InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blood ❯ The Final Problem ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Read the end for fluff. I'm big on huge final battles, but I just want to finish this so I kept it short. This is the last chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha.


Chapter 35: The Final Problem


Waking up in Inuyasha’s arms should have been a wonderful feeling, but it wasn’t, not when the knowledge that this was the final day filled her mind. He must have sensed her concern, because he interlocked his fingers with hers, squeezing her hand.

“We will survive this.”

“I know,” she whispered back. “I just don’t like his plan.”

The night after she and Inuyasha had been on the lake island, they had returned home. Narek had come back, and Sesshoumaru had agreed to listen to his plan. The family head, Narek and Rukiya had been holed up in the lounge room for hours, arguing. Then, the rest of the family were called in, to listen to the plan. Lilliana returned, some time later, and accepted their strategy without question.

Sesshoumaru had gathered the nearby nightwalkers, stationing them in the forests around their hideout. Narek stayed outside the house, waiting for his turn to start the attack. Naraku, his slaves, his nightwalkers would be there that night, in less then a few hours.

Rising out of the bed, Kagome reached for her clothes. Inuyasha caught her wrist, yanking her down so that she sat in his lap. Kagome sighed, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

“I really, really don’t like the plan.” 

“Me too. But if it works, Naraku will be dead, and we can finally be free.”

“Then let’s just go. Get it over with.”

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her shoulders, squeezing her, pulling her so close, she felt she might melt into him.

“Just five more minutes.”

She turned around, gently touching the black marks on his chest. Since making love the last two days, the marks had gotten smaller, shrinking away from his neck and stomach. But the black blood was still there. She knew it will take many more good moments to ease his suffering. And that stupid plan was about to fill him to the brim with pain. She hated it.

Wrapping her arms around his chest, she rubbed her cheek into his collar.

“It’s so not fair. After everything we’ve been through, now that we’re finally on the same page, and there’s one more war to fight.”

“Yeah, it sucks,” Inuyasha agreed. “But we’re worth fighting for.”

Kagome giggled, leaning up to press her lips to his. There was a call from downstairs, and she sighed, pulling back.

“Looks like our five minutes are up. We’d better get down there.”

Inuyasha raised a brow. “They can wait.”

Before she could ask him what he mean, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed for forward, his lips colliding with hers. Unable to resist and not wanting to pull away, she closed her eyes, melting against him, feeling the rush of his tongue gliding over hers, his teeth nibbling on her lower lip, his hard chest pressing against her breasts as he squeezed her to him.

Another call came from downstairs and Kagome had to force herself to pull back. “We really have to go.”

The look he gave her then was so petulant, that she had to force down a giggle before it escaped her lips. Grabbing his nose she said, “Just use it as motivation.”

He smiled. “After we finish this, when things calm down, let’s go to the Bahamas.”

“And what do you plan to do there?”

“Talk. Walk on the beach. Deal with our losses.” His voice lowered. “Find a room and not leave it for the next five nights.”

Kagome flushed, a wonderful burning sensation settling into her lower stomach. “I’d like that.”

Downstairs, they met with the family in the lounge. Claire was unusually silent, staying close to her brother. Sesshoumaru outlined the plan, reminding everyone of their roles. Rukiya and Lilliana spoke quietly in a corner and Kagome wasn’t sure why, but it looked as though the two of them were saying goodbye.

Then they heard it, like the pounding footsteps of an incoming stampede. The Zenith nightwalkers were getting close, and the stink of Naraku’s miasma was slowly coating the air like a poisonous gas cloud. Narek entered the louge, pointing at Kagome.


Before she left, Kagome squeezed Inuyasha’s hand. “It’s only for a little while.”

“Are you saying that for me? Or for you?” Inuyasha cocked his head in Narek’s direction, “Because after he does what he’s going to do, I’m not going to feel any pain, at least not for long. I’m going to feel nothing but utter fury. You’re the one that has to watch me suffer.”

