InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Protecting What's Yours ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Protecting What’s Yours


“Shh!  Go play somewhere else, Shippou,” Sango whispered.  “Let them sleep.”

Kagome’s eyes fluttered open, squinting shut as the brightness of the day burned away the last traces of unconsciousness from her mind.  Covering a yawn with a hand, she sat up and glanced around the camp to gather her bearings.  

“Ah, Kagome-sama,” Miroku drolled, “you are finally awake.”  

Kagome blinked in confusion for a moment, then finally raised her eyes skyward, noting that the sun was already well above the tree line.  Wow, I guess we really did sleep late.  Inuyasha was still snoozing behind her, their legs not yet untangled.  The previous day’s battle had really wiped them out.  The battle, yeah…  She scoffed inwardly.  Maybe Inuyasha could use that as an excuse, but what had really drained her were the activities they partook in after combat had ceased.  The memories of those actions brought a silly grin to her lips, something the hentai monk did not fail to pick up on.  

“That battle yesterday must have really tired you out, Kagome-sama.  Or could it have been something else?”  

To her credit, Kagome managed to limit her blush to only a slight dusting of her cheeks.  She could tell the monk’s comments were in jest, and he wouldn’t push them too far.  Miroku and Sango were grinning genuinely, though she detected just a hint of envy in each of them.  If she didn’t know them so well she wouldn’t have noticed.  The male body behind her shifted as Inuyasha sat up and leaned himself drowsily against her back.  

“Savin’ your sorry ass all the time is hard work, bouzu,” he replied groggily.  

“Touché, my friend,” Miroku answered, knowing that there was a strong possibility that Inuyasha had in fact saved all their lives by slaying that youkai yesterday.  He hoped they could avoid any more confrontations with opponents of that caliber in the future, unless of course that opponent was Naraku.  If it was, then bring it on!  He was more than ready to defeat his nemesis and move on with his life.  A healthy kind of jealousy bubbled in his veins as he watched Inuyasha and Kagome.  It wasn’t malicious, and he truly was happy for them, but he longed to experience that closeness with the woman he had chosen.  Judging by the look on her face, said woman felt the same way.  But that would have to wait.  He had gone over the reasons why he and Sango could never be more than betrothed while Naraku was still alive many times, and wasn’t about to question them now, no matter how badly he wanted to.  All the more reason to eagerly anticipate the next battle with the dark hanyou, and be prepared when it finally came.  

“Are you planning to let me up, Inuyasha?” Kagome queried amusedly to the hanyou still draped lazily over her back.  He grunted and showed no sign of moving, but Kagome knew a sure-fire way to encourage him to do so.  “Are you hungry?”  

Another grunt, but this time he slid off her back and flopped onto the sleeping bag, resting his hands behind his head.  Kagome chuckled as she walked into the trees to answer nature’s call.  When in doubt, appeal to his stomach.  Her mood soured as she contemplated his lethargy this morning.  His wounds must still be affecting him.  They were mostly internal, but the surge of his youkai blood apparently hadn’t healed them all.  He would probably need another day or two before he was back to full strength.  

Fortunately, the rest of the day was quiet, with only a couple lower-level youkai attacking, and Sango was more than happy to take care of those.  They traveled at a sedate pace since they had nowhere to go urgently.  Kagome recalled something important as she was eating dinner, and frantically dove through her backpack until she found her calendar.  Damn!  I could kick myself!  It was already Thursday, and she had two tests on Monday and one on Tuesday!  She could make it back in time, but she still hated springing these things on her friends at the last minute.  Studying would probably consume two nights, so that meant she needed to be back by Saturday afternoon.  They would travel all day tomorrow and if she and Inuyasha needed to take off for the well Saturday morning, then so be it.  

