InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Even though I would kiss Naraku and stop hating Kikyo to own him. Seriously, do not sue. .
Midnight Blues
Inuyasha's POV
Chicago, 12:30 AM. Present Day.
Inuyasha Taisho sat alone in a bar on an uncomfortable bar stool, staring blankly ahead with an expression that was mixed with hurt, jealousy, and anger, clutching a beer. Those feelings seemed to hover around him, making a cloud of his own misery encase him in his own world. The people dancing happily in the bar to the fast beating, sultry music behind him paid no attention to him. The lights gave no mercy on him, flashing with brilliant color around the classy bar. Inuyasha sighed and rubbed his temples warily as the fierce anger started to come back. He sighed again and remembered with hate the reason he was there in the noisy bar the first place. Taking a slow swig of his bitter tasting beer, the 26 year old thought,
`That ungrateful woman deserves to go to hell after what she did'
He clenched his jaw, trying to shut out the scenes that played out about an hour ago.
The hanyou had just come back from a long day at the hospital, so he was exhausted and put out from a hard day's work. But, his spirits lifted once he realized that his love was there for him. Inuyasha stepped inside his house, expecting a worried fiancé there waiting for him. Still wearing his white coat and green scrubs underneath it, he walked across the smooth, polished tile floor towards the bedroom when he abruptly stopped, hearing strange noises. He sniffed and his eyes widened drastically. He strode swiftly to the bedroom and threw open the door. That's when he caught her inhis house in their bed with another guy. After his shock had subsided, he went crazy with fury. The enraged doctor had chased the shocked, scrambling guy around the apartment, seeing red. It didn't take long to catch up with him and, when he did, Inuyasha started punching the guy in the jaw and anywhere in reach. Inuyasha had literally thrown the naked bleeding man out of the apartment yelling threats. Once he slammed the door, he didn't turn around for a while. He tried to compose his anger and calm down his heaving shoulders. He finally got the courage to turn around, and once he did, his face no longer was angry, but betrayed. He saw the scantily sheet-clad Kikyo standing in the middle of the living room, her eyes wide in disbelief at what had just occurred. She begged and pleaded with him and said she was sorry. But he just stood there looking as if he were in a nightmare, not sure what to do. His supposed fiancée tried to explain, but then quickly gave up at his betrayed and angry face and dumped him on the spot. His betrayed expression turned emotionless and masked when he heard Kikyo say that she didn`t really love him and that she had been cheating on him since the relationship began. She said she only stayed for the money, (his older brother Sesshomaru owned the richest company in all the U.S. and Japan.) Then she set the diamond ring he gave her just days ago on the table. Kikyo walked out, still clad in his black sheets with her head held high, going to find her lover, leaving Inuyasha standing speechless and heartbroken.
The doctor growled and slammed his drink down on the bar, shaking the images away. He never should have even met Kikyo. It was the stupid nurse's fault, making him go into the wrong hospital room. He mentally reminded himself to fire her. He sighed and was just about to get up when he noticed an attractive young woman sitting next to him, staring at him intently. He glanced at her, annoyed, and took another drink of his cracked beer, deciding to use her as a momentary distraction from his pain.
“What the hell are you looking at?” the long, silver-haired, amber-eyed, half demon shot at the girl.
“You,” she said bluntly.
“Feh,” he snorted. “Could you quit?! I've had a bad day and I don't want some girl staring at me all night!”
The pretty girl looked quite startled for a split second and then she scowled.
“ I'm so sorry,” the woman replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I didn't know you were having a pity party.” She rolled her eyes. “Next time, I'll make sure to bring tissues,” the girl, he guessed was about 20, shot back as she got up gracefully and sauntered off to a booth close by, Martini in hand.
Very irritated, Inuyasha thought, 'Ugh! The nerve of that wench!'
He gritted his teeth and put down a five on the counter. He leapt up off the bar stool and marched over to the young woman who was sipping her Martini, smirking.
“Where the hell do you get the nerve to talk to someone you've never met, wench!?” Inuyasha bit out scathingly at the girl who was now smiling cattily.
“From my dad,” she told him brusquely. They both stared at each other for the longest time. It probably was only a few seconds, but it felt like an hour. Suddenly, they both started laughing simultaneously.
“Are you always this hostile and loaded?” Inuyasha asked smiling back, his anger drained.
She laughed, “Yeah, especially around guys. And I thought you might have needed to take your mind off whatever was making you think so heavily on...”
Inuyasha looked at her for a moment, summing her up, before asking kindly, “Can I buy you a drink? I promise I won't yell at you again. I've just had a really rough day, is all...”
The mysterious woman nodded and smiled warmly. “Sure. Sit down. I could use another Martini.”
Inuyasha sat down on the other side of the booth, grateful that he actually changed out of his hospital gear so he didn't look like an idiot and ordered her another drink. Soon, after some small talk, he said, “Hey, I don't even know your name. Can I have it?”
“If you mean steal it, then no,” she laughed when he smirked. “But you can learn it…” she took a sip of her drink and waited for him to ask.
“All right, Ms. Smart Aleck, what's your name? Wait….it is Ms., right?” Inuyasha asked hesitantly.
“Ms. Kagome Higurashi,” she stated without hesitation. “And yours would be…?”
“Inuyasha Taisho. Nice to meet you.”
Kagome smiled and said coyly, “Yeah, it is nice…”.
Inuyasha took a minute to marvel appreciatively at how Kagome's brown eyes shined brightly from the lights of the bar. How her long, ebony hair cascaded down her smooth, white shoulders. 'Gods, she's beautiful. And has a sense of humor that I-….that I`ve been searching for. Blunt, sexy, and can put up with my bad attitude. Not at all like Kikyo. I can't believe I didn't see through her act...' Inuyasha thought. But, in the end, he decided to forget about his cheating ex-fiancée and focus on what could be the best thing that has ever happened to him.
