InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Chapter Five - The Little Escapade Episode... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello! Again, I would like to thank all of my reviewers. It is really all of you that are keeping this fiction going! Getting reviews is really where I find my pleasure in this all! : ) I am having a world of fun seeing as how this develops, because… it truly has a mind of it's own! ; ) Alrighty then… special thanks to these reviewers; RinsEternalSoul who made a wonderful guest appearance here on my fiction. I am honored ; ) To Ice Goddess Kitsune, thank you for your wonderful review as well! And… I am glad you are enjoying reading my fiction! ; ) To Untuchedbuttainted… to reply properly, I feel I must answer likewise; I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVE THIS FICTION! ; ) To Sarah, thank you for your kind words, and I am glad you liked the baby sitting thing! : ) To Kiara Kitten, thank you for warning me about the OOCness… I will try to minimize that, but it is kind of difficult to do in an AU, when he really isn't in the definition of `IN character'… if you know what I am getting at : ) To Roses_Petal… thank you so much! And… looks like your wish came true! This week, I have nearly 20 reviews! But… not quite, so that's why I didn't update sooner! But… patience. I just need a few more steady readers! ; ) To Eiko, Your review made me laugh my head off! ; ) Thanks so much! I really needed that, the day I got it! (another depression session! LOL! : ) And, finally to Meletina! You go girl! You where my very first reviewer on this fiction. So… on that note, this chapter is dedicated to you! A standing ovation for Meletina please!


—Ai, S. I.

(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru
Chapter Five

"To what shall I compare this life of ours?
Even before I can say; It is like a lightning flash or a dewdrop, it is no more."


* * *

Kagome sighed, as she slipped her sweater the rest of the way over her head. It was strange, but… it was slightly chilly in this house. It was so large though. She had managed to figure out how to access her room from the lounging room, and visa versa… but, as for the rest of this mansion… she hadn't a clue as how to even find the bathroom… and this was becoming a growing problem for her. And… on another note… where was Rin? Wasn't she up already? Kagome looked at her watch, and realized that is was nearly Ten O'clock. She is perhaps a late sleeper… hm.

She sighed, and walked over to a slight counter, that appeared to be a bar of some sorts, that had a bottle of wine, and a loaf of Italian hard crusted bread wrapped in a towel on it. It was interesting, and it had the same cool steel, and the other fiery colors that where in the lounging room on it. There where a lot of reds, and deep purples… blacks, and greens. They where all rich, and deep hues. It had a rather modern, and abstract-ish look to it. It was themed nicely though, in good contrast with the rest of the interior.

She always was looking at things from the artistic perspective… for symmetry, and balance… things properly scaled. She realized this home had literally no Feng Shui. It had nothing harmonious about it. Some of the rooms… such as the one that she was staying in, had a rather elegant tone to it, but it wasn't peaceful, or harmonious. The universe could not send it's blessings to such a modern, and uptight looking place. Her home was the perfect haven. It was like something from a book… like, The Tales Of Genji. Everything being peaceful, and near perfect. This place… well, it was modernly stark. Sure… it was well furnished, and tastefully too, if you where an admirer of this bold flavor, but… there was something missing. It needed, well… to be more like her house!

She smiled coyly, as she thought of all the things she could do. She just knew the real reason why Sesshoumaru Heisa, and Shiga Heisa where so… uneasy, and tense all the time. It was because of the décor! Of course! She nearly laughed herself to a tizzy. It was such a simple thing, yet… because of someone's loud, and modern tastes, they had ruined their chances for quite a while, at ever achieving inner peace from your dwelling spaces. This place needed to be matching that of the heartbeat the mother earth gives, and center around the inner souls of plants, and natural beauty.

That would be enough to calm down even the most tyrannical tyrant… or so she thought…

All she had to do was to find Rin. In all of her thoughts, she nearly forgot the sheet of paper she had been staring at on the counter initially. Picking it up by the corner, she shrugged a bit, as she saw that it was left for her. She wondered at the sanity of a guy like Sesshoumaru. Why had he left in such a hurry? He didn't even look at her while he was speaking! She knew he was rude, but… something just seemed a bit off. Oh… and his handwriting was terrible. She looked at it with disgust. It looks like a chicken scratch… she mused to herself mildly.

On it where some instructions, and a barely readable layout map of the house that he had apparently scratched out in haste, by the looks of it. She could barely decipher all of his scribbley letters, and nasty handwriting, but… once she found where her room was located, everything seemed a little clearer. “Aha…” she proclaimed, slightly proud of herself for being so clever…“Rin's room.” It was barely down the hall from hers.

