InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passions ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Note: I just want some decent reviews. It's that too much to ask?
Chapter 5
Kagome awoke, her body stiff and cold against the stone floor. Confused, she lay where she was, trying to remember where she was and what had happened. Soft candle light illuminated the room, casting everything in shadow. Raising her head, she looked around and realized she was alone in the chamber with InuYasha once more.
She sat up slowly, wrapping her arms around her knees as she shivered. Dimly, she could make out InuYasha's limp form along the opposite wall as the wall sconces containing the tallow had burned low. She concentrated her gaze on him, bringing him more into focus.
Yes, he was indeed asleep. His face even lovelier in repose. She sat for a moment longer, scenting the air, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Alone. She was sure of it now. Where had Sesshomaru gone and why had he just left her there in the room with InuYasha? The last thing she remembered was the feel of his embrace as she'd drifted into sleep; she'd assumed he'd fallen asleep as well.
Convinced beyond any doubt that she and InuYasha were alone in the room now, she got to her feet. Stretching the kinks from her body, she kept her eyes on InuYasha. Everything that had happened thus far in the room came back to her full force, the look in his eyes before he'd kissed her, the taste of him, the sound of his voice when he'd spoken only her name - when he'd asked for another kiss, the feel of his firm body underneath her hands, the warmth and thickness of his erection as she'd pressed her body to his own.
She turned from him, closing her eyes and cursing herself. What was wrong with her? Never had she acted so foolishly. Never had she been swayed from Sesshomaru's wishes. It couldn't only be that InuYasha was a beautiful man, she knew at least that much. In their world, beauty was something that was a given; they were ALL beautiful, every last one of them. Therefore beauty had ceased to affect her long ago.
Power. That couldn't be it either as Sesshomaru was the most powerful male in the group, he was their leader AND her master.
So what WAS it?
She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head and walked toward the door that would take her back upstairs and into their home, away from InuYasha and the confusing feelings he brought forth in her. She must stay far from him, she KNEW that now. But would Sesshomaru permit her to? It seemed he liked taunting InuYasha with her body, her kisses, her very presence.
As much as it concerned her, she knew she was going to have to speak to Sesshomaru about InuYasha, .about his plans and her place in those plans. Always before they had worked in tandem, each a very special and essential part of the other. Now, for the very first time, she felt distance between them and it scared her. What was she without Sesshomaru? WHO was she without him?
Determined, she reached for the door knob but unable to stop herself, turned back toward InuYasha once more. He was still asleep, for that she was thankful. Leaving him would've been impossible were he to have been awake. It was best to make her escape now and find Sesshomaru, speak to him at once, redefine the connection that bound them together before it was too late.
She twisted the knob in her hand and found it unwilling to budge. With a little gasp, she stepped back from it for a moment, sure that if she tried a second time, gave herself a moment to calm, that it would open without a problem. Biting her bottom lip, she stepped forward and lay her hand atop the knob once more. With a deep breath and a prayer, she tried it and found it unwilling to yield to her yet again. With a whimper, she rattled the knob with more force, beyond caring now if she woke the sleeping beauty chained against the wall at her back.
“Please.”, she cried softly, her heart in her throat.
“Kagome.”, she heard the soft, husky voice speak up from behind her. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw InuYasha was awake, his amber eyes shining brilliantly in the dim light.
She grabbed the knob with both hands and pulled at it, her anger and fright controlling her now. When that didn't work, she used the flat of her hand and pounded against the thickness of the door itself.
“Please, let me out! Please!”, she cried, beating the thick wood with her fists.
“Kagome.”, InuYasha called out again, a bit more firmly this time.
“NO!”, she cried. “No! Sesshomaru, let me out!”, she sobbed.
“Please, Kagome. I… I need you… just for a moment. Please.”, InuYasha said, the embarrassed tone of his voice reaching through to her when nothing else would. She wiped her eyes and turned toward him.
“Come here, please.” he said.
She walked over, standing with her hands clasped in front of her like a shy school girl. He looked exhausted but calmer and she noticed a hint of shyness in his demeanor that hadn't been there before.
“I hate to ask you this… but… well… I seem to have… I mean, BEFORE… the… ah, fuck…”, he moaned, closing his eyes as he bit his lower lip in frustration.
“I know what you need.”, she said softly, watching as his eyes fluttered open. “I'll be right back.”, she said. She walked quickly to the farthest corner of the room, disappearing for only a moment before she came walking back to him. In her hands she held a soft cloth and a bucket of clean water. Without a word, she knelt in front of him and reaching up to his waist, slid his undershorts down his legs, peeling them gently off his relaxed manhood.
“I'm sorry.”, he murmured from above her. She dipped the cloth into the water and squeezed out the excess, deliberately avoiding his eyes. Some manner of his pride must remain intact, she realized.
“This is going to be cold, InuYasha. There is no warm water down here, I'm sorry. I'll be quick, I promise.”, she said softly, keeping her eyes on the cloth.
