InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Chapter Two - A Battle Of Wits And Advances ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Alright… so I have updated. This chapter is an immediate pick up from where it was left off. I always do that though! This will be discussing the issues of `Sesshoumaru's little interview'. He has still yet to meet Kagome, and because Shiga approves of her… it doesn't really do anything for him in general. I mean… why would he believe his wife, right? Well… we might find out some good reasons for him to yet! Shiga can be a royal pain in the arse at times… this is indeed true… but, what is her character really like? Well… that will have to wait for another chapter, but meanwhile… read and enjoy!

(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru
Chapter Two

"All conditioned things are impermanent; be a lamp unto yourself."

—Buddha's Last Words

* * *

Taking a bold step forward, and an equal breath to match that, she knocked lightly on the door. Sigh… what have I gotten myself into? This place is huge! She mentally whined to herself. Nothing. She couldn't hear any approaching footsteps, or even the faintest sound behind the heavy wooden door. Oh! Come on Kagome! You can knock harder than that! Come on! Be brave! Argh! She set a determined look on her face, and cleared her throat. She stood her back straight, and pounded on the door, as she made resolve to enter. Um… you know what… I wonder if perhaps he is gone? Oh well… how sad. Hn, well… I'll be off! Just as her thoughts of fleeing from the current situation she had foolishly enlisted herself into, a breeze swept across her legs as the door shifted, swinging wide open. She stopped on her heel, and slowly turned to look the lord of doom in the face… Oh gods…

There he stood…

His hair the most beautiful, pure color of white she had ever seen. She was certain that he couldn't be any more than into his early, to mid twenties… but that hair. It had a sheen of he most elegant platinum. That wasn't all though—his eyes as well where remarkable in their own way. They where like molten gold, that had been purified through the most intense of flames. His gaze was deep, and transfixing. The edges of his irises where a much darker shade in almost like that of a coppery tone but that was only in the fine ring around the iris of his eyes. The center was a pure, lighter color… that incredible molten glassy gold… Sigh… he's gorgeous. And taken. Wait… what am I doing here? Why is he staring at me like that? Oh gods… am I staring at him?! Kagome gulped as she noticed that he was stretched out lazily inside the doorframe, bracing himself there with his hands grasping the sides. He looked utterly unimpressed, and rather bored.

Kagome nearly growled at him. He looked so arrogant. Perhaps Shiga was right after all? No wonder the poor woman was always so grouchy! Oh gods… what about the child?! Would she be even worse?! According to Shiga she was, and right now… her word was seemingly very accurate, and promising. How tragic. Poor woman. Had she not heard of the wonders of a divorce document? Hn. It was all very intriguing. Shiga must be a saint sent down from the divine. So… this was her husband. The man that was currently clearing his throat. The one that was looking at her eerily. The one that was speaking to her. The one that said; “Miss Higurashi… if you would kindly quit staring, then perhaps I can begin your interview. If you pass, then I shall show you to your room. MISS HIGURASHI!” Kagome shook her head. “What?” He sighed, seemingly distraught. “Miss Higurashi… would you please come in?” He said, faking pleasantness.

Kagome looked at him through appraising eyes. So… he thinks I am interested, eh? Well. I am not. Well… okay, maybe I am a bit… but that is thoroughly out of the question. Besides the fact, I do not intend on being interested in impossible men. Humph! She nodded her head, separating her thoughts from her actions. It was time to deal.

