InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Chapter Four - The Midnight Escape And Contemplation ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello Again!
It's an early update… I thought you all might like this! -_^ It is mostly because I got to a good point in it. You can all blame it on the wonderful reviews, good circumstances, and the inspirational music that pushes me forward of Keiko Matsui, that I listen to the entire time I am on the computer! (honest!)

Let's see… Special thanks to Plahim for your review! I appreciate it very much! And… also to these reviewers; Kurairyu, AssassinPriestess, AriS, Pamera, Eli, and Maddie! This chapter is dedicated, however to one of my very special friends, who has been a pretty big support when it comes to me and my little depression sessions over my fiction. Hats off to Sesshys_Jaded_Samuri! Oh, and on that note… make sure to check out her fiction, called “DESIRE and DESTINY”. It's new, and really, really good. It also makes me think a lot about where I have lived for the past 12 years, due to the fact it's got a little about Montana in it! -_^ (I get very excited over things like this…) Don't get me wrong… I don't live on an Indian reservation, or any where near for that matter. I live in the CITY! (proud of that too…) Being a California girl has it's charms… (*smiles wistfully*) But, yeah. Read it. It's really, really good, and I am enjoying it a lot.

In this chapter, you can look for a bit of Kagome and Sesshoumaru interaction. Also… Kagome gets startled a bit. Poor thing, she is stuck with a really hot Sesshoumaru for a week. Perhaps I should help her out and trade spaces… poor, poor Kagome…

LOL (-_^=)

—Ai, S. I.

(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru
Chapter Four

"Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim."

—I Ching

* * *

Sometime in the middle of the night, she began to stir. She had just awoken from this crazy dream that somehow her boss… Ms. Shiga had died in her plane crash. Kagome woke up in a cold sweat, after it was decided that she was to both inherit Shiga's Studio Arts, and Design Incorporation; “Le Arbre Rouge”… and not only that, but her family too! (That was indicating the whole nine yards… both adorable little daughter, and incredibly hot, but none the less arrogant, and impossible husband.) Gods… what a nightmare!

She stirred restlessly all the rest of the night, thinking on whether there where any foretold truths in that one… yet, it was hard to imagine such a thing possible. That night she prayed like hell that Shiga would be alright. Growing up at a shrine had it's bright sides… she snickered. Boy could she pull off a very deep and meaningful prayer! She was rather impressed with her own self after she had finished.

All night she lie flat on her back… eyes wide open. If she would have had them sewn shut they would have just opened again. Nothing she could do would allow them to close, nor her to catch up on that sleep she would be in need of for this week. Ugh.

She came to the conclusion after a while, that going to bed without eating does something to your brain. It seemed to be a fairly good explanation, so… why not go with it… right? Well… it was a better thought than just figuring that her mind had problems anyway, and a whole lot more comforting. She could feel the emptiness of her stomach. Why the hell did she not eat anyway?! Oh yes, that's right… Mr. Heisa. She had called him a bastard, and he had made a threat against her. Thaaaats right. Oh yeah, and also… the reason why she didn't eat was so that she could get more sleep. Ironic. It seemed as though she has actually lost sleep over this one. Pitiful.

She bolted upright. A very insightful thought coming to mind; it was time for a midnight snack!

She quietly stood up from the bed, paying no attention to she slight creak in the wooden floor in a certain spot, beneath the tatami mat. Instead, she wrapped her heavy white terry robe around herself, and slipped her feet into some fuzzy slippers. The floor was a bit cold in this house, which was surprising to her. A lot of the fancier, newer houses all had in-floor-heating. It was a shock that the Heisa's home did not. She slumped her shoulders, and gave her neck a roll, to loosen some of the muscles up in her back, and gently grasped a hold on the brass doorknob. Twisting to the left, and giving a slight push, she had it opened, but just a creak… just incase…

She really wasn't in the mood to come face to face with Sesshoumaru Heisa again… no… anything but that. She could only be too sure that he would want to do a little re-cap on all of today's occurrences, and bad tidings. He would rub it all back in her face like salt on a wound. She would call him a bastard again, or worse… and then she would end up in Tokyo General Hospital, where they would be waiting on her wounds, day and night as she recovered in the intensive care department. No… not one of the better things to happen.

No lights where on, so she figured it safe to say that everyone was in bed, and asleep. Well… at least at three O'clock in the morning, she HOPED they would all be asleep.

It was a perfectly natural thing to do. Just roam about someone else's house until you find the kitchen… not to mention then after all that, go rummaging through the fridge, to see what you can see… find what you can find… eat what you can eat.

She really hoped everyone in this house where heavy sleepers… if not, well then… she was sure Sesshoumaru would kill her once seen that she was `snooping' around his house… or, `getting into things she didn't belong in…' etc, etc, and a million other things that could go wrong, and so forth.