Now that her plans were made, she just needed to get Inuyasha to agree to them.  He was understandably upset at first; she had just been home, after all.  But he quickly changed his tune once Kagome explained the other reason why she needed to go home.  She had plotted out a ten day period when unprotected sex would be unsafe, since a girl could never predict exactly when she would ovulate.  Having felt uncomfortable with birth control pills, she decided to go with condoms instead.  (1)  And once she informed Inuyasha that no condoms meant no sex for that entire ten-day period, he was more than willing to let her go home to pick up some.  The entire conversation wasn’t nearly as awkward as it would have been had it taken place only two days earlier.  He was even so gracious as to allow her to stay long enough to take her tests.  It was truly laughable that he still thought he could tell her when she could and could not go home.  When was the last time she hadn’t gotten her way?  Had he ever successfully prevented her from leaving?  If so, she certainly couldn’t recall.  And that wasn’t about to change simply because he no longer wore the rosary; she was too strong-willed for that.  Still, there was no point in relieving him of his delusion so long as it kept the peace and avoided a massive blow to his pride.  And speaking of injured pride…

“There’s something different about you, Inuyasha,” Miroku observed as the two hanyou returned to camp following their discussion.  “It’s been bothering me all day.”  

“I noticed it too,” Sango added.  “Something about your appearance is”  

“Keh.  What the hell are you two talking about?  I look the same—”  He cut himself off, realizing what the humans were unknowingly referring to.  Grinning wickedly, he fingered the collar of his haori, drawing their attention to that area.  

“The rosary!” they both exclaimed at once.  Smirking, Inuyasha glanced over at Shippou, expecting to see the fox trembling in fear.  To his surprise, the kit barely looked up from his coloring and didn’t appear the least bit alarmed.  Slightly deflated, Inuyasha marched over and stomped his foot right next to Shippou’s head.  

“Ya hear that, runt?  You better stay on my good side, or else!”  

“Kagome won’t let you be mean to me,” the kit replied unconcernedly.  Inuyasha felt his brows twitch in irritation.  It was true; Kagome wouldn’t allow him to abuse the runt, nor did he intend to, but the little shit wasn’t supposed to know it!  He was supposed to be groveling, dammit!  Now completely discouraged, Inuyasha flopped against a tree and crossed his arms over his chest in the universal sign for ‘don’t talk to me, I’m pissed.’  

“Well, I see Kagome-sama did not remove the beads because you’ve grown up, Inuyasha.”  

“Shut up, bouzu.”  

* * *

They made good progress on Friday, stopping at one of the hot springs within walking distance of Kaede’s village that they had visited before.  None of them had bathed in awhile, so the chance was welcomed.  Kagome sighed in relief as she sank into the warm water.  She heard Sango washing herself across the small pool, but couldn’t bring herself to do anything except float on her back with her eyes closed.  After careful deliberation, she had concluded that she couldn’t make the taijiya bathe by herself, and she certainly couldn’t force her to bathe with Miroku.  Sango wasn’t ready for that yet.  Inuyasha was probably pouting back at camp right now, but he would just have to deal with it.  They would have plenty of alone time in the modern era.  She was looking forward to it, but it was going to be tricky getting studying done as well.  Then again, losing study time because of hot sex was a wonderful problem to have.  Kagome heard Sango exit the spring and assumed she was grabbing the shampoo until she heard the rustle of fabric.  Lifting her head, she saw that her friend was almost completely clothed.  

“Getting out already, Sango-chan?” she asked, perplexed.  

“Yeah, I guess I don’t feel like a long soak tonight.  I’ll tell the boys to wait until you get back.”  

“Oh, okay.”  

If Kagome hadn’t been so lulled by the pleasant warmth of the water, she might have noticed Sango’s smirk as she walked off and the mischievous twinkle in her eye, both telltale signs that she was up to something.  

“Time for the men to bathe, Sango?” Miroku inquired hopefully as she returned to camp.  

“Nope, Kagome’s still in there.”  

At that, Inuyasha, who had indeed been pouting, perked up immediately.  

