InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Unexpected Girlfriend ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and friends
“Are you sure Kagome's isn't angry anymore?”
“Well … I know she was royally pissed when it happened at the fair, but now I'm not so sure.”
“That smile looks painted on … it's kind of creepy.”
Sango nodded in agreement.
“I'd wager she's still pissed.”
She and Miroku were sitting at a lunch table discussing the girl with raven hair as she walked towards them talking to a certain half-demon. Miroku shivered once Kagome sat down. Her smile was just creeping him out.
“Are you cold or something Miroku?” Kagome asked with the utmost sincerity.
Miroku answered with a vehement “No” and Sango felt like smacking his forehead, but she settled for dropping her heel onto his toes as a warning to keep his mouth shut. With pursed lips from the pain, Miroku sent the pony-tailed girl a twitching, evil eye before scooting his chair away from her.
Sango realized how much of a noticeable scene they were causing when she really wanted to be inconspicuous and not that obvious to the keen eyes of Inuyasha and especially Kagome. She decided that striking up a conversation was the best route to take and she looked like she was on her own at keeping the peace since Miroku was currently glaring at her.
“So how has your day been today?” Sango chirped happily to her two friends.
Maybe she could execute their plan and not be discovered, though she may need Miroku's smooth tongue for this … which was the original plan to begin with. She passed the perverted boy a sour look. If he hadn't been such a baby, she might have been able to complete this hard task. But no, he had to get mad at her for jabbing her heel into his foot. She didn't even do it hard either!
If he would have started off the conversation like what was intended, Sango wouldn't have had to open up with such a lame “So how was your day today?” She might as well have begun with something akin to “Great weather we're having today, eh?” The whole plan may as well be trashed.
“It wasn't that bad.”
Sango knew that was coming. Ask a stupid question - get stupid answers. Miroku nudged her in the arm. Oh, so now he scoots his chair back over to her.
He subtly moved his eyes behind Kagome and Inuyasha, letting them land on a person advancing in their direction. She followed his gaze and when her eyes met what was coming their way, she almost didn't believe it. Kagome! She had to get her out of here before-
- too late.
It all happened in quick transition. Inuyasha froze, ears flattened to his head as he slowly tilted his head to chance a glance at the girl seated beside him. Kagome's face had darkened considerably and - to Miroku's delight - her forced smile had evaporated. Inuyasha continued to rotate his head and looked behind him to see a dark-haired girl waving a hand in the air to catch his eye and coming his way.
When she reached his table, he received a large embrace and smiled a bit … only to regret it when his eyes met Kagome's. The peppy girl then proceeded to sit on Inuyasha's lap. Kagome squeezed her fist shut in anger - forgetting about the milk carton in her hand - and was instantly sprayed with the white liquid. She sat down her carton with a loud thud on the table, turned the girl attempting to sit in Inuyasha's lap and informed her that she could sit in her seat before stalking out of the cafeteria and towards the bathroom to clean all the milk out of her hair.
Sango followed Kagome hastily out of the lunch room and Miroku just watched as Inuyasha tried to push the girl off his lap without much success since she was clinging to him with arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
Sango found her friend at one of the bathroom sinks with a paper towel trying to dry her hair while staring intently into the mirror. Sango could officially say that she and Miroku's plan to keep Inuyasha and Kagome on good terms had officially failed. What was that girl doing here anyway?
“It's just like last Saturday at the fair.” Kagome said quietly and Sango didn't respond with words. Instead she gave her friend a sisterly hug. She knew Kagome was probably feeling like she wanted to cry … after she beat something with her fists to get out her anger. She knew it's what she would have done to Miroku had he done what Inuyasha did.
“Hey Inuyasha, let's go ride this!”
Kagome tugged at the boy's sleeve, willing him to follow her towards an especially tall Ferris wheel. They were in line and waiting for about 20 minutes and he was just about to give up on this ride and leave, but he knew Kagome would make a fuss if he didn't ride it with her. She was such an annoying girl.
Finally, they were being loaded into one of the little compartments and the ride began. Kagome was looking around excitedly at all the other attractions she was going to ride, occasionally pointing one of her favorites out. When they reached the top of the Ferris wheel, Kagome's lost her breath as she looked towards the horizon.
“What a breathtaking sunset.” Kagome whispered so as not to disturb the tranquil silence that had befallen them.