Opening the door a little wider, she recognized the hall. Now… if only she could remember how to get out of it…

It was extensively long, and had a large amount of very white, plush carpet, and several very eccentric looking paintings on the wall, all with the tiny signature on the upper right corner, descending nicely in kanji script… `Shiga Heisa'… Kagome sighed. Now she understood this woman's grumpiness, and why it always seemed that her thongs where giving her a wedgie. It was because of him. It was he who was the problem. Leave it to him to make every day of living a hell. He had such a nasty temper, too. Well… at least she felt that when he grabbed her shirt collar, and got so up-in-her-face, that those where signs of an excruciatingly large amount of anger, if not livid exasperation.

She wasn't known for getting people angry. In fact, she was rather docile in nature, and pleasant for the most part. But… for some reason, around him everything was different. Everything could go from peaceful, to being turned up side down. It wasn't an easy thing to deal with… at least not in her situation. Having her boss nearly threaten her (with a very big pay check…) to go and be `interviewed' by her husband for a baby-sitting job she did Not WANT… well… that wasn't pleasant either. In fact… it was rather annoying.

She softly padded down the halls, looking curiously from side to side, as she tilted her head in each direction. Now… she was certain that she was going the wrong direction, in since she had not already seen these paintings, or art. So, she turned the other direction. She walked as straight down the hallway as she thought possible. She didn't want to run into something, break it, and then have the whole house up in arms. That wouldn't go over well… with anyone.

Carefully reaching out with her arms, each stretched out on either side of her, she tried to feel through the pitch black, to find where the walls where. The other section of the hall had these lights that illuminated the pictures… like… showcase lights. But, on this section of the tremendous hall… she couldn't see a damn thing. It was nearly impossible to find your way around in the dark.

She couldn't help but wonder if Sesshoumaru and Shiga where nocturnal, or something… able to see in the dark. After all… who had ever heard of a gold eyed man?! Ha! Anyway… no matter how… erm, beautifully bizarre his eyes where… nocturnal or not… they needed hallway lights.

Suddenly a light, coming what seemed to be a gap in the long wall appeared to her. She followed it, still being mindful of her feet, and limbs, as to not break anything, or cause any noise. This midnight snack excursion was something that she would rather do innuendo. It would be easier to get by in. If Sesshoumaru where to awaken… what would I tell him? That wasn't even a remotely pleasant thought. I would have to lie… saying… `erm… I was just looking for the bathroom… Lord Sesshoumaru…' She snorted. Not happening. There was simply no way he would believe that, and NO way that she would stoop down to calling him Lord anything. Whether it be sarcastic or not. He would most likely find it as a compliment. He seemed to be the type to think something shallow, and stupid like that.

She realized that the light she had been following had led her right back to the sitting room… strange. When she was able to pin point the source, she nearly gasped with delight, and surprise! It was that table! The one with the water running in between the sheets of glass! Beautifully refracting through the swirling water, light bounced all over the room, illuminating the area, giving it this strange, ethereal appeal… fascinating, and gorgeous.

She smiled brightly, and couldn't help the heavy intake of breath, at the sight of it. It was alluring, and original. She couldn't think of a more pleasing piece of furniture, or art for that matter… that she had ever seen. How the water was propelled to move remained a mystery. There where no cords attached to it—that she could see to determine—and no sourced of artificial energy that could feed something to make the light come forth, nor the water within churn. It was simply… happening, like evolution. There was really no good explanation. She could only wonder at who's idea for this lovely little piece of art's was, and which one of the Heisa's brought it home.

Suddenly she forgot all about her hungry stomach… her restless mind… and her disturbing dreams. Instead, she crawled over to the sofa, and stretched her body out over it comfortably, all the while removing her long, thick robe, and draping it over herself like a blanket. Nearly the moment that her head came to rest against the soft, plush pillow of the sofa, her eyes fluttered shut, as she drift into a peaceful sleep. The light in the room was beaming like the aurora borealis. Like a soft lullaby… something sweet whispering in her ear, all her dreams revolved around the week that she would be spending here, and the thousand and one ways that she could use her infinitely smarter, and more brilliant female mind, to overcome the obstacle of a very stale business man named Sesshoumaru Heisa.
* * *

He placed a piece of paper, carefully written out as instructions on the counter, fully expecting the young girl here to take full notice, and pay direct, and complete attention to every word, and line that he had spent all of his valuable time on writing. He wouldn't have any irresponsible teenager… What was she… 18?—oh yes… so I have forgotten so soon… pardons from the gods… NINETEEN. No… someone who wasn't responsible wasn't adequate to watch over his daughter. If she could follow out all of these instructions, he would allow her one more day to grace them all with her presence.

