InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ A Return to Action ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

A Return to Action

Inuyasha was frustrated again.  The entire week since his and Kagome’s first night together had been an exercise in conflicting emotions.  On the one hand, his life had never seen the level of contentment he now enjoyed.  Oh, sure, there were many things he still needed to accomplish, like collecting the jewel shards and destroying Naraku.  But those objectives were secondary, and they had been all along, though he’d been too blind and stubborn to realize it until now.  Everything he had truly been looking for since his awakening had been by his side the whole time.  The problem was that he hadn’t been able to find more than a few scattered moments alone with the one who fulfilled him so.  A handful of stolen kisses were not nearly enough to satisfy his appetite for Kagome, and to make matters worse, she felt the same way.  Unfortunately, circumstances had conspired against them, which explained why they were both more than a little irritable this afternoon.  

Kagome had felt bad about not bathing with him a week ago, so she had gone out of her way to be nice to him that evening, making him extra ramen and giving him an ear rub as they climbed into bed.  When she seductively whispered in his ear that she would ‘make it up to him later,’ all was forgiven, though the promise did little to help him fall asleep.  They made it to Daichi’s late the following afternoon, only to find that the bear youkai and Sakura were gone, probably to barter his talents or visit friends.  Since they didn’t know when he would be back, they decided not to wait for him.  There would be other opportunities to stop in for a visit.  That night they camped in the forest, but neither of them were desperate enough to elope for a few hours alone together when their friends would know exactly what they had been doing.  Little did they know that it would be the last real opportunity they would have for awhile.  

Now Inuyasha was seriously considering grabbing Kagome and carrying her into the woods to have his way with her, and he didn’t think she would protest.  Funny how a week of enforced abstinence could make you not care about who or what knew you were having sex.  Propriety could go rot in a hole somewhere.  

They had stayed at a human village the night after that.  Sango and Miroku took care of a small youkai problem, and the headman insisted the heroes stay for dinner and spend the night.  The attitude toward the two hanyou was less enthusiastic, but the invitation was extended, albeit reluctantly.  Still, they knew enough to tread carefully with practically every human in sight gazing at them with looks ranging from curiosity to outright hostility.  Inuyasha wasn’t about to let a bunch of suspicious humans force him out of Kagome’s sleeping bag, but the less-than-welcoming atmosphere did put a damper on their sexual urges.  They were only too happy when morning came and they could get the hell out of there.  And just when things were looking up, Kagome started bleeding a few hours later.  That lasted for several days, and since neither of them wanted to experience intercourse with her in that condition, they had no choice but to wait it out.  

Today, her scent had finally been clear, and it was a wonder he had been able to control himself thus far.  Especially since Kagome was obviously thinking the same things as he, her scent spiking periodically as their tortuous journey continued.  

So when the ugly bastard of a youkai appeared before them, demanding the jewel shards, Inuyasha welcomed the upcoming battle as a chance to blow off some steam.  The youkai’s type was unknown; it walked upright, with arms longer than its legs, its entire body covered in what almost looked like human skin except for the puke-green hue.  But whatever the creature’s exterior was made of, it was much tougher than it looked, as Inuyasha discovered when he attempted to chop the it in half through its midsection.  Tetsusaiga bounced off its belly, leaving the hanyou open to a strike from the creature’s man-sized fist.  

“Inuyasha!” Kagome called as he slammed into a tree, the force of the impact splintering the wood.  

“Stay back!” he ordered, heaving himself to his feet.  He glared at the creature, rage burning in his amber eyes as he spit a clump of blood off to the side.  The youkai smirked, and it didn’t need to say anything to convey exactly what it thought of its half-breed challenger.  Inuyasha growled at the gall of this youkai, which clearly had no idea what he was capable of.  One Kaze no Kizu could probably wipe the thing off the face of the planet, but that would only prove that he was too weak to defeat it without his sword’s special techniques.  He knew that wasn’t true, and he wanted the tactile pleasure of killing this thing with his blade or claws.  Perhaps this was a rational way of looking at things, or perhaps his frustration was clouding his judgment.  Either way, it was probably not the wisest decision he had ever made.  

He did well at first, dodging the numerous blows before finally striking back with one of his own, neatly cleaving one of the youkai’s hands off at the wrist with Tetsusaiga.  The swing had taken the full extent of his strength, so he was in no position to block when the youkai screamed in rage and fired an energy burst from its gaping maw.  He leapt up out of the way, but the youkai anticipated the move perfectly, and was waiting with its other fist cocked and ready.  It threw its entire bulk into the punch, and this time there was a sickening crunch at the moment of impact, Tetsusaiga barely softening the blow as it clattered harmlessly to the ground.  Inuyasha was propelled through the air into another tree, the force of the collision obliterating the base of the great hardwood.  It shuddered for several moments, as if straining to find some support in the now shattered wood which had held it upright for so long.  But there was none to be found, and the dying tree slowly toppled, gathering speed as it plummeted toward the youkai which had felled it.  The creature caught it in mid air and, in an impressive display of brute strength, raised it above its head like some tremendous club before swinging it downward toward its intended victim.  

A flash of light off to the side was the creature’s only warning before its makeshift weapon burst into flame, vaporizing instantly with the sheer power of the miko arrow which had struck it and leaving the creature with nothing but a charred stump in its hands.  Kagome was already notching another, this one aimed at the youkai’s head.  She couldn’t see Inuyasha from her vantage point, the underbrush concealing his position, but she knew that at the very least he was gravely wounded.  And at the worst…  But she couldn’t think like that.  This youkai needed to be dispatched before she could tend to her fallen mate, or shed tears on his behalf.  She only prayed they would be tears of relief rather than grief.  

