InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Onward! To The Fair ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kagome or Miroku or Sango or … well you get the idea.
Kagome squealed excitedly as she helped Sango get ready for her date with Miroku. Sango was busy placing the finishing touches on her make-up when she looked at the clock in her room. He would be picking her up soon.
“I still wished that we could have gone on a double date. I know you wouldn't have minded going with Inuyasha.” Sango teased her friend before smiling comfortingly. They really had tried but the stupid hanyou wouldn't suck up his pride and ask Kagome to go to the fair with him.
Miroku and she had tried their hardest but to no avail. He was just as stubborn as always and kept denying that he liked Kagome, though he fooled no one … well except the girl that he had feelings for.
Earlier that Week
Inuyasha shook his head for the up-teenth time that day. Miroku and Sango had been hinting all day—well, Miroku had been yelling at him to ask Kagome out—but his answer was still the same. No.
He wasn't about to ask her now for any amount of ramen in the world since he was being told to do it.
“Come now Inuyasha, just ask her. I know she will say yes. I just have a feeling.”
“I don't care if she says yes or no. I'm still not going to ask her so leave me alone pervert!”
With that last sentence, Inuyasha stalked off to some other location without a stupid friend that would pester him.
It wasn't that he didn't want to go with Kagome; it was just that he didn't feel like having another relationship any time soon. If he were to ask Kagome out on a date, then that just might happen. Then again, he could just ask her as a friend and - darn, Miroku was going to get his way!
Back to that Day
The door bell could be heard ringing and the two girls walked joyously down stairs. The door was opened by Kagome and Sango was met with the eyes of her date.
“Hello Miroku.”
“Good evening Sango. If I may say so, you look superb.”
Sango blushed at his comment.
“I don't look that good.” She wore a soft pink tank top with dark colored jeans and her regular sneakers. Her make-up consisted of nothing more than some eye shadow and lip gloss which were both pink to match her shirt.
“Remember that I'm still here so don't start making out or anything like that in front of me.” Kagome winked at an indignant Sango whose jaw had opened wide.
“Ready to go Sango?” She nodded and took his out stretched arm. Kagome followed them outside and began heading back to her own home. It would be stupid to stay at Sango's house when she wasn't there.
“I feel bad for Kagome. She really wanted to go with Inuyasha even if she didn't show it much. I'm going to have to talk with that stubborn dog soon.”
Miroku chuckled lightly at his date's behavior. “I don't think you have to worry about Kagome. If I know Inuyasha like I think I do, we will see them at the fair so let's just have a good time together tonight, eh?”
Sango smiled in agreement and they began conversing about different topics on their walk to the fair.
Kagome sat bored on her couch flipping through the channels of her television absentmindedly. Her real focus was on Inuyasha.
She would have really enjoyed going to the fair with him. It would have been just like a date even if they just went as friends. Wait a second; she didn't need to wait on him. She could ask him herself if he wanted to go with her!
Racing up to her room, she began to ready herself for the fair. Even if she hadn't exactly asked Inuyasha yet, she could still get ready before hand and go without him if he said no.
Inuyasha had been pacing back and forth in his room all afternoon debating on whether or not to ask Kagome if she wanted to accompany him to the fair, but it was just too hard of a decision. He finally decided that the best decision was to just not go to the fair. That eliminated having to worry about asking her.
Oh man, if he didn't … Sango would surely yell at him! And Miroku would too! He was sure in for a major headache when he saw them next.
Wait a second, why should he worry about them. They didn't scare him, not at all! Ok, maybe Sango could be a little frightening when mad … but that would never be admitted. Then again, Kagome was scary when angry too … and if he had to decide which girl he feared the most when they were enraged, he'd have to say Kagome. Man, what the heck was wrong with all the women in his neighborhood!?
Kagome skipped down the steps and walked over to her front door. Calling out to her mom to let her know she was going to the fair, she headed over to Inuyasha's house. She knocked hesitantly on the door, waiting for someone to open it.