Clutching the paper tightly, she made her way down the long, and extensive hallway. There is my room… she thought a moment, before walking two doors down, pausing, and making not of the art pieces that where situated on the parallel sides of the hallway. One was rather interesting… it looked like it was of a princess, and a demon, and the one across from that, on the wall facing, looked to be of a small child in a field of wild flowers. She smiled slightly. Rin's room was directly next to that one. Making sure she remembered this detail, she gently turned the handle, and gave it a slight shove forward.

As she cautiously peered in through the door, poking her head inside, she took in the surroundings of this room. EVERYTHING WAS PINK! Not even as much as the ceilings where left untouched by the pink pollution! Kagome nearly had to close her eyes. This room was simply overwhelming. On the rather large sized canopy bed that was loaded with pillows, and other fluffy objects, and furnishings, lie a tiny little lump. As she steeped closer, she smiled brightly. On the bed was the most adorable little girl she had ever the pleasure of seeing.

She held this strange, innocent beauty that would be near impossible to rival. She looked a certain amount like her mother… very fine, petite, feminine facial features, and that dark hair. Her resemblance to her father was in her eyes. They held this twinkle that seemed innocent, yet mischievous. It was something she always noticed in people… that look that hid behind their eyes.

She reached down, and gave the girl a light shake on the shoulder.

“Rin…?” “Rin… wake up now, okay precious?... Rin?”

Slowly the little girl began to stir, and sat upright, wearily, as she began to rub the sleep out of her eyes, with both of her tiny fists. “Miss Kagome?” “Hm?” “Where is my Father?” Kagome sighed lightly. “Does he usually wake you up, Rin?” The little girl nodded slightly, as her long hair, and the little spindle curls at the end bobbed slightly with the motion. “Well… I think that he needed to go someplace important. I am going to watch you though!” She looked slightly saddened that her father had left without waking her, but… she knew he probably had a good reason. He always did have good reasons for the things that he did.

“You want to know a secret?” Kagome asked, trying to raise the spirits, and build a little enthusiasm of the day to come, inside the little child. Rin's eyes widened slightly, and a bright smile appeared on her face. “Yes!” Kagome had to suppress the laugh, that she nearly let escape her. “Well… I think that it is time you can come to my house. Do you like art? We can go to my house, and we will change your room. Would you like to get new colors, and furniture in your room, Rin?” Rin nodded excitedly, and happily. “Yes Miss Kagome! Thank you!” Kagome knew it right then…

If Shiga DID die in a plane crash… there was NO way that she would refuse taking this little girl as her own. She was simply too precious.

“Alright… if you get dressed, then we can go… so hurry!” She said with a smile, as she left the room, closing the door on a very happy, and anxious little girl behind, that was wearing possibly the brightest smile in world history.

With a sigh, she looked around, as she stood outside of Rin's room, in the hall. It was time to do a little exploring. This house was so complex, but apparently this hallway contained all of the most interesting features of the home. She gave a casual glance at the sheet of paper, gazing at everything past the hall. Something caught her attention. In the lounging room, there was an arrow that he had drawn… pointing to a wall. This was interesting. She decided to go investigate, to see what he had done this time.

As she approached the living room, she turned, until the arrow was facing the appropriate wall. Directly where the paper indicated there was something… it caught her eye. There was a rather large sticky note taped onto a very large frame of one of the paintings on the wall. The top nearly reaching the ceiling, and the bottom nearly reaching the floor. She yanked off the sticky note, and read through all the scratchy words; Miss Higurashi… I thought you might be interested in this one. I am sure it is in your best interests, naturally…” Kagome snorted. If he was saying something odd like that, then she had to debate what his real intentions where behind that one.

It continued; ”…this large, and rather interesting looking painting, is actually concealing a door. Do not tear the painting off the wall though, in your mad urge to reach the destination… I wouldn't be too pleased on the account of that.” A wicked thought came to Kagome as she read that. But… perhaps I would enjoy ripping the painting off the wall. Don't be so cruel, Mr. Heisa…

”…There is a latch on the left side of this painting, and it slides open. To maneuver this, you must press on the frame of the painting, and it will go back slightly into the wall. Once this happens, then slide to the right. It will reveal an ascending staircase. You may follow. Please while you are up there, make sure that you state that your presence had been made there…” Oh… I'll make sure alright… “…Signed… Sesshoumaru Heisa…” Kagome sneered, as she balled up the sticky note, and hurled it at the painting.