Kagome bit her lip. He was right. She hated it. But the best way to trick your enemies was to make your allies believe that what they were experiencing was real. She held Inuyasha’s hand to her chest. Then she let him go and left the room before she had to watch what Narek was going to do to him.

Outside the house, she heard both Inuyasha and Lilliana scream. The source of their pain was not physical, but it broke Kagome’s heart all the same. It was like listening to a parent mourn the loss of their child. When Narek came out of the room a moment later, Kagome glared at him.

“Couldn’t you make this easier?”

He looked at her from the corner of his eye. “Manipulating memories to make someone believe that you’re dead is never easy. Even if it’s a lie, it always devistating when you’ve lost someone that close to you.”

“Why did it have to be me though? Haven’t they suffered enough? Couldn’t you fake someone else’s death?”

Narek gave her a long look. He didn’t say anything and Kagome resisted fidgeting under his emerald stare, refusing to show weakness. After a second, she started to wonder what his look meant. His normally cold features felt off somehow. He didn’t look at her as though she were a lower being. His gaze flicked downward for a second and then back up.

“Having two grief stricken warriors is better then one. Besides, of the three, you are the most irreplaceable. Believing in your loss will anger Naraku the most.” 

She hated his matter of fact words. Hated what she had to do next. She extended her arm, offering her hand like one would do a handshake. Knowing Narek, this might hurt, but the risk was worth it. For the first time in her life, she had someone she hated more then him. If it meant killing Naraku, she would be willing to accept even Narek’s help.

Grasping her hand, Narek looked her in the eye. “Even with the knowledge, it will you some time to have complete control over your power. Don’t use it on allys. There will be plenty of enemies to experiment on.”

“You finally decide to give me the easy button on all my fourth generation powers and that’s what you say? I’m not a monster. I don’t use my powers on loved ones.”

Narek squeezed her hand. A rush of spiky pain erupted behind Kagome’s eyes. The second stretched on for minutes, but when Narek let her go, she had a new awareness she had never felt, as the temptation to test out all of her newfound strength on him. But she wouldn’t. She needed to save all of her anger for what was coming.

Sure enough, the sound Zenith nightwalkers was closer then over now. She had to leave, to remain hidden before they broke into the clearing. Narek faced north, toward the direction the stench of the miasma was the strongest.

“I’ve given you the knowledge and unlocked the ability to use all the powers I gave you when I turned you into a nightwalker,” Narek stated. “So start using them.” 

Taking a deep breathe, Kagome did something she had never been able to do before. She hid her scent and, just as she had seen Narek do a thousand times, she vanished, finding the perfect spot to watch what was coming next. From her vantage point in a nearby tree, she saw the Zenith nightwalkers walk out into the clearing. She felt all their alleys in the trees, watching, waiting for join the fight when it inevitably broke out. They were waiting, for Sesshoumaru’s order, and it wouldn’t be long before the call to war came.

Naraku walked out into the clearing. He eyed the house over Narek’s shoulder and then looked down at the lone young man standing in his way.

“Lucy’s attack dog. I wondered where you had gone.” Naraku laughed. “What? Are you here for revenge?”

Narek’s smile was deranged. “Oh you have no what I’m really here for.”

“It’s that girl, isn’t it? The one that looks like you. How sweet.” Naraku took a step forward, the miasma around him rising, filling the air with bitter, acidic heat that scratched at one’s throat. “But she will be mine soon. Her and her father’s midnight heart.”

“You can take them for all I care. It won’t matter in the end. You’re missing an ingredient.”

Naraku’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

Narek pulled something out of his pocket. Red liquid sloshed around in the corked vial in his hand, and though Kagome knew it was all a part of their rouse, she still felt sick looking at the vial of her own blood.

“This is all that’s left of fourth generation nightwalker blood. The girl that produced it, the one you’re after, is dead. I killed her. Just as Lucy wanted me to.”

