InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ A New Kind of Adventure, Part 1 ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

A/N – I decided to slightly alter my formatting for this chapter to simplify things and make it obvious when things are happening.  The headings show the number of weeks after conception.  

A New Kind of Adventure, Part 1

**Week Five**

“Ugh, what I wouldn’t give for a double chocolate sundae right now,” Kagome mumbled absently, practically drooling.  

Inuyasha shook his head in amusement.  Every so often she would start talking like that, pining for some bizarre food from her era.  Then, at other times, the very mention of food would cause her skin to turn green and send her dashing for the nearest bush.  Her morning sickness had originally consisted of just queasiness, but that was unfortunately no longer the case.  He tried to be supportive, in part because he felt guilty as hell; it was his fault, after all.  It helped that Kagome didn’t hold it against him, but he still felt as miserable as she did when she was on her knees retching, especially when all he could do was hold her hair and rub her back.  He much preferred hungry, happy Kagome.  

Today had been a good day, with not a single sign of nausea.  They walked along at a sedate pace, having nowhere to rush to.  It was really blind luck when they stumbled across a jewel shard, and without Kagome’s ability to sense them the task would be almost impossible.  For the most part, they just tried to avoid areas where they had already been.  

“Mmmm,” she murmured, her tone and the spike in her scent telling him that she was no longer thinking about food.  Sexual desire was another thing that had been a little off with Kagome recently.  Most of the time, she showed little interest in making love.  He could respect that; he loved having sex, but could live without it.  The intimacy which they enjoyed in every other aspect of their lives, especially holding her at night while she slept, helped him deal with it.  There was always the option of relieving himself by his own hand, though he hadn’t resorted to that yet.  And when Kagome did get in the mood…well, they usually didn’t get much else done on those days.  Not that he was complaining.  Taking a day off from the quest didn’t seem like such a bad thing when he was giving and receiving pleasure over and over again.  

He turned to her, his grin eager, hers downright predatory.  With a low growl she leapt into his arms.  

* * *

Kagome sighed contentedly, the beauty of the setting sun and Inuyasha’s tender ministrations on her skin lulling her into a state of supreme relaxation.  Total physical satisfaction helped too.  Later they would have to go find a place to bathe, but for now she just wanted to lie back and enjoy her husband’s attentions.  This had become one of his favorite pastimes, lying with his head resting just below her breasts, stroking her still-flat tummy.  She enjoyed running her fingers through his hair, sometimes rubbing an ear, letting him know that she shared his thoughts, his hopes, his concerns, and his dreams.  

For Inuyasha, these moments were something to cherish.  This was as close as he could get to his child before it was born.  As of yet, the child had not given him any sign that it was in there, but—

Inuyasha nearly jumped.  Wait, what was that?!  He listened again and heard nothing.  Growling and hoping he wasn’t imagining things, he pressed his ear flush against Kagome’s stomach.  

“What’s wrong, Inu—?”

“Shh!” he told her, covering his other ear to muffle the sounds of the outside world.  There…there it was.  A rapid, repetitive, incredibly soft sound, barely audible to even his supersensitive canine ears.  A heartbeat.  His child’s heartbeat.  

“Kami,” he breathed, joy and humility filling him.  

“What is it?” Kagome asked again.  

“Our child…I hear its heart beating.”

“Wow,” Kagome replied, amazed that a baby’s heart started to beat so soon, and a little jealous as well.  “I wish I could hear it,” she said wistfully.  

“You can’t?”

She tried again, then shook her head.  “No, it’s too faint.  And I definitely can’t get my head down there,” she joked.  

Inuyasha crawled up her body, kissing her lovingly.  “I’m sure you’ll be able to hear it soon.”  

“Yeah,” she agreed, beaming up at him.  Inuyasha lay down beside her, and she snuggled into his side.  Together, they watched the sun go down, each grateful for the wonderful blessing whose heart now beat inside her.  

* * *

**Week Seven**

“I think my breasts are getting bigger,” Kagome declared absently, lifting the folds of her kosode enough to study them.  

