InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Stalker ❯ Prologe/ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAMER: Do you think I could really own Inuyasha? (I wish I did!)

Midnight Stalker

Prologue/Chapter 1

Inuyasha is walking down a large hallway when he comes up to a desk with a women in a nurse uniform sitting in a chair doing paper work. "Hello Inuyasha, how are you doing lately?"

"Hi Amy, not so well …I keep having dreams of the accident and it keeps me up all night."

"I'm sorry to hear that, have you tried warm milk? That always puts me to sleep." Amy said with a smile on her face.

"No, I'll try it tonight" Inuyasha took out ribbon that Kagome used to where from his pocket and rub it with his thumb for a moment. "Has she improved at all since yesterday?"

"No I'm sorry she hasn't but there is still a chance she could wake up. You can go see her if you want, I'm sure the doctors won't mind"

"Thanks" Inuyasha then put the ribbon back in his pocket and walk to Kagome's room where she has been for almost a year in a coma. He grabbed a chair and brought it over to her bed and sat down. Inuyasha grabbed her hand and looked at the ring on her finger. " I remember the look you had on your face when I gave that to you…you were so happy that I finally asked you that you started to cry" He said with smile on his face. " We would have been married for two months now…I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I should be the one in that bed not you Kagome, not you!" Inuyasha squeezed Kagome's hand and started to cry. After a couple minutes he put his head on her stomach and closed his eyes. He stayed there just listening to her breathing and fell asleep. He started to dream of the day it all started… the events that would lead up to her accident… of the guy who put her there.


A/N: I thought I should tell you a few things before I did the next chapter so you wouldn't be confused.

Inuyasha and the gang all live in Kagome's time (they all met each other in her time)

Sango and Kagome are best friends and Inuyasha and Miroku are best friends to.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru actually get along with each other. Inuyasha and Kagome met in college and have been going out for two years.

Kagome is now a doctor and works in a privet practice,

Kagome lives with Inuyasha in an apartment,

Inuyasha works for a big rich computer company his family owns and he is pretty rich himself.

Miroku and Sango are engaged to each other and there both cops (they meet each other at the police academy also two years ago), they also live together.

Keade is Miroku and Sango's landlord and she has a grandchild (who is Shippo) that lives with her.