InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Conditions ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kagome or Miroku or Sango or … well you get the idea.
Ok, this was going to stop! Inuyasha was so frustrated by the fact that Kagome had been ignoring him for the past few days. He didn't even know what the heck he did! But none of that mattered anyway, he was just going to walk up to her house and demand she revert back to her old annoying self. Geez, even when she ignored him she was annoying!
Banging sharply on the door to Kagome's house, Inuyasha called out angrily to the girl. “Hey you idiot, are you there? Get out here `cause I have a few words for you.”
Stomping feet drew near the door and it was slung open so fast it nearly ripped off its hinges. There she stood in the doorway, eyes ablaze and just daring some fool to push her over the edge.
“Stop ignoring me, it's annoying!” Inuyasha was just the fool for the job. Kagome's mother was still at work being it a Friday evening. They had just gotten out of school about one hour ago.
`What's his problem? He made me so angry when he said he was just lying about all the stuff he told Koga! He's such a jerk!!' Kagome let an audible growl escape her throat before slamming the door in his face. Unlucky for her, he put his foot in the way of the door so it didn't close completely.
“Now that's what I mean about ignoring me stupid.” He pushed the door open forcefully causing Kagome (who had been trying her best to push the door closed) was flung backwards by the impact.
Hitting the wall and falling to the ground, she lay on her side immobile. `Why … why does it make me so angry that he was just lying? Why does it even matter! But I do know this is his entire fault!' She tightened her fists and pushed her body off the floor to a standing position.
The door had been left wide open from Inuyasha's entrance, though he still stood in the doorway. “Kagome, are you alright? You hit the wall pretty hard,” upon seeing that she was fine he added, “But you're such a strong idiot since your head is so thick, eh? Takes a lot to bruise you, doesn't it?”
“Though you seem to do it with ease, you jerk!” Kagome lunged at the cause of all her troubles sending them both tumbling out of the house and onto the front lawn. Kagome landed a few feet from Inuyasha who had already jumped to his feet.
“What the heck! You crazy—”
“Shut-up! Just shut-up Inuyasha! I can't stand it, I can't stand you! I won't let you affect me like this anymore.” The girl was pointing an incriminating finger at him. He was both shocked and hurt by her words. “I—I'm sorry mom, but I just can't keep that promise now. Please forgive me.” She spoke quietly to herself, though Inuyasha picked up on every word.
Kagome pulled herself to her feet slowly and glared icily at the half-demon. “What is with this promise? Tell me right now or else.” He challenged a defiant Kagome who only raised her nose to the prospect. “I don't have to tell you anything.”
“Why you …!” He held his balled fist in front of him in an angry gesture.
“Ha, like you'd hit me.” She taunted the boy and smirked smugly as his fist was lowered.
A smile crept across his face much to Kagome's horror as this was something unexpected. Before she knew what was happening, Inuyasha charged towards her with great speed.
Stepping out of the line of fire, she saved herself from whatever he had in store for her … though it was a victory short lived.
Inuyasha suddenly appeared behind her and used his foot to knock her feet out from under her. She fell backwards and into Inuyasha's arms.
“I don't have to hit you.” The cocky smirk began to fade away and his tone softened. “I don't hit women, especially … look, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.”
Kagome, realizing she was still in his arms, jumped away quickly with a blush on her face. `No, I'm angry at him right now! I can't be blushing!' “Why do you want to know about this promise anyway?”
“Because I've established that it's about me.”
“It's not technically about you; it just has something to do with you. The main focus is on your brother and my mom … you're just the trigger to the problem … HEY! You made me say all that! No fair, that's cheating.”
“What does my brother have to do with it … and your mom?” Inuyasha eyed her suspiciously, awaiting an answer.
Kagome weighed her options and finally came to a conclusion. “Since I have already spewed out so much information I guess I could go ahead and tell you, but on one condition and it must be met before I divulge my knowledge.”
Her eyes flashed and a malicious smile crept onto her face. “Let's take a walk, shall we?”
Inuyasha gulped as they started down the road. Wasn't this girl just furious with him and saying that she wasn't going to tell him anything? And now she's just handing it to him on a silver platter … well, with one condition to meet.
Concluding that girls were strange and confusing individuals, he made his way with Kagome to wherever they were going to end up.
Sango checked her hair in the mirror of her bedroom. Miroku was coming over to work on their project today. They had been working on it since the day it was assigned at Miroku's request. Sango would have started later, but Miroku wanted to go ahead and get it finished and that was fine with her.
The door bell sounded downstairs and Sango raced down the steps. Opening the door, she let Miroku in and led him upstairs before her father could catch him in the house and give him another incriminating talk.
Gathering all the supplies needed, they set to work.
“So Miroku … I have to say that I'm impressed. You have stayed true to your promise—so far—and haven't groped my butt or commenced any perverted action while we're working on the project.”
“I told you that I would keep true to my word.” Miroku smiled politely at Sango who returned the favor.
“Yeah, I guess I can trust you after all.”
Miroku glued down the last object onto the poster they were making. “Ok, our visual is done, now onto the paper.”
Sango nodded her head and walked over to her computer signaling Miroku to pull up an extra chair. All the information was there from previous research done on earlier days. Now all they had to do was put it into a term paper type format.
Before they began, Sango decided to check her e-mail and—temporarily forgetting Miroku's presence beside her—opened some mail from Kagome which said for her eyes only.
After reading it, she smiled happily. “I knew it, she does like him.”
“That's what I thought too.”
“What—Miroku?! What are you … please tell me you didn't read that!” Sango hoped against all odds though she knew that he had.
“I'd be lying if I said I didn't.” Miroku shrugged and Sango smacked herself in the forehead.
“Kagome is so going to murder me. Miroku, you can't tell anyone what you read—especially Inuyasha. If you did, then Kagome would kill me for telling you.”
“I won't tell Inuyasha that Kagome likes him … on one condition.”
Sango, whose face showed relief just a moment before, turned rapidly to a mix of terror and rage. “And what is this one condition exactly?”
Miroku smiled a smile that ensured it to be—of all things Sango didn't want it to be—perverted.
A/N: Sorry its short … but I wanted to stop it here. I also apologize for taking so long to update but school is top on the list of priorities. I also apologize for the crappiness of this chapter/story. It's not the best … though you don't have to agree : ) Lol.
I also would really REALLY like people to REVIEW! Pretty please? I'll give you a cookie or some ice cream … ok, so I can't exactly do that, but how about we use our imaginations, eh?
I'll try to update soon, that is, if you want me to.