“She’ll probably be there for a few more minutes…” Sango hinted suggestively, glancing at the hanyou out of the corner of her eye.  Inuyasha wasn’t as dense as everyone seemed to think, and instantly took off through the trees.  

“Ah, my dear Sango,” Miroku exclaimed as he wrapped a conspiratorial arm around her shoulders.  “As clever as she is beautiful!”  He took a deep sniff of her hair, cleansed by the spring and perfumed by fragrant shampoo.  “And you smell so goo—oof!” he grunted as Sango elbowed him lightly in the gut.  

“Yeah, and you’re still dirty, so hands off!” she ordered with an almost playful grin.  Sighing, the monk sat back against a nearby tree to meditate.  A small weight hopped up onto his leg a few minutes later, breaking his concentration.  

“We’re not going to get a bath tonight, are we Miroku?” Shippou asked.  The monk heaved another sigh.  

“No, Shippou, probably not.”  

* * *

Kagome was leaning back, rinsing shampoo out of her hair when she got the distinct feeling that she was being watched.  She quickly pulled herself upright and sunk into the water, covering her chest as her eyes darted along the bank.  They widened and a gasp escaped her lips as she saw who it was.  Inuyasha…  His amber gaze was hungry, ravenous, and she felt her own appetite rise to match.  The sensation intensified as he stood to his full height and began to undress.  He shrugged off his haori and kosode, her heartbeat increasing with every inch of newly revealed skin.  The sinful striptease concluded with the removal his hakama, leaving him bare—and fully erect—to her gaze.  Now she was standing in the waist-deep pool, modesty banished to the farthest reaches of her mind as he waded toward her.  They paused for a moment when they were a mere foot apart, regarding each other with a sense of wonder, of mutual appreciation that both included and transcended the physical.  

They came together with fervor, linked by a searing kiss that left them both breathless with desire.  Hands whispered over hips, arms, sides, staying away from the major erogenous zones for the time being.  Things were heating up to the next level when the moment was abruptly shattered by a few scent particles drifting in the breeze.  They broke apart immediately, sniffing deeply to confirm what they had detected.  

“Shit,” they cursed as one.  It was already far too late to scramble out of the spring and put clothes on; their visitor was approaching too quickly.  With the way their last encounter had gone, it was really no surprise the wolf prince would come looking for them.  While Kagome had been dreading this encounter, Inuyasha had been looking forward to it, but did it have to happen now?!  Was it possible for the bastard to show up at a worse time?  Considering where their intimate embrace would have led, yes, it most certainly could have been worse.  That didn’t make Inuyasha any less aggravated, however.  Mere seconds later, Kouga zoomed out of the trees and skidded to a halt at the edge of the spring, his expression morphing from shock to anger as his nostrils flared, picking up the strong scent of arousal in the air.  

“Inu-kurro!!!  What the fuck are you doing with MY WOMAN?!!!”  

For his part, Inuyasha calmly placed himself between the wolf and Kagome, standing his ground against his adversary’s intimidating glare.  “Can I put my hakama on, fleabag, or are you gonna make me kick your ass naked?”  

Kouga responded with a menacing snarl, but jerked his head to the side in silent assent.  Kagome remained crouched in the spring as Inuyasha climbed out, staring dumbfounded at the man she had come to love as a friend.  His jaw was clenched, his teeth grinding together audibly; he was truly irate.  But his gaze as he first saw them both naked together in the spring…she shuddered thinking about it.  His eyes had been filled with so much raw hatred that she almost didn’t recognize them.  The loathing he favored Naraku and Kagura with just couldn’t compare.  He was like a totally different person, consumed by the darkest of emotions, and it scared her.  Fear.  It paralyzed her then, leaving her unable to find her voice even as Kouga turned toward her mate, who had just finished donning his hakama.  He attacked without warning, sprinting the short distance between them and throwing a right-handed punch meant to pulverize muscle and shatter bone.  Unable to dodge in time, Inuyasha bent and took the blow off his bare shoulder, rolling with the force of the impact.  He hopped to his feet easily, rolling his arm to pop the abused joint back into place.  