Suddenly the ride gave a jerk and Kagome was tossed onto Inuyasha. Quickly scrambling off him, she peered over the side down at the men who ran the wheel. They were scurrying around and shouting orders. One of them was angrily beating the control box of the ride, profanity springing from the fountain of his mouth.
Both of them slouched in their seats. The ride had broken down and they were stuck at the very top.
“Told you these rides were cheap.” Inuyasha smirked and Kagome rolled her eyes, telling him to shut-up.
Kagome didn't know how long they had been trapped up there, but she knew she wasn't the only one agitated. The other passengers of the ride were yelling down at the workers to hurry and get it running again. She probably wouldn't ride a Ferris wheel for a long time after this nightmare was over.
Staring absentmindedly into the sea of heads below her, she spotted two that she recognized. Standing up from her seat and gripping the pole in the center firmly with one hand, she attempted to catch their attention. She was successful.
When Miroku and Sango finally realized who it was yelling at them, they walked closer towards the broken attraction to hear her better.
After a couple minutes of shouting words back and forth, the two on the ground knew exactly why the two in the air were way up there and not moving. They also arranged to meet up with each other after Inuyasha and Kagome were freed from the ride.
Kagome flopped back down into her seat across from Inuyasha, causing the compartment to sway as a result.
“This is your entire fault. You just had to ride this thing, didn't you?”
Kagome's only response was a light kick in the shins. It wasn't like she had planned for the Ferris wheel to stop working or anything so it wasn't her fault.
It was dark now since the sun had set some 30 minutes earlier. She could still see the whole fair though since there were lights located in every corner of it. She turned her face away from the rest of the ground below and looked at Inuyasha. He had been unusually quiet ever since they had got in line - without counting the few remarks made to her about how stupid or annoying she was. What was on his mind?
She had been staring at him unintentionally for a few minutes and he seemed not to like that. He brought her from her unfocused star with the loud clearing of his throat. Kagome apologized and averted her gaze even higher to the stars above. She saw a shooting star and stood up to check if what she was correct. Then she closed her eyes and made a wish. The Ferris wheel jerked forward roughly. Wow, that was fast. The only downside to her wish was that she had been knocked unbalanced and began falling backwards. She now knew why they told you to remain seated on the ride.
She almost fell out off their compartment, being that it wasn't enclosed with glass or anything, but a strong hand clasped her wrist with no intention of letting go. Inuyasha pulled Kagome back in and they both sank down to the floor so as not to risk falling off again.
Kagome couldn't talk; she was speechless. She wanted to thank him, to hug him, to do something but sit mute. He just saved her life and she could even thank him properly. She looked down at her hand that was still encased by Inuyasha's. She blushed slightly and gathered up her voice to speak … but she didn't need it.
Inuyasha pulled her hastily into a tight embrace and her voice left her again, a large blush appearing on her face. What had gotten in to him?
“You idiot, you could have really got hurt. Don't you know not to stand up?”
Kagome pulled out of the embrace just enough so that she could look up at his face. He looked very worried … about her. Her heart skipped a beat as she stared into his entrancing amber eyes. She wished that he'd kiss her right then and now, but knew it would never happen. Now was her chance to thank him, not kiss him.
She wasn't even able to spout out his name because it was now time to get off the ride. Kagome mentally cursed at the workers. They left them up there when they didn't want to be, but when they didn't want to get off, they let them.
Inuyasha and Kagome had begun walking through the fair grounds, their moment they had shared earlier gone completely. They were now on their way to meet Sango and Miroku by the games.
Not wanting Inuyasha to think her ungrateful, Kagome started up her voice while they were walking.
“Inuyasha, thank you for saving me back there. If I had fallen off, I could have been seriously injured so … thanks.”
Inuyasha just smirked at Kagome before saying something uncharacteristic.
“What kind of man would I be if I didn't save a damsel in distress? It was the gentlemanly thing to do. I'm just really glad you're ok.
“Well I wouldn't go so far as to say I was a damsel in distress … or that you're a man, but it makes me feel good that you were worried about me.”
She pushed him in the shoulder playfully, not doing much to unbalance him as he was stronger than she was. There, she had admitted it. Inuyasha was stronger … but not by much! She smiled to herself as she remembered that time at the park where they shared a water fight … and then those two old women had mistaken them for a couple.
A couple … the idea didn't sound half bad. She may even have a chance with him too.
“Inuyasha! Kagome! We're over here.” Miroku flagged down his friends and then they went off playing some of the fair games.
