it?  So even if Inuyasha could smell when she was ovulating, they couldn’t rely on that.  She would have to watch her cycle very carefully, and maybe get some condoms on her next trip though the well.  Hm, maybe I should just go on birth control.  Thinking of the modern era brought to mind the inevitable awkward conversation she and Inuyasha needed to have with her mother regarding their relationship.  She grimaced; that was not going to be fun, even though she was almost positive her mother would approve.  

The feeling of being watched broke Kagome from her thoughts and drew her attention to the red-clad hanyou by the campfire, who was examining her with a quizzical look, as if to ask ‘what’s the matter?’  She shook her head and smiled reassuringly at him.  He gazed at her for a few seconds longer before shrugging and returning to his task.  Whatever had been bothering her was no longer doing so; her scent told him as much.  But something else was telling him that she was happy and content, a strange intuition that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  On second thought, he was probably just imagining things.  His curiosity was far from satisfied, but he trusted her to talk to him about it if it was important.  

He finished arranging the logs and sticks, and just as Kagome was wondering how he planned on lighting them—and whether she would have to get out of her sleeping roll to grab the matches from her bag—he motioned to some third party out of her line of vision.  That person turned out to be Shippou, who used his fox fire to start up a crackling flame in no time.  Again, Kagome gasped, though this time the movement was subdued with guilt.  Oh, shit!  I forgot all about Shippou last night!  And I knew he was having trouble sleeping by himself.  She took a moment to observe the kit, trying to determine how tired he was.  He seemed fine, but there was really only one way to be sure.  

“Shippou-chan?” she called softly.  

“Yeah, Kagome?”  

“Did you sleep well?”  

To her everlasting surprise, the kit nodded enthusiastically.  “Yep.  Inuyasha let me share your sleeping bag with you guys.”  

“H-he did?” she asked, thoroughly shocked.  

“Keh!” Inuyasha bit out, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away.  Embarrassed though he was, he still glanced back over his shoulder, gauging her reaction.  Kagome might have laughed at his behavior if she wasn’t so touched.  She had always appreciated the little things Inuyasha did, the small gestures of friendship and kindness in which his true nature shown through.  So was this a big deal, something to make a huge fuss over?  No, but it still meant a lot to her.  

“Thank you, Inuyasha,” she cooed, giggling this time when he grunted and turned away.  He still gets so flustered when he gets caught doing something nice.  Well, that just means he needs more practice.  



“Ahhh, Sango, you woke me from a wonderful dream about you,” Miroku moaned, sitting up and rubbing his sore cheek.  Sango glared at him but decided not to answer, instead taking to muttering under her breath as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.  

“Damn Houshi-sama; even in his sleep he can’t keep his hands to himself!”  

But while Miroku’s groping and his punishment for that action were standard, slight changes were apparent to everyone.  The hand print on the monk’s face seemed less pronounced than usual, as if the slayer had gone easy on him, and Sango’s demeanor was decidedly less irritated than it normally would be after having her ass grabbed.  Inuyasha could practically see the wheels turning in Kagome’s head as she glanced from one to the other, but he resolved to leave it alone.  They had done their meddling for the time being; the two humans could figure out the rest of their relationship on their own.  Kagome, on the other hand, really wanted to find a hot spring so she could interrogate her friend.  

She got her wish.  After actively searching for the scent of water for the whole morning and into the afternoon, she finally struck gold in the form of a small spring about two hundred yards off the road they were traveling on, hidden by the forest.  Inuyasha wasn’t happy about stopping so early in the day, calling it ‘giant waste of time,’ and even Kagome’s doe eyes didn’t work to completely sway him.  They almost got into a major fight, but Inuyasha backed down, deciding that letting his mate have her way this time was better than having her pissed at him for the foreseeable future.  They were both stubborn, willful people, and he didn’t expect to win every battle.  If they could just talk—or even yell—things out, and he could avoid making spiteful and hurtful insults, they would get along just fine.  Of course, the side benefits of being together would help a lot, such as his new bathing privileges with Kagome.  Oh, yes, he had them, though she hadn’t specifically granted them except for that one time.  Unfortunately, the wench was too excited about speaking with Sango to care, dragging the slayer off to the spring before Inuyasha could get in a word about bathing arrangements.  Pouting, he joined the monk in setting up camp.  