Naraku’s lips peeled back, his fangs lengthening, his irises glowing a murderous red. He flashed across the clearing, grabbing Narek’s neck, smashing the younger man into the house wall, stealing the vial of blood from his hand. His claws dug into Narek’s neck, his red eyes looking into Narek’s relaxed green ones.

“You took what was mine? How should I kill you? Slow and painful, like Lucy? Or perhaps I should just rip out your heart right now. Decisions, decisions.”

What happened next was so fast, that Kagome had barely seen it. The door to the house had opened, and Naraku was knocked away from Narek. The demon regained his balance in midair, flipping back onto his feet, starting at the man that had just attacked him, but his new opponent completely ignored him, turning to Narek instead.

Peeling himself away from the wall, Narek stared blankly at Inuyasha’s red eyes, the elongated fangs in his mouth as he snarled at him. 

“You,” came Inuyasha’s hoarse, vicious growl.

From her hiding place, Kagome’s skin prickled, her jaw and muscles tightening, hating that Inuyasha had to feel this.

“You killed her.”

“Of course I did.” Narek’s reply was calm. “It was either that, or having Naraku get his hands on her. Which can you say is worse?”

Inuyasha didn’t hear him. He charged at Narek. But he never reached him. Naraku, his target now found, charged at Inuyasha. Switching his attention from one enemy to another, Inuyasha reached out, grabbed Naraku’s arm and slammed the demon into the ground.

“Get out of my way! I’ll deal with you after Narek’s head is lying at my feet!”

Naraku’s claws sank into Inuyasha’s arm, but it was like Inuyasha couldn’t feel any pain, couldn’t feel anything but his blinding grief, his need for vengeance. Narek took his chance to run to the other side of the clearing. He didn’t get very far, as an ear piercing shriek tore through the sky. It echoed through the trees, and everyone, from the Zenith nightwalkers to the their allies hiding out, and even Kagome, feel their knees from the sound of it.

Kagome grit her teeth, concentrating on keeping her scent hidden, on not letting her presence be known, even as she felt as though glass was being driven into her ears. Opening one eye, she saw Lilliana coming out of the house. Her mouth was open wide, her shriek only growing louder. Fury radiated off her as she charged at Narek.

She never got to him. Naraku stood in her way. Then it was a bloody brawl between four players. Inuyasha and Lilliana desperately trying to rip apart the man they thought had killed their mate and friend. Naraku trying to capture the two ingredients to his elixir, and Narek, trying to avoid all three, to stay alive, to keep the distraction going.

It was then that Sesshoumaru, Rukiya, Bill, and Claire burst through the house. It was then that the order ran out, for both Naraku and Sesshoumaru. The Zenith nightwalkers and Sesshoumaru’s allies came out of the forest, and a massacre of teeth, claws, and nightwalker powers followed. Blood filled the air, and, in the center, ignoring it all, was Lilliana and Inuyasha.

While the family raged around them, killing slaves, Zenith nightwalkers, and defending allies, Inuyasha and Lilliana relentlessly pursued Narek, slicing, biting, disorienting Naraku with their screams, every time the demon got in their way, tried to capture them. Getting impatient, Naraku tried to reach into their memories, to confuse them, to choke them with miasma, but the grief that flowed through Lilliana and Inuyasha, that spurred them to fight, to kill, was all consuming. Narek had made sure of that.

The plan was working. Kagome watched, waiting for her moment to enter the battle, to use her powers to finish the job. That was until Naraku lost his patience, and slashed Lilliana across the chest. Black blood spilled onto the floor, poured out of her mouth as she fell to her knees.

Inuyasha roared, switching targets, going after Naraku next. Narek reached Lilliana, and pulled her bleeding broken body out of the battle. Kagome left her tree, chasing Narek into the woods, where she watched horrified as he knelt over her, trying to stop the bleeding from her chest.

“Fuck,” Narek growled, cutting into his palm. His red blood poured over his hands. Putting his hands over the gaping hole in Lilliana’s heart, he breathed in deep, forcing his hands to glow, forcing her body to heal itself. 