What ever his reasons where for telling her all this, it couldn't be good, and at present… she had no interest in following some weird instructions that where half scribbled onto a yellow sticky note. She had some Feng Shui to get to… starting in Rin's room… the poor thing. She was currently being pulverized by all of the blinding pink! Well… that would soon change.
* * *

Rin came bounding happily down the hall, and found Kagome sitting peacefully on a chair in the lounging room, with her feet propped up on her Father's table, a book in her hands, and a little ball of white fluff lying across her lap. Kagome was stroking across the little fur ball occasionally with one hand, while the other held up the book. Happening to be her favorite one, called `Persuasion.' It was one of the great novels written by a British woman.

She could easily get lost in all of the big words… some not making a whole lot of sense in general, but it didn't bother her. It was the sheer romance in it all that enchanted her. It was pure, and happy.

There was tragedy at first, and it seemed as though the heroine Anne, wasn't going to get the chance to be with a man she seemed to be rather in love with. The man she loves is courting another, but by accident, the girl takes a long fall, and hits her head on a stone. The injured girl falls in-love with another man, and they announce their engagement. The man that Anne had been in love with, then realizes that he too loves her. But, meanwhile… she had found another man who was returning her affections… or, so she thought…

Kagome sighed in distress, as she came to the part where Anne is suffering heartbreak, and nearly being forgotten… people using her, and her kind nature to persuade others into things that they normally wouldn't do. it was her natural gift… Anne could persuade people, by the sheer fact, she only held their best interests at heart.

Kagome was startled slightly as a small hand touched her on the shoulder from behind the sofa. She spun her head around, to see standing Rin, who was wearing—go figure—a PINK outfit, resembling highly, the one she had been wearing the other day… only, this one was ALL pink. Even the sweater hadn't been spared from the contamination. “Erm… Rin, do you want to get some new clothes too?” She asked… feeling slightly sympathetic towards the little girl who seemed to have been permanently docked with nothing but pink everywhere (minus yesterday's attire).

She smiled happily and clapped her hands, nodding all the while. “Oh yes! But um… Father said I am not to leave the house… and…” Whoops. She had forgotten about that one. Well… there is always a loophole to those kind of things. And surely… if you know how to deal with arrogant, sexy, apologizing arses… well, then you have got it all in the bag, and sold. It really never took much for her to win over a guy. Whether or not they asked her out, was an entirely different matter. It was simply gender, vs. offender. If you could make sense out of that little fragment, then your life would be a piece of cake, as long as dealing with the other sex. It was simply finding out what things you can do to them, without actually doing anything. Putting them on the edge of the cliff, when they are really yards away from it. Suddenly, Kagome realized that the ball of fluff on her lap had the most incredibly golden eyes as well… how interesting.

“Rin… if you promise not to tell… I won't either.” She said, calmly. Little girls always made pacts like this when the older promised not to tell either. It seemed to make everything look okay in the mind of a little child. Rin nodded in her agreement. “Okay, Rin. Oh… and one more thing… who is this?” The barking ball of fluff seemed to respond. It was a tiny little toy poodle… rather cute, and it had the curliest—not to mention shaggiest—fur she had ever seen. Rin giggled. “It's Fluffy!” She exclaimed happily. Kagome figured this little dog was Rin's… judging from the reaction she gave.

Kagome closed her book shut, after placing in between the pages the piece of paper that Sesshoumaru had left for her with the instructions, and scribbley map that she had folded in half lengthwise, for a bookmark. She sighed… just when I was at the good part, too… Yes… in all truth, she could read this book a million times over, and she wasn't doing a half-bad job at that, either.

She shooed `Fluffy' off of her lap, and went to grab her purse, and car keys that she had thrown into the top drawer of the breau in her room. She pushed the keys down into her pocket, and walked back out into the grand room of the house, near the entry place. Rin showed her how to mess around with the security system. They where left with no keys to the door, so instead they would have to use the code to get in, but… that was fine. “Rin… what's the code?” Asked Kagome. “Um… 90039-0345.” She stated as if she knew it off the top of her head. Kagome was highly impressed. `That's a lot of numbers there, Rin. You are a pretty smart little kid.” Rin nodded in agreement. Kagome rolled her eyes. So THERE is the similarity between her and Sesshoumaru. Aha!

