InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Chapter One - Engaged In An Unexpected Situation ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A funny thing… but something I have done in purpose… `Heisa' means; `Unsociable' and `Shiga' means; `Uncaring'… or, `Heedless'. It's something I did for fun. The names pretty much describe the character personalities, eh?
I thought you all just might enjoy that tidbit! Ah, and also… what I can get out of the name `Higurashi'… eh, the closest thing I can find to relate to that means lit. `Twilight Reed'. I am not sure of how well that translation went… I am part MONGOLIAN! Not Japanese here… so, I am not really the expert. Um… yeah. That's the tidbit here for today! —Enjoy! -_^


(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru
Chapter One

“Seito says; `I am very discouraged, what should I do?'
Sensei says; `encourage others'.”

—Japanese Zen Proverb

* * *

An early morning phone call shook the happily dreaming girl from the warm encompassment of her overly pillow adorned bed of fluff. She lazily smacked her hand on the phone, and brought it to her ear. She groaned a bit. For heaven's sake! It was 4:00 A.M.! What kind of an asinine idiot would be calling at such an early hour?! She glared at the offensive object composed from metal, and plastics. This better be good… “What the hell do you want?!” She hissed into the receiver.

“Well, Miss Higurashi… it would appear you are not entirely cautious about how you address the current standings of your job position. If it does house any real meaning to you, however—I suggest that you learn how to address your BOSS. Now… ahem… where was I? Ah, oh yes. Kagome, I need you to do me a favor as to which I am willing to pay a decent amount. Now… I need you to agree beforehand of what I am going to tell you, as opposed to otherwise. Do you accept these terms?” Asked an impatient voice on the other end of the line. Kagome waved her hand carelessly. She was groggy in the morning, and had a difficult time deciphering any of the babbling nonsense. At first, she thought she heard something about her job, and had to suppress the oncoming snore that almost escaped her.

Ah… what? Money… get paid a fair amount… yeah, yeah… whatever. Sure, fine.

These terms seemed descent enough. Whatever they where. “Sure. Whatever. Anything you say.” She nearly yawned into the phone… once again, as she rubbed her sleepy eyes with one rather clumsy, balled up fist. “Ah, excellent! I need you to be here at my home by exactly Nine O'clock P.M., as I will be attending a meeting, and an over weekend trip to New York, in the United States. I will be gone around five days, and I need you to watch my daughter Rin. There is no way on hell I can, and my Husband refuses to allow a baby sitter, or a nanny attend her. I am terribly screwed there. I thought, at the aspect of how you value your job, and income and all… you would be a fairly suitable option. I will pay you exactly ¥2,000 to you per day. I will, eh… never mind. Sesshoumaru—er, I mean, my husband can do all that. He is the one who is so damn concerned about the girl anyhow. Just… be there at Nine O'clock tomorrow night… bring enough clothes for a week as well. You'll need them, because you'll be staying in the guest quarters. Sesshoumaru says he can't have Rin staying at home by herself at night time…”

All Kagome could hear was the ridiculous ranting of a voice that sounded vaguely—and unpleasantly familiar. Yeah… sure. Your house… Nine O'clock. ¥2,000. Not an entirely bad deal… whatever. Needs sleep… yawn… go away. She then wobbily moved an uncaring hand to set the phone back down onto the receiver. Totally unaware, and unconcerned with everything that had just occurred. She was going back to sleep, and whoever that was can just forget about calling her back again… she had work to go to all too soon, and she would need every last minute of the heaven of dreams that she could get!

She then slowly turned her face back into one of her many overly-plump pillows, and covered her head with another. For some reason, she kept on thinking to herself that there was something she had just committed to… but, she brushed it off. Nah… what would I commit to? And with that last fleeting thought, she once again drifted off to a peaceful, happy slumber that would take her to a more pleasant 6:00 A.M. time frame. Then, she would have to work herself from her bed… making best sure to arrive at the studio by Seven O'clock A.M. sharp. If not… Oi. It was a bad thought. Ms. Shiga most likely wouldn't take too well to the whole thing. She had only had this job a little over two months, and she wasn't about to get fired!