Sango lead Kagome off to the bathroom with her, leaving the boys to talk amongst themselves. Once inside the restroom, Sango immediately began shooting off questions which Kagome responded to the best she could. She told Sango about how Inuyasha had saved her and how he had been worried about her and other minor details before turning the spotlight on her friend.
“So anything interesting happen with you and Miroku?” Kagome nudged Sango's arm with her elbow, smiling broadly as her friend blushed slightly.
“Well … he did ask me out on another date. He wants to take me to this “surprise place” as he called it. I don't know why he's being so secretive, but we're going to wherever it is next Saturday.”
Kagome laughed at the smile playing out on Sango's face. She could tell her friend really liked Miroku and she was extremely happy that Sango had found the right guy. Now she just had to find her own … although she did have a likely candidate.
The two girls returned to find Miroku, Inuyasha and another person standing with them. Miroku spotted them first and his face looked to be giving a warning, but it was one neither girls could decipher.
Inuyasha and the other person, whom they had figured out was a girl upon closer inspection, had their backs turned to the advancing forces of Kagome and Sango. When the two finally reached the group, Kagome could see that Inuyasha was smiling broadly … something she had never seen him do before. He was extremely happy and that girl beside him seemed to be the cause.
Kagome stood quietly for a moment until Inuyasha realized her presence. She couldn't help but wonder why he didn't smile like that with her.
“Oh Kagome, I didn't see you there. Well let me make some introductions. Kagome this is Kikyo. Kikyo this is Kagome and that is Sango. You already know Miroku so I don't need to introduce him.”
Kagome forced a smile. “And how do you two know each other?”
Inuyasha was hesitant to speak, so Kikyo answered for him.
“You see, Inuyasha and I went to school together last year before he changed schools. We were the cutest couple on campus, but then my little puppy had to leave so we broke up. But I'm going to be attending his school so now we are together again!” Kikyo smiled over at the hanyou who mirrored her gesture instantly.
Kagome almost collapsed at the information Kikyo gave. She would have to see these two together - holding hands while walking down the halls. Just when she thought school couldn't get any worse …
“So what do you want to do next? Have any ideas Kikyo?” Inuyasha turned to his girlfriend with that same fatuous grin gracing his handsome features.
“Why don't we go see if they have a tunnel of love? If not, we can just make our own.” Kikyo gave him a sly grin and Inuyasha turned to Miroku, Sango and Kagome.
Oh crap, Kagome! He had come with her. He knew he shouldn't ditch her, but she should understand. It wasn't like they were together or anything. I mean, it wasn't as if he had never thought about it, but thinking wasn't taking action. He didn't ask her if she wanted to go out with him and now he had Kikyo. And even though he had seriously thought about kissing her on the Ferris wheel when they were both seated on the floor after her almost fall, he used some self control and didn't. Though he guessed the fact that it was time to get off the ride was the actual reason.
She must have realized what he was about to say because she spoke before he could.
“You guys, it's getting kind of late and I'm tired so I think I'm going to leave. Bye Sango, Bye Miroku.”
Kagome turned and looked towards the new couple. “Nice to meet you Kikyo.”
She stared at Inuyasha for a moment with sorrowful eyes before saying bye to him as well. Right now she felt like crap! Here she had thought she had a chance with this guy and his girlfriend suddenly appears. This just wasn't a good day for her. To top it all off her eyes were beginning to water. Quickly turning away so no one would see, she made her way out of the fair.
Inuyasha was about to object to her departure, but then he smelled the salty scent generating from her turned back he knew all too well as tears. He was frozen by this perplexing thought and did nothing more to hinder her retreating form's movement.
Once her back was turned the tears fell rapidly. She was just thankful no one she knew was seeing her like this. What would they think if they saw the toughest girl in school crying? Inuyasha's appearance in her life had changed he; altered her somehow. She hadn't even gotten into any fights or been sent to detention for about three weeks now. It was a new record. Sango had changed in the same way because of Miroku too.
She continued the long trek home all the while sniffling occasionally from all the silent crying she was doing. She had wiped her eyes several times, but nothing seemed to help her situation. She didn't think anything would.
End Flashback
A/N: Ok, I will end the chapter here I guess. Once again, I apologize for updating so late. I've just been really busy lately … but I hope this chapter was enjoyable. Personally I think it sucks, but feel free to disagree! : )
Thanks to all my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious reviewers!
See you later!