InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passions ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
Kagome lay alone in the darkness of their bedroom, duvet pulled to her chin. She knew sleep would be a long time in coming for she wasn't even tired. It wasn't natural for her to be in bed during the nighttime hours but she didn't want to move. The bed was warm and cozy, her memories of making love with Sesshomaru still fresh in her mind.
He had slipped away from her with few words, as was his way, after he'd made love to her easily and completely for the third time that evening. Getting dressed in the darkness, he'd only said he had things to do and people to see. She'd wondered if he was going to InuYasha, if the games were ready to begin even now. She sighed, turning onto her tummy, burying her head into the downy softness of her pillow.
Sleep was useless and she knew it. It was her nature to explore and wander the night. Child of the Night, that's what she'd become. With a curse, she threw back the duvet and pushed herself to her knees, pausing to think for only a moment.
She had to see him. There was no choice.
Moving off the bed, she went into the master bath, taking a quick shower. As she bathed herself, she tried to formulate a plan in her mind as to what she would say if Sesshomaru were to discover her with InuYasha. Try as she might, she couldn't come up with a single thing. Her mind was too occupied with just GETTING there to him… seeing him.
She dressed in the near darkness, pulling on a loose pair of faded denim carpenter jeans and an oversized plain gray sweatshirt. Reaching into Sesshomaru's dresser drawer, she found a pair of his thick low cut socks and pulled them on. They were much too big for her but she wasn't going to take the time to put on shoes or risk the noise they might make if she were trying to hide. She made her way around the bedroom, blowing out the candles one by one.
Running a quick hand through her long damp hair, she then opened the door to their bedroom slowly and made her way out into the hallway. Sesshomaru had been gone for well over an hour and IF he wasn't with InuYasha, she figured it was as safe as it would ever be to get to InuYasha.
She walked down the maze of corridors that made up their home, stopping outside a black steel doorway at the end of the last hall. Trying the knob, expecting it to be locked, she smiled when it turned easily in her hand. Taking no time to think, she closed the door behind her and made her way quickly down the dimly lit staircase. As she stepped off the last one, she stood completely still, closing her eyes and concentrating. Sesshomaru had taught her early on to let her senses of smell and sound take over in nearly every situation. He'd told her that relying on sight alone wasn't a wise choice. She'd found out on her own that he'd been correct, as he usually was.
“He's alone.”, she mumbled to herself, opening her eyes to the gloomy darkness at the bottom of the stairs. Walking quickly to the door that would lead her straight to him, she turned the knob slowly, sure that someone would be there to stop her, sure that Sesshomaru would be there demanding answers not only from InuYasha but from her as well. Answers she just wasn't prepared to give.
She slipped through the doorway stepping directly into a still darker chamber. It wasn't unfamiliar to her as she'd been brought to the chamber from time to time by Sesshomaru for various reasons. But it wasn't her most favorite place in their home. Memories of her own “becoming” were made fresh to her every time she'd walked into the room.
She looked around her, seeing the room as if for the very first time, through InuYasha's eyes. The walls were of stone as well as the floor, the only illumination being the row of sconces that lined the wall where InuYasha had been shackled. No fancy paintings or beautiful decorative mirrors hung here. No soft feather bed, no sweetly scented candles, only the hot sweetly sick smell of tallow.
And then she saw him.
Her breath caught in her throat when she allowed herself to gaze fully upon him. He seemed to be sleeping- or maybe he was unconscious- but he was totally unaware that she was in the room, of that she was sure.
She walked slowly on silent stocking feet until she stood a mere arm's length from him, letting her gaze rove over his body. Her heart rate accelerated at once, her eyes softening at the beauty of him. She wondered would Sesshomaru allow her to “have” InuYasha as her own but knew it was an insane question to ponder. She sensed Sesshomaru's possessiveness with her, sensed his need to have her all to himself. Still…
They had stripped him bare of everything except his underwear. As her eyes grew used to the dimness, she saw very clearly the designer label across the waistband of the white boxer briefs. CK.
Letting her gaze slide further down, she took in the size of him. Impressive, he was… thick. She swallowed, feeling as if she'd been left to starve without sex for decades, when in fact it had only been moments since she'd last bedded down with Sesshomaru.