But the youkai was not willing to perish so easily.  It had seen the damage the strange miko-hanyou’s arrow could do, and knew it could not withstand a direct hit.  In desperation, it flung the stump at Kagome just as she aimed her arrow.  The move had the desired effect, forcing the enemy group to scatter and giving the youkai enough time to close the distance between them.  By the time Kagome had recovered enough to fire, it was too late.  The creature attacked viciously, its swings short and measured, its size allowing it to pursue when she tried to withdraw.  All she could do was dodge; she couldn’t even think of firing an arrow, and that was what the youkai wanted.  In close quarters combat, the hulking brute with the quick hands—or hand—had the advantage.  Still, Kagome didn’t panic; her training with Inuyasha served her well.  She looked for an opportunity to land a death blow, and saw one when the youkai swung a little too wide.  Leaping onto the outstretched arm, she used it as a springboard to launch herself straight toward the creature’s head, intent on severing it from its body with her claws.  The youkai reacted just in time, firing another energy blast from his mouth at point blank range.  Summoning her miko powers, Kagome barely managed to deflect some of the attack, but the blow still sent her flying backwards.  She landed on her feet in true feline style, but her bow and arrows cluttered to the ground a good distance away, hopelessly out of reach.  Fortunately, this was the opening the other members of the inu-gang had been waiting for.  

“Kazaana!!!” Miroku yelled, flinging open the sealing beads and unleashing the full fury of his right hand.  For a moment, as the creature was inexorably pulled in, it appeared that the monk’s curse would end the battle.  But this youkai was old, ancient really, and it had seen enough unusual attacks in its day to know how to deal with them.  Using its great arms, it shoveled rocks, bushes, any kind of debris it could reach back toward the black hole.  Miroku gritted his teeth as he felt the strain of sucking in so much material, and the strength of the void faded only slightly, but it was enough.  Heaving its leg muscles, the youkai managed to push its way forward about twenty yards until it could duck down behind a large, sturdy tree.  Momentarily safe from the pull of the human vacuum, it searched for a way to escape.  Snatching up a large boulder, it stepped out from behind its shelter just enough to fling the rock toward its attacker in a high arc.  Miroku’s eyes widened as the boulder sailed closer, and as it grew larger and larger it became clear that the youkai had made a dead-on perfect throw.  The monk raised his hand to suck in the rock just before it flattened him into a houshi-pancake, allowing the youkai the opening it needed to lean out and fire another energy blast before the monk could lower his hand again.  Miroku leapt back, refastening the beads over his hand before the debris from the attack hit him, knocking him on his back and making his head spin.  Another opponent out of the fight.  


The youkai roared angrily as the bone boomerang tore a long slice into its back.  As it turned to face the new threat, Kagome made her move, dashing forward and reclaiming her lost weapons. Swiftly she notched an arrow and called out her powers, firing the instant she felt the projectile charge.  But the youkai had felt the surge in power, and possessed lightning quick reflexes for a being its size.  It ducked just in time as the arrow whizzed by overhead, the residual energy scorching skin as it passed.  Cursing itself for allowing the human taijiya to be a distraction, it charged toward the true threat, staying low to the ground and weaving to throw off her aim.  Once this strange female hanyou was dead, and the jewel shards were in its possession, victory over any enemy would be assured!  Kagome readied herself and waited, bowstring taut, as the youkai closed rapidly.  She would fire at point blank range and obliterate this beast once and for all.  Wait for it…wait for it…

But if this youkai was stronger and faster than it looked, it certainly was more intelligent as well.  It knew full well that a simple frontal assault was suicidal, and it also knew just how close it could get to the miko-hanyou before dodging a shot would become impossible.  It snatched up a large log and flung if just before crossing that imaginary threshold.  Kagome dove to the side and immediately brought her weapon back up, but it was too late.  The youkai’s closing speed made any delay on her part fatal, and it had created that delay with a well-timed and unexpected attack.  Already a giant fist was coming at her from the side, and it was all she could do to twist away to lessen the impact.  In this she succeeded; instead of breaking half her ribs the blow glanced off her back, leaving a large welt but doing little structural damage.  Still, the energy behind the strike launched her forward, rolling and tumbling until an unlucky tree stopped her progress with a mighty thud.  Dazed, she gazed upward with unfocused eyes as her enemy closed in, raising its fist high above its head to deliver the final blow.  Somewhere in the distance Sango was calling her name, but the slayer’s assistance would not come soon enough.  Had her thoughts not been so muddled, Kagome might have contemplated the unfairness of life.  Now that she finally had Inuyasha, she was going to leave him.  

A pulse.  The world seemed to freeze, as the youkai stopped and stood with its arm raised, turning its head toward the source of the new sensation.  

Another pulse.  


Growing in intensity and frequency now.  Dark.  Evil.  Carnal.  Familiar…

A menacing figure rose from the ruins of the forest, clad in crimson, its downturned face partially concealed by white hair, swept by a sinister wind.  A low growl could be heard, a sound that carried so much hatred it might have originated from the very depths of hell.  One eye peered out from behind unruly bangs, glowing deep red, the color of the thing the demon desired above all else.  Blood.  It desired blood.  And it would have it.  In the blink of an eye, it was gone.  An instant later, its claws were tearing green skin, rending flesh amid cries of outrage and anguish from the old youkai whose life was coming to an abrupt end.  A gurgle as its throat was ripped out, then silence.  Complete, utter silence.  One youkai was dead, but another remained.  No mortal creature dared to make a move.  Except one.  

“Inuyasha,” Kagome uttered, taking a cautious step toward him.  He whirled to face her, and she gasped and flinched back, but not in fright.  No, fear was the very furthest thing from her mind at the moment.  She truly believed that Inuyasha would never hurt her in this form.  But beyond that, the way he was looking at her…  It was not blood he lusted after, but something else entirely.  His entire being exuded lust, plain and simple.  For her.  Kagome shivered under the intensity of his stare, powerless to look away and equally incapable of moving her suddenly unresponsive body.  Her heart fluttered, her skin flushing as liquid heat pooled in her belly, knees shaking as her breathing became rapid and heavy.  How could one look affect her so, she wondered?  The pure promise behind it was overwhelming, teasing her with recollections of freshly remembered sensations and leaving her wanting nothing more than to experience those feelings over and over again.  Still her crazed mate gazed at her, taking in the sight of her trembling, scenting her excitement in the air.  He smirked.  

