InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Prologue - Introuduction ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This is another one of those fictions that came into my mind. I may never finish it, but if I don't at least get the chance to start it… all is a lost cause. I fell in-love with the idea behind this one, so sue me. I would appreciate any comments/suggestions that you have on this fiction. This is merely the prologue… so, don't do anything rash in your ratings!
I have dedicated much time to my writing, and thus have as a result, had to cast away (what I am going after as a profession) my art, and design sketches… so, please could you be a little considerate? I know I have a lot of dedicated readers out there, and I want to thank you all! (Read Final A/N)


—S. I.

(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru

"To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master,
walk with the master, see through the master, become the master."

—Japanese Zen Proverb

* * *

He looked out the window with the slightest implication of impatience, as he tapped without contentment at the window pane. The clicking of his nails was becoming unbearable to his secretary, but she wisely held her tongue. “Mr. Heisa… the files you wanted have arrived. The papers and everythi—“ “Thank you. That's enough. You may take your leave now; Miss Shuji… your assistance is no longer required.” She bit her lip, and nodded, as she silently backed out of the room, with a small, polite bow. He wasn't exactly having one of his most pleasant days… his wife had called him again. Something about their daughter.

His wife never seemed to want anything to do with their daughter. He—on the other hand—would give up his arm to be able to spend more time with his little girl. She was the dearest thing he had ever met in his entire life.

His wife was aristocratic; not unlike himself, but... she had come from an exceedingly wealthy, and influential family, and still expected to be treated with as much as would be a princess. Still the message had somehow not gotten through correctly; Daddy isn't taking care of you any longer… it simply didn't register.

She never had wanted children. But, then on the night of a very ridiculous party… they had both become rather influenced by the large amount of punch with a heavy alcohol content… she more affected than he, and he had taken advantage of the apparent situation, in easily subduing his wife into a very wild, and delightful round of intercourse. Thus… had brought his daughter Rin into the world. His wife had complained for months on end, on what the pregnancy would do to her figure, but he had convinced her she would look sexier with larger hips. As much as he tried to convince her, she fought harder against him, and he finally decided to hell with it. She was going to have the baby whether she liked it or not.

He threatened a few times to have her set in cement if she refused to stay put. She had made several disturbing threats to go after an abortion, but he had quickly put a damper over those blasphemous ideas, and threats. He wouldn't have it. His child was growing, and he wouldn't have the process stopped.

What he had received in the end of the long nine month venture through hell, had proven to be the most wonderful result he had ever extracted from any known thing. She was his. All his. Well—half, at least. But, she took after her mother in looks… most definitely.

She had large, beautiful round black eyes, and that wonderful, soft, deep, sepia hair. But… her personality… that was the thing in question. She resembled neither of her two parents. Her temperament was sweet, and kind… caring, and gentle.

His—well, he was a business man. He worked in dealings, and he had to be strict. He had to be firm. Sometimes he had to get dirty. It was all part of the tiresome game that he was continuously playing. But… he played it well, and the whole world knew it.

Her mother—well… she was the very posh, and elegant woman who decided whether you deserved to breathe the precious air of the planet or not. She was a very high qualified designer. She nearly controlled all of the trends across the nation. She was never very kind in her dealings. She wasn't exactly `shrewd', but… she wasn't the fairest person to deal with in business, either.

Thank the gods that their daughter wasn't anything like the either of them. She was an angel sent from heaven, to soothe over the angry earth. Yes… the earth most likely wasn't taking too well to all of these awful, inconsiderate people plaguing it's surface… not giving a damn in hell what happened to another soul. It shouldn't be this way. Nearly every soul knew that; and yet they persisted onward in a never changing perpetual down falling motion that would only in turn lead to the end and demise of them all. It was all a hopeless, lost cause.

Apparently his wife—Shiga, wasn't pleased today with something Rin had done, and had called him in the middle of a very crucial business meeting, and nearly screamed her head off about HIS unruly, hell send of a child. All he could do was to place the phone half heartedly up to the side of his face, and wipe away the perspiration that sprang forth from his face, as other very worthy business competitors stared at him in utter shock… that he would allow his wife such powers as to rail him during such a meeting of importance. He watched through his angry, slants of eyes as the other men here for the meeting talked among themselves in low tones. Oh… he knew what they where all saying… all was now truly focused on him… and it probably wasn't a good thing.

Somewhere this all had to end. The phone calls… the screaming… the complaining. It all had to come to a very abrupt halt. His wife had asked once or twice for a divorce paper, but he had refused. He didn't want his name and picture posted all over the world in such an unworthy manor. No… that wouldn't do at all. Besides… she more than served her wretched purpose. When he came home, he would direct her and her screeching mouth to his bedroom, where he would seal the heavy doors shut, and he would have his way with her until he became content. She had married him… she had made a vow. So did he… and he intended to get whatever there was to be had out of that… whether she approved; or not.