“Can you heal her?”

“Shut up! I only have seconds and you need to go do your job. Right now. Before we lose our chance.” Narak sliced open his chest, pouring more of his blood over Lilliana’s wounds. ”Now get out of here.”

Kagome raced back to the clearing. The Zenith nightwalkers got in her way. Using her newly found awareness of blood bone control, she slashed through her enemies, reaching the clearing where Naraku was holding Inuyasha up by the neck. Inuyasha kicked, clawing at the arm that was holding him. And though Naraku was covered in his own blood, he didn’t seem any less exhausted.  

“I only need one midnight heart. And I will reclaim the revenant when I take you back. So do stop struggling, or else I’ll be forced to remove a limb.”

Kagome reached out with her senses, exerting her will on Naraku. He twitched, turning around, his movements jerky, slowed down by her exerting her will on him, to try and force him to stand still. But he was too strong to be still completely and when his eyes noticed her, his thin smile spread across his face, showing his teeth like a hungry viper ready to swallow her whole.

“So, you are alive. Wonderful.”
Kagome ignored him, looking at Inuyasha’s wide eyes. They were golden, sanity returning to them. No. Not now.

“Don’t hold back. Give in. Unleash your inner demon,” she called to him. “Rip him apart for me.”

One of his eyes glowed red. And Naraku made the mistake of laughing, or charging at Kagome. Had he turned around, had he looked at Inuyasha, he would have seen the young man’s smile, would have heard the whisper of his inner demon as it spoke to Kagome.

“For you. I would do anything.”

By the time Naraku felt Inuyasha’s body shifting, it was too late. His hand was far too small to hold on to the massive muscles that were quickly lengthening, growing. By the time he turned around, his eyes wide at the sight of massive fangs in front of him, he was too late.

Inuyasha’s giant, furry paw slammed him down. His teeth clamped down on Naraku’s arm, ripping it clean off his body. There was no time for Naraku to even cry out in pain, as a set of giant claws and teeth pummeled him, ripping him apart, just as Kagome had begged.

The Zenith nightwalkers froze, watching as the giant, silver dog completely obliterated their master. When it finally stopped, there was nothing left of Naraku, except for a red stain on the floor.

He was gone. All that was left to do was for Kagome to reach out, touch the dog’s paw, and restore his memories. Now that the relief, the concern, the protective instinct to protect her was no longer necessary, it was easy for Inuyasha to return to his usual form.

The battle was over. The Zenith nightwalkers that remained standing could either surrender or die. The human slaves were put out of their misery. In the midst of the chaos that followed, neither Inuyasha nor Kagome worried about what would come next. It didn’t matter. They were free.

It took a few days for things to settle down. Meetings with other nightwalker families, explanations of what had happened and making sure Taiki and Kagura were safe took up all of Sesshoumaru’s and Rukiya’s time. So that left everyone else to burry Albier, Natalia and Christiano.

The service was short, but the time spent afterward was hazy, as everyone tried to come to terms with their emotions. The shock of losing three family members so easily, combined with the stress of cleaning up the post battle mess, left Kagome in a daze. A week passed and she barely remembered any of it, except for some important tidbits of news.

Shippo had taken Sayo back to her family, where she had reunited with her parents. Claire spent her time mourning Xander. Even though the two had always been on opposite sides and odds, she hadn’t wanted anything bad to happen to him. Rukiya was silent after Chase’s death, but Kagome could see a sadness in her eyes from time to time.

One morning, Kagome woke up alone. Inuyasha was gone again, no doubt doing more damage control. She wondered through the house, realizing that she was alone. Except for Lilliana. The girl stood outside in the clearing, watching the house with a strange expression on her face.

Exiting out of the front door, Kagome waved at her.

“Hi,” said Lilliana in a strangely subdued voice.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Saying goodbye.”

“You’re leaving?”