Suddenly he snarled, glaring at something behind her.  Turning around, Kagome saw their friends come to an abrupt halt, expressions nervous and bodies tensed for combat.  Sango already held the Tetsusaiga, the only thing that had ever been able to return their companion back to normal.  Again, Inuyasha snarled, but the sound was remarkably different from the one he had directed at the enemy youkai.  There was no real hostility; instead it spoke of annoyance and gave the impression of a warning.  The widening of Sango’s eyes was Kagome’s only advanced notice before strong male arms wrapped around her, pulling her back against an equally powerful chest.  His body rumbled against her, sending small shockwaves rocketing through her quivering form.  His tongue seductively lathed the length of her neck, and her head lolled to the side, her breath hitching as his enlarged fangs grazed her soft skin.  The evidence of his arousal pressed against her backside, and she felt as if the only thing holding her up were those strong arms of his.  Oh, the heat, that nigh irresistible pull that threatened to overwhelm her, drag her down into a realm of fleshly desires and untold delights.  But through her faltering grip on her self control, her rational mind supplied a motivation to resist, a reason why she couldn’t slip into that world—at least, not here.  

Breaking his hold and pulling away from him was quite possibly the hardest thing she had ever done, and not because he refused to release her.  He did at first, but his attitude changed in the blink of an eye, his angry growl turning into one of irritation as he let her go.  She glanced curiously over her shoulder, having expected more of a fight.  But the hunger was still there, barely tempered by something she couldn’t discern at the moment.  His restraint seemed to be hanging by a thread, and Kagome hurriedly did what she needed to do.  Turning to her friends, she tried to appear as composed and confident as possible when she spoke.  

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.  Please don’t follow us.”  Then she was gone, sprinting through the trees as fast as her legs would carry her.  Inuyasha favored them with a look that seemed to echo Kagome’s sentiment before taking off after her.  

“Kirara!” Sango called, fully intent on following and rectifying the situation, even if she had to shove Tetsusaiga down Inuyasha’s throat to do it.  

“Wait, Sango,” Miroku ordered softly, placing a restraining hand on her shoulder, which was quickly shrugged off.  

“No, Houshi-sama!  He—”

“Sango, we need to respect Kagome-sama’s wishes!  You saw as clearly as I what Inuyasha had on his mind, and you know very well what they are doing.”  

Sango flushed despite herself, but anger and worry still dominated her emotions.  “But he could hurt her!”

“Yes, he could, but I do not believe he will.  Kagome-sama believes she can handle it, and she knows Inuyasha better than anyone, quite possibly better than he knows himself.  We should trust her judgment.”  

Sango grimaced as the truth behind the monk’s words sunk in, and she reluctantly relaxed her stance.  He was right, but she didn’t have to like it.  

“If he hurts her, I’ll—”

“If he does cause Kagome-sama any injury, then nothing you say or do will possibly make him feel any worse.”  

Again, the wisdom in Miroku’s words was apparent, but they had the effect of making Sango feel even more powerless than before.  All she could do was stare anxiously in the direction her friends had left.  Please, Kagome-chan, be safe.

* * *

The world was a blur to Kagome, flashing past on either side as she took stock of her situation.  She was running as hard as she could, a lust-crazed, full-youkai Inuyasha hot on her heels.  Oh, Kami!!!!  It dawned on her that she could end this right now with a simple ‘osuwari’ command, but what would that prove?  It would prove that she was a liar, and everything she said about trusting his youkai side not to hurt her was total bullshit.  And that simply wasn’t true; she was running from him, but she wasn’t afraid of him.  How could a frightened person be this physically excited?  Her body still throbbed in unrequited need, anticipating the rapture she knew would soon be wracking it.  But more than that, this was her chance to prove that she had been right about him, and she would not waste the opportunity.  Speaking of which, how long was he going to let the chase go on?  He could outrun her in his hanyou form, so he should be able to catch her no prob—

A heavy weight slammed into her back as she was tackled from behind, pitching her forward.  They rolled over and over together, and when they finally stopped, Kagome found herself on her back, staring into those savage red eyes once again.  Inuyasha straddled her waist, trapping both her hands above her head with one of his.  His face was mere inches away, his demanding growl vibrating loudly in her ears.  She whimpered, unsure of what he wanted from her.  What could she do?  She was already completely at his mercy!  Yet, that apparently wasn’t enough, as he continued to wait not-so-patiently for something, rumbling his displeasure the whole time.  Perhaps it was the sideways head-butt he gave her, or some long-buried fragment of youkai instinct, but either way she finally got the message.  Whimpering again, she turned her head to the right and raised her chin, exposing her neck to him.  His growl instantly dropped an octave, communicating his satisfaction with his mate’s submission.  Now he set about rewarding her for it.  

He attacked her vulnerable skin with vigor, nipping her pulse point, drawing gasps and mewls from the bitch beneath him.  Her body began to writhe of its own accord, the swirling heat which had ebbed only slightly returning in full force.  Her body was burning up, and his touch scorched her further, but she found herself wanting to leap into the lustful flames and never come out.  Suddenly her kosode was flung open, revealing her front to hungry eyes and questing digits.  Her abdominal muscles quaked as his hand skimmed over her stomach, his claws leaving trails of smoldering nerves in their wake.  Her bra was dispatched by a single flick of his wrist, sliced cleanly down the middle, a fact that her mind was barely able to comprehend before his mouth latched onto a rosy nipple.  He sucked hard, his tongue rough in a delicious way, as his hand kneaded and massaged her other breast.  He bit down on her puckered flesh, pulling, drawing her up as her back arched and her head flew back, letting loose a silent cry as the pleasure-pain drove her to the brink of insanity.  The conflicting sensations added to each other, piled together into a single mass until all she could do was feel.  Her own hands clenched into fists as the assault on her body continued, and she whined, pulling against his hold, needing to touch him in return.  

