InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Stalker ❯ Eleven Months Eariler ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAMER: Do you think I could really own Inuyasha? (I wish I did!)

Midnight Stalker Chapter Two

Eleven Months Earlier:

"Are you sure she doesn't know your back yet Inuyasha?" Sango asks for the tenth time that day.

"Yes Sango, I told her last night that I don't get back till tomorrow!" Inuyasha replied with irritation in his voice.

"Ok, ok, sorry I asked, I just want this to be a really big surprise party for her!" She snapped back "Her birthday isn't until next week so hopefully she has no idea that we planned this."

Suddenly they hear her foot steps in the hallway outside the door and Kagome's voice humming a song that they can't make out.

"Everybody hide she's coming, Inuyasha turn off all the lights quick!" Sango yelled in the quietist way she could. Inuyasha turned off the last light just as the keys were jiggling in the doorknob. As soon as Kagome shut the door and turned on the light everyone yelled…


"AHHHHHHHHHH" Kagome said as she put a hand to her chest. "You scared me…Inuyasha, INUYASHA!!" She ran up and jumped on Inuysha, which caused them to fall on the ground, her on top of him, and started to kiss him. "I (kiss) thought (kiss) you (kiss) didn't (kiss) get (kiss) home (kiss) until (kiss) tomorrow (kiss)?"

"Surprise (kiss)!"

"*Chough*" Sango tried getting there attention with no luck, then she noticed something out the corner of her eye "MIROKU!!! GET AWAY FROM THE CAKE!!!" she yelled really mad because that was the tenth time trying to keep him away from the cake.

Kagome and Inuyasha finally stopped kissing to see Sango hit Miroku on the head and fall to the ground. Iuyasha and Kagome got up, Kagome started to greet everyone at the party (who is: Kagome's parents (yes even her dad), Sota, her grandfather, her three friends from high school (don't know there names ), some friends who work with her, and some friends from college (A/N:one of witch is Amy from the first chapter))

"Thanks for coming but you know my birthday is next week."

"We know Kagome, that's why we had it today to surprise you" Sango replied with a smile.

"Well it worked!" she smiled back "OK LETS OPEN MY GIFTS!!!"

Kagome got a lot of presents. Some of them are: A necklace that looks a lot like the Shikon jewel from her grandfather (A/N: ), A picture of Sota and Buyo from Sota, A really pretty dress from Sango and Miroku, A friendship bracelet from Amy, and some more clothes and shoes from her other friends.

"Thanks you guys, I love them all." Kagome said with a huge smile on her face.

"Kagome you haven't opened my present yet." Inuyasha told her with a huge smile on his face as well. Then he took Kagome's hands and stood her up and…

End of chapter two