To her utter surprise, it wasn't Inuyasha but his brother.
“Hi, you must be Sesshomaru. I'm Kagome. Is Inuyasha here?”
He held her under a scrutinizing gaze before walking away from the doorway. Ok, was she welcome to enter or what …? After a few confused minutes, Inuyasha appeared before her.
“Hey Inuyasha, you know, you're brother isn't as scary as I first thought.”
He sent her a look of “who cares about my stupid brother” and asked her if that was all. He was in the middle of watching a very important program on the television. If he didn't hurry back, the remote would be in Sesshomaru's control and all hope would be lost.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to be blunt and to the point.
“Hey Inuyasha, you want to go to the fair with me?”
He'd defiantly be losing reign of the television now. Then an idea arose inside his mind. It was time to pick on the girl who was causing him to miss his favorite show.
“You know,” He leaned ever-so-closer to the girl while talking in a husky tone, “I've wanted to go with you on a date for some time now. I've wanted to …” His lips were within centimeters of hers', “kiss you.”
Kagome's eyes grew twice their size and she was frozen, her heart beating rapidly. Was he actually going to kiss her? Then she saw it, a smug smirk forming on the face of the hanyou. It was all a joke! How could he do that to her! She let her hopes get up for nothing.
“If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you really did want to kiss me.” Inuyasha had moved back to his earlier position inside the doorway and was smirking madly at Kagome.
“W-what? N-no way, I mean, why would I want to kiss you.” Had her stuttering not given her way, the giant pink blush sure did. Wanting desperately to change the subject, she retraced the conversation back to the original question.
“Do you want to go with me to the fair or not? Frankly, I don't really care anymore.”
“Yeah, I guess I'll go to this fair of yours. I mean, I know how much you want me and my lips—ow!” Inuyasha was hushed by a rather painful punch in the shoulder. He rubbed it sorely while giving Kagome a silent glare from beside her as they walked down the street.
“So Inuyasha, I noticed you weren't wearing a hat all week. Did you really only own one hat?”
“No …” His said quietly, not wanting her to hear.
“So you actually did have other hats to wear and didn't? I feel so special now. You kept your part of the bargain after all!” Kagome smiled cheerfully at him and his fuzzy ears.
Sometimes he didn't know which she liked more: him or his ears.
“You must like me a little more than you let on.” Kagome mused audibly, hoping that he would hear.
“No way, who would like a tomboy like you! You're defiantly not my type—I don't go for idiots.”
“Bet you've never had a girlfriend before either.”
“Yes I have. At my old school, there was this girl and … never mind.”
“Come on; tell me more details about this girl.” Kagome prodded him with a single finger. She didn't actually believe he was telling the truth. She wanted to catch him in his lie, but he did look serious about it. Maybe he really did have a girlfriend at his previous school. The thought of him with another woman sitting happily together and smiling just made her angry, but sad at the same time.
By the tone of his voice (if this so called girlfriend was real) he didn't seem to be over her quite yet. She decided not to press the matter anymore - for both their sakes.
Arriving to the destination, they were excited by what their eyes saw—well, Kagome more than Inuyasha.
“Wow, it's so beautiful.” She spoke in an awed whisper.
“It's just a bunch of lights, rides and cheap games.” Inuyasha yawned, his initial excitement evaporated.
“Way to ruin the moment, Inuyasha.” Kagome stated sullenly while entering onto the fairgrounds.
A/N: I am so terribly sorry, sorry, and sorry! I was having some trouble on this chapter and a lot has happened since my last update ages ago. This is the first time I've gotten on the computer in 3 weeks or more. Firstly, a relative of mine was in a bad car accident and has been in the hospital for a month or longer. Secondly, a different relative of mine just passed away very recently. So my life has been a bit more complicated and hectic than usual, but I'm doing alright.

I haven't the slightest clue when I'll have the next chapter up because I haven't even started on it and have no idea what to write either. Can't guarantee this, but maybe the next chapter will be up before Christmas - if not, hopefully before January begins!