Grinning sadistically, he released her, more than willing to let his bitch tend to him as he ravished her chest.  She tugged repeatedly on the collar of his haori, until finally he moved up her body, growling in annoyance at the interruption.  She silenced him by slamming her lips against his, the force parting his teeth and allowing her to slip her tongue inside.  One of his fangs scraped her lip, drawing blood, the coppery taste only adding to the seductive haze that clouded their minds.  Snarling he pushed back until his bitch’s head was pinned to the ground, his tongue doing battle with hers in the no man’s land between their lips.  Eventually, she surrendered, allowing his moist appendage to batter its way inside her mouth as he dominated her in every way.  And yet, moments later he was surprised to find his haori and kosode yanked open, her soft hands running along his chest, her claws scratching his skin and sending sparks of pleasure straight to his groin.  He nipped her tongue for her boldness, but somehow couldn’t bring himself to stop her.  He settled for assailing her neck again, leaving love bites all along the column of her throat.  Kagome was far gone, moving on instinct alone, but his startled yelp brought her partly back to reality.  Perhaps pinching his nipple had been a mistake…

He reared back, glaring at her as he grabbed the offending appendage and held it up between them.  Her eyes widened in alarm; she knew she had gone too far this time.  But he only grinned wickedly, separating her pointer finger and grasping it playfully between his teeth.  Kagome winced as he bit down, pricking the digit and drawing a thin bead of blood which he eagerly lapped up with his tongue.  The taste of the crimson liquid seemed to reenergize his rampant sexual drive, as any sort of amusement in his eyes vanished to be replaced with unmitigated desire.  He practically tore off his haori and kosode, throwing the garments to the side, and Kagome took the chance to finish disrobing herself before she wound up with any more shredded clothing.  Youkai-Inuyasha growled approvingly as he took in the sight of his mate, completely bared to his gaze.  Kagome had never felt more like prey than she did in that moment.  A vicious hunter was stalking her, and her body throbbed with exhilaration though she had every intention of being caught.  

The predator did not disappoint.  His hands moved all over her body, whispering across her skin, causing riots of wild sensation wherever they passed.  His claws and teeth left tracks of burning flesh, tingling with the escalating passion that she was constantly convinced could never rise any higher.  And yet, somehow it always did.  His blissful torment reached her breasts, stomach, thighs, circling teasingly around but never touching the place where the ardent conflagration blazed the brightest.  Her moans and cries became desperate, needy, as her legs parted and she wordlessly begged for some relief from unbearable pressure building inside her.  And when he finally did slip one hand between her thighs, her entire body convulsed as if the shock of obtaining what it frantically desired was too much.  He stroked her firmly, driving her upwards toward the peak with his fingers before pulling them away with an arrogant smirk.  His bitch was soaking wet for him; she was well beyond ready.  

Before Kagome could comprehend why he had stopped, she found herself on all fours, her mate draped over her back.  When he had managed to remove his hakama she would never know, but his now-naked length rubbed tantalizingly against her entrance.  Deciding not to keep either of them waiting any longer, he pulled himself upright, grasped her hips, and plunged fully inside her with one brutal thrust.  Kagome hissed in discomfort, the forcefulness of the entry causing a stinging pain to erupt in her tender flesh.  It wasn’t nearly as pronounced as their first time, however, and she could deal with it.  She was fully prepared for a hard fucking, and would forgive Inuyasha for any resulting pain.  So she was understandably stunned when instead of thrusting madly, he leaned over, wrapped his arms around her midsection, and pulled her up until they were both kneeling upright, still locked together.  He nuzzled her neck, his normally vigorous rumble seeming subdued, almost apologetic.  His tongue lavished soothing attention on her pulse, and she relaxed bonelessly into him.  She tensed again as he rocked his hips forward, moving gently within her, wringing a groan of pure pleasure from her throat.  He filled her with short, measured strokes which couldn’t have been very satisfying for him but soon had her panting and moaning with impending release.  Her hands were clenched now, digging into the skin of his forearms.  So close…so close…  And then she was there, crying out as her body quaked and quivered in soul-searing ecstasy.  Inuyasha gyrated his hips, drawing out her climax until finally the tremors subsided and she knelt docile in his embrace.  But the feel of her rippling around him had done nothing to alleviate his arousal, and his blood boiled again with only temporarily suppressed ferocity.  

Kagome was unceremoniously dropped, barely catching herself before eating dirt.  But her arms felt like rubber after that orgasm and were unable to support her weight.  She settled for leaning on her elbows, sinking her claws into the earth and biting her tongue to keep from moaning too loudly as Inuyasha began thrusting deeply.  But as the speed and energy of his movements increased, she found that any attempts at stifling herself were futile.  He was grunting and growling behind her, pounding into her willing body with all the wildness and raw passion of his youkai half.  She rested her head on her hands, eyes clenched, gasping and groaning with every thrust.  And unbelievably, in only a couple minutes her body was drawn tight as a bowstring, ready to cum again.  This time when orgasm rocked her, Inuyasha did not stop; he didn’t even slow his pace, not even when Kagome’s hand came back and dug into his hip.  This was the only way she could communicate her desire for a reprieve, as her mouth was fully occupied crying her pleasure into the forest.  Of course, with her mind as tattered as it was, she honestly didn’t know what she wanted.  She trembled in the throes of an earth-shattering orgasm that her mate kept alive for what seemed like a small eternity.  Her mind was overloaded with sensation, drunk on the sweet bliss of sexual gratification.  And it was far from over.  