Inuyasha nearly tripped over himself.  Her morning sickness had abruptly subsided about a week ago, which was almost cause for celebration.  Instead of running to the bushes to evacuate her stomach, Kagome had needed to stop more frequently for bathroom breaks.  That was fine with Inuyasha; it was no hassle whatsoever to stop for a few minutes so she could empty her bladder.  He had also noticed her recurring discomfort in her chest area over the past several days, though he hadn’t said anything about it.  She probably didn’t intend for him to know, but he was quite sharp when it came to her well-being.  In fact, she probably hadn’t meant to say her last thought out loud, judging by the way her cheeks flushed.  

That her breasts were sore made sense to him; he supposed a woman couldn’t go from dry to lactating without some sort of physical changes.  But to hear her state that they were growing…well, that was something else entirely.  And before he knew it, he found himself staring at Kagome’s chest, debating whether to disrobe her and feel for himself.  He was quite familiar with her breasts by now, and he’d probably be able to tell fairly easily whether they were bigger or not.  His glanced up to her eyes, finding her staring at him, and hastily looked away.  It was the first of several times she caught him in the act, but he just couldn’t help himself!  She didn’t honestly expect him not to look after a statement like that, did she?  Fortunately, she smelled of amusement and mild embarrassment, so his scrutiny apparently didn’t really bother her.  She did, however, say something eventually.  

“You know, my eyes are up here,” she joked.  

“Yeah, well your eyes aren’t growing too, are they?”  

Kagome chuckled at his typical male response.  She would have to give him a chance to see for himself in the near future.  She quickly sobered; her uncomfortably swelling breasts were yet another reason why it was time to stop putting off the inevitable.  She couldn’t very well show up on her mother’s doorstep after nine months and say, ‘here’s your grandchild.’  And she knew both Kaede and the modern era were full of useful information about pregnancy, which she was quickly discovering she knew very little about.  It was time to return home.  

“Inuyasha, do you mind if we take a break?  I’d like to head back to my time for a few days.”  

“That’s fine.  You wanna go back now?”

Kagome blinked at him.  “You really don’t mind?”  

“Keh.  We gotta tell ‘em sooner or later, Kagome.  Can’t just show up in nine months and say, ‘here’s our kid.’”  

“I was thinking the same thing.”  She sighed wistfully.  “I just wish I could get proper prenatal care.  It would be really cool to see our baby on an ultrasound in a few months.”  

“What kinda sound?”  

“Ultrasound.  That’s how doctors in my time look inside a woman to see how the baby is doing.”  

Inuyasha’s eyes widened.  “How do they see inside you?  They don’t have to cut you open, do they?” he asked, his scent and aura flaring defensively.  Nobody was bringing any sharp cutting instrument (besides Tetsusaiga) anywhere near his—

“No, no, they wouldn’t have to cut me open.  It’s a special kind of sound, or light, er…I don’t really know how it works.  But it’s completely harmless!” she said, watching as Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, clearly still not comfortable with the idea.  

“It doesn’t matter anyway,” she continued.  “We can’t take the risk that a doctor will see something they don’t know how to handle.  A pair of cat ears would certainly set off alarm bells.”

“First off, they’re gonna be dog ears, not cat ears,” Inuyasha declared, to which Kagome rolled her eyes.  “And second, couldn’t you still get the rest of the ‘pre-nay-tul’ care, and just refuse that funky sound thing?”  

Kagome seemed surprised by his suggestion, but he already knew medical care in her time was far superior to that of this time.  He wanted her to have the best care, even if that meant visiting the modern era often during her pregnancy, and letting strange doctors see her.  As long as he could go with her, of course.  

“You know, I bet we could do that,” Kagome affirmed.  “They’ll treat me like I’m human though.  I wonder if hanyou have different nutritional needs, or if there’s anything else different.”

Another idea occurred to Inuyasha, one he was less enthusiastic about.  Just say it, baka.  You want Kagome to get the best care, don’t you?  