Lilliana nodded. “I don’t think I belong here anymore.”

“Why? I know you don’t want to talk about what you’ve been through, but no one here has rejected you. Why are you leaving? Why don’t you believe we’re your family anymore.” 

Lilliana scratched the black mark on her chest. “I just know I don’t deserve to be here anymore. I don’t really know where I will go, or what I will do, for the time I have left. I just want to do it on my own terms. I don’t want anyone’s approval. I don’t need it. As long as I know the family, those that are left anyway, are alive and safe, then I’m happy.”

Kagome rubbed her arms. “You said you would lose your mind. Is that the effect the black blood has?”

Lilliana nodded. “Narek wasn’t always there to put my mind back together in the thirty years I spent in Zenith. And I refused to be at his mercy all the time. I went through so much. I had so many encounters with Naraku. So many times where my memories were twisted, forcing me into despair. The war on that side was far worse then what I went through here with Inuyasha’s father. So bad, that black blood can’t be cleared away.”

“So,” Kagome sobbed. “Where will you go? All alone?”

“Somewhere I can be at peace. That’s all I want now.”  


Lilliana ran, into the forest before Kagome could stop her.


She ran through the trees, calling out Lilliana’s name, trying to follow her scent, but no matter where she looked, all she saw were the dark trees and the starry night sky overhead. Kagome wasn’t sure if it had been hours or minutes, but when she could not track Lilliana, she changed course. There was only one person that could save her.


“Well, well, well. You’ve either completely lost your mind, or must be incredibly desperate if you actually came looking for me.”

Leaning back on a park bench, with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, Narek was the picture of relaxed. He waved his hand dismissively at Kagome, as though he were shooing away a fly.

“What do you want?”

“Lilliana. If you’ve ever really cared about her, like, at all, then save her. Please. You know so much, you have to know of a way.”

“I do.”

Hope blossomed in Kagome’s heart, but it quickly froze over. “Then why? Why haven’t you done it?”

“Because she does not want me to.”

“Since when have you actually asked for permission?”

Narek opened one eye. His gaze was icy. “There are lines that even I refuse to cross.”

He stood and Kagome braced herself. But he did not attack. He didn’t even bother making her body freeze in place. He simply walked passed her, as if she were nothing.

“Lilliana will be fine. She’s stronger then she gives herself credit for. You, on the other hand, should worry about yourself. And think of a good name for the child that you are carrying.”

Kagome’s heart jumped up into her neck. “W-what?”

Her thoughts jumped back to the day she and Inuyasha had spent at the lake and her hands fell to her lower belly. Looking up, she saw it. A quarter moon, a waxing gibbous, hung in the sky. The full moon had just passed.

“Oh my god. That’s the real reason you wanted me to hang back in that last fight, isn’t it?”

Narek turned to face her then. “I’ve never considered you my blood child, but I will ask one thing of you. Be a good parent. Not all of us are given that gift.” 

“I don’t need to hear that from you, asshole!”

Narek shrugged. “Fair enough. Goodbye.” 

“Where the hell are you going?”

Narek stopped. His back to her, his hands in his pockets.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you, so you can go and tell the king. I’m going to back to Zenith, where I will close all the gates from that side. I’ll take Inuyasha’s sword of course. Then there will be no way for another cross over. No more contact. All of the knowledge of exactly how to make an elixir, dies with me.”

“You’re seriously never going to come back? Why do I have a hard time believing that. You’re up to something. You always are. ”

Narek laughed. “Perhaps. Either way, I never want to see you or your family members again.”

Then he was gone.

When Inuyasha found Kagome sometime later, he was surprised to see her sitting alone on the park bench with her knees drawn up to her chest.

“May I join you?”

Kagome nodded, letting him sit down next to her. He looked out into the park before them. Moonlight reflected on the man-made lake. A breeze filled the air with the soft shuddering of leaves, the chirping of crickets only adding to the music of the night. It was no Bahamas, but it was nice, especially when there were no humans around. They were completely alone.