Thoughts… tireless, obnoxious thoughts began to run through her mind. Her body was ever so drowsy, but her mind was restless. It was no use. That damn phone call had just aroused her from her peaceful slumber, and taken away her peace of mind. Well… she thought …whoever that was is going to get a PIECE OF MY MIND! She growled angrily as she stood as though she was drunk. Off the side of her bed. She rubbed the sleep away from her eyes, and snatched her towel from the back of her door. Time to get up… I suppose. The gave it all a half hearted thought. There was truly nothing of great interest involved in awaking… but, the new client she had was from a very prominent magazine that went international, and was not just stationed in Japan, but also in New York City, and Los Angeles. It had another stationing in Paris, and One in London… if memory served her this very fine morning.

Yes… the magazine `little people' had been bugging her fro some time, to get an interview. They where all very much interested in her unique designs, and centerpieces in interior, and contemporary art forms that she had plunged head first into.

Her art was the one thing that she could say that she truly was enthusiastic about every day. Now, Ms. Shiga was an altogether different matter… for some reason though, a thought seemed to have it's self grounded in her mind that there was something she was supposed to do for Shiga upon this day, but… whatever it was, she couldn't rightly put her finger on. Oh well... I guess I will just have to ask the cranky pants myself later on. She wasn't really interested in the task, but… to have a sound conscience, it seemed to be somewhat required of her to understand all, or else have the eternally nagging prospect of being in the dark on something. I cannot cope with that, I am afraid… Having something that she could not understand prancing about in her weary mind soon tore at her so well contained nerves, that she could barely concentrate on more pressing matters.

She laughed to herself in a mocking way… I must be part Kitsune… or, at least you could think that. Her curiosity truly did get the better of her at times… along with her being rather cunning in how to draw out the facts. Some said she truly should be a journalist… she would indeed be able to dig deep into the souls of all she was appointed to. Pulling out all of their best guarded, and most carefully concealed secrets. Delicious. That truly might be a worthy profession. Hn, well… at least it would be one she could enjoy.

She kicked off her slippers before entering her bathing room, and turned on the shower, content that it was steaming… giving a rather descent indication that she would not end up flying out of the shower, to avoid the painful chill of the ice like water. Yes… that had once happened. Never to occur again. Nya-uh.

She sighed as she stripped herself, and then climbed into the soothing steamy mist. Ah… with a clear mind, and clean skin… she just might be able to survive yet another day! This thought alone was rather uplifting, and she soon began to let fade the upsetting knowledge, and realization that she had been awoken two hours before normal. That was beauty sleep time! She hissed at the thought. I needed that extra two hours… I needed my beauty sleep. Pulling into the shower a small hand mirror, she rubbed away some of the condensation long enough to get a glimpse of her wet face. “Ah!” She jumped upon seeing her reflection. How could I have forgotten to take off my makeup? She asked herself in confusion, as in reference to the long black streaks and smudges of dripping mascara and eye liner that where running down her cheeks… rather looking like she had gotten caught up in a brawl… all fists welcome, or something of the sort.

She quickly grabbed a wash cloth, and some facial soap, scrubbing away at the offensive application of the black ink-like substance. Another day of hell…

* * *

“What do you mean you are `leaving her with a suitable person'?! I absolutely forbid you to leave her with someone unworthy! You understand this, Shiga?!” Came an angry growl, directed at a very perturbed looking woman who was dressed in long, black pants with deep plum pinstripes, and a matching blazer adorned by a single pink flower pinned to the folded collar cuff. “I am aware, or your—`conditions', as you call them. Kagome Higurashi is a very suitable young woman. She is a rather subtle, and is a bit of a nobody… although, supposedly from what I gather, she is to be interviewed by Global Design. It is rather irksome, but… like I have said; she is my most dedicated, and most consistent designer. I couldn't replace her if I tried. I can assure you, she will be more than fine. I have offered her ¥2,000. I am sure she won't disappoint you. You can interview her yourself tonight, if you wish. I have to go. She will be here at exactly Nine O'clock tonight, and I will remind her when I am on my flight. Understood?” He growled low in his throat. There was just something he didn't approve of in the idea of having someone from his wife's studio coming to be the caretaker of his daughter… especially not one that she approved of. That could be dangerous.