Deftly removing her hand from his hip, Inuyasha leaned over and snagged her other wrist as well, pulling until her back arched, her upper body supported only by his grip on her arms.  With the added leverage, he really let loose, yanking her back to meet every thrust as he brought them both to the very edge of their endurance.  Finally, Kagome reached a third peak with rolling convulsions, white-hot explosions bursting out all over her body.  Inuyasha soon followed with a choked, animalistic cry.  They strained, every muscle tense, as they rode out their orgasms together before finally going limp in complete exhaustion.  Inuyasha released one of her hands only to use his free arm to catch her, flopping both of them onto their sides.  They lay there panting for what seemed like hours to Kagome, her body periodically gripped by aftershocks that gradually faded in intensity.  Inuyasha’s tongue lapped languidly at her neck, this time the action not intended to arouse.  His hand ran lightly over her stomach in slow circles.  In return, she reached up and began to lazily rub his ear.  A low, contented rumble emanated from his chest, further widening her already broad grin.  It was hard not to smile when one was so amazingly satiated.  She wasn’t even worried about reversing Inuyasha’s youkai transformation; with as content as they both were right now, she was sure that would work itself out soon.

She was right.  She could easily tell when it started to happen; that soothing purr dropped in volume and finally stopped altogether, and his gentle ministrations on her body ceased completely.  His scent shifted from relaxed to guilty, and he nudged her hand away from his ear.  Kagome shook her head inwardly; her hanyou entertained some of the stupidest thoughts sometimes.  Now she just had to convince him they were stupid.

“Kagome,” he croaked, his voice still a little off.  “Are you…okay?”  

Kagome rolled over to face him, meeting those amber eyes she knew so well.  They were clouded with remorse and worry, the latter probably concerning her reaction to his recent behavior.  She beamed at him and kissed him on the nose, part one of her attempt to put those fears to rest for good.  

“I’m fine, Inuyasha.  What about you?  You were wounded!” she declared, just remembering the fight which had gotten them out here in the first place.  

“Keh,” he scoffed, “don’t worry about me.  I’m all healed up,” he proclaimed, tapping his chest with a fist for good measure.  He winced, but fortunately Kagome didn’t see it.  Well, kinda healed up, anyway.  Still, his own health was the least of his concerns at the moment.  Kagome clearly wasn’t upset with him, but he still felt horrible for the way he had treated her.  Even if they had both enjoyed it.  

“Sorry,” he mumbled, embracing her loosely and pulling her close so she couldn’t see his face.  

“Don’t be.  You didn’t hurt me.”  

“You were in pain at first.”  

“Oh, don’t worry about—  Hey!  You remember?” Kagome asked in surprise and amazement, pulling back to look at him.  Inuyasha nodded, his eyes glazing over as he relived the memory.  


Inuyasha grimaced as the agony in his chest receded just enough to allow him to think straight.  Fuck…that was one hell of a punch.  He had at least a few broken ribs, certainly not life-threatening injuries for a hanyou, but he was still surprised to be alive.  That youkai should have had plenty of time to finish him off while he was lying on the ground dazed and confused.  Then again, considering the lingering tingle of miko energy in the air, he had no doubt who had come to his rescue.  Tuning his ears to the outside world, he found that he could make out the sounds of ongoing battle.  

*Protect mate*

Inuyasha shook his head, the motion causing new jolts of pain to lance through his body.  He was in no shape to protect anybody, which was probably why his youkai side was clamoring to be let out.  

*Protect mate*

*Kill enemy*

Inuyasha listened carefully to the battle, the animal inside him growing more and more agitated when the humans failed to bring the creature down.  He panted with the effort of maintaining his control, his resolve wavering as Kagome took up the fight again.  But it was when he heard the impact on her flesh, her soft cry, and the muffled thud as she crashed into the tree that his restraint dissolved completely.  His blood boiled, lust for the enemy’s death giving him new energy, the rush of his father’s youkai strength healing a large portion of his wounds immediately.  Within seconds, he had slaughtered the youkai as easily as he had dispatched Goshinki all those months ago.  But something was different this time.  During his battle with Ryukotsusei, he had been somewhat aware of the world around him throughout his transformation, at least cognizant enough to reclaim Tetsusaiga when given the chance.  But now he was experiencing the world as if he wasn’t transformed at all.  The only difference was that he was no longer in control of his body, as he found when Kagome called out to him.  His body spun to face her without his orders, and a sinking feeling settled in his—now proverbial—stomach as his youkai’s licentious thoughts floated through his mind.  Oh, no, you bastard!  Don’t even fucking think about it!  To his surprise, his youkai heard him and even dignified his demand with a response.  

*She wants it*

It was true; the air was already coloring with the scent of Kagome’s arousal.  But that didn’t change anything.  I don’t fucking care!  Give me my body back!


Inuyasha growled.  Shit!!!  He knew that later really meant ‘afterwards.’  After his youkai side had ravished Kagome.  But would it really be that bad?  Yes!  This side of me is a murderer, for fuck’s sake!

*Stupid hanyou*

What?!  How am I stupid?

*Never hurt mate.  Only pleasure*

Probably because of the connection he and his youkai shared, Inuyasha could tell the latter was being sincere.  He breathed a sigh of relief, his concerns at least partly mollified.  Suddenly, he heard his youkai let loose a threatening snarl.  

*Pack.  Back off*

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Inuyasha glimpsed Sango standing before him holding Tetsusaiga, the rest of the Inu-gang flanking her.  They eyed him warily, not knowing what to do.  He could see something else in their expressions as well; they knew exactly what his youkai had planned for Kagome.  The idiot was so fuckin’ obvious about it.  This intimate attention could not continue in front of the others.  Evidently, Kagome realized this as well, and began to pull away.  He felt his arms tighten around her, his youkai not surprisingly acting on passion instead of reason.  Let her go, asshole!  Again, his youkai provided a shock by releasing her as ordered, though he clearly wasn’t happy about it.  Hey, maybe I have more control than I thought.  Punch yourself in the head and grab Tetsusaiga!  