Bracing one hand on a thigh, she slid the cold cloth to the other thigh and started to clean him. His spent seed had dried along his upper thighs and over his lower belly. She heard him suck in a breath at the coldness of the cloth but chose to ignore it, working until she had him nearly cleaned up.
“InuYasha, I have to... umm… clean… you know…”, she muttered under her breath, still refusing to look into his eyes.
“It's OK.”, he said softly.
With a nod of her head, she dipped the cloth into the cold water once more and squeezed it out. The light reflecting off the wall sconces shone over her face and suddenly an idea came to her.
“Maybe this will work.”, she said as she carried the cloth over to one of the sconces. Spreading it with her fingers, she lifted it over the flame, moving it back and forth until it warmed. Turning, she met his eyes for the first time and caught his appreciative grin. She answered it with a tremulous one of her own.
Kneeling before him once more, she easily took his penis in one hand, hearing a soft grunt from above. Concentrating deeply on the task at hand, she gently rubbed over and underneath it as well as along the length until she was satisfied he was clean. Once she was finished, she realized he'd gone hard in her hand and with a smile, leaned forward to press a kiss against it.
“Kagome…”, he groaned, his hips leaving the wall.
“I'm sorry.”, she stammered, frustration and confusion claiming her. She slid backward away from him, knocking over the pail of cold water in the process and with a cry, jumped up to run toward the door once more.
“Kagome!”, InuYasha called, his voice trembling. “Please, don't run from me. I'd never hurt you. I CAN'T hurt you but don't leave me like this. Please.”, he begged.
“I can't- I can't be near you, InuYasha. I can't control myself and I don't understand WHY!”, she sobbed, her head leaning against the wooden door.
“Just come back for a moment. Please.”, he said softly.
“Why? Why do you want me there when you know what I am? Why?”, she asked, turning to brace her back against the door as she looked at him from across the room.
“Because I just need you. I don't understand what's going on. I know you do but you're afraid to tell me. But isn't there a damned reason Sesshomaru left you in here with me? Isn't there a reason the door is locked against you?”, he asked.
Her eyes narrowed and she brushed the tears from her cheeks in anger now.
“What is THAT supposed to mean?”, she asked.
“I'm only saying that maybe he WANTS you to tell me what's going on. That's all.”, he said. “What do you think?”
Asking her opinion of the matter, he'd thrown her off guard. Surprised, she pushed herself from the door and walked toward him, skirting the mess she'd made with the bucket of water.
“I think maybe you're right.”, she said slowly, her eyes brilliant on his. Was he right?
“Then tell me. What the hell else are we to do down here like this alone?”, he asked, his eyes dancing for a moment. She blushed and quickly took off for the back corner of the room once more.
“What the hell is back there anyway that you keep running for stuff?”, he shouted.
“Not much but I've been down here before for quite a while. I know my way around, InuYasha.”, she threw back over her shoulder.
“What for? I mean why were you down here for a while?”, he asked, trying to work the tightness out of his arms.
“I'll tell you that in a moment.”, she said as she walked back to him, holding what looked to be clothing in her arms.
“What is that?”, he asked as she sank to her knees in front of him once more.
“Clothing, though God knows how I'm to get it on you this way.”, she grunted as she pulled at the soiled underwear she'd lowered to his ankles only moments before.
Using both hands, she tugged mightily, finally hearing the rending of thin cloth. Looking up at him, she shrugged her shoulders, dangling the torn briefs from one finger.
He smiled, realizing he had already gone mad if he was able to smile and joke with her but it was a hell of a sight better than screaming at each other, he was sure.
“You must be very cold, InuYasha.”, she said, frowning as she picked up one of the garments she'd found to clothe him in.
“How are you going to-?”, he asked just as she ripped the garment she was holding in her hand in half. Standing, she pulled her arms behind him The garment, which appeared to be of thick cotton, she held in one hand. Joining her hands in front of him, she arranged it at his waist, tying a knot in it before backing away from him to take a look at her own handiwork.
“I look like a girl.”, he grinned.
“You'd never pass for a girl. Trust me.”, she said, her concentration elsewhere. Turning from him, she made another trip back to the corner of the chamber and came back with an even larger garment in her hands.
“What's that?”, he asked.
“A shawl. I knew there was one back there somewhere.”, she said softly as she stood in front of him once more. Reaching behind him, she arranged the soft, warm throw around his shoulders, draping it across his bare torso.
“Better?”, she asked, her eyes finally connecting with his once again.
“Much. Thanks.”, he said, teeth chattering as his body adjusted to the newfound warmth.
“Good.”, she said and started to move away from him.
“Kagome.”, he said, causing her to turn and look back at him. “Thank you.”
“Don't say that.”, she whispered, dropping her eyes quickly before she stooped to pick up the discarded garments and the emptied pail.
“But I mean it.”, he insisted.
“I know you do but- well, just don't…”, she insisted, averting her eyes from his as she stood to take everything back to the corner from where it had come.