She gently lifted her bag from the step that she had placed it on, and followed his direction to enter the large, modern building. As she walked inside, she raised her head, to absorb everything that she could. The entry way was massive, and immediately it led your gaze toward a very lovely looking seating area, where she noticed that there was a large, square shaped coffee table that had moving water within two pieces of glass. She smiled. So, he liked glass and water art too? Or, perhaps it was Shiga. Regardless… it was lovely, and it quite suited her tastes. She took a look back at the cold expression on Mr. Heisa's face, and shrugged. No… it couldn't be him who was interested. Urgh. Thinking that he might actually like anything was rather frightening, as a matter-of-fact. Shivers…

He sighed, as he closed the door, and looked at the highly questionable creature before him. Oh Gods… why all the curses! Why did you have to send me this? As if my life isn't already complicated enough! Then, you send me her! Ngh… Well… things could always improve… right? Of course they could! He cast her an awkward glance, and realized that she was looking at his coffee table, and frowning as if disgusted. He groaned inside. Not another one of those women that are against that coffee table… It seemed that both this girl and his wife where alike. Just his luck. No wonder Shiga chose her with such confidence! They where clones! Ack! He felt a strange notion however, that this was far from the truth. With a sigh, he decided the interview would start. He smiled to himself. This was going to be rather amusing… if she proved to be at all like his wife.

* * *

Kagome seated herself on the luxurious sofa that was seated across from another… one that held currently Sesshoumaru. The angelic looking devil himself was smirking as it appeared, and looked as if he where planning something mischievous within his strange mind. She felt tiny prickling sensations crawl over her skin, in a nervous like manor. She shrugged it off. She would pass. There was no one that could stop her from succeeding this ridiculous cross examination that Sesshoumaru Heisa would undoubtedly try to pin her down with. Ha! She was an expert at words, and getting what she wanted. She could not fail!

Unconsciously she glared at him… that awful man, that portrayed himself as an angel. Ho ho—she saw right through that! All that gorgeousness was merely a mask to hide the evil. Yes, that was it. He was in truth an awful man, who most likely had an awful child. She would deal with them both, as soon as the passed this absurd little father check over thing. She was more than suitable, as well as responsible. She had to constantly watch her younger brother as she was growing up, and was well accustomed to the ways of children. She had been a well seasoned baby sitter. So… what was so damn special about this little girl that her father seemed to be ridiculously particular of whom her caretaker might be like? It was all rather aggravating, but at the last minute, she managed to conceal all of these inflamed feelings, and emotions with a simple smile that crossed her face, exposing her bright, toothy smile. Well then… on with the test!

Sesshoumaru looked closely at her. What on earth could she be smiling about? Eh… find out soon enough, he guessed. She appeared pleasant enough. She wasn't one of those low class lookers… but then again, she did work at Le Arbre Rouge. They really wouldn't allow that type person in anyway. She was disciplined, that had to be a definite for the fact that she was a top designer there. So… her faults… what might they be? Ah. For one; her gawking. He was certain that she had most likely looked at his hair for an entire five minutes. So what if he had long, platinum white hair? That was his business. He really didn't have much choice in his hair coloring… so, what did it matter? Did she have a problem with it, or something? He began to feel rather agitated. Now he was feeling self conscious! This isn't the way things where supposed to go!

His mind snapped back to business once again. Her

She was sitting politely with that over exuberant smile on, simply waiting for him to say something, and he knew it. The thing that bothered him the most though, was that she was smiling about it. Just what did she have planned up her sleeve? It surely must have been something she thought rather good, simply judging from the look of glee on her face. Urgh. This wasn't really going as he had planned, and worst of all… he hadn't even begun yet. He decided to mess with her a bit… figuring she most likely needed it, more than anything.

“Miss Higurashi… I need to know of your qualifications, so that I can be assured that you will take only the best care of my daughter. Therefore, I must be certain that to leave her with you would be leaving her in the best hands. I assume that you understand this, am I correct?” She nodded, slightly taken back a minute. She had not really expected so many words to come all out at once. Obviously he had been thinking out just how he would word that. Damn. She hadn't really expected him to be that type. Well… time to deal, once again. “Now… I am going to ask you a few things, pertaining to your person. At what age are you as of current?” She placed the smile back on her face, and leaned forward slightly. She was undoubtedly trying to make herself look more important, and confident. Ngh.