*Fuck off*

Okay, so perhaps ‘control’ was too strong a word.  Still, his intuition was telling him that he at least had some influence on his youkai side.  Had he been more technology-savvy, Inuyasha might have compared the feeling to being a backseat driver.  You can tell the person behind the wheel what to do and how to do it, but it’s entirely up to them whether or not they listen to you.  If you feel really passionate about something, you can lean forward and grab the wheel, but you can never reach the gas or brake pedals no matter how hard you try.  In the same way, Inuyasha had no chance of dissuading his youkai’s sexual urges, but he could at least provide some direction to that course of action.  And as he heard Kagome’s words, and saw her dash off into the forest, he knew that’s what he would have to do.  

For the most part, he was wrong; he didn’t have to do much of anything, only interfering a couple times.  His youkai wasn’t a mindless animal, and it took great pleasure in arousing its mate to the point of insanity before finally joining with her.  Inuyasha was extremely pissed when the moron went too fast and caused Kagome pain, but his youkai quickly made up for it.  Inuyasha found himself actually learning things about making love from…well, himself.  He was amazed at how responsive Kagome was, and how she wasn’t repulsed by the rough treatment, but rather seemed to be turned on by it.  It was definitely something to consider for the future.  He didn’t think he could ever bring himself to fuck her like this in his hanyou form, but every time they made love didn’t have to be exclusively warm and tender, either.  

After they had both reached their final, devastating climaxes, his youkai relinquished control of his body as promised.  And as Inuyasha’s mind reclaimed control of his physical being, waves of fear and guilt washed over him despite everything he had just witnessed.  In many ways, he was still the same scared hanyou he had always been.  


“Yeah, I remember all of it,” he confessed in an awed tone.  “I could see, hear, smell, and feel everything around me, but it was like someone else was in control of my body.  Not total control, though.”  

“What do you mean?”  

He shrugged.  “I had some say over what my youkai side did.  A couple times I gave him orders and he followed them.”  

“Like what?”

“Uh…like letting you go so we could get away from the others.”  

“That was a good idea,” Kagome replied, blushing at the memory of them practically making out in front of their friends.  

“And telling him not to tear off your clothes,” Inuyasha admitted, his face heating to match hers.  

“Another good idea,” she joked.  

“Keh!  I got you those clothes, so I’m not going to shred them if I can help it.”

“Pity my bra wasn’t a gift from you then,” Kagome lamented dryly, though her voice carried more amusement than annoyance.  

“Oh…uh, my bad?”  

“Hmph.  Somehow I don’t think you’re really sorry about that.”  

A ghost of a smirk crossed Inuyasha’s visage, but vanished quickly as more sobering thoughts returned.  “So you’re really not angry at me?” he asked hopefully, and Kagome could tell he wasn’t just talking about ripping her underwear.  Her hand drifted up to his face, running tenderly over his cheek, massaging away the tenseness and worry.  

“Why would I be mad?  I…it was incredible, Inuyasha.”  

Those words, coupled with her radiant smile, nearly erased his fears, but not quite.  “B-but I was so rough, and—”

“Shh,” Kagome cooed, silencing him with a delicate finger pressed against his lips.  She gazed at him, baring her soul to his golden pools as she spoke the words he needed to hear.  “I fell in love with your youkai side too, you know.”

Inuyasha’s eyes widened, his heart nearly stopping as an overpowering wave of humility passed through him.  Honestly, what could he say to that?  How could he ever hope to properly express his gratitude to this woman for accepting—no, for loving all of him, even after she had experienced the nature of his youkai side firsthand?  Were there even words in existence which could do such a thing without sounding hollow?  If so, he lacked the time and the inclination to find them.  No, he had always been a man of action, and this would be no different.  He could at least attempt to show her how much her love meant to him, and that every last vestige of the feeling was returned.  Without warning he sat up, startling Kagome into rising as well, but he smoothly pushed her back down.  She stared at him in confusion as he hovered over her, watching her with an unreadable expression.  

“Inuyasha, wha—”

“Quiet, Kagome,” he cut her off, leaning forward to growl seductively in her ear.  “Just enjoy this.”  

He gave her no time to respond before placing his lips on hers, the kiss filled with loving adoration.  Moaning mellifluously, she surrendered to the gentle gyrations of his lips, the graceful dancing of their tongues.  When he pulled back after a few seconds, she simply lay there trying to gather her wits.  What was happening to her?  One kiss and already her body was warming, the familiar craving settling in her lower belly and pulsing all the way to her extremities.  Perhaps Inuyasha wasn’t the only one with ‘hanyou stamina.’  

He moved from her mouth, kissing and licking along her jawbone and down her neck.  His hands ghosted over her flesh, never lingering long enough in one place to do more than tease.  His tongue caressed her breast, circling enticingly and causing the nipple to harden from sheer anticipation.  He drew her off the ground with a choked cry when he finally latched onto the bud, not with his teeth as before, but with light suction.  In fact, the whole spirit of this bout of lovemaking was entirely different from the last.  Kagome felt revered, like some celestial creature being worshipped by her most devout devotee.  Her body was no less aroused than before, but her mind was clearer, allowing her to appreciate his every touch, to bask in the rays of love and veneration shining forth from the depths of his soul.  And when her eyes weren’t forced shut by the ecstasy of it all, she watched him as he worked his way down her body, leaving her skin flushed with yearning.  She fisted her hands at her sides, not trusting herself to touch his ears for fear of unintentionally injuring them when one of those uncontrollable spasms wracked her frame.  