“Who shall take care of her at night? Are you not thinking properly, woman! I cannot have my daughter left at home alone during the night hours! Are you insane? Do you have any idea what she is worth to someone whom might be interested in the aspect of a ransom?!” Shiga sighed. “Yes, Sesshoumaru. I have already thought all of your obnoxious little dilemmas through. Miss Higurashi will be staying here permanently—that does refer to all daytime, and nighttime hours—for the while that I am gone. Is that understood? Does that make sense to your over protective mind?!” She asked with sheer mockery as her backdrop.

He glared dangerously at the incredulous woman before him… wondering just how he had ever wound up marrying her. “Hn.” “Fine. Then be happy while I am gone.” She retorted, as she spun childishly on her heel, and positioned her nose high, and erect into the air. Oh… you have no idea what so ever of just HOW happy I will be while you are gone, dearest. He thought to himself smugly. That woman presented a bigger pain in the arse than the most skilled jabs of a dagger to that vicinity could provide. She was rude, obnoxious, and held absolutely no concern for her daughter. A child she deemed as a `mistake'. Bitch. The child was a blessing from the gods above! She is the most gleeful, happy, and adorable—not to mention brilliant—child he had ever seen, or come in contact with. Every one that had the god-given honor of meeting her, simply fell smitten. He couldn't have a child he was more pleased with. She spoke five different languages fluently, was about two grades above average for her age, and her intelligence sometimes had the teachers, and professors stunned beyond words.

Ah, yes. She made him very happy indeed.

Now, he was presented with the very thought of leaving his precious little angel in the care of some odd nature obsessed designer, or… something like that. Nature obsessed… hn, was that it? It sounded somewhat like her description… incorporating landscapes into interior furnishings, art pieces, and clothing? That indeed sounded obsesses… but, who is to say, really? He would indeed be very observant, and inquisitive when she came here. He would make her interview very nerve-wrecking. He smiled to himself in a sadistic way. Yes… now that Shiga was leaving… it was time for him to loosen-up, and have some fun… even at the cost of this person he would have to put up with dwelling in his sanctuary. Well… while she had to be here, she would be his entertainment, or amusement. Whichever he preferred—ah, that was IF she passed his `test'. He smiled to himself pleased with his decision in what to do.

Shiga be gone… I won't be missing you—that much anyway.

* * *

She walked with purpose in her stride, as she entered the studio. Holding her head high, and erect she felt as though today would be a grand success. No matter what the specifications, or situations would provide, she would do what she did best. Deal. Yes… she would always deal. If nothing else served that would. It seemed to be her saving grace, as you might put it. It made life bearable. She smiled, as she noticed the photographer Houjo giving her a wink. Lately he had been asking her to go out a lot… but, she simply couldn't justify it. She had already been turning down another very persistent male; Kouga, who had so much as already claimed her. She nearly quit the job when that happened… but, the pay check was simply too good to pass up. Also… the incredible level of status you received from working here at Le Arbre Rouge was almost as much as a celebrity. She would often find people such as newspaper photographers, or reporters following her around town as she left the studio every evening. Sometimes in the matter of only the next day, she would find a small story, or paragraph on what her days where consisted of, described ever so pleasantly in the paper.

She would laugh faintly at the ignorance that was behind all of these words. What they really needed to do was to follow Ms. Shiga around for a long while. THEN they might get a true insight on what she had to deal with every single solitary day. It was hell, if hell ever decided to make it's home here on earth. Hell with all of the luxuries of fame… including the oversized pay check that held her nearly captive.