“That was a cheap shot, wolf,” he declared.    

“Cheap shot?!” Kouga yelled incredulously.  “Don’t you fucking talk to me about cheap shots, you bastard!  I had a claim on her!”  

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”  

“Bullshit!  You know exactly how this works!  My claim is good until someone else challenges it and defeats me.  Instead, you went behind my back and took her like a fucking COWARD!!!”  

“Kagome was a human, asshole!  That shit doesn’t apply to her!”  

“Well, you got a little youkai blood in you, don’tcha half-breed?  That means it does apply to you.”  

“Oh, that’s fucking rich,” Inuyasha sneered.  “You full-blood youkai ignore me or worse my entire life, and then you expect me to play by your asinine rules?!  Fuck you!!!”   

“Those ‘asinine rules’ are one way we true youkai distinguish ourselves from abominations such as yourself.  The other way is this!” Kouga cried, launching himself forward and throwing another punch, this one blasting a large crater in the earth where Inuyasha had previously stood.  

“Please stop, Kouga!” Kagome called, having finally gathered enough of her wits to join the conversation.  “This is crazy!  I—”

“Don’t worry, Kagome,” the ookami cut her off.  “I’ll make sure that mongrel never assaults you with his dirty hands ever again!”  

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.  “Just what the fuck are you saying, bastard?” he snarled angrily.  

“Stop it, both of you!” Kagome tried again.  “I became Inuyasha’s mate by choice, Kou—”

“Shut up, Kagome!” the wolf roared.  “You don’t have to lie anymore!”  

“I’m no—”

“Don’t bother, Kagome,” Inuyasha interrupted.  “He ain’t thinking straight right now.”  He had seen this before, most notably with his brother during the fight with that giant panther youkai.  Seething with rage, Sesshoumaru had nearly transformed into his true form before Tenseiga intervened.  It seemed hanyou weren’t the only creatures that could be overcome by their youkai blood in times of extreme emotional trauma.  He doubted Kouga would go berserk and start slaughtering innocents left and right, but he also wasn’t himself.  He was more beast than man at the moment, the savage nature of his ookami heritage in total control.  And he was out for blood.  

“Wrong again, half-breed!” Kouga retorted.  “I’m seeing things more clearly than ever.  I should have done this a long time ago!”  

With that, he attacked again, and Inuyasha could tell there would be no pausing for conversation this time.  This battle would last until one of them was unable to continue.  The wolf was as fast on his feet as ever, but the wild nature of his strikes made them clumsier and less accurate.  Lefts and rights fired in rapid succession, but Inuyasha dodged every one.  Finally Kouga aimed a kick at head level, clearly expecting a duck from his opponent.  Instead, Inuyasha took the blow on the arm, throwing his weight into the outstretched leg and putting Kouga off balance.  And right there was the golden opportunity to end the fight; he could easily separate the wolf’s head from his body if he so desired.  The problem was that he couldn’t do that.  Kagome still valued him as a friend, and beyond that, the wolf had become an unlikely ally in their quest to destroy Naraku.  As much as he was loathe to admit it, he didn’t want Kouga’s blood on his hands.  That put him at a huge disadvantage; he didn’t want to kill his enemy, but his enemy wanted to kill him.  

Inuyasha settled for punching the wolf in the head as hard as he could, and was satisfied when the attack sent him sprawling.  But Kouga proved as hard-headed physically as he was figuratively, and quickly shook off the blow.  Shit, how do I end this without maiming him?  Kouga gave him no time to contemplate as he charged once again.  