“I am nineteen years old, but my birthday is at the end of next week… to be exact, Mr. Heisa.” She said without so much as flinching. He looked at her with masked astonishment. He was careful not to allow her to see this, however. She is only Nineteen? How safe can that be? A Designer of such a standing… Nineteen, and working at Le Arbre Rouge? Impressive, I must admit. No… wait, I do not have to admit any such thing. On with the questioning... “Hn. Now, Miss Higurashi, do you have any siblings, and at what age are they—if in existence?” Kagome smiled a little brighter. Oh yes… she had a sibling all right. This might just be the door that leads the way! Aha!

“Yes, thank you for asking, Mr. Heisa. I have one brother, and he is fourteen years old. There is five years difference between our ages, approximately.” He raised an eyebrow. That was all very well, but did she have any real experience in watching children? “Have you ever been left alone to watch him for a period of time, Miss Higurashi?” Again… that obnoxious, beautiful smile was on her face. “Why, yes Mr. Heisa. I was left at home with him for two weeks last month, after I had purchased my home. He stayed with me, and got along rather well. He lived after it, so… I guess that meant I took rather good care of him, or… at least I hope so. You can ask him though, if you have doubts.” He nearly snickered at her pathetic way of trying to make a joke. Although… she does have a rather pleasing sense of humor…

“Hn. I might do that. Now, another thing… are you capable of preparing meals, and are you punctual?” She smiled a little brighter… if that was possible. “Yes sir, I can prepare meals, and quite well. I can cook both in traditional, and in European cuisine. I haven't graduated from a cooking academy, if you must… but, I have cooked a good many meals for important conference dinners concerning Le Arbre Rouge. I didn't get any complaints from the guests, nor Ms. Heisa, so I assume it safe to say, I cam cook, sir. And as far as punctuality, I am awake every day at Six O'clock A.M. at usual, but sometimes I allow myself to Six-Thirty. I am at the studio every day by exactly Seven O'clock, to the minute, and I am in Ms. Heisa's office in the same. I hope that answers that particular question to your preferences, Mr. Heisa.” He paused a moment. He could have sworn that she was mocking him… but, he allowed it to go unnoticed. He wouldn't allow her to think she had achieved a victory over himself. No… no indeed.

Now… this was for the final question. He would need something brilliant… something embarrassing to ask her… something that he would come out with on the upper hand… something to amuse himself with until the end of eternity… something… ah! Perfect!

“Miss Higurashi… do you find me desirable, or do you stare at all men in such a manor?” He asked in an entirely innocent tone of voice. Kagome was finding it hard to find hers. She began to open her mouth, shock and embarrassment washing away all mirth from her face, but only had it part way open, mouthing out nonsensical words only to slam it shut in defeat. He had thoroughly won out. Or had he? A devious smile crept across her face.

He had been secretly smiling to himself on his victory over the wench, and congratulating himself on his collective mind, that was able to find tiny little pieces, and pricks among the mass. How lucky. Now he had utterly won out against her! Ha! He simply reveled in the reaction that came across her shocked mind. He also began to adore the way her face would light up, so resembling a tomato with a light bulb planted in the center.

But… when he saw that smile… his suddenly dropped.

“Mr. Heisa…” she slowly spoke, lowering her voice in a most unusual way… “…Do you find it appropriate to be seeking after the admiration of young women, especially one such as myself… let alone to the fact that you are obviously tied by law to another?” She said, casting a casual glance in the direction of his hand that wore the golden ceremonial ring. He blinked a few times… That was good… But he too smiled. “What does it matter to you, in this case Ms. Higurashi, for if I am willing to give you what you desire of, then who is to complain?” He smiled sarcastically… ever so slightly. She laughed in the inner portions of her mind. That was a foolish comment. I have plenty defenses against that one… such as; “Well, Mr. Heisa… let's simply regard it in this manor. I do not find married men of interest, as number one, and nor would I be as dishonorable as to partake in such a liaison such as that might provide. Tempting or not, I do have my morals. You can count that as number two.” She smiled as if she had conquered the world.