She couldn't help but wonder at the strange feeling was that she had… something that told her of a forgotten task… funny. Ah! Then she caught a glimpse of a very lovely looking Ms. Shiga, who was sporting a rather offensive looking attitude. If only the woman could be pleasant! She had all of the bodily build of a supermodel. Her face was symmetrical right down to the very last detail, and she held a very captivating beauty that was difficult not to envy. Ah, but… indeed, it was her demeanor that was so highly offensive, and disgusting. She was like a dragon at times… her words would come off her tongue like the singeing flames of the acidic fire from her breath. It was repulsive. But… she seemed to be in better sorts than she had been on previous days, so Kagome decided it couldn't be too dangerous to ask…

She walked a little less boldly, as to look `humble' before her boss, who was deemed the empress of the art world… or at least this studio. Silently speaking words of encouragement to herself, she approached. “Um… excuse me, Ms. Shiga… was there something in particular I was supposed to do? I scarcely remember something… but, the details are all vague. Please forgive me, on such a short notice, and I know you are going on a trip and all but—“ She was cut short by a rather pleasant Shiga; “Oh! Miss Higurashi, why… um, I can't think of anything much. I have to leave soon, and I trust you will take good care of the girl. Her father will kill you if you don't. Ah.. here are the directions to my home, and you are to stay in the guest room. I will be getting back on two days early of same day next week, and then I shall relieve you of Rin. Um… yes. Upon my arrival back here I shall see that you are paid in accordance to the ¥14,000 that I shall owe you. I am aware that this is only for five days, but… the child is a hell spawn, and her father has agreed to allow you an interview. In all of bloody hell, that is the closest he has ever allowed anyone to even come near to caretaking Rin. So… to me, it is more than worth it.

Kagome was speechless. I have agreed to baby sit her daughter?! She was in inner turmoil. She wanted to badly to do the magazine interview, and it was on Monday! Today being Friday, she knew good and well that she would miss her interview. “Am I to be allowed to come to work with the child?” She asked, slightly confused. Shiga looked at her as if she where insane. “HELL NO! You have to stay put there all week. Sorry… it's what her father demands. He is a real jackass sometimes, so ignore it. It's easy enough.” She said with a wave of one hand, as she snatched up a piece of paper she had been writing her address, and phone number down on, before thrusting it to Kagome.

“Uh… yeah.” Kagome said, nervously. “Hn… oh, and one other thing; make sure that you are there to the VERY MINUTE of Nine O'clock. He will make it very difficult on you for your interview if you do not. He enjoys tormenting all of my intended child care takers. Urgh! Ahem… now, did you bring your clothes you? If not, I shall allow you to return to your home an hour early so that you may prepare. Is that understood?” Kagome nodded dumbly. She couldn't believe what she had gotten herself into! Why do I have to be so groggy in the mornings? She wailed to herself inside, all the while keeping on a positive grin, as to fool the very amiable mood stricken Ms. Shiga. Today was a red letter day. The goddess of hell was finally having a pleasant day, and for the likes of no one, was she going to spoil such a precious thing!

Kagome looked at the piece of paper and frowned. They live on the same side of Tokyo as I do… and not but three blocks away. Hmm… how ironic. Well, looks like I get a little relaxation time when I get off work, seeing as I get to leave an hour early and there is clearly no rush. She smiled to herself. Perhaps today wasn't that bad after all. Well… perhaps lucky for her. Dealing wasn't going to be that much of a challenge upon this fine day. Her boss was happy in her own bizarre way, she was getting paid relaxation time… practice on taking care of children so that when the time came for her to settle down and have her own, she would be more than prepared—and, if by the odd chance she might allow Kouga to go through with his persistent advances, it might not be too far off.