He would come home on occasions to see his precious little girl sitting on the couch, quietly sniffling to herself, as she wiped a few tears with her tiny little fists away from her eyes. He would ask her what was wrong, but… she really didn't tell him the truth all of the time. She would make it seem like nothing had happened… make up some story on how she had fallen, but he could find no bruising. He only suspected that it was due to her mother… she had more likely than not once again cursed at the little child for addressing her as `mother'. She would always snarl at that remark… she always commanded in this way; `It's Miss Shiga!' she would then smack at the child's lips in a rage that her title had been flawed by being the mother to such a precious child as the one that she bore. How the two and two where put together… it is unknown. It simply didn't make sense that something so wonderful, could come from something so vile. He suspected though… it had something to do with himself.

* * *

She wasn't really having the best life imaginable here, working at this Tokyo office building. But… she had received a fair offer for her designs. The woman was less than amiable, but… she would deal with it. That is what she was most capable of doing… dealing. Ms. Shiga Heisa wasn't really a very kind woman… in fact… she was a royal pain in the arse. She occasionally wondered what kind of a guy could be so virtuous—so kind, and angelic—that he could wed himself to such a devil, and have not have already filed for a divorce. She couldn't really see the logic in this guy's actions… but hey, if he had the patience, and was a male… then, if it wasn't a swear on bloody hell—she'd just have to do better!

She had been hired as a designer here, at this fashion, and interior… if you could call it that… place. It was called “Le Arbre Rouge”… from what she could decipher, it meant; “The Red Tree”. She wasn't exactly sure what the significance of that title was, but… as myth had it—there was some. She would create rather different, and mind bending works, from clay, pottery, and other raw materials in one division, and in another—she would create clothing designs that matched odd things that where natural. Things that could be found among the every day walk that one might go on through the country side.

There was something very peaceful about bringing nature, and the elements into clothing design, and materials for other works of art that she just couldn't get enough of. Even if Shiga was the most awful thing hell was yet to create—it was all worth it… at least to her. Ms. Shiga could be ignored. She knew what she was to do, and it wasn't a required element that she need a baby sitter. She would quietly get out her note pad, and clip board… begin making a list of materials that where to be found in certain regions, or rural areas… and then she would imply what it was that could be inspired, or derived from these lists of odds and ends of things.

It was actually her dream job… if there was to be one. Ms. Shiga rather got in her way… to tell the truth, and rarely commented, or interfered. Ms. Shiga hired her, actually. She `approved' of her style… or something to that affect, thus… hiring someone that she believed showed promise to become a success to Le Arbre Rouge. She was more than pleased that someone as influential and important as Ms. Shiga actually could tolerate of her. It gave her this feeling of success… and pride that she only thought could be achieved through having a pleasant boss… but rather… she found she liked the rudeness… the anger… the disgust… the attitude of superiority. It was all because when you won out against all of that… ah, victory was even sweeter than she could think it possible!

It was a funny thing, life.

Once it leads you somewhere, the road can sometimes look dull, and gray. Ah… but once the sun begins to shine brighter upon it, you re-think through all of your assumptions, and begin to look for that spark of hope that is always there… just lying in wait to be kindled.

If life wasn't meant to be her best friend… then, so what! She would become best friends with nature! Nature always seemed to hold that edge over life! Like before stated… she knew how to deal when necessary. She could deal rough, and mean… or she could deal sweetly, and pleasantly. She could use that edge of seduction when necessary… and she knew when to draw back, before any trouble occurred. Through all of her life, she had still remained with her virginity. She would never stoop as low as to use that element… but, still… she knew how to get what she wanted, and wasn't afraid of the consequences. There was no need to be. She never allowed anything to get to the point where it would be necessary to be afraid of such.

Ms. Shiga had come into the studio one day complaining about her brazen child. She couldn't possibly sort out what the child was like. Ms. Shiga was constantly speaking of how her husband held the child up on a pedestal like a god. If her husband was such an angel himself—which was the only option, if you where to be wed to Ms. Shiga—then, the child surely couldn't be brazen, now could it be?

She had heard Shiga on the phone speaking of the child in harsh terms, and the occasional sigh that come over the other end of the line. She only wished that Shiga would turn down the volume on her phone… she could hear the sighs of the other speaker very distinctly, and after a while, came to the conclusion… on the other line was Shiga's husband. He was sighing… sighing as if both saddened, and distressed. She frowned, and approached the angered woman who nearly tossed her phone across the studio hall. “Um… Ms. Shiga… I know it's probably none of my business… but, what exactly is the matter with your child?” Shiga glared at her as if she was the very devil himself. “Miss Higurashi… I insist that you refrain yourself from speaking on matters that do not involve you, nor concern you. Ah, and furthermore… anything that doesn't contain the topic of your work. If otherwise noted, I shall see that you are removed from your job position. I can so easily fire you that you would be amazed, and wonder what had happened in the matter of a split second. Am I understood?” She nodded quietly, lowering her head.

What she needs… is anger management…

At exactly five O'clock, she picked up all of her tools, and other supplies… slipping them all into her big foam green canvas bag along with her note book, and clip board, and ventured down the elevator, and out from the towering art studio. The place she had been so fortunate as to venture upon… yet, so cursed all the same. It was an odd situation. She smiled none the less, with a shake of her head. It was all tolerable. Everything was tolerable.

As usual, she would find a way to deal… regardless of the situation.

* * *

End Of Prologue…

2,252 Words…

A/N: The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews…
you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.

This fiction is my baby. I dream on it! -_^

Ai, Shizuka
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