InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passions ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Note: So today everything is f*cked up, nothing I say or do is right, my stereo is broken and I'm in a very very bad mood, so I want reviews, need reviews and you people better gimme review or else…
Sorry, needed to vent a little…
Chapter 4
Shivering, Kagome hid alongside a huge antique armoire, her heart thudding against her chest. She felt faint and physically sick at the prospect of Sesshomaru discovering her. She knew they were both extremely aware of each other's whereabouts when in the same physical vicinity but prayed he would attribute it to the time and closeness she'd spent with InuYasha before they`d captured him. She knew Sesshomaru didn't feel comfortable with the time she'd shared with InuYasha, but even that would be more acceptable than finding her in this chamber with him for the other had been his own plan.
She had clear sight of the door as well as an unobstructed view of InuYasha and as she looked from the doorway back to him, his eyes seemed to pierce the darkness as if he were looking right into her very soul and she shuddered, extremely afraid now.
The door swung inward suddenly and dismayed, she moved her gaze from InuYasha to watch as Sesshomaru walked slowly into the center of the room. She kept her hand over her mouth, shoving her knuckles inside so that she could bite them to stifle her whimpers. As long as she'd been with Sesshomaru, she'd never defied him, never went behind his back for any reason, she'd never had want to. So why had she done it this night? With everything in her, she wished now that she had fought the strange pull that drew her to InuYasha…
Her eyes were glued to Sesshomaru. Sheer, blind terror now causing her to freeze.
“Kagome, come to me.”, Sesshomaru said smoothly and she moved from her corner, walking straight toward him, .his eyes slicing into her with each step she took.
“You came to see my little brother, is that so? You came to keep him company, did you?”, he asked, reaching out for her. He grabbed hold of one wrist and gently tugged her forward until she stood pressed against him. One hand went to the back of her head, to stroke through the still damp tresses as the other settled at her waist.
“Answer me, my love.”, he insisted, his fingers winding around the soft, silken strands.
She nodded, incapable of speech.
“And how did you find him? Was he well?”, he asked her, turning with her now so that they both faced InuYasha.
She shook her head, tears springing to her eyes.
“Does it sadden you that he's been taken prisoner here until he sees and accepts what his fate is?”, he asked her.
A tear slid down her cheek and she closed her eyes as he leaned forward and gently lapped it away with his tongue. Her arms slid around his neck and she held to him for dear life. She'd angered and disappointed him and it both saddened and terrified her.
“I don't want you to ever be sad, Kagome. Your happiness means more to me than almost anything in this world. What would make you happy?”, he asked her softly, touching the back of his hand to her cheek.
“You.”, she whispered.
“But you've HAD me tonight.”, he chuckled teasingly. “Four times to be exact, right?”
She nodded, trying to bury herself into him but he pulled back from her, glancing at InuYasha.
“Is she what finally brought you here to me? Was I right when I assumed you'd have no control once you were near her? Isn't she beautiful, InuYasha?”, Sesshomaru murmured, taking her hand as he urged her forward.
InuYasha watched them, their strange relationship confusing and exciting him at the same time. It was almost as if Sesshomaru exerted control over Kagome. He found that strange as the Kagome he'd encountered at the club, THAT Kagome had been very confident, sure of herself AND sexy. He couldn't ever have imagined her being commandeered by anyone. But HERE, in this place she was different. Hell, everything was different.
They were within two feet of him now and still coming closer. InuYasha's eyes slid from Sesshomaru to Kagome. She WAS beautiful and he knew he was almost helpless to resist her. Never before had a sexual attraction held so much damned POWER over him. He found he couldn't take his eyes off her, even when Sesshomaru began to speak again.
“There are so many things I have to tell you, little brother. So many things you must be taught. One of the most important, I'd say, would be NOT to covet your older brother's lover. Now how should I teach you this?”, he laughed, stroking a slow hand down Kagome's back.
She closed her eyes, tears seeping from underneath the lids now to drop onto her sweatshirt, soaking into it. InuYasha found himself forgetting ever being angry with her, found that all he wanted was to hold her and make her stop crying. It was driving him mad.
“Do you want her to touch you, InuYasha?”
InuYasha's eyes flicked to Sesshomaru then back to Kagome whose eyes still remained closed.
“I know you like her touch, I know I LOVE her touch. It's OK, you can admit it.”, Sesshomaru smiled. Touching her shoulder he turned her toward him and just as he'd done before, lapped at the tears she'd shed. InuYasha felt his gut tighten, felt himself grow hard. He'd tasted her skin, the salty sweetness of it only moments before he'd been jumped on all sides. He wanted to taste her again, so much so that his mouth begin to produce copious amounts of saliva. He swallowed, his gaze pinned to the two lovers in front of him.
“Kagome, will you do anything I ask of you?”, Sesshomaru murmured between licks to her cheeks, neck and lips.