She smiled, as she nodded to Ms. Shiga, slipping the piece of paper quietly into her pocket, as she prepared herself for her work, getting out the contents of her foam green canvas bag, and once again setting out to finish her sketches. These particular sketches where of the new piece of home décor that she had been so divinely inspired as to create. It would be a replica of sorts, of a very interesting looking seaside mountain with some other interesting features. This was to be constructed entirely of colored, blown glass. It would be gorgeous. In height it would be around three feet tall. In width, it would be around one foot, and eight inches. It was to be something that might be adorning a glass coffee table in the middle of a room. It would look exquisite, and expensive beyond reason, while being a descent price, and not outrageous, or ridiculously ranged in the cost.

It was entirely her own composure of thoughts complied into a masterpiece. Ms. Shiga had been smitten with the design, and had it published as the featured item in Le Arbre Rouge Magazine. Kagome couldn't have been more pleased… well, er… actually, if they would have called her `Kagome', rather than `Miss Higurashi'… yeah, it was perfect. Calling her `Miss Higurashi' she assumed made people think she was relatively old, and a rather large turn off to the majority of the male population… ah, but alas, she had Kouga, and Houjo! Saved… She thought darkly. It wasn't really a comfort to have no one but an art photographer, and a computer technician be falling for you. No… in all truth, she wished rather that no one be interested in her rather than the two buffoons that where nearly drooling all over her the moment she walked by. She could have sworn that somehow they had sources telling them of every position she took while within the building. They always seemed to know just the place where she had retreated to. How ironic. Indeed.

It was a rather pleasant day for the most part, and when she saw the time, she realized that it was time for her to leave, save the hour.

She gleefully placed her items back into her foam green bag, and pulled her car keys from her purse. It was time for enjoyment, relaxation, and then another job interview that she would pass for sure. She knew how to get what she wanted. Even from `jackasses' as Shiga so kindly put it. This Sesshoumaru Heisa seemed to be a rather angelic type, to marry Shiga. But, then again… today she had seen that Shiga is rather beautiful, and pleasant when in a good mood, or if something has pleased her by chance. Perhaps all along, it was Shiga who was the angel, and her husband who was the one in the wrong. Perhaps her child really was the hell spawn she deemed her to be. Tonight would be a night of many revelations. Both exciting, and depressing. A whole week, in an unknown situation with too much conscience to be able to leave a child—no matter how obstinate—alone while there was no caretaker for the poor little thing. She would miss her interview, and yet that presented another problem… but, she told herself the one thing that could get her through all trials…

Deal with it…

She opened her car doors, and threw the bag into the passenger seat, as she walked around to get into her driving side.

She smiled as she saw the door of her welcoming home. She lived in the upper society parts of Tokyo city, and was pleased to no end. This signified accomplishment, success, and rank among society. Her house was large, and very elaborate. It had taken her a good while to be able to afford such an exquisite place, but… once into it, she did everything within her power to keep it that way. It started out as a rental piece, but she eventually fell in love with it. After her fist month of working as Le Arbre Rouge, she was able to afford the tremendously expensive property, and purchased it on the spot. She felt that she had never made such a good decision in all her life as that one. She was constantly pleased with the result of it, and was always bringing home her designs to adorn, and decorate her home. Her home was lavishly furnished, with several ancient artifacts, and traditional pieces from her grandfather who wouldn't allow anything less, and also some other things she had found here and there at shops and studios that suited her fancy.

It was all about the quality, and the originality, she'd say. If something was unique, and she found it—you could most likely visit that piece, somewhere happily situated in her home. She collected many different blown glass pieces. Among her favorites was one of a crane. It was white blown glass with a beautiful blue swirled into it on the tips of the wings. She had this masterpiece in her living room, while most of the traditional pieces where all centered in her formal dining room, where the low cherry wood table, and the gold, tasseled cushions with the elegant embroidered roses, and the fine china dining ware… and the glass chopsticks—yes—glass chopsticks—all where set out, as in waiting for a very fine dinner party.

It made her smile every time she walked through her door. The deep, heavenly scent of the Sakura perfume that lingered on all of the furniture pieces made her nearly dance. It cleared away her nausea and headache if there was ever to be one (which we all know good and well that there was, and the circumstances pertaining…) in almost an instant.