He could hear her, moving about, keeping busy it seemed, staying away from him much longer than was necessary, he was sure. He stood it for a few minutes more until he could bear the loneliness no more and called out for her.
“Kagome, are you ignoring me?”, he called.
“No. Just cleaning up.”, she mumbled.
“Why what?”
“Why clean up?”
“Because I messed up.”, she said.
“Ah, I see.”, he said, straining forward to try to catch a glimpse of her.
“Kagome?”, he ventured once more, hearing her deep sigh before she reappeared to him.
“You really ARE spoiled, aren't you, InuYasha?”, she said, dragging an old broken down bench over in front of him.
“No, I'm not spoiled. Who told you that?”, he asked.
“Oh, and how would he know?”, he asked, his eyes narrowing as he watched her seat herself carefully onto the bench.
“He knows everything about you, InuYasha.”, she said, studying her long elegant fingernails with sudden interest.
“So…?”, he prompted.
InuYasha let out a breath and shook his head ruefully. Getting THIS girl to open up would take more than a miracle and much more than his good looks and outstanding charm, of that he was sure.
“Tell me about you.”, he said at last, not even sure that this would work. But it was at least worth a try. The more comfortable she became around him, the less she was likely to hold back from him when he needed information from her. Information about who she was, who the hell Sesshomaru was and why he was being held prisoner here in this place.
“You already know about me.”, she said, looking up at him.
“I only know your name and that you live here with Sesshomaru. No, there's more: you like Smirnoff Ice, I've only seen you after dark, you can dance so good that you had me practically begging at your feet for a chance with you every night last week and…”, he ticked off.
“That's enough, don't you think?”, she said, leaning back as she straightened her legs in front of her.
“No. So tell me. We've got awhile, I think.”, he said, looking pointedly around him at the dark empty room.
“OK. Well, what do you want to know?”, she asked.
“How you met Sesshomaru.”, he answered.
“That's easy. At the club. The same club where I ran up on you.”, she said. “He was bartending there, modeling part time on the side at the same place I was. We started talking.”, she said, veiling her eyes.
“That's it?”, he asked.
“Well, I'm not sure what else you need to know.”, she replied.
“How long have you been together… here?”, he asked.
“Here? About three years. Together? About five.”, she answered.
“What is this place?”, he asked.
“Our home… for now.”, she said, standing all at once to pace in front of him.
“For now. Hmm, are you moving soon?”, he asked.
“WE are moving soon.”, she said, her eyes flicking to his.
“WE? That means me too, eh?”
“Yes, that means you.”
“What ARE you, Kagome?” he asked suddenly, the question surprising even him, for he hadn't a clue he was going to spring it on her as quickly as he had. It had gnawed at him in his dreams all night; red, glowing eyes and long, sharp teeth…
“I'm a girl.”, she said easily.
“I know that. But what ARE you? And WHAT is Sesshomaru? The two of you… something…”, he said, trying to work it out in his mind.
“We're… different, InuYasha.”, she said as if it would explain everything to him.
“Yes. I can see that. But besides that- just tell me.”, he said. She stopped pacing long enough to stand in front of him, her hands on her hips.
“I wonder would you believe me if I did tell you. Nobody ever does, InuYasha. They have to see for themselves and by then it's sometimes too late. I don't want you in that situation but you seem skeptical to me, like you need everything to fit into perfect little slots for you, every aspect of your life. I'd bet you have your life planned out at least five years in advance.”, she said.
“Ten.”, he muttered, making her smile.
“Are you open minded, InuYasha? Do you believe in ghosts, ghouls and demons?”, she asked, stepping forward into his space.
“You're not a ghost are you?”, he asked, his eyes wide. His grandma had believed in ghosts and had told him countless stories as a child about them. He'd never NOT believed her, just thought it was a bit creepy. Japan was full of tales and myths, it would've been impossible NOT to be affected by the unknown.
“No. Not a ghost. Flesh and blood.”, she said, raising a hand to touch his face.
“Then what? A witch? Is that it? He's a warlock and you're a witch.” He had figured it out, that HAD to be it.
“Something like that.”, she said softly, caressing his cheek with the pads of her fingers.
“What do you want from me- WITH me?”, he asked.
“Nothing. Sesshomaru does, though.”, she said, closing her eyes as she pressed herself against him.
“What does Sesshomaru want?”, he murmured, the feel of her breath on his face as she lingered inches from his lips.
“What's his to have.”, she said cryptically.
“And what's that?”, he asked, closing his eyes in anticipation of her mouth under his once more.
She kissed him, loving each taste and touch of him. How was she supposed to deal with this? He called to her like a drug in her blood; she felt that it was the same for him. They were meant to be lovers, otherwise why would they be here as they were? She ended the kiss, but stayed pressed to him enjoying his warmth.
“Kagome…?”, InuYasha whispered against her hair. “What is Sesshomaru's to have? What did you mean by that?”, he insisted.
“You, InuYasha. It's you.”, she answered him softly.