“Yes, Sesshomaru.”, she answered without hesitation.
“Are you sure?”, he asked softly.
“Always.”, she answered.
“I want you to tell InuYasha how many times I made love to you tonight after I had him brought down here. How many times did we make love?”, he asked her, cupping her face in his large hands.
“Four. We made love four times.”, she said.
“Now turn around and look at InuYasha. Tell InuYasha how many times we usually make love and how often.”, he instructed, his hand smoothing down her hair.
She hesitated only a second then lifted her eyes to InuYasha and answered.
“Every night, no less than four times a night Sesshomaru and I make love.”, she whispered. InuYasha swallowed once more, his eyes traveling to her lush mouth. He wanted to feel that mouth under his again, let his tongue sweep into the warm cavern, taste her- damnit, just TASTE her once more!
“Touch him, Kagome.”, Sesshomaru instructed with a little push to the small of her back. Moving forward, she lifted her hand and placed it on InuYasha's shoulder, hearing a soft hiss of breath from him as she did. He was on fire, his skin like molten lava. Her eyes widened, her fingertips tightening on his flesh.
“Touch him as a lover would.”, Sesshomaru said softly from behind her.
Both hands were up now, bracing against his shoulders. He found he could look into her eyes for as long as she stood in front of him, so gray, almost blue… so warm…
The soft touch of her palm underneath his chin, the feel of both hands to his cheeks, to the back of his neck and up into the curls that rested there, all this and more served to drive him mad for her. He felt her long fingernails gently scrape the sensitive skin at the back of his neck and moaned, closing his eyes against the sensation. He knew his dick was solid rock now, knew that if she so much as touched him THERE that he would explode. His need was THAT fierce for her.
“Kiss him, Kagome.”, Sesshomaru continued, stepping closer so that he might have a better view of them.
Kagome's hands moved back to InuYasha's cheeks, framing his beautiful face before she pressed herself to him once again.
She blinked slowly, opening her eyes to his before closing them once more. And then she was there; warm, swollen lips hot against his own kissing him just as she'd done before. He pulled at his bonds, wanting to just TOUCH her, feel the softness of her hair, her skin. Dear God! He could well remember how he'd had his hands down her pants only hours previous. He groaned, urging his hips away from the cold wall and toward her.
She broke the kiss, licking over her full bottom lip, hands still on his face, eyes locked with his own.
“Kagome.”, InuYasha whispered.
“Don't speak to her, little brother. Just… don't.”, Sesshomaru warned, his voice thick and full of emotion.
“What do you want from me?”, InuYasha whispered, reluctantly lifting his eyes from the beauty in front of him to question Sesshomaru. His breathing had become harsh, nearly panting he was now. Every little move she made caused his cock to jerk within the tight confines of his underwear and he cursed himself for choosing the tighter fit of the boxer briefs as he'd dressed for the evening instead of the looser fit of boxers.
“Want from you? Nothing. But you'll be begging for something from me before too much longer. That's neither here nor there now, InuYasha. Right now we concentrate on this sweet little morsel in front of you, ok?”, Sesshomaru said, his voice changing swiftly from anger to sweetness.
“Kagome, kiss him again. Kiss him the way you WANT to kiss him.”, he said. She hesitated, lowering her eyes before turning to Sesshomaru.
“But I did already.”, she said softly, her cheeks glowing in the dim light of the room.
“I know you did. Do it again.”, Sesshomaru said.
Turning back to InuYasha, she put her hands at his waist now, pressing her hips to his. She'd danced with him enough to know he knew how to use his gorgeous body in all the right ways. Just imagining him fucking her nearly drove her out of her mind.
“Do it, Kagome. You can look at him all you want later, I promise. Just kiss him.”, Sesshomaru said.
One hand traveled slowly up InuYasha's ribcage, the other stayed behind to hold him near. Sliding her hand to his chest, she let her fingernails leave red trails as she enjoyed his moans of passion. She could feel the thick heat of his erection against her very center even now, knew he was close to climaxing and feared for him. Climaxing soon would not be good.
Touching his face, she tried to convey her fears through eye contact but InuYasha oozed need, want and desire through every pore of his skin. There was no room for logical thought in his over-stimulated, exhausted brain. He only knew one thing and that was the need for release with this girl, with Kagome. She could see every bit of that at war within him and more…
“Kiss.”, InuYasha whispered, straining his neck forward as if to capture her for himself.
“Shut the fuck UP, Little Brother. I told you, don't speak to her.”, Sesshomaru said lowly, nearly growling.
InuYasha's eyes flew to Sesshomaru, the fire evident in his glare. Sesshomaru chuckled, pleased. Once InuYasha was shown the way; once he “became”, he would be just the asset that was needed in their group. Sesshomaru had dreamt of it for years.
“Trust me, you don't want to push it, InuYasha. Enjoy this, it'll be all you'll get for a very long time. Trust me.”, he repeated.