She WANTED InuYasha. Something primeval and basic welled inside her when she looked on him, something that begged to be satisfied. She let her gaze wonder to take in his strong, muscular thighs, his beautiful golden skin tone. Slowly looking up, she gasped, for her eyes were being met by his own malevolent glare.
“InuYasha.”, she whispered, stepping closer.
“Bitch!”, he spat, tugging at his wrists against the thick iron shackles that bound them.
“Please, you don't understand!”, she begged, her heart twisting, confusing her.
“Understand?”, he hissed, his eyes narrowing even more. “LOOK at me, Kagome. LOOK at me! What am I supposed to be understanding here? Why don't you tell me? I'm bound hand and foot, I can't fucking MOVE! Your boyfriend left here after silently staring at me for more time than I care to remember and YOU! You! Just what the hell is going on here?”, he groaned, his legs shifting ceaselessly back and forth within their confines.
“Sesshomaru will tell you when the time is right, InuYasha.”, she said softly. “Please, don't question him and don't PUSH him.”
“FUCK Sesshomaru and FUCK YOU!”, he shouted at the top of his lungs. “HELP ME SOMEBODY! HELP ME!” his deep voice reverberated round the stone room, bouncing off the stone walls and floor.
“InuYasha, don't… please.”, she hissed, looking fearfully over her shoulder.
“You can't shut me up, Kagome. You can't keep me here! People will look for me and they'll FIND me. Your boyfriend will NOT get away with this and you'd better do the smart thing and get lost yourself before it`s too late!”, he said as he arched his back from against the wall.
“I'm so sorry, InuYasha. I tried to warn you.”, she cried, tears threatening to spill. She hated this, hated her indecision, hated going behind Sesshomaru's back and hated deceiving InuYasha.
“Warn me? When? You were all over me!”, he growled, moaning against the pain in his bound arms and legs.
“InuYasha? Are you in pain, pain that you can't take?”, she asked, stepping closer to him.
“I don't NEED you to worry about me, Kagome. You're one sick, twisted bitch and if your boyfriend thinks that he's gonna have me for himself then you might as well go ahead and kill me right now. I'll die before I let that fucking bastard touch me!”, he said.
“No, InuYasha, no. It's not that, it's not-”, she whispered fiercely.
“It's not WHAT? If it's not that, then why did you lure me here? He's the one that WANTED me, not YOU! I know that now! I'm not stupid. But he will never lay a hand on me, I promise you that.”, he said.
“InuYasha, forgive- please forgive me.”, she said, reaching out a hand to touch him.
He shrank from her, twisting his head away as if she would burn him with her touch. Pulling her hand away, she stepped backward, her heart in her throat.
Suddenly the need to have contact with him, any part of him, overpowered her and she quickly stepped forward once more reaching out until she touched his shoulders. He jerked in response, his eyes swinging back to her. Before she could think, before she even realized what she'd done, she was pressed to him, his hard body tight against her own. Her hands moved from his shoulders up to his face to frame it.
“Don't.”, he moaned shaking his head to try to loose her grip on him.
“InuYasha, forgive me but please… I have to… just once…”, she whispered, lowering her lips to his. There was no resistance. None at all. She felt his lips relax and warm under hers, felt the sweep of his tongue as it boldly explored her mouth, felt his teeth graze her own tongue. She was drowning inside the kiss; it was so strong, so potent that she was losing control quickly. She slid her hands between their bodies rubbing roughly over his chest, tweaking his hardened nipples, taking his hoarse cries into her mouth.
She wanted to work him into a frenzy, wanted to have him take her against the wall or on the cold stone floor… it was the ONLY thought that was driving her.
She didn't know what would've happened if a noise from the stairs behind the closed door, a noise that sounded like the creak of a footstep, hadn't interrupted them.
Jumping away from him she slapped a hand over her mouth and with a fearful look over her shoulder, left him, running quickly to the darkened corner of the room to wait out the visitor, whomever it might be.
Closing her eyes and holding her breath she waited, praying to anyone who might listen that it not be Sesshomaru that stepped through the doorway and into the room.