As Kagome and Rin shut the door behind them, Kagome pointed towards her Car, which was a little ways down, by the cobblestone sidewalk, as opposed to being in the driveway. She unlocked the doors to it, and her and Rin climbed in. “We will go to my house first. I think I have something… erm, a little less… PINK somewhere that I can use to redecorate your room… if that's okay, and then we will go get you some different clothes.” She solemnly promised. Rin nodded in acceptance of this proposal.

As Kagome neared her house, she couldn't help the sigh of contentment, nor the bright smile that spread across her face. There was nothing in the whole world quite as pleasing to her as this was.

She pulled up into her driveway, which was made out of sandstone bricks, rather than cement. To Kagome's thinking, it provided a much more pleasant, and welcoming sight, as opposed to the stark, and rather generic looking cement, or concrete. Something about wood, and stone was very pleasant. Kagome opened her door, and grabbed Rin by the hand, as they walked up to Kagome's door. As soon as the door opened, she could almost hear the huge smile that was spread across Rin's face. This must be so different for her… something that actually looks pleasant, as opposed to sterile. Heh. Sesshoumaru and Shiga really have a very interesting style. It perfectly reflects their clashing personalities. Ha! Snork!

Rin looked questioningly at the snorting Kagome who appeared to be laughing at something. Her eyes where directed at a strange vase that was full of orchids… perhaps there was something funny happening with the flowers? “Miss Kagome… what is funny?” Oops. Kagome had completely forgotten about the poor little kid standing right beside her. “Erm… nothing. I was just thinking… who does all the decorating at your house?” Rin seemed to contemplate this for a moment, as she placed one finger on her chin, and scrunched up her mouth and eyebrows… having a rather funny affect.

“My Father picks nearly everything… but my Mother decorated all of the bedrooms!” She said excitedly, obviously very proud of her Mother… for whatever insane, and perplexing reason. So that's it… Shiga INTENTIONALLY mad Rin's room, sickeningly Pink… ngh. It's terrible. I will definitely have to do something about that… I doubt Mr. Heisa would mind. Men usually are never very fond of pink, and if he has been waking her up every morning… and I assume tucking her in at night… I doubt that he is much to be called an exception.

She sighed.

Taking Rin by the hand, they walked down into her basement, where her and Rin, both worked together for several hours on making odd pieces of pottery art for her room. Kagome promised her that she would do a portrait of her, to hand in her bedroom. Rin was very pleased by this. Never in her entire life had she ever had her portrait drawn! It was all very exciting, and new to her… especially Kagome's house! It was so pretty… so nice. Nothing like back at home, where it was so… `adultish'… She would rather stay here with Miss Kagome that ever go home again… now, only if her Father would come too… then everything would be perfect!

Kagome and Rin laughed, as they realized that they where both covered completely, in layers upon layers of pottery clay, that had dried onto their skin. It was kind of a funny sight… and it would be even more humiliating to be seen in such a state by anyone else!

“Looks like we need to go wash up while we go shopping…” She stated, as she cast a quick glance at Rin. “Mm. Yes. Miss Kagome… how old are you?!” Rin asked carefully with big, interested eyes, that where as wide as saucers. Oi… looks like you think I am old enough to be your Granny, or something… that look… oh, that's both cute, and scary… too bad I don't know what it means… “Erm… not very old Rin… only Nineteen.” Rin clapped her hands together and smiled. “Miss Kagome! You could be my sister!” She said excitedly. Well… although the circumstances where kind of weird… such as how she, and a little girl as such could be sisters, especially when Rin's father was only in his early twenties…

The story of how a feat like that could have been accomplished would have been a disgustingly interesting one. How would he manage to—no… ugh. That was gross. Carefully placing all of the different pieces of pottery around on the heat shelves to dry, they both went upstairs. Rin gave Kagome a pouty look, and that was the end of the debating. “Oh… alright. I suppose we can be sisters…” Kagome said, trying to act annoyed… although she was sure Rin could see straight through all of the put on. Rin smiled brightly, and twirled side to side happily.

Kagome rolled her eyes, as she began to was Rin's face off with the wash cloth. This little girl had made it very deep into her heart in only one day… remarkable. It seemed as though she was becoming more and more of the maternal type. She always squealed with excitement, when she found out that one of her friend's brothers or sisters where having a baby. Then, she would always want to go see the baby, buy gifts for the baby… watch the baby…

It was getting ridiculous. But… here was her opportunity to quench that hunger, and desire. If she took good enough care of Rin—who she now entirely, and completely adored—then, if Shiga, and Sesshoumaru ever needed another baby sitter, or caretaker for Rin, they would naturally have her do it, and there she could get the opportunity to do things like a mother would. It was such a pleasant thought.