Kagome sensed the challenge in the air between the two males. No matter that one was chained to a wall without any possible means of escape and the other held the power of darkness in the palm of his hand. The force of the challenge she felt in the room was staggering in its intensity.
Taking matters into her own hands, she pressed her mouth quickly to InuYasha's, angling her head so that she could access him easily.
As Sesshomaru watched them kiss, InuYasha's eyes defiantly remained opened, the amber eyed glare refusing to leave his own amused one. Smiling, for Sesshomaru knew InuYasha would be unable to keep up his end of the challenge for too much longer, he watched as InuYasha's eyes finally drifted closed, heard his soft grunt of surrender.
They kissed, and they kissed, and they kissed. Wet and soft, hard and demanding, full on tongues thrusting in and out of mouths, the warm flash of her hands over his sweating body. Sesshomaru could feel the arousal, could SMELL it in the room. It was becoming too much to bear.
“Enough!”, he said sharply, grabbing Kagome by the waist and pulling her roughly off InuYasha. The wet, soft smacking sound of their lips parting from each other, the long, low sound of InuYasha's frustration, and the soft whimper of Kagome's disappointment at being pulled away only served to fuel the anger that had been building in Sesshomaru since he'd put the two of them together. Knowing the part he'd played in the scheme didn't make him any happier.
“I want you to take a good long look at her, InuYasha. THIS is mine. SHE is mine. Do you understand?”, Sesshomaru said firmly, his hand sliding to her waist and going up underneath her sweatshirt to flatten over her belly.
Kagome's eyes focused on InuYasha, fearful that it would be a very long time before she ever saw him again. His face was flushed, hair mussed, eyes bright, lips moist and parted; he was breathing fast and hard, his tummy moving in and out rapidly with the force of it. Helpless to stop herself, she let her gaze lower to his groin. A soft whimper escaped her for he was fully erect, moisture seeping through the thin, snug fabric of his boxer briefs. His eyes darted to hers as soon as hers lifted, the desire plain to see there.
“You want to see how it is to fuck her, InuYasha? You want to know what it's like to have her in your bed just waiting for you when you walk through the doorway?” Sesshomaru smiled, backing away with her toward the nearest wall.
“Don't-”, InuYasha whispered hoarsely, closing his eyes to blot out the sight of her. Surely he wouldn't DO her right in front of him. Surely!
“Don't? Then I must!”, Sesshomaru laughed softly. Reaching the wall, he gently pulled Kagome to him and kissed her. InuYasha's eyes had fluttered open, watching them, watching her, imagining himself pushing her against the wall. Imagining himself fucking her, pounding up into her.
“Uhnnnn...”, InuYasha grunted, biting down hard on his lower lip. He wasn't going to let Sesshomaru goad him into embarrassing himself. No way! He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything but HER… Anything.
Sesshomaru was losing himself to her, kissing her to cover up and take away all the kisses she'd shared with InuYasha. One hand cupped the back of her head, protecting it from the cold stone as his other slid down between them to slip away her jeans. Pushing them off her, still kissing her, he let his hand roam inside her baggy sweatshirt, finding a taut nipple and squeezing it. She cried out bending herself into him, wanting release as much as he did.
No matter how hard he tried, InuYasha couldn't block out the guttural sounds that came from the wall nearest him where they played. Helpless, he watched as Sesshomaru slid off her jeans, exposing her nakedness to him. He groaned loudly seeing Sesshomaru push her shirt up above her breasts so that he could lick at the dark nipples, bite at them, suck them.
“Please.”, he whimpered, feeling the familiar tightening of his scrotum, knowing he had no control, no choice now. His body was making the choice for him. It had been decided.
As he looked on, Sesshomaru slid his own zip down and eased his cock out of his jeans. Scooping Kagome up into his arms, he pressed her back against the wall and entered her. InuYasha's head filled with the sounds they made, her cries and his grunts. He looked on as the sex between them became more frantic, frenzied, until Sesshomaru was all but screaming her name.
Turning his face toward InuYasha just as his climax peeked, Sesshomaru opened his eyes and smiled, falling softly against her at last.
Her moans continued to fill the room, driving him insane with lust, triggering his own release until with a loud grunt he came violently, hips bucking away from the wall, eyes on her, locked with hers for she was looking directly at him.
The next sound he became aware of was Sesshomaru zipping his jeans. Lazily, InuYasha opened his eyes and watched them. Sesshomaru was gently pulling Kagome's jeans on, kissing her belly as he knelt at her feet. Exhaustion overtook him then and he drifted toward sleep…
The last thing that came to him before he went fully under was the way they had both looked as they'd come together completely. Had it been the lighting in the room some trick of his mind? For he could've sworn their eyes had been glowing, their teeth brilliant in the flicker of the candles. Surely he must've lost his mind now…