“We know there are youkai in your time,” he stated reluctantly, “and that Kenji asshole said there were hanyou too.  Maybe we could ask him if he knows any hanyou doctors.”  

“Hey, that’s a great idea, Inuyasha!”  

“Keh, ‘course it is.”  

Laughing at his arrogant response, Kagome reached up and tweaked his ear for good measure.  Pointing in the direction she thought led to the well, she glanced at Inuyasha for confirmation.  He pondered for a moment, checking the position of the afternoon sun, then pointed in almost the same direction, probably about ten degrees off from Kagome’s guess.  She shrugged; that was pretty good for a beginner.  With her hanyou powers came an almost instinctual sense of direction, but Inuyasha had been doing this for far longer than she had.  Grinning, they set off toward home.  

* * *

**Week Eight**

Kagome hadn’t realized how far away from the village they’d traveled until they had to walk back.  It took them about four days at normal walking pace, with a few leisurely runs sprinkled in.  She was glad when the familiar sight of the huts and fields spread out in the distance came into view.  This was home; this was where she and Inuyasha would raise their family.  And at least for now, her own family was just a hop through the well away.  But first, she wanted to visit with Miroku and Sango, and find out how the taijiya was doing with her own pregnancy.  Sango was a little bit ahead of her, so checking up on her could be quite informative as well as friendly.  That said, Kagome was unsure how Sango would react to the news.  She was not dreading the encounter, but nor was she biting her tongue to keep from shouting it to the heavens.  

They found Sango working in the newly-cultivated garden behind their hut, with Miroku meditating off to the side.  Kagome was satisfied with the dirt on the monk’s robes; apparently, he had been helping his wife before they got there.  Sango looked to be just finishing up for the day, and she spotted them as she stood, waving at them warmly.  

“Inuyasha, Kagome-chan, how are you?”  

“Fine, Sango-chan.  How are you doing?”  

She shrugged.  “Eh, can’t complain.”  

“Oh, I assure you she most definitely can complain,” Miroku interjected good-humoredly, sauntering up to the trio.  Sango glared at him, though the look was more playful than angry.  

“You wanna try carrying this baby?  Then we’d see how much complaining you would do.”

“That’s quite alright.  I think you are doing a fine job.”  


Grinning, Miroku turned toward Inuyasha and Kagome to change the subject.  “So, how goes the quest to reform the Shikon no Tama?”  

“Great,” Kagome replied, pulling out her chunk of the jewel for illustration.  “I think we have almost half now.”  

“Excellent!  I pray daily for the speedy completion of your mission, so that you may come settle down with us as soon as possible.”  

“Oh, thank you, Miroku-sama.  And now, we have another reason to be grateful for your prayers.”

“Oh?  What might that be?”  

“I’m pregnant,” Kagome declared, deciding not to beat around the bush.  Miroku and Sango blinked in stunned silence for a moment, and at least the slayer appeared to swallow an impulsive response.  They looked at each other, then back at the two hanyou.  Miroku was the first to speak.  

“We’re sure you put a lot of thought into this, but…”

“What he means is, uh…”

“I mean, there are…  But I guess if you’ve thought it through, and this is what you truly want…”

“We support you,” Sango finished sincerely.  

“Thanks, you guys,” Kagome said, pleased but not surprised.  She knew her friends would support them eventually, but she hadn’t known whether they would make any objections.  Thankfully, they seemed to realize that voicing such reservations aloud was not necessary.  There was little if anything they could say that she and Inuyasha hadn’t already considered.  Miroku and Sango might not completely agree with their decision, but they would not criticize them for it.  What was done, was done, and condemning or disparaging the choice now would be hurtful, not helpful.  

“So, how far along are you?” Sango inquired awkwardly, her tone still conveying a sense of unease.  

“Almost two months now,” Kagome replied, surprising herself with the answer.  “Have we really been gone that long?”  

“Indeed,” Miroku answered.  “Sango and I were starting to worry.”  

“Keh.  Don’t worry about us,” Inuyasha said, his first words since joining the small gathering.  “We got this little errand covered.”