Her clothes all seemed to absorb this scent as well, making it very distinct. Yes… distinctly her own. It was a very heavy scent, but one she was not willing to part with. It was on all of the ancient furniture, and she assumed that it was something in the oil used to preserve the table. How clever. Preserving wood with the natural oils, and perfume of it's flower.

In her bedroom, she of course had the overly plush, and decked out bed, with all of the embellishments, and essentials. Also, including a lavender stuffed round neck pillow. Her bed was made of dark cherry wood, and had an elegant carving to it of swirls and a few flowers with five petals and center stems protruding forth. It was really very elegant. Her bedding consisted of very airy white, and the lightest blush of pink, and a very soothing sage green in the details of leaves here and there on the pattern print. She had designed this all by herself before getting the position she currently held at Le Arbre Rouge. It was her passion. Something she had poured time, and inspiration into. She had a matching dress mirror, and a mannequin bodice that she would use to design clothing on. It had it's usual cream coloured body, and an elegant brass stand.

A vase of dried roses where on her deep cherry wood chest (the vase being of a white and red blown glass with a delicate hand painting gracing the edges), as did another on her dresser, that was positioned below another very gorgeous deep cherry wood frosted edged glass mirror.

The lights of the bed coverings contrasted beautifully with the deep cherry wood of the furniture. A large window allowed a breathtaking view of the city, as her home was positioned on a rather high point of the city, and at night it would allow for a very desirable view of all the glistening lights. Many trees surrounded her home, as it was one of the older, restored historic homes of the section, still having that flair of the traditional architecture with the wood floors. In her room, there was a bamboo, and white canvas clothed tatami mat. Her big traditional break through in there. All else could be considered as Victorian.

She sighed contentedly as she threw herself backwards onto her plush bed, and took a gaze at the lights… just a moment she told herself, before she closed the lovely sheer, white curtains and turned on a lamp to prepare herself for her one week insight onto the life that had been a mystery for some now 60 days time, add or take a few days.

She pulled out a duffel bag from the chest at the end of her bed, being mindful to move the vase, and the blanket that where draped on it's surface, and then began the task of choosing clothing. If the occasion should arise that during the week it became necessary, she packed in her favorite black evening dress, and a pair of rather high heeled black shoes with a few gemstones studded onto the ankle piece that would wrap elegantly around her feet. She shook her head. Probably wouldn't use it, but… what the…

Everything else she packed was average… the essentials. All consisting mainly of jeans, beige khaki, a few skirts, and corresponding shirts. With everything intact, and ready to go, she looked at her clock. Eight-twenty seven… plenty of time. She rushed off to take a shower, and then hopped back out to dress herself, and make sure her makeup was applied properly. No mascara… no eyeliner. She didn't like the results of washing it off, considering she still could see faint traces of the black smudge under her eyes, making her look slightly tired. She applied a bit of pale pink foundation there, trying co conceal her little secret.

With a relieved sigh, she appraised her appearance. Not too bad… She complimented herself as she took a few spins in her mirror. With that, she grasped onto the handle of her bag, and rushed down the stairs. She grabbed her keys, locked her door, and blew a kiss to her wonderful house. Hopping into her car she dared not look behind, lest regret fill her… if only for a week. For her the road to life was the road ahead.

Three blocks later she came to a rather massive, and very modern looking mansion. That was simply the only thing you could call it. She nervously parked her car, grabbed her bag, and approached the door. Little did she know what would await her on the other side.

* * *

End Of Chapter One…

5,028 Words…

Well… there was the first chapter! I crammed a whole lot into that one, I do believe.
Scary huh?—especially for me! Now… you remember what you read on chapter one, in the A/N??

If not, here is a recap;

The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews…
you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.

So, there you go! It's up to you!! Next update scheduled for next week.
If I don't get at least one review, then you will wait two to three weeks.

Until Next Time!

Ai, Shizuka
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