In the meantime, Kagome had scrambled out of the spring and dressed.  Now she observed the battle with her heart lodged in her throat, hanging on every movement.  It was with great guilt that she found herself praying for Kouga’s safety.  Even after all the horrible things he’d said, even as he continued to attempt to murder her mate, she still considered him a friend.  And apparently Inuyasha realized it.  He’s holding himself back…for me.  He could have killed the wolf several times over by now, but Kouga refused to be knocked unconscious.  He just kept coming.  With dread, she watched as Inuyasha’s movements slowed just slightly with fatigue, Kouga’s blows coming closer and closer to hitting their mark.  Finally, the inevitable happened.  Breaking through Inuyasha’s defenses, he raked the hanyou across the chest, leaving four deep slashes in the pale flesh.  Inuyasha’s cry of pain brought the reality of the situation home to Kagome; she was in grave danger of losing her mate.  But it was the scent of his blood that made her snap.  

A blinding surge of pink light flashed between the two males, incinerating a hapless tree and stopping the attacking wolf in his tracks.  Two sets of shocked eyes turned toward the source of the power.  Kagome had already notched another arrow, this one aimed squarely at the wolf’s chest.  

“Kouga,” she spoke lowly, “I’ve always thought of you as a friend, ever since the day you first kidnapped me.  But if you take one more step toward my mate, I’ll…I’ll…I’ll purify you where you stand!!!”  

Inuyasha stared at Kagome in wonder; he could see how difficult this was for her.  She was shaking, her bow wobbling with uncertainty, tears welling in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks.  But he knew beyond a doubt that she would follow through on her threat if necessary, and that filled him with a combination of gratitude and fury.  The former because she was willing to kill a friend to save him, and the latter directed at the piece of shit who had caused her so much anguish.  Apparently, Kouga too perceived how serious she was, or perhaps her declaration allowed him to think clearly, to see things as they truly were.  Either way, he seemed to come back to himself.  His eyes softened, remorse replacing rage as his shoulders slumped in total defeat.  Slowly, cautiously, Kagome lowered her bow.  

“Kagome,” he mumbled, eyes downcast in shame, “can I talk to you…alone?”  His tone indicated that he truly wasn’t sure if she would grant him even that small request.  

Inuyasha bristled.  “What?!!  Fuck no!!  Get the hell outta he—”

“It’s fine, Inuyasha,” Kagome cut into his tirade.  He made as if to mount further protest, but Kagome silenced him with a determined look.  “Have a little faith in me, okay?”  

Inuyasha argued with himself for several seconds before finally nodding his head.  He did have faith in Kagome; he just didn’t trust the fleabag at the moment.  But he couldn’t tell her ‘no’ without also implying that she wasn’t capable of looking out for herself.  Still…

“Stay in sight,” he grumped, shooting Kouga a glare that dripped with poison more potent than that which flowed from his brother’s claws.  Too bad the wolf didn’t see it; he still wasn’t looking at either of them.  Kagome motioned for Kouga to lead the way and he did so; it comforted Inuyasha somewhat to know that Kagome was just as wary of the ookami as he was.  As well she should be.  Damn, that fucking hurts!  His chest continued to bleed, though now the flow was a mere trickle.  It was a good thing Kagome had stepped in when she did, otherwise he would probably be dead by now.  That’s what I get for being soft.  The old me would have just slaughtered him because he attacked me.  Then again, the old him was, in one word, a jackass.  Plain and simple.  He could admit that he liked himself—and those around him—a lot better now that he had matured a little.  Pensively he watched his mate and her former suitor as they walked to a distance at which quiet conversation would probably go undetected by even his ears.  

“Sorry,” Kouga began after a long pause, finally meeting Kagome’s steady gaze.  In his azure orbs she glimpsed the full extent of his conflicting emotions.  Bitterness and resentment simmered below the surface, outweighed by guilt and humiliation over his behavior.  But there was also kindness there, the friendship she had missed before.  “I guess I lost control of myself,” he muttered sheepishly.  

“Don’t apologize to me.  Inuyasha is the one you hurt.”  Her tone belied the harshness of her words, allowing just a hint of Kouga’s old playfulness to shine through.  