He sighed to himself.

Her comment had truthfully been a worthy one. By saying she still had her morals intact, was implying that he, being the one to mention such a thing, was perhaps the one lacking in them. Beautifully done. Perhaps this little nuisance wouldn't be so bad after all? Besides the fact, that in truth Rin really was in need of someone to look over her, and Shiga taking her to the studio, only to be watched by some Transylvanian, or worse… that really wasn't all that enticing, in comparison to the offering he had in front of him now. No… she had passed. Even after his humiliating comments to her, and in the end… she had won over him.

He would allow her this one victory. Just to be nice.

He decided right then and there that for him to gain any victory from this battle, he must not show her the least bit of his inner reaction. The mask was in place. “Very well Miss Higurashi. You have proven your point across now. Now I can be confident that you are not going to be a bad influence to my daughter. I am glad to see you are not the seductress type. I would not allow such to as much as enter my door. Is this thoroughly understood?” Kagome was surprised to say the least. Here she had just won a battle, while Sesshoumaru Heisa is nearly asking her to have sex with him, and then come to find out it was all merely a test? Something to prick at her nerves? And the look on his face! How infuriating! He was acting like he had never even said anything! The nerve!

“I will allow you to meet my daughter now.” He spoke in brief words, as he disappeared past a long, deep wall that was covered with several pieces of massive, priceless pieces of modern art paintings. This house was indeed very modern. The furniture was loud, and bold, and the colors where incredible. A good portion of the house was filled with features made of stainless steel, or some form of a steel-like metal, and the house it's self was filled with cool hues of blue, silver, gray, white, and cucumber greens in very small amounts. But, the art… that was the main difference. The art was bold, satiated in red, black, and sometimes a very deep blue. The pictures all depicted unusual things, and objects… and one in particular was very odd… it was filled with strange images of mythological creatures. Very bold colors there as well. This house had a flair that none other did, and she found herself dreaming of decorating it from the bottom up. She would hang bright, pungent reds, and oranges… perhaps that black and dark blue really did add something…

…Modern art blown glass figures and porcelain figurines depicting a mythological goddess perhaps. It would indeed suit the theme that was flowing through the room. That circulating water filled end table really set the mood. She found herself mesmerized by the swirling water within the two pieces of glass, and began thinking of things she could do with those elements… water and glass… It was almost as perfect a combination as sky and a breath of air. Suddenly her mind reverted to Feng Shui. She was thinking in elemental terms, and for some reason her mind didn't correctly register the fact that there was currently a light tap on her leg, and that she was staring blankly in thought at the swirling water within the table, moving her finger across the glass in circular motions.

“Miss Higurashi… do you have a problem, or do you normally ignore those who have control over you?” Kagome was pulled abruptly from her thoughts. “Wha—??! Oh! I am so sorry, Mr. Heisa! I was merely thinking on something for a design for Ms. Heisa. That is all.” She replied shyly with a flush spreading across her cheeks. How could I have been so stupid? He must think me an idiot… so embarrassing!

Then she saw something that nearly made her heart stop—long dark hair, with a section pulled into a small side ponytail, big dark eyes that sparkled with life, and excitement… the brightest toothy smile she thought she had ever seen… all on the form of the most adorable little girl in the entire world… just staring at her and smiling with all the life and exuberance possible… so she, was…


* * *

End Of Chapter Two…

3,195 Words…

There is chapter two, and your update for this week! I have officially decided that this fiction is to be updated on Wednesdays from now on. I am trying to make my life simpler. This is the first step of many to come! -_^ So… what do you think… was there any mutual attraction between Sesshoumaru Heisa and Kagome Higurashi upon first sight, or not? Think it out!

The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews… you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.
So, there you go! It's up to you!! Next update scheduled for next week.
If I don't get at least one review, then you will wait two to three weeks.

Ai, Shizuka
Read • Rate • Review!