“Shippou,” Miroku asked after a few minutes, “why don’t you and Kirara go explore the woods for awhile?”  

Inuyasha’s head shot up at that, and the seriousness of his situation dawned on him as he glimpsed the telltale hentai twinkling in the monk’s eye.  At least Shippou was still here, having whipped out his coloring books when it became clear that the girls desired their bath to be women-only.  The last thing Inuyasha wanted was to be left alone with the houshi and his perverted questions!  He couldn’t leave Miroku by himself, because then the monk would just make a beeline for the hot spring to spy on the girls.  And no man was ever going to see his Kagome naked again except him, dammit!  Fortunately, he and Shippou seemed to operating on the same wavelength.  

“Nope,” the kit replied easily.  “You just want one less pair of eyes making sure you don’t go spy on the girls.”  

Miroku sighed, dismayed by having his hentai habits come back to bite him.  For once, his motivation wasn’t to catch a glimpse of naked female flesh, although he knew he wouldn’t pass up such an opportunity should one arise.  Oh, well, I’ll just have to be a little more subtle than originally planned.  

“So, Inuyasha,” he observed after a few seconds of contemplative silence, “you looked pretty disappointed when Kagome went to bathe.  Did you want to join her?”  

“Shut it, bouzu,” Inuyasha retorted, trying to act as intimidating as possible even though he could already feel the blood pooling in his cheeks.  

“I completely understand your dissatisfaction with the current arrangements.  You know, if you could convince Sango to—”

“Forget it!  If you wanna see Sango naked, ask her yourself.”  

“I don’t think that would go over so well,” the monk admitted sheepishly.  “Come on, Inuyasha!  I was hoping we could pair up, and maybe both engage in more of certain activities.  Speaking of which,” Miroku continued after a short pause, “how was your experience with those activities?”  


“Yeah, Inuyasha, how was making love?” Shippou interjected, proving once again that he was too smart for his own good.  The hanyou glared at him, holding out his hand.  

“Fork over the rest of that pocky Kagome gave you, runt.”  

Shippou shook his head violently, his hands flying to cover his mouth.  “Never mind!  I didn’t say anything about making lo—anything!!!”  

“Damn right you didn’t,” Inuyasha declared.  That’s all I need—two people asking me about my one sexual experience.  It was somewhat of a comfort that Kagome was probably getting the same treatment from Sango.  Then it dawned on him that Miroku was still waiting for an answer, and sure enough, he found the monk gazing at him expectantly.  Instead of replying verbally, he let his lips quirk in a smirk that said it all and left Miroku slightly slack-jawed.  Wow, the monk wondered, that good, huh?  But after the shock of seeing Inuyasha behave so boldly and confidently wore off, he donned a smirk of his own, one which had the hanyou’s expression faltering.  

“So it was amazing, mind-blowing, absolutely perfect?”  

When Inuyasha frowned, Miroku nodded sympathetically.  “I see…would you like some pointers?”  

“Wh—NO!!!  I don’t want any fucking pointers!”  Logically, Inuyasha knew the previous night hadn’t been perfect.  Was anything in life truly flawless?  Still, thinking back on it now, he couldn’t find anything to regret or wish he could go back and change.  In that sense, on some deeper level, maybe it really was perfect.  Regardless, he knew exactly where Miroku could shove his insinuation.  

“I don’t need your advice, bouzu.  I did just fine without it.  Hell, I’ve gotten farther than you anyway.”  

“Indeed you have, my friend,” Miroku conceded.  “For now.”

* * *

Kagome vibrated with anticipation, sending little ripples along the surface of the water as she waited for Sango to join her.  

“Okay, Sango-chan!” she demanded once the slayer had settled.  “Spill!  Did he kiss you?  How was it?  What did he say?  Wha—”

“Do you want me to answer all those questions at once, Kagome-chan?” Sango asked, her head swimming.  

“Uh, maybe you should start with the first one.  Did he kiss you?”  

“Well, no.  I…I kissed him, actually,” she confessed, covering one flaming cheek with her palm.  