“I’d rather die,” he swore with a small smile.  “He wouldn’t accept an apology from me anyway.”  

“You’re wrong.  Inuyasha has changed.  He isn’t the same hanyou he was when you first met him.”  

“I see,” Kouga replied solemnly.  “Is that why you chose him over me?”  

Kagome sighed; she knew this needed to be done, but still hated to break his heart.  In retrospect, it probably would have been better to tell Kouga she wasn’t interested in the first place and hopefully keep him from developing strong feelings for her.  Essentially, she had wound up leading him on a futile chase for something he could never have.  But maybe she had needed his devotion, just as she had needed Hojo’s.  With all the drama and heartache of her convoluted love triangle with Inuyasha and Kikyou, Kouga and Hojo had reminded her that she was desirable, that it wasn’t her fault Inuyasha didn’t want her.  She had held onto them without her knowledge, the subconscious needs of a fifteen year old girl getting her first taste of both the light and dark sides of love.  But she no longer required that lifeline, and it was finally time to cut Kouga loose.  

“No, it isn’t.  My choice was made before I even met you, Kouga-kun.  It was always Inuyasha.  Both of us have grown up in the time since I became a hanyou, and that’s the reason we’re together now.  You…never really had a chance.  I’m sorry if I led you to believe otherwise.”  

“Don’t apologize,” he replied after a long moment.  Sighing, he turned his head toward the sky, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.  “I think the rational part of me knew this was how things were going to turn out, but I refused to believe it.  It’s not your fault.”  Awkward silence fell over the pair as both tried to come up with something to say.  

“So what will you do now?” Kagome asked lamely.  

Kouga shrugged.  “Probably what I’ve been doing.  Hunt down Naraku, keep an eye on my pack, the usual.  What about you?  Still planning on staying a hanyou?”  For the first time, he spoke the word ‘hanyou’ without an ounce of contempt, earning himself a nod and a grin from Kagome.  “Uh, that stuff I said before…I didn’t really mean it.  I used to feel that way about hanyou, but…you and Inuyasha changed my mind.”  

“It’s okay.  I forgive you.”  

“Why?” Kouga inquired dumbly.  

“We all say hurtful things we don’t mean to the people we care about sometimes,” she answered, eyes glazing over in recollection.  “You want me to return to being a filthy hanyou?  I’d rather die!”  The memory of that night was still poignant, and she had to blink back tears at the thought of how much her words must have wounded Inuyasha.  Kouga noticed her change in mood but made no comment; he didn’t feel like he had any right to pry.  In fact, he had probably worn out his welcome.  Kagome told him what he needed to hear, and there was no point in sticking around any longer.  

“Well, I’m gonna head out, Kagome.”  

“Okay.  Take care of yourself, Kouga-kun.”  

“You too.  See ya!”  He was gone with a quick wave, but Kagome stared after him for some time.  He was hurting, but he would be okay.  Speaking of hurting…  She bounded over to Inuyasha with a few long strides, startling her hanyou by peeling his crossed arms apart and studying his chest.  

“Ooooh,” she murmured with a grimace, “those look like they hurt.”  

“Keh.  It’s a flesh wound.”  

Kagome rolled her eyes; these lacerations were most certainly not ‘flesh wounds.’  They were deep and jagged, and could easily get infected if not treated properly.  It would take him at least a day to fully recover.  But again, it would do no good to argue about the severity of his injuries, so she let his comment go.  

“Well, I still want to bandage them.”  

“Fuck that!  Now, where were we?” he rumbled huskily in her ear, almost making her forget about medicine and bandages altogether.   

“Oh, no!” she cried, smacking his questing hands away from her.  “None of that until you’re healed!”  

“I said I’m fi—”

“You’re not fine!  And I say you keep your hands to yourself until you’re better!”  