Miroku studied him closely, taking in his slight smirk, the serious glint in his eyes.  Inuyasha oozed confidence, but not arrogance; there was none of the foolish haughtiness and teenage naiveté which used to pour from the hanyou in waves.  No, this was the cool, self-assured confidence of a warrior who knew he could handle the task if he used both strength and wisdom, and the quiet determination of a man who knew that he must.  Miroku nodded, pleased with what he saw.  Inuyasha and Kagome were ready for this challenge they had presented themselves with.  If anyone could accomplish it, they could.  He would pray doubly for them now, but he would have faith that his prayers would not be in vain.  Glancing over to his wife, he saw that she was having a similar epiphany.  Their eyes locked briefly, and they came to a silent agreement.  Of course they would worry for their friends, but they would also believe in them.  

“Kagome-chan, I think you should see Kaede-sama,” Sango spoke up, breaking the momentary hush.  “She’s given me a lot of advice on keeping healthy for the baby, and her medicine helped a little with the morning sickness.  You could use her help too.”  

“Well, I was going to see a doctor in my time, but I guess it couldn’t hurt.  I’m sure Kaede-babaa knows what she’s talking about.  Hey!  I almost forgot, but Inuyasha and I visited Shippou-chan.”  

“Oh yeah?  How is he?”  

“Great.  He loves it there and he’s learning a lot…”

Inuyasha and Miroku listened as the girls’ chatter faded into the distance, neither of them inclined to go with them to see the old miko.  Miroku had heard it all already, and Inuyasha didn’t want to join what he perceived as a female conversation.  He heard Miroku sigh contentedly, gazing out over the beautiful landscape.  

“Two years ago, did you ever imagine this?” he asked.  

“Keh.  Two years ago, I still wanted to become a full-fledged demon.  Dumbass,” he muttered, shaking his head at the memories.  

Miroku chuckled, amused and somewhat impressed to hear Inuyasha admit how foolish he’d been back then.  “I’m glad you changed your mind, my friend.”  

“I didn’t really.  Kagome changed it for me,” Inuyasha replied, smiling softly out toward the horizon.  Comfortable silence reigned for several minutes until Inuyasha finally spoke again.  

“Hey, Miroku?”


“How did you know you were ready?  To, you know, have kids?”  

“I didn’t.”  


“Inuyasha, if people waited until they knew they were ready, no one would ever have children.  I don’t think it’s something we can ever truly be prepared for.  Even now, I worry about whether I’ll be a good father, whether my son or daughter will like me, and how I’ll balance providing for the family and spending time with my wife and kids.  It’s just something parents have to deal with.”  

Inuyasha nodded contemplatively; truth be told, those were things he had begun to reflect upon as well.  Wow, the bouzu actually gave an insightful, non-perverted answer for a change.  

“So Inuyasha,” the monk began, oblivious to the hanyou’s thoughts.  “I trust you are keeping Kagome-sama out of danger?”  Miroku wasn’t going to criticize their decision, but he did intend to make sure Inuyasha’s head was in the right place.  

“Yep.  We have an agreement,” Inuyasha replied, but the slight shifting of his eyes tipped Miroku off that something wasn’t quite right.  

“What happened?” the monk inquired, trying to mask his exasperation.  Honestly, it’s always something with these two.

“K-keh!  We ran into some stupid miko girl, and Kagome took her out while she was trying to shoot me.”  

“By ‘took her out,’ I imagine you mean Kagome-sama restrained her and tried to talk some sense into her.”

“Yeah, and it worked too.  She gave us her jewel shards, so I didn’t have to feel like I was robbing the bitch.”

“Ah.  Well, I can see how a miko would be difficult for you to deal with.  Tetsusaiga isn’t exactly a finesse weapon.”  

“Keh.  And I didn’t feel like gettin’ my ass purified, neither.”  Inuyasha paused for a moment, lowering his voice to speak more seriously.  “She’s let me handle everything else so far, and she said she was careful.  I trust her.”  