He spent an inordinate amount of time toying with her navel, running his hands up and down her hips, as if hesitating just before reaching his true destination.  Finally, he picked his head up and met her eyes, the brown orbs smoldering with unrepressed desire and absolute trust.  He also saw trepidation, but was sure that stemmed from the newness of the act they were about to engage in.  He was currently suffering from much the same feeling, after all.  But this was about her, bringing her pleasure, the kind of completion most could only dream of, and he wasn’t about to back out now.  As he lowered his face between her splayed legs, it dawned on him that he had never actually seen this part of her up close before.  With child-like wonder he studied her, marveling at the moisture that glistened tantalizingly along her entrance.  Mindful of his claws, he parted her outer folds, gazing at the pink flesh from which the scent of her excitement was the strongest.  Kagome began to squirm, though whether from nervousness or impatience he couldn’t say, and he knew the time for mere observation had passed.  Leaning in, he made his tongue as wide as possible and gave her entire slit a long, slow lick.  

Her response was immediate and profound; she threw her head back and swallowed a gasp as her body shook with the unexpected intensity of the thrill.  She hadn’t known it would be like that; his tongue felt very different from his fingers.  For his part, Inuyasha was astounded by her flavor.  It wasn’t a good taste, per se, but at the same time…  Whether it was because of the intimacy of the act or because this essence was completely Kagome, he found that he couldn’t get enough of it.  Still, he kept his strokes slow and measured, not wanting to start lapping at her like a dog.  Again, this was about her, and he was damn well going to be sure to take his time and figure out what she liked!  After a few minutes, however, it became clear that while she was enjoying his leisurely strokes, they were not going to be enough to bring her to climax.  He would have to try something else.  

It was a lot of trial and error at first, but she was patient with him and for once he carried patience to match.  He was hitting all the right places, her labia, her clit, but everything was too tentative, and eventually she subtly thrust her hips into his mouth to encourage him to be more firm.  He took the hint, and soon Kagome could no longer hold back the groans that escaped her lips with every breath.  His tongue swirled against her hood, applying just the right amount of pressure.  Her whole body jolted when his lips locked onto her clit, sucking gently as his tongue pressed rhythmically against the bud.  Within minutes she was trembling uncontrollably, her head thrashing wildly from side to side.  Needing something to latch onto, her hands found her own breasts, squeezing desperately as the inconceivable rapture continued to build down below.  Growing bolder, Inuyasha folded his index finger and inserted it into her opening.  He moved in and out, penetrating her in a pace that quickened as Kagome’s breathing became more ragged.  Her thighs clenched around his head and her body arched, her ass rising off the ground leaving only her shoulders and feet in contact with the earth.  Inuyasha went along for the ride, never ceasing his ministrations as he propelled her towards an orgasm powerful enough to bring the very heavens crashing down upon them.  And when it finally hit, Kagome was launched into another plane of existence, a world of blinding white.  From far off she could hear herself screaming out his name, but the devastating pleasure was there with her, consuming her senses and battering her conscious mind into submission.  She was completely, totally, utterly overwhelmed.  

Inuyasha did not cease his ministrations until Kagome’s legs gave out and she collapsed back onto the grass, still convulsing as her body gradually cooled down.  It was several long moments before she was able to breathe regularly or force her eyes open.  When she finally managed to do so and glance over at her lover, she groaned, and not in pleasure this time.  Inuyasha was lying on his back, hands folded behind his head, wearing what could only be described as a positively cocky smirk.  After that display, was it any wonder that his male ego had grown exponentially?  

“Wipe that dumb grin off your face,” she ordered playfully, not truly minding his sudden boost in confidence.  But his smirk only widened.  

“Feh.  I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to get this look off me, wench.”  

Kagome frowned in annoyance.  Okay, scratch that.  It wasn’t confidence; it was arrogance!  What, does he think he’s some kind of sex Kami now?  Maybe not, but she wasn’t about to put up with an overly haughty mate.  Inuyasha had always possessed a hefty ego, and she was perfectly fine with that, but this was too much!  Of course, she knew one way to take him down a peg: by proving that she could bring him the same pleasure he had bestowed upon her.  And since any lingering inhibitions regarding sex had been shot to hell over the course of the day, she had no problem rolling over and straddling him.  

“Kagome, wha—”

“Quiet, Inuyasha,” she told him, parroting his words from before.  “Just enjoy this.”

His eyes widened comically as he realized what she was going to do, but with that knowledge came no desire to stop her.  His cock was already mostly hard from devouring her, and it became fully engorged almost instantaneously, poking Kagome in the back as she sat on his stomach.  Smiling ruefully, she reached behind herself with one hand and grasped him.  He gritted his teeth as she leisurely stroked him, pausing only to roll off to the side so she could better shower his body with attention.  Her free hand found her old obsession, latching onto an ear and massaging gently while she attacked his neck with her mouth.  His muscles tensed and corded as she worked her way down his body, his hips rising and falling with her hand.  He hissed as she lavished on his nipples the same treatment hers had received scant minutes ago, even daring a nibble or two.  He growled and dug his claws into the earth, forcing himself to submit to her will.  Fair was fair, after all.

Kagome marveled at the power pulsing just beneath his skin, how she could make his muscles spasm with the simplest of touches.  The fact that he was restraining that strength, allowing her to command his body as he had dominated hers, made the moment all the more special.  But she didn’t want to tease him for too long, so after only a couple minutes she pulled her hands away from his body.  Shyly at first, she examined his cock, this thing which felt so incredible inside her but she had never stopped to really look at before.  It stood proudly upright, swaying with the motion of his lungs.  It seemed to throb, almost as if it was calling out to her, beckoning her to proceed with haste.  Leaning forward, she gave it a languid lick from base to tip.  His reaction was a convoluted half-gasp, half-growl as his hips thrust upward of their own volition.  Encouraged, she did it again, eliciting a less emphatic response now that he knew what to expect.  Her tongue…  Kami, her tongue…  For what seemed like ages she tortured him with her sweet appendage, and he felt like nothing more than putty under her careful molding.  And then she took him in her mouth.  