“I sometimes wish I could walk in the sun again,” Kagome admitted. “I always loved seeing the ducks in the water.”

“If you can tolerate the heat, you can always grab an umbrella and come out here.”

“No thanks. I’ve had enough burning, thank you very much. How you can tolerate it to a point, I’ll never-”

Kagome yelped when a pair of strong arms plucked her off the bench and repositioned her in Inuyasha’s lap. For a moment, she froze, leaning her head and side against his chest, listening to his breathing. Inuyasha slid his hand under her calf, sending tingling sensations straight up into her chest. He gently stretched out her legs, placing her heels on the park bench.


“You could have just asked,” Kagome grumbled, even as she nuzzled her temple into his chest.  
“I’m impatient.”

“Really? I never would have guessed, Mr. I-will-make-you-beg-before-I-do-what-we-both-want.”

Kagome squeaked when a Inuyasha’s fingertips caressed the side of her cheek. Slowly, softly tracing his fingers over her skin, his fingers dipped into her hair. She closed her eyes as he slowly ran his fingers through her black locks. 

“Do you want me to beg? Do you want control?” He leaned down, his breathe tingling her forehead as he whispered. “Would you make me wait before giving me what I want?”

His chest rumbled against her side, his throaty voice tingling her ears.

Shivering, Kagome said, “Maybe. Or maybe I just like fighting with you to see who can win control.”

“I thought you said you liked it rough.”

His hand rose from her calf, past her knee, kneading the muscles of her thigh. Kagome bit her lip, leaning her head back, almost forgetting what she had had to do. Inuyasha let go of her hair, putting a possessive hand on her waist.

“Do you remember my promise from that night on the lake?”

Kagome felt a rush of heat flooding into her lower belly. She pressed her knees together, swallowing hard. “You mean how you said you’ll save your appetite for after the battle?”

“I’ll always have an appetite if you’re the main course.”

Kagome slapped her hands over her eyes. “How do you say these things with such a straight face?”

Pulling her one of her hands away form her face, he said, “How can I not when I get adorable reactions like these? Girl, we’ve done all kinds of nasty stuff in the ten years since we met. How are you still so shy?”

“Don’t call it nasty,” Kagome growled. “I don’t want to think of it that way.”

“Okay I won’t, but only if you tell me what’s bothering you.”

Kagome looked at her hand. He hadn’t let her go, his thumb gently rubbing her knuckles.

“If I tell you, will you promise not to get mad?”

“If it’s about Lilliana, I already know.”

Kagome leaned her head back, so that he she could see his face. There was a frown on his brow, and a sadness in his half closed eyes as he looked out into the lake. He sighed so deeply that Kagome moved up and down with his chest. When he spoke again, his voice was low, a whisper.

“She asked me not to follow her, to let her go.”

“Did you? That doesn’t sound like you.”

“I don’t know what else I can,” he admitted. “You were right. She’s changed. It’s almost like who she was never existed. I don’t know how to feel about it. While I’m happy that she’s safe, I’m also sad that there is no cure for her condition. She said she just wants peace.”

Kagome rubbed her palm in little circles on Inuyasha’s chest, unsure if the gesture was for his comfort or for herself. “She told me the same thing.”

“I can only hope she finds what she needs. You can’t force someone to be a part of your family. It took me a long time to learn that. I don’t want to force anyone to stay with me anymore.”

“Well, it’s lucky for you that I now choose to be here.”

He chuckled, sending a wave of warmth through Kagome’s body.

“Super lucky.”

Kagome gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “When did you get so cute?”

He raised a brow. “Please. Have you seen my dog form?”

Kagome pouted. “I’m a little sad that I can only see your dog ears when you change forms now.”

Thinking about his doggy ears reminded her that the gateways to Zenith will be predominately closed. She told Inuyasha about Narek’s plans.

His face hardened. “Good riddance. Hope to never see him or another Zenith nightwalker for as long as I’m alive.”