Miroku smiled at utter lack of doubt in the hanyou’s voice and expression; he truly did trust her.  But there was one thing that still bothered him.  

“Inuyasha, I feel I must express my concern…what if another powerful villain gathers up a large portion of the Shikon no Tama?  What if, Kami forbid, you have another Naraku on your hands?”  

Inuyasha sighed, the concern not unfamiliar to him.  “It’s a risk,” he said simply.  “But we have almost half the jewel already, and we haven’t come across a really powerful youkai.  That frog bitch doesn’t count because she just caught us at a really bad time,” he muttered, shaking his head dismissively when Miroku quirked an eyebrow in confusion.  “Look, Miroku, you’re just gonna have to trust us to handle it if some strong bastard of a youkai comes along.”  

“I do, but you understand my anxiety.”  

“Yeah, I do,” Inuyasha answered sincerely.  A momentary silence hung in the air before Miroku endeavored to lighten the mood.  

“I suppose the fact that Kagome-sama is hanyou makes a huge difference.  I wouldn’t even dream of taking Sango out on the road in a few months.”  

“Yep.  Even when she’s big and fat, Kagome should be able to move around pretty well.”  

Miroku sweatdropped.  “Inuyasha, let me clue you in on a piece of wisdom that has been passed down by men for generations.  You must never utter the word ‘fat’ around a pregnant woman.  I don’t care if you’re talking about the tasty part of the meat you’re having for supper.  For the next nine months, strike that word from your vocabulary.”  

“Um, right.  Hehe,” Inuyasha chuckled sheepishly, feeling a bit dumb that he had to be told such a seemingly obvious thing.  But Miroku was really the first man who had passed him any pieces of wisdom, so he supposed it wasn’t all his fault.  Common sense had never been his strong suit.  

“S-so,” the hanyou stuttered, changing the subject.  “Is Sango showing yet?”

“There’s a hint of something there,” a beaming Miroku responded, his hands subconsciously extending out in front of him as if lovingly rubbing his wife’s belly.  

Inuyasha smiled wryly.  So he likes to do that too, huh?  It seemed he and Miroku had more in common than ever before.  He did have another question though, one which he had resolved not to ask.  But they had engaged in such an insightful and friendly discussion, so he decided to throw caution to the wind.  

“Miroku, did Sango’s…boobs get any bigger?”  

The monk blinked in surprise for a few moments, then his expression slowly morphed into a wicked grin.  Inuyasha regretted his lack of discretion even before Miroku opened his mouth.  

“Ah, so you’ve noticed, eh?  The delightful filling out of Kagome-sama’s body?  I remember when I first realized Sango’s already ample bosom was expanding…” he trailed off, hands which had previously been massaging his wife’s invisible belly now making more obscene, circular motions in the air.  “Since then, I’ve had an even more difficult time keeping my hands to myself, though her shapely backside has been granted a bit of a reprieve.  Inuyasha, where are you going?  Don’t you want to hear the rest of my story?”

“Hell no!” the hanyou called back, not breaking his stride.  “A simple ‘yes’ would’ve been fine!”  Damn it all!  He’ll never change.  I’d rather listen to Kaede than his hentai ‘story.’  Shaking his head once more for good measure, he headed off to join his wife.  

* * *

The three women looked up as he entered the hut.  They appeared to be in good spirits, Kaede included, so obviously she had not reacted too negatively to the news.  Truth be told, the old miko was not completely surprised by the decision of her hanyou friends.  She had observed how dozens of women reacted after miscarriages.  Some wanted to become pregnant again immediately, while others found it incredibly frightening and difficult to ever try again.  She would have guessed that Kagome was closer to the former.  Inuyasha had dealt with tragedy in his past, so she knew it would not prevent him from moving on.  Perhaps she would have advised them against it had they sought her counsel, but what was done was done.  Her questioning of Kagome revealed that the young miko’s head was in the right place, and she was sure Miroku had already spoken with Inuyasha.  It was enough that they knew what they were doing and trusted each other.

“Ah, there you are, Inuyasha,” Kaede welcomed.  “I was just telling Kagome that you should probably hear this.”    