Two hours later, Inuyasha and Kagome were still sitting at the same booth, talking and laughing like they were old friends. There was silence for a little while before Inuyasha looked at his watch and grimaced. Then he stated unwillingly, “ I have to go, but I want to see you again, Kagome. Can I?” With a start, Inuyasha realized he liked feeling the sound of her name in his mouth. A little unnerved, he tried to keep the feeling to himself and not look like an idiot again in front of Kagome.
25 year old Kagome didn't hesitate. She beamed sweetly and handed him a napkin with her scribbled phone number on it.
“I want to see you again, too, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha grinned and was startled again once he felt an unfamiliar feeling crawl up his spine. It felt like he was being cradled in everlasting warmth. But, he liked the feeling, nevertheless. He slowly, hesitantly, got up from the booth.
“I'll call you. Good bye, beautiful, smart, and funny Kagome Higurashi,” Inuyasha said sincerely. He started to walk slowly away when he felt a tug on his heart. He turned his head to glance at the woman and his heart skipped a beat once he saw her eyes trailing cutely after him. He turned his head around quickly and kept on walking. `What is this feeling? I've never felt it before……It's like my heart will die if I leave her….and it's like I'm already anxious to see her again. I know we had a strong connection back there, but could this feeling be true….after all of what just happened with Kikyo? Could this really be……..' Inuyasha stepped out of the bar and stepped into the chilly early morning air. His brows furrowed and he looked questioningly up at the sparkling stars. `Love?'
Kagome's POV
'Oh, he's so hott! Incredibly cocky, but sweet. Sarcastic, but totally hilarious. And-...Oh-….Oh, no…listen to me!….I-I'm falling in love with a guy I met 2 hours ago! Oh, gods. I don't know if I can do this! I mean….I just broke up with Koga! Who I went out with for 2 years!' Kagome bit her lip and then sighed. 'Well, I guess I'll just let fate decide. Hopefully he can heal my broken heart...'
Just then, she heard squealing beside her.
“I knew you were giving him your phone number! Wow, you know how to pick `em. He's one hott babe,” Sango, Kagome's best friend since the 3rd grade said, sitting down on the other side of the booth where Inuyasha had just been. Her brown eyes sparkled with obvious joy for her friend. Her long brown hair tied in a ponytail, of course, swished when she bounced a little when she slid in. “Sorry I'm late, Kags.”
Kagome laughed.
“It's alright. But, yeah, he is cute. And he's a doctor. I just met him a few hours ago. We've been talking ever since! I've learned so much about him, I feel like I've known him my whole life. And I feel like, when we met, we just had this….kind of connection. Sango….I think I'm falling for him.”
Sango nodded and smiled. “How could you not with someone like that?”
Kagome looked uncertain. “But, Sango, do you think it's too soon? I mean, with Koga and all?”
“Love can not be defined by time. If you get that feeling in your heart the next time you see him, the one that makes you feel like you're flying and falling at the same time, it's love. I could see the way you two looked at each other and how bittersweet that goodbye was.”
`But I already have that feeling in my heart…..'Kagome thought. Kagome blushed but smiled and then nodded, trusting her friend.
“That reminds me….how are you and Miroku?”
Sango blushed brightly and stuttered, “M-Miroku? Uh, we're just fine.”
Kagome raised her eyebrow in amusement.
“I know your not telling me everything, Sango. Come on….let it out.”
Sango smiled nervously and said, “Well…..when I came home last night, Miroku was cooking dinner and there was music and flowers and everything. It was so wonderful, Kagome. We made love for the first time last night!”
Kagome squealed, soon joined by Sango.
“Wow, Sango, that's awesome.”
“I know. He said he loved me and I just couldn't resist anymore. I told him I loved him too.” Sango admitted, supporting a watery smile. “Oh, Kagome, I'm so happy!”
“And I'm so glad for you, Sango. It's so romantic!" The girls smiled at each other and Kagome clasped Sango's hand, letting her know with her eyes how happy she was for her sister-like best friend.
"Finally, after two months of you guys fighting, pretending you have no feelings for one another and then making goo-goo eyes at each other when your back was turned! Well, at least that's what I've heard from Rin. I'm still mad at you for not introducing me to him, by the way.” Kagome said truthfully, but still smiling. Sango blushed, and looked down, biting her lip. Kagome laughed and shook her head, deciding to change the subject. She waited until Sango looked up again before turning a mischievous smile.
“Well, how was it, Sango?“
Sango blushed brighter and spluttered. Kagome laughed lightly again, knowing Sango didn't like to talk about stuff like that in public, so Kagome took that as the hint to change the subject again until they could talk privately some other time. So, once Kagome coaxed Sango out of her blushing state, they started talking about work and life in general, sipping at their drinks in between. They only had about two drinks each so they would be sober enough to drive. It was probably another good 45 minutes of the promised 'Girl's Night' they were having when Kagome yawned with sleepiness.
“Oh, gods, I'm tired. I know we had to keep postponing the time to meet at the bar, but I think 12:30 was a bit much. Well, you know how it is at the school. Busy, busy, busy. Teachers don't rest.”
“I hear you. I have a conference tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!”
Kagome and Sango laughed and then they both stood up. They paid for their drinks before walking out of the bar, going to their separate cars.
“See you tomorrow, Kags!”
“Bye, San.”
The single 2nd grade teacher got into her blue buggie, turned on the engine and her thoughts immediately turned back to Inuyasha. She smiled and looked at the stars through her windshield. 'Oh, please, Kami, let love find it's way!'
AN: Please review!