Kagome swallowed a lump in her throat. She fisted the fabric of Inuyasha’s shirt. “That wasn’t all Narek told me.”

Inuyasha stiffened. He placed a hand on her cheek, moving her face so that she looked into her eyes.

“Did he hurt you?”

Kagome shook her head. “He wouldn’t dare. At least, not now.”

“Oh really? Why is that? Did you kick his sorry ass with your newly unlocked powers? I would have loved to see that.”

When she didn’t laugh, a low rumble vibrated through his chest. Kagome moved so that she straddled his legs. Facing him fully, her lips pressed together as a wave of nerves tingled in her heart, she held his wrists. Carefully, she placed his hands on her lower belly, never once taking her gaze away from his. Golden eyes widening, he looked down at his hands, his mouth slowly opening. He looked up at the moon and then his gaze met hers again.

“That day at the lake.”

Kagome nodded.

Inuyasha’s hands slipped from under hers. He held her cheeks, his stunned expression filling her stomach with knots as he looked into her eyes for so long, she couldn’t help but fidget under his intense gaze. He leaned into her neck, inhaling deeply. Kagome held still, unsure of what his reaction meant. Then he crushed her against him, holding her so tightly that she forgot to breathe.

Kagome felt his racing heart beating against her breasts. He gently patted the back of her head. His other arm circled her waist, keeping her close.

“Fuck me,” Inuyasha whispered breathlessly. “I’m going to be a dad? H-holy shit.”

His words came out in a long, nervous exhale. His body shook, and Kagome smelled salt in the air.  

“Y-you’re crying? You’re actually crying?”

“Yes I’m crying,” Inuyasha snapped. “We’re going to have a baby!” He raised his sleeve to his face, rubbing off the tears. “God, I hope it’s a girl! If we have a boy, he’s going to be a real little shit! Just like me.” 

“Hey, don’t talk about my son that way! As long as I’m parenting him, he’ll be a considerate little gentleman, up until he has to throw down of course.”

“Our son,” he corrected. “Or our daughter. Man, I so want a daughter.”

“You had better not be one of those overprotective dads that threatens any guy that so much as looks at your little girl.”

“You bet you’re sweet ass I’m going to be overprotective. As for the threatening boys part, our girl will threaten them all by herself.”   

Kagome giggled, her own eyes filling with tears. Her heart beat wildly, wonderfully, as she listened to his happy laughter and sobs. She pressed her cheek into his neck, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Inuyasha rocked them back and forth, a low, soft hum coming form his chest. She closed her eyes, letting his joy and his embrace flutter over her skin. Absentmindedly, she made little circles in the back of his head.

To think something so joyous could happen after the crazy emotional ride they had been on. A fight, bringing out the harsh truths of their relationship, then one thing after another, leaving them no choice but to solve problems together, to rely on each other to make it through all their struggles. Then, finally, an honest conversation, where they aired out all their grievances, forgave each other, and started to rely on each other as friends. When had it become something more? When had they both completely forgotten that they had once wanted to break their bond?

Kagome shivered, squeezing Inuyasha’s shoulders. None of it mattered. They were free. They were together. There was a future. Even if it was a confusing, grief stricken, messy one, it was still theirs. And she wanted nothing more then to start experiencing it. Sparing a moment to herself, to smirk devilishly, she slipped her fingers under his hair, stroking along the mating mark on the back of his neck.

Inuyasha jerked suddenly. Kagome ran her hand down his neck, under his shirt, over the stripes that ran down his back. She bit her lip, loving the fact that she could feel him hardening under her. 

“You better stop that. Unless you want me to rip off your jeans and make love to you right here on this park bench.”

“Why wait for the Bahamas?” Kagome purred into his neck. “Why don’t we start right now? Pretty soon, you and I are going to have our hands full, so we might as well enjoy ourselves until then.”

Inuyasha leaned his cheek against hers, his lips brushing along her jaw. “Music to my ears.”  

The end.