As she finished wiping off her face, she gave Rin a little smile. Today was going to be a lot of fun… even if they didn't have a whole lot of it left.
* * *

As Kagome and Rin burst through her door, loaded with Shopping bags, full of clothes for the both of them… they both flopped themselves over the side of the sofa, and collapsed. “I have a good Idea, Kagome.” Said Rin. Kagome had given Rin a long talk on the fact that sisters did not address each other as `Miss'… no, instead, it was JUST the name. “What's that?” Kagome asked with a tired roll of her eyes. “We should watch a movie!” Rin said happily. Kagome smirked, and nodded in agreement. “Perhaps we should have a party? What do you think… ice cream, and popcorn?” Rin's eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she broke out into a very wide grin. I guess that is a `yes'…

“Kagome… what will my father think? Will he be angry if I am here?” Kagome contemplated this a moment… Well… yes… he does truly adore his little girl, and doesn't really trust me. He DID apologize to me before he left, but he was acting rather rude. I had instructions to stay at her house… but, I left… so… what should I do now… hmmm… She sighed, as she bent down to look Rin directly in the eye. “I think you are probably right. But… sometime I promise, you can come over to my house and spend the night with me… if it's necessary, or if you just want to have some fun. Okay? Now… I suppose we better get you back home before your Daddy kills the both of us, eh?” Rin sadly nodded her head, in understanding. The worst thing she could think of, would be if her Father found them missing. Oi…

Rin sighed sadly, as she gave everything in Kagome's house a glance before they began to pick up their shopping bags, and toward the door. She especially loved Kagome's room, and all of the beautiful colors in there. Kagome also had several very pretty guest bedrooms, she thought. But, if she ever did spend the night with her new sister… then she would want to sleep with Kagome. It was nicer when she was with Kagome. Her Mother never did let her sleep in her room… but her Father did. Her Father always let her stay in his room when she had a bad dream, or else when it was too dark… or too cold. Yes… she didn't want to make her Father unhappy.

“Eh… don't worry Rin. I promise we will come back… what are sisters for?” She said smiling, as her and Rin stepped out the door, and she pulled it shut tight and locked it. Rin smiled a little brighter. She liked it when Kagome referred to her as `sister'. It just seemed to be placing the seal on the agreement. Life was sweet, at last. Now… if only they could stop somewhere and get some ice cream… Father never did like ice cream…

Kagome sighed as she opened the door to her car for Rin, and then climbed in the other side. There was nothing in this world she wanted right now, as much as she did to stay in her own house. Sesshoumaru's sofa had been rather nice… that was true, but then again… she would rather sleep in the basement on the concrete in her house than to stay in his… so the comparison really didn't win out in this one. Rin was about the only thing that really made her decision to go back… besides the fact that Mr. Heisa would probably have the entire police force out, and looking for his precious little daughter, claiming that she had been kidnapped by `dangerous personel, dressed in drag…' and most likely… everyone would believe him, and his stupid lie… while she, and her career would go down the toilet tube like a lost thought. Would he even give her a second thought? Nope. Not likely.

Kagome relaxed a bit, as she heard the soothing sound of pebbles being picked up, and tossed about from the treads in the tires. There was just something pleasant, and earthy about it… something that soothed away all of her frazzled nerves, and could take her mind off of all the troubles. She could concentrate on that, and driving… and she wouldn't have to worry about all of life's other little trials, and tribulations. On her the stereo, she pushed in a jazz CD. It had it's way of calming her down too. Rin seemed to like the rhythm. That made her smile a little bit. Rin was different than a lot of other little girls. Most children today, would be caught begging to go to a Transylvanian concert of some sort… like the abominable visual Kei, that nearly made her sick. Obviously, Sesshoumaru had done a nice job raising his daughter, and it was rather refreshing… just knowing that there where still little girls out there like Rin. She told herself a million times; if she ever where to have a daughter… her daughter would be just like Rin. The image of perfection.