He nearly bit off his tongue trying to swallow his pitiful moan as her lips wrapped around his shaft, her tongue teasing the head.  She sucked steadily, moving up and down his length, her hand coming up to grasp and massage the part she couldn’t take in her mouth.  Her other hand rested upon his thigh before a sudden inspiration struck her, and she lightly gripped his balls, fondling the grape-like objects.  For Inuyasha, the multiple sensations were too much, and he could barely retain enough of his sanity to keep from mindlessly thrusting up into her mouth.  Somehow he managed to hold his hands at his sides.  His head felt like a heavy weight, and he lacked the strength to lift it to watch her, but the sounds of her attentions were delightful music to his ears.  And when the pressure had built too much, and his over-sensitized body could take no more, he exploded like a volcano blowing its top.  The accompanying earthquakes shook his entire body violently as he emptied his load.  Kagome swallowed everything he gave her, not minding the taste as much as overheard conversations from school had led her to believe she might.  Grinning widely, she settled down against his still shuddering form, extremely proud of herself.  Maybe Inuyasha isn’t the only sex Kami around here after all.

Neither of them knew what to say, but both knew that nothing needed to be said.  The silence was more than comfortable as they basked in their newfound sexual intimacy.  Kagome’s thoughts absently wandered back over the events of the day before coming to an abrupt halt on something she had forgotten about.  The rosary.  But how to bring it up?  She knew Inuyasha was stubborn, and it would be best to make him see that he was wrong instead of actually coming out and saying it.  That would just lead to an argument, which would get them absolutely nowhere.  

“So,” she hedged, “that was really interesting about your youkai transformation.”  When an affirmative grunt was her only reply, she rolled her eyes but nevertheless continued.  “Why do you think this time was different?”  

A shrug.  

“Come on, Inuyasha, talk to me!  Why—”

“I don’t know, alright!”  It was true; he really had no idea why his transformation had been so different from all the previous times.  It was certainly a positive change, but it still irked him to not know the reason behind it.  

“Well, do you think you could stop yourself from going berserk and hurting someone?”

Now there was an interesting question.  On the one hand, his youkai had definitely been in the proverbial driver’s seat.  On the other, the demon in him had recognized his friends as pack even without his interference.  Of course, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t go after strangers as ferociously and mercilessly as it had before, regardless of his protests.  But somehow, he knew that wouldn’t happen.  Call it a gut feeling, an intuition that came from a novel understanding between the disparate parts of himself.  The next time he transformed, he would be able to stop his youkai side if the latter was gripped by bloodlust.  He couldn’t explain how he knew, but his conviction on the matter was unwavering.  He nodded, earning a pleased smile from Kagome.  

“Then you don’t need this anymore,” she said, grasping the rosary and lifting it over his head.  This time he made no move to stop her, and she tossed the discarded beads into the bushes.  His heart warmed at the sight, her trust, her faith in him.  She believed in him more than he believed in himself, and always had.  It was just one of the many reasons he had fallen hopelessly for her.  Overcome with gratitude, he rolled over on top of her and brought their lips together again.  They made love once more that evening, a prolonged, languid affair filled with emotion and tenderness, the complete opposite of their first joining that afternoon.  Afterwards, they simply held each other, watching as the sun set below the tree line and the stars emerged to shed their light upon the world.  It was only with great reluctance that they finally separated, dressed, and began the trek back to their friends.  They headed back toward the site of the battle, assuming that camp had been set up nearby.  But they had run farther than either of them thought, and Kagome’s eyes began to droop, her steps becoming increasingly sluggish.  Inuyasha noticed, and deftly placed her onto his back.  Mumbling her thanks, she snuggled into him and was asleep within minutes.  

Inuyasha shook his head.  Some hanyou she makes.  But he couldn’t blame her for being tired, not when he was feeling the strong pull of fatigue himself.  The difference was that his upbringing had trained him to deal with tiredness, and to only sleep when absolutely necessary.  Kagome was not the typical hanyou because her life had been easy compared to what most half-breeds went through.  And if he had anything to say about it, she would stay that way.  As expected, the humans had a campfire going a short distance from what was left of the troublesome youkai’s carcass.  He entered the clearing, spying Miroku rising to greet him, but Sango’s location escaped his notice.  


“Ah!” he cried, ducking his bruised skull away from the slayer’s boomerang and backing away a few steps.  “What the fuck, Sango!”  

The slayer stalked after him, her face creased with anger and worry.  “Is she okay?!  What did you do to her?!  Wha—”

“Relax, Sango-chan, I’m fine,” Kagome declared drowsily.  “Just tired.”  

Seeing the genuineness of Kagome’s smile, Sango finally relaxed as hours of tension drained from her body.  

“Damn taijiya…” Inuyasha mumbled, shooting her a nasty glare.  

“Well that’s what you get for making us worry!  Next time, do us all a favor by putting aside your ego and just killing the stupid youkai with the Kaze no Kizu!!!”  

“Yeah, yeah,” was his dismissive reply to her reproach, but he really did take her advice to heart.  In the end, it was probably a good thing this had happened, but he fully appreciated how close he had come to being bludgeoned to death, and what he could have lost.  He held Kagome a little tighter than normal as they slept that night.  

A/N – This batch of lemonade was fun to write, but I didn’t do it just for that reason.  I think sexual growth is an important part of any relationship, and I’m trying to bring that out here.  And you can see part of the reason the (original) chapter took me so long; I like to agonize over every word when I’m writing a lemon.  The reward is a finished product that I’m proud of, which in my mind is worth the extra effort.  
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