“Y-you did?” Kagome gasped.  She definitely hadn’t been expecting that.  

“Yeah.  We started talking, and he said he knew that his lecherous habits were making me lose my faith in him.  Apparently, he and Inuyasha had a chat…”

“Oh,” Kagome gulped, rubbing the back of her neck.  “About that, Sango-chan, I—”

“It’s okay, Kagome-chan.  I’m glad you broke your promise.  I should have just talked with Houshi-sama about it myself, but I was stupid.  I didn’t know he…cared so much,” she said, grinning blissfully.  Kagome smiled in return, happy for her friend and relieved that Sango wasn’t angry with her.  

“I tried to tell you.”

“Yeah, yeah, you were right.  He’s honorable enough to at least try to be a one-woman man.  You were right about the kiss, too,” Sango admitted softly.  

“What do you mean?”  

“Well, you said your first real kiss with Inuyasha was amazing…and mine was the same.”  

Kagome sighed wistfully as the memory returned, her lips curling as she gazed reflectively at the darkening sky.  “Yeah, kissing is…yeah,” Kagome finished lamely, having been unable to come up with an appropriately descriptive term.  

“Yeah,” Sango agreed, setting off a round of giggles that bled the tension from their bodies, leaving them totally unwound.  They didn’t stay that way for long, as Sango began to fidget, the scent of her nervousness perfuming the air.  Several times she opened her mouth as if to say something, then snapped it shut and went back to square one.  It didn’t take a genius to figure out the topic she was choking on.  Kagome had asked her questions, after all, and now reciprocity was rearing its ugly head.  

“We both know what you’re gonna ask, Sango-chan, so you might as well just say it.”  

“Wh-what’s it like?” the taijiya stammered finally.  

Kagome thought about playing dumb, maybe asking what ‘it’ was, but decided against it.  Sango looked like she was close to losing her composure as it was.  Not for the first time, she was reminded how similar Inuyasha and Sango were.  They were both true warriors, their fierceness in battle tempered by a strong moral sensibility.  Though often shy and reserved around members of the opposite sex, they sought love and companionship even if they themselves didn’t realize it.  They were fighters before lovers, though Inuyasha had proven he was more than capable of both.  And Kagome knew in her heart that Sango could be a loving wife, a doting mother, if only she was given the chance.  She also knew that the slayer probably didn’t have much background on sex, by virtue of living in the feudal era and a growing up in a probably-conservative taijiya village.  How could she possibly comprehend just how incredible it could be, when Kagome with her modern upbringing hadn’t appreciated it until very recently?  Well, she would to her best to clue her friend in, and maybe relating her experience would help with her ongoing ‘don’t act like a virgin’ mission.  

“Well, we started kissing, and then took our clothes off.  I was so hot, Sango-chan, like I was burning up inside.  I think if something had stopped us at that point I would have gone crazy!” she declared, grinning before becoming serious once more.  “And then, when we went to actually do it…well, I won’t lie to you, Sango-chan.  It hurt, at first.  But then…he was so gentle, so caring, and it felt so good afterwards.”  A delightful shiver crawled up Kagome’s spine, the memory affecting her more than she cared to admit.  Had that wonderful evening really been just yesterday, a mere twenty-four hours ago?  There was a long pause as the two girls sat, Sango simply watching Kagome as the younger girl reminisced.  

“Wow,” she said at last, awed by what Kagome had told her, as well as how happy she looked.  Kagome had always been blessed with a beautiful smile, but now it carried just a little extra glow, a joy that brightened whoever had the good fortune of glimpsing it.  Sango remembered hearing the older members of the taijiya village speak of the power of young love, and how just seeing it would warm the heart and make personal troubles seem trivial.  Now, she fully understood what they had meant.  Oh, how she desired that kind of love, though her logical mind used to tell her it would never happen.  But after last night’s rendezvous with Miroku, the seemingly impossible had become possible, even probable.  Perhaps they really could have that kind of relationship.  She knew she loved him.  If she did not, then she would have cut ties with him long ago.  Her feelings had once been a burden, a curse, but now they gave her hope, a reason to live, to survive the fall of Naraku and forge a future for herself.  All because of a few honest words, and a single, amazing kiss.  
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