To Kagome’s surprise, he gave in, grumbling his displeasure instead of continuing the argument.  That’s it?  That’s all I have to say?  What gives?  As she contemplated this strange turn of events, she felt her brows lower, one of them beginning to twitch in annoyance.  Her mouth formed a thin line, her fists clenching and unclenching rhythmically.  Inuyasha, you cheeky, typical man!  (2)  He knew damn well he was too beat up for any kind of lovemaking!  Could he just come out and say it?  Oh, nooooooo, that wouldn’t be manly.  Instead, he had to argue with her just so she would tell him no sex.  Then he could whine and bitch about it as much as he wanted, and it would be her fault!  And what if she did decide to take him up on his offer?  Then his damn pride would most likely force him to sex her up even though he’d probably start bleeding out in the middle of it.  That was the single most ridiculous thing she had ever conceived!  What a bunch of mindless, egotistical drivel!  But unfortunately, such is the irrational, bloated monster that is male pride.

“What’s the matter with you, wench?” Inuyasha quipped, just about booting Kagome right over the edge.  


She knew the command wouldn’t work, but seeing him cringe like a scared child proved deliciously satisfying.  She supposed she couldn’t really fault him for his male pride; it was a curse on the gender.  Women had their own curses as well, but that was another story.  

“Wh-what the hell was that for?”  

“Nothing,” she replied tersely.  Inuyasha made no further inquiry, having evidently decided to quit while he was ahead.  Or perhaps not.

“Damn wolf bastard!  First he interrupts us, then he puts me out of commission!”  

Kagome could feel her ire returning as she grabbed his hand and began yanking him back to camp, hoping the action would distract her from thoughts of beating her baka mate over the head with a log.  But Inuyasha just wasn’t cooperating.  

“It wasn’t even a fair fight!  I would have kicked his ass if I really wanted to.  He wouldn’t have stood a cha—”

“INUYASHA!  I know it wasn’t a fair fight!  You don’t have to prove anything to me!  And I…appreciate it that you tried not to kill him,” Kagome finished in a much softer voice.  


The two settled into companionable silence, the regular sound of their feet rustling the underbrush soothing her frayed nerves.  It had certainly been a hectic evening.  Thinking back on it reminded Kagome of something she had nearly forgotten about amidst the chaos.  

“Hey, tell me about those youkai rules you and Kouga-kun were arguing about.”  

“Bunch of bullshit made by stuck-up old geezers who think they’re better than everyone else.”

“So you don’t follow them?”  

“I already said that, didn’t I?”  

“But you know of them?”  

This time, Inuyasha hesitated a moment before answering.  “Yeah, Myouga told me about them years ago.  Kouga really did have a claim on you,” he admitted, unwittingly answering her next question in the process.   

“Oh, what does that mean?”  

“Just what he said.  Someone would have to fight him to earn the right to court you.  It’s all a load of crap, if you ask me.  As if you can every really claim someone…”

“Does the woman have a choice?” Kagome asked, slightly perturbed.  

“She can kick his ass back to wherever he came from if she wants, but that usually doesn’t happen.  Why do you think I used to get so pissed whenever he called you ‘his woman?’”

“I always thought you were just jealous,” she replied with a grin.  

“Well, that too.”  

The rest of the walk back was a quiet affair, but there was quite a commotion when the others saw he was wounded.  Kagome filled them in on the details, and everyone relaxed, glad they could expect no more trouble from the wolf prince.  

“Kouga got you pretty good, didn’t he?” Miroku observed teasingly as Kagome wrapped the torn flesh in gauze.  

“Shut up, bouzu!  It wasn’t a fair fight!”  

Kagome hung her head.  Here we go again.  

(1)  Birth control pills aren’t nearly as socially accepted or popular in Japan as they are in the U.S.  You can assume that is the biggest reason Kagome chooses condoms over the pill.  
(2)  I bet you never thought you’d see those words again, eh Selina?  I was going to do this little male-bashing bit anyway, but I couldn’t resist parroting from your last review.  Let no one say King Baka doesn’t make fun of his own gender!  
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