As he made his way to the sitting room, to retrieve his coffee mug from the other morning (being the only one he would use… stubbornly, even though he had duplicates of the same one, he would insist upon using this very mug and he would wash it himself every morning before walking out the door…) which he believed he had left on his coffee table… or… somewhere. Suddenly, something caught his eye. Something… erm… fuzzy? On HIS sofa?! How dare it! He angrily stalked over to where it was, nearly seething. But what he found it to be nearly made his jaw drop, all of the anger draining instantly. There she was… she looked so peaceful and content… so natural. He could have sworn that in the corners of her mouth, there was the faintest indications of a smile, resting happily there. She had fallen asleep in the direction, as if she where looking at the layers of the water filled glass of the coffee table.

Funny how that thing had become a focal point. One day while he was at the office, he had absolutely nothing to do, other than to look busy. He drug out a piece of graph paper and a pencil fro his desk drawer, and began to scribble down some designs. He had seen Shiga do this a million times, and if there was anything in the world that he could do… it was to pick up something that he had seen, and do it equally as well, and proficient. Coming up with some rather far-fetched ideas, and using simple scientific theories, and formulas for all different aspects, he was able to come up with a glass coffee table that produced it's own light, simply from collecting energy from the water, which the water collected from the sun rays that would beam through the different layers of glass and water. It was odd, the way it worked… and very complex to explain, yet… it worked.

There is a possibility for every theory, and anything can work, when done correctly, or attempted by one who suffers not from insanity, but inspiration. This was his little project. He had instructed Shiga that she have her designers, and artists, and oddly enough… artistic engineers, build this mini masterpiece for him, to the exact detail given on the single sheet of graph paper. It took them a few tries to get it all correct, and perfect, but once they succeeded, nothing could have pleased him more. He didn't hesitate at all in showing his incredible pleasure at the sight of it either. He openly complimented everyone who had worked on it… including himself. Anyone that complimented this piece, upon coming into his house, immediately won some odd kind of favor among him, but… he would never dare say so. No use in risking a secret like that getting loose. She began to stir slightly, and a soft groan came from her throat. It was a peaceful, and pleasant sound.

He sighed, and reached silently for his coffee cup, and headed to the kitchen to wash it out, and fill it with more of the world's favorite legal addictive stimulant, (a.k.a. coffee…) and gave one quick glance around the kitchen. There where some of the chef's butcher knives dangling from the knife rack above the counters. He smirked slightly. All guests that ever had the chance to look around in his house, all nearly screamed themselves to death with the fright of seeing dangling knives hanging from the ceiling. He would simply LOVE to be around when Kagome Higurashi awoke to see this… how it would be so amusing, and delightful!

Other odd things where hanging from the ceiling as well, on racks. This was a chef's kitchen, as neither him, nor his wife cooked their own meals. No… he had a very loyal, and excellent chef named Nigoya Utaoda, who had just graduated from the Kyoto Traditional Culinary Arts Cooking School as his chef. Nigoya had a pan rack in the center of the kitchen, above a very large, and spacious Island counter, that was half covered with a butcher-block cutting board, built right in with the rest of the granite surfaced counters. This wasn't really his personal idea of a kitchen, but Nigoya had been their chef ever since before this home was built, so it was only natural that the chef decide how the kitchen be designed.

He shook himself from his thoughts, and brushed a strand of hair back over his shoulder. He thought a moment about his daughter Rin. She had been growing so much lately… it was remarkable. He could only hope deep inside that she never, ever took on the least resemblance in personality, or temperament as her mother's. It was possible that she might, but he really loathed the thought. What Rin needed was a positive roll model. His mind drifted minutely to the girl in the lounging room… lying on his favorite sofa, in nothing more than skimpy gold colored, shiny satin pajamas, and a huge white terry robe as a blanket. Could she be the role model that Rin was in dire need of? It was a thought.

He frowned a bit though. Why her? Why not someone else? Someone older, someone more suitable? Someone with a much more compliant, and docile nature? But… perhaps it was the fire that burned beneath the surface that was the real spirit, and strength within her. What was it about her that made him think twice, before he labeled her as `bitch', or… some other derogatory term? He thought a moment… he nearly did once… but he didn't. It was all because of that odd feeling of restraint against his will. She felt cocky enough to stand up to him. Either she was fearless, or a moron. Something told him it was NOT the latter.

He smiled a little wider at this thought.

He heard some mumbling coming from the other room. Allowing curiosity to take the better of him, he walked with coffee cup in hand to go inspect. She had woken up, and was positioned strangely on her knees, rubbing her eyes lazily, with her robe pooled around her waist. Nearly spewing the coffee from his mouth, he turned abruptly to hide his face from the sight of her. Her little top was highly indecent, as far as he was concerned. It was a little too… `strappy'. It had those tiny little corded spaghetti straps… or something like that, and the neck line dipped very deeply, and gave you a nice, full view of her bountiful, and unsupported cleavage. It was almost… he dare say… risqué.