“Hear what, babaa?” the hanyou inquired, taking a seat in the circle.  Kaede glared at him for the nickname, but made no comment on it.  Hn, sometimes I wish Kagome had never taken that rosary off.  

“I was starting to tell her all of the things I told Sango.  Unfortunately, I have only dealt with human pregnancies, so I cannot give you comprehensive advice on your particular case.  But I imagine that most aspects are the same.  Kagome will retain her superior strength, stamina, and mobility, of course, meaning she should not have a too much trouble keeping up with you even later in the pregnancy, Inuyasha.”  

“Keh, I knew that already.  You got anything new to add—ah!” he exclaimed as Kagome elbowed him, the look in her eye suggesting that if the rosary was still on, he would be tasting the floorboards right now.  He grumbled under his breath and rubbed his side.  I don’t know why she’s always had a soft spot for the old hag.  The whole ‘respect your elders’ thing hadn’t stuck with him, mostly because he’d never had any elders worthy of respect.  Cowardly Myouga and senile Totosai certainly didn’t qualify, and neither did Sesshoumaru, though his half-brother had been slightly less of a bastard lately.  Still, Kaede didn’t have to help them, so he would try to be a little nicer to her.  Out of self-preservation, of course.  

Kaede went on to speak at length about pregnancy in general, including important changes in habit the woman should make, especially concerning diet and exercise.  She also gave them an enlightening outline of what the couple could expect at each stage of the pregnancy.  Inuyasha was grateful; perhaps now he wouldn’t feel so brainless in the coming months.  He also realized how rough this could be on Kagome, especially in the late stage.  Not for the first time, he was glad she was not human.  Most injuries affected hanyou far less than they did mere humans, and he didn’t see why the physical ‘symptoms’ of pregnancy would be any different.  That was the theory anyway.  As far as they knew, Kagome was the first hanyou to ever become pregnant.  Finding a doctor in the modern era who could tell them more about hanyou pregnancy seemed even more important.  

It was dusk by the time they departed Kaede’s hut.  Inuyasha quietly thanked the old miko before exiting, not sticking around long enough to see her amused grin.  He and Kagome headed straight for the well.  Kagome wanted to call Ayumi before the schoolgirl went to bed, to ask for Kenji’s phone number.  Hopefully they could set up a meeting with him for tomorrow.  Inuyasha wasn’t particularly excited about that; Kenji was one of those guys who were better at talking than fighting.  In other words, a smartass.  But they needed his help, specifically his connections with the modern youkai world, so he would bite his tongue and try to be civil.  

Before that, however, they still had the somewhat daunting task of informing Kagome’s family of their decision.  They hoped for a reception similar to the one they had received in this time, but sensed it might be more complicated than that.  Her family had never experienced life in the feudal era, which probably added a fear of the unknown to normal worries.  They knew neither the nature of the dangers they faced nor the full measure of their strength.  But they had seen Kagome in her worst moments, and later they had observed as a relationship strained to the breaking point.  More recently, they had watched as that same relationship fully healed itself, then blessed a marriage and formally welcomed Inuyasha into the family.  Such a wide range of experiences explained why neither hanyou quite knew what to expect.  

The shrine grounds were deserted when they arrived, not a surprise considering the hour.  But the lights in the house were on, meaning her family was home.  

“We’re back!” Kagome called as she entered, sliding her shoes off on the mat.  

“In here, dear!” her mother called back, not that it was necessary.  Kagome’s nose would have led her straight to the source of the delicious aroma of her mom’s cooking.  

“Mmmm, something smells good,” she said as she and Inuyasha made their way to the kitchen.  

“We were just sitting down for dinner.  You two are welcome to join us.”

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Souta exclaimed in mock alarm.  “Did you make enough for five people?  I’m a growing boy, you know.”  

“Don’t be selfish, Souta,” his mother chided, though she could tell her son was joking.  “You’ll just have to eat some ice cream tonight if you’re still hungry.”  

