InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mi Confesion ❯ Who Needs Details? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"So where should I begin?"

<i>Oh dear.</i> Kagome's eyes widened. What had she done? And why couldn't she remember any of it? Somehow the intense migraine coupled with her stomach-ache led her to believe that alcohol was the culprit. <i>I'm never drinking again!</i>

Sesshoumaru chuckled. The look on her face was priceless, not to mention adorable. However, he was a moral man, and an honorable one too, and he decided to put an end to her suffering over the unknown. "Do not worry. Nothing bad happened." He threw her a smile despite his lie. He would get to <i>that</i> part of the story soon enough, why make her agonize? "Okay, here is what happened..."
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"Your bill, Sesshoumaru-sama."

Not letting go of Kagome's face, Sesshoumaru turned to the server with a cold glare. "Thank you," he pronounced in his most intimidating voice.

The server, wide-eyed, quickly dropped the check on table and bolted for the door, not bothering with formalities, and shut the door behind her.

He turned back to Kagome to find a deep shade of red covering her cheeks. He loosened his grip on her chin, but didn't let go. If she wanted to turn away in her embarrassment he would not deny her that, but he would also not deny her should she want to continue where they left off.

"Uhn, where is that tea? I should really have some," she interrupted his thoughts as she, much to his dismay, turned toward the table in search of her cup. Sighing inwardly, he reached for the pot and poured her a cup. She quickly placed the porcelain to her lips in an attempt to avoid starting a possibly awkward conversation. <i>I'll leave that to him.</i>

Instead he reached for the bill and she was briefly left to her thoughts. <i>This is your first date, Kagome! Granted, it's been a while, but why I am being so damned forward? Am I so base that I just give in to my primal urges so readily? No, no. That's absurd. I do want a relationship, but…I just don't want to get my heart broken again. Take things slow. Yeah, that's it. Drink your tea and take things…</i> She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt Sesshoumaru's eyes on her. She looked over to see him staring at her over his glass of sake. "Eh? What are you staring at?"

"Shall we go somewhere else?"

"Like where?" She was surprised her social awkwardness had not seemed to dampen his spirits, nor his determination to make her have a good time.

"I'll let you decide this time. And that's a promise." He winked at her and then placed his cup on the table. She did the same, bashfully smiling as she grabbed her purse.------------------------------“Wait, wait,” Kagome interjected. “I remember all that. And I remember we went to a bar after. Hachi's Pub. We played some pool, I lost, and then…” Kagome paused when she realized what her next memory of the previous night consisted of: <i> I lost the game of pool. Sesshoumaru won. What did he win? Oh, that's right. Once again I managed to make myself look incredibly</i> easy. “Oooh…” She placed her elbows on the table, resting her head in them as she began to stroke small circles around her temples.“Are you alright?” He knew exactly where her mind had wandered, meandering its way across the point at which, the night before, he won said game of pool. What had caused Kagome's headache to worsen had managed to put a smirk of Sesshoumaru's face as he too revisited the prize he had won. -------------------------------------------------------------------“S o you've beaten me, good sir. Although, I'm not sure what it is you have won.” Kagome was bordering drunkenness and had to lean on her pool stick to refrain from swaying. Her hormones had slowly been taking over the more she drank and she had let her inhibitions go about ten minutes prior to her tragic, last minute loss. Sesshoumaru could definitely handle his liquor. Not only had he had quite a bit to drink, just as Kagome had, but he wasn't showing any signs of even the slightest buzz. He was, however, <i>feeling</i> the liquor as a burning sensation began to rise in his loins as he approached her, wanting nothing more than to toss her on top of the pool table and let her know what his prize would be. He had more composure than that, though, and opted for the tease instead. “What is your favorite facial feature?”“What?” Just how much did she have to drink?“Point to it and tell me why.”“Uh, okay. Let's see, my ears. I've always thought they were cute, even though I think they are too small for….” She trailed off in mid-explanation when he had attacked the very attribute she was describing. One hand on her neck and the other wrapped around her, pulling her closer, Sesshoumaru traced the curve of her ear lightly with his tongue before taking her lobe into his mouth. Kagome moaned softly and closed her eyes, not caring that they were in public. But before she lost herself to ecstasy he pulled away, tilting her head up to look at him. “Best two out of three?” -------------------------------------------------------------------“D o not be embarrassed, I meant it only as a bit of fun.” “Oh no! Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. It's just….” She sighed. <i>Oh, what the hell?</i> “It's just I was worried that I'd given you the wrong impression of myself.”For the first time in a long time, Sesshoumaru openly laughed. “What's so funny?” Kagome leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “Are you making fun of me?” She tried to look angry but she could tell she wasn't doing a good job by the look on his face.“Of course not,” he finished chuckling and cleared his throat. “It's just I had a really good time with you last night. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever been able to enjoy myself the way I did with you. Please, I would never make fun.”She was skeptical, but decided that given her present situation - eating breakfast in <i>his</i> apartment wearing <i>his</i> clothes - and his admission that he had spent the night on the couch convinced her that he was, in fact, not making fun of her. <i>Maybe he is a really nice guy.</i> “Okay, but that still doesn't explain how and why I got so completely and embarrassingly intoxicated? Was it from losing all those games of pool?” Her cheeks flashed pink, still uncertain of how she ended up at her current destination.“Ah.” He had gotten to <i>that</i> part of the story. “The answer to your question is `no'.”