He felt this weird primal urge to turn back around and drink this in, rather than the coffee… but, something forbade him from doing so. Perhaps it was his terrible conscience that always held him back from these delicious things, but at the moment, if he dared to look again, something foolish might happen, and he couldn't… no… wouldn't risk that.

Her questioning voice pulled him from his meditational thoughts…

“Se—I mean, Mr. Heisa…? Are you all right? You look like you are trying to strangle your coffee mug. Be careful, don't brake it. It wouldn't feel too good. Might make a big mess… you know. The usual.”

He cringed. Gods… she talks too much when she wakes up…

She must have caught the change in his stance, and immediately, she hung her head slightly. “Mr. Heisa… I would like to apologize for… last night. I had no rights to speak out of line like that. Please forgive me. I am kind of mouthy sometimes, and I think that's probably why I and Ms. Heisa didn't get along initially. I need to shut up more often… please accept my apology.” His mouth nearly dropped again, and once more… he spewed his coffee across the room. She was apologizing? How often does that ever happen around this house hold?! he was pleasantly surprised at her sincerity. You could just tell she meant every word, simply in her voice. It was refreshing to know that somewhere out there all sincerity, and honesty was not lost. He could see that in his own daughter, Rin. She had all of the attributes of purity, and innocence. It was beautiful to behold.

“I accept your apology, Miss Higurashi.” He stated, without so much as turning around. He closed his eyes in contemplation, and quietly said to her, “Now… please accept mine.” To say that she was shocked beyond all reasonable, or canny belief would have been an understatement… to say the very least. Her mouth was freely gaping open, and he just knew it. Why should she be surprised at this action? He always apologized when something was done wrong by his person. Hn… he would have to talk over with her later what Shiga his dear, had been feeding to this girl.

He needed to find out where her perspective was coming from, and all the while, learn a little of the daily life of his marriage partner in the journey process. He hadn't bed his wife down in a while, so he got unusually tense, and sexually frustrated around exposed women than he normally would have otherwise. It was simply un nerving. He couldn't bring himself into turning around. Even if he so much as fixed his gaze solely to her face… he would just know that her breasts where there beneath that barely there pajama top… soft, and lush… his breathing was becoming rather uneasy. He would have to make it to work, and in very good time today, lest he go insane beyond reasonable belief.

He simply acknowledged her presence, and without so much as saying another word, he walked out the door, mug, and briefcase in hand as he headed to his car. She sat there on the sofa perplexed… what had just happened there? Had she done something terribly wrong? Why did he apologize? Heavens… how could she dislike him now?! It was simply impossible to hate a sexy man that knew how to apologize! She groaned, leaning towards the window to get a look at him, as his car departed from the large driveway. He sat comfortably back in his chair, as he listened to the tires pick up pebbles as they turned on the road. It was a strangely relaxing, and pleasant sound.

He wondered what she had been thinking when she saw him leave on such short, and abrupt notice. Had she been angry, and thrown a fit? Did she cuss like a drunken sailor? (this thought made him smile slightly…) Did she become utterly confused and ponder his actions? Did she become lonely, and miss his presence? That would be a good one, if it where to be the case. In all factuality… it would be the most hilariously funny thing that he could even relate to, at the moment. It was golden.

He wondered how much trouble and havoc, that she would get into in one day. What she could do in that house made him cringe. At first he thought the butcher knives might just scare her a bit, and be funny, but… what if they scared her silly, and she snapped… attacking things with them, like a zombie? Nah. That wouldn't happen. If it was possible, it would have already occurred with Shiga. Perhaps she would begin to influence Rin in a bad way, or rearrange all of the furniture throughout the house?! All of these thoughts where flooding through his mind like a sink that was beginning to run over, but…

Oddly enough, he felt as if she might not be so bad after all… now, only if she would compliment the table…

* * *

End Of Chapter Four…

3,719 Words…

Hello! Well, there was your chapter! It will have to do for now though, because I am not really getting that many reviews, and (even though I appreciate all of the ones I do get…) my Dad has sort of well… um, locked off the computer. He is sick of me doing all nighters. I am telling ya… I am tempted to move out! Argh… but, it's cheaper to live with your parents, you know? -_^

So… I can't promise an update EVERY Wednesday, but… if I am able to… I most certainly will give it what I got! -_^

Love ya!

The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews… you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.
So, there you go! It's up to you!! Next update scheduled for next week.
If I don't get at least one review, then you will wait two to three weeks.

Ai, Shizuka
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