“Fine,” Souta groaned, feigning exasperation.  “I guess Inu-no-oniichan can have some of my share.”  Then he stuck his tongue out at his sister for good measure, a gesture she could not resist returning.  

Mrs. Higurashi chuckled at their antics.  “Alright, you two.  Kagome, why don’t you sit down?  My son-in-law hasn’t stopped staring at the food since he got here.”  

Inuyasha blushed lightly at being caught, but it smelled so damn good!  As he sat down across from his wife and her grandfather, between Souta and Mrs. Higurashi, he realized what she had called him.  It felt right, sitting here eating with these people who welcomed him into their lives.  It felt like family.  But it was also a sobering reminder of what he and Kagome could lose once the Shikon no Tama was purified.  If the well ceased to work, they would probably never see her family again.  But that was a worry for another day; right now, he planned to enjoy the food, and the time he had with them.  They were, he reminded himself, his family too.  

“Hey nee-chan, you look different somehow,” Souta observed casually between mouthfuls.  
“What, do I have dirt on my face or something?”  

“It’s not bad, just…”

“Why, Souta, are you trying to pay me a compliment?” she teased, placing her hand on her chest.  

“No!  I didn’t say it was good either!  Just…different.”

“Whatever.  I think you’re seeing things,” she countered with as much conviction as she could muster, knowing exactly what Souta was referring to.  People always said that pregnant women glowed.  Evidently, she wasn’t convincing enough, because out of the corner of her eye she saw her mother studying her.  Looks like I might not have to tell them after all.  Mama’s pretty sharp; she might just figure it out.  Nothing more came of it until everyone had nearly finished eating, and the pot was empty.  

“You know dear, I think Souta may be right,” Mrs. Higurashi observed, thoughtfully swirling her water glass.  “You have this glow about you.”  

Kagome would never know what gave her away in that moment.  Perhaps her mother simply put it all together, or maybe she was unable to keep a straight face, or revealed the truth with her eyes.  All she knew was that her mother gasped, the glass falling from her hand as comprehension dawned.  

The sound of glass clanking against wood never came; Inuyasha’s hand shot out and snatched it before it could complete the drop and spill its contents on the table.  Mrs. Higurashi didn’t even notice, so totally engaged was she in staring at her daughter.  

“Kagome,” she finally breathed, her tone one of disbelief.  “Are you…”  She trailed off, unable or unwilling to complete her query.  Kagome took a deep breath, seeking and finding her resolve.  This was not the time to act like it was a mistake or that she was second-guessing their decision, because in reality, neither of those was true.  She had to be firm with her mother, one adult to another.  She might still be considered a child in this time, but in the feudal era she was an adult, and she had seen and done far more than most modern teenagers.  She had helped defeat a great evil and found true love, an incredibly rare thing among young people of any time period.  Two people who loved each other dearly had made a controversial, life-altering decision.  Neither of them had regretted it since, and it was time to make her family understand that.  

“Yes, I’m pregnant,” Kagome stated firmly, her brown eyes locking with her mother’s not in a challenge, but as a graphic illustration of her conviction.  No one said anything for a long while.  Kagome could see the mixed reactions, the conflicting emotions, the natural delight merging with fear spurred by dark memories.  

Mrs. Higurashi found herself at a loss.  Every time she thought of something to say, she thought of a reason not to say it.  Why, Kagome?  That one was obvious; the answer was because she wanted a child.  Do you really know what you’re doing?  Her determined expression said that she did, as did Inuyasha’s.  Why didn’t you talk to me first?  Now that would sound like demanding her daughter get her permission, and she certainly didn’t need it.  Kagome was an adult in a committed relationship, and Mrs. Higurashi could no longer control what she did, nor did she want to.  Didn’t you consider the dangers?  Of course they had; they were both too smart to make this decision on impulse alone.  What about your relationship?  Do you remember how devastated you were?  What if something happens again?  She knew what Kagome would say to that.  It was a risk, yes, but their relationship was much stronger than it was before.  They had been through hell together, and if something did happen, they knew they would get through it together.  That was the only kind of commitment which could lead two people to make a choice like this.  