But… she didn't have anything to worry about at present. She was only Nineteen, and there was no real rush to push things along. She didn't have a boyfriend pressing matters with her, she still had her virginity intact, she still had never been in a really intimate situation. She knew how to use men, by pushing certain buttons to get what she wanted… but that was where the line was drawn. Nothing exceeded that point. Oh… sure, she had thought about certain things before… but, during your teen years, emotions tend to rule your mind, and reason… and she knew one thing for sure… and that was, to never throw away sensibility. Never lose your head, and think by facts, and not by emotions. This is where she began to find ways to deal with life, and its struggles. Her own Father had died, while she was at an early age. She hadn't really known him that well, and her and her Mother had moved back to the Shrine, where her Mother took back her maiden name, while she was still pregnant with the baby whom was to be Kagome's brother… Souta. By doing that, it would allow her children to inherit the shrine after she; herself… and her children's grandfather died. Kagome had learned to keep a good head on her shoulders from her Mother. Who… was truly the strongest woman, and best role-model she had ever met.

She simply knew that her own daughter would be just like her, and her Mother where. With a good head on, and always thinking before making an action. She began to tap her fingers on the wheel, as she turned. They where only about three minutes away from the Heisa's home. She turned briefly to look at Rin, who was gazing, with her nose pressed up to the window, making a rather big circle on the glass from her heated breath, touching the chilly surface. She almost laughed. It was amusing, really. She used to do the same thing, and her Mother would tell her to stop making `nose prints' on her clean glass. But… instead of seeing this as a problem, Kagome just smiled brightly. It was rather amusing.

As the Heisa mansion came into view, Kagome felt herself relax. Sesshoumaru wasn't home yet. That would mean that she would get to live another day. They had to hurry though… it was fairly late. Already about Eight-Thirty. She had no general idea when Sesshoumaru would be coming back to his house… but, whenever the time came… she didn't want to be caught in the act of taking his daughter out around the town. He would kill her.

They made their way up to the door, and remembering that they didn't have any keys, Kagome once again turned to face Rin, who was sitting on one of the many stairs that led to the main doors. What was that number again? Sheesh, I feel dumb… okay… ask the little kid. She knows, and I don't… okay, pushing pride aside for the moment… “Rin… what was the code?” “The What?” She sighed in slight annoyance. “The code… to open the door.” “Um… Kagome… please don't hate me.” Hate her? Why would I do that…? Oh gods… wait… she doesn't mean— “Erm… Rin, why would I hate you… unless…” “Kagome… I forgot the code.” “WHAT!!! But… you told me earlier today what it was! How come you don't remember now?!” “I was reading it off a piece of paper.” Oh gods, great. Now what do we do? “And… what of the piece of paper?” “Um… I accidentally dropped it somewhere.” She said, as she bowed her head in shame. “Waiiit a second there, Rin… I am not upset with you. I want you to know that.” She said, as she grasped the little girls' shoulders, reassuringly. “It's just that… your Daddy doesn't like me very much, and if I where to upset him… I might not ever get to see you again.” She said as calmly as she possibly could. A little tinge of sadness was obvious in her tone.

“Kagome… my Father likes you… and… and I like you too!” Kagome was taken back a moment by what the little child had just disclosed to her. “Rin… what do you mean your Father likes me?” She asked cautiously. “Well… last night he told me at dinner that you where the most suitable caretaker he had ever seen!” She said excitedly, while she clapped her tiny little hands. Hfa! That is just Sesshoumaru's way of explaining that I am not a complete reckless idiot! …notice the choice of words in `suitable'! Ha! Very funny Mr. Heisa. As soon as I am free of this caretaking job, I am going to hire someone to T.P. your yard… and extra if they cam make it into your room! Ha! She was so caught up in her own thoughts, that she failed to notice the headlights that appeared behind her.

* * *

End Of Chapter Five…

5,279 Words…

This chapter is being updated, as a special thank you to the reviewers! I got 20 reviews since my last update! So… here, true to my word is your chapter! Like I said though, even though I DO plan to update every Wednesday, I can't guarantee it. I will do everything within my power to try to aid this cause, but if I cannot, then I cannot. Please forgive me.

Keep up on those wonderful reviews! I am so happy with the interest that has been taken in this fiction! I do believe sadly, that this one is more popular than my very first fiction with 15 chapters, by-the-way… Tenkawakeme Kouhai. It starts out kind of rough around the edges, but I do believe that it gets better towards the end. This one, on the other hand, is done with a little more experience in my part, than the other ones that I have written.

So… Thank you all so much for your continuous support!

The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews… you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.
So, there you go! It's up to you!! Next update scheduled for next week.
If I don't get at least one review, then you will wait two to three weeks.

—Ai, Shizuka
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