Mrs. Higurashi sighed deeply, briefly putting her head in her hands.  Though she would have told them to wait until after they settled down, it would do no good to criticize their decision now.  Her daughter and son-in-law had chosen their path; all she could do was make sure they didn’t stray from it.  

“Are you at least being careful?” she finally asked, her voice soft and throaty.  

“Yes, I am,” Kagome replied, smiling and clasping her mother’s hand reassuringly.  “Don’t worry, Mama.  In a few months, you’ll be a grandmother.”  

Mrs. Higurashi sniffled, drying a few rogue tears.  “I’d like that,” she said, leaning over and placing her hand tenderly against Kagome’s belly.  She stared at it for a moment, then cracked a wry grin.  “I’ve got a lot of pent up spoiling to do.”  

The joke seemed to break the somber mood which had settled over the table; now, everyone was smiling tentatively, including the other two males, who had chosen to remain silent and defer to Mrs. Higurashi for the first response.  Each had their misgivings, but they would bury them for now.  There were risks inherent with any pregnancy, and they would not allow the added dangers in this case to ruin what should be a joyous occasion.  

“Have you felt anything yet?” Souta inquired, showing all of his youthful wonder.  

“It’s too early for that, Souta,” his mother answered.  “Right now, the baby could fit in the palm of your hand.”  Souta’s eyes widened and he took to staring at his hand in childlike amazement.  Mrs. Higurashi chuckled, then turned back to Kagome as a new thought occurred to her.  “How far along are you anyway?”  

“About two months.”  

“Ah, so you’re almost through the first trimester.  The second one is easier, but that last trimester is a bear.  Honestly, sometimes I didn’t think you wanted me to get any sleep at all.”  

“Hehe, sorry.”  

“Oh, don’t worry.  It’s all worth it in the end,” Mrs. Higurashi said, sending a sincere smile at both her children.  “What symptoms have you dealt with so far?”

“Not many, actually.  I think being hanyou helps with that.  Just nausea and some morning sickness, plus some…uh, swelling,” she finished, leaving it at that to avoid cluing her brother and grandfather in as to what she really meant.  But her mother knew; that much was obvious.  

“Oh, yes.  The body doesn’t procrastinate.  It’s already preparing itself for seven months from now when the baby’s born.”  

“I guess so.  The only other interesting thing is that Inuyasha heard the baby’s heartbeat a few weeks ago.”  

“What?!” Mrs. Higurashi exclaimed, turning to face her son-in-law.  “You did?”

Inuyasha smirked, pointing to his ears.  “These things ain’t for show.”  

“Oh, right.  You lucky dog,” Mrs. Higurashi joked.  

“Yeah he is!” Kagome agreed.  “I still can’t hear it because I can’t get my ear close enough.”  

“What does it sound like?”

“It’s really soft, like barely there,” Inuyasha replied, a sense of wonder leaking into his tone.  “I can’t believe how fast it is.”  

“Wow, you really are a lucky dog.”  

Kagome’s grandfather suddenly cleared his throat, drawing four pairs of eyes toward him.  “And this child,” he stated severely.  “Will it have those ears?”  

“It will be hanyou, Jii-chan,” Kagome replied hesitantly, feeling nervousness bubble within her.  They were past this, weren’t they?  Her grandfather hadn’t shown any sign of prejudice against hanyou in a long time.  

The old man grinned, assuaging her fears.  “Then let us hope the child looks more like my granddaughter than its father.”  

“Oi!  What’s wrong with the way I look, jiji?” Inuyasha retorted good-humoredly.  He secretly agreed with the old man, especially if their child was a girl.  

“Oh, Jii-chan,” Kagome admonished.  “I think a little Inuyasha would be absolutely adorable.”  


The family laughed at the hanyou’s typical response.  They spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, and catching up on everything they had missed over the past two months, on both sides of the well.  And when it came time to turn in for the night, Kagome and Inuyasha retired to her room, and slept more soundly than they had in a long time.  
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