InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Wake Up, Sleepy Head ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
A/N: What? 4-5 chapters to go? Har, I must have been lying or on crack or something. I thought this chapter was going to be like 6 pages tops. This update is only half of what I had planned, and its not even the good stuff. The thought of proof reading all that hurts my head, so I'm posting this, and I'll get the rest to by the weekend. I don't really like this chapter, but it's a lot of talking.
Before anyone riots, they'll find out about Kagome's talking when she's a demon next time. I just couldn't fit in this time. Please be patient.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed! See? Nice, descriptive reviews really do help me right faster.
Kokoronagomu: yeah, the Higurashis have some issues they need to work through, to say the least, lol. Glad you liked demon Kagome, I thought she was pretty bad ass.
Dark Inu Fan: I'm going to go with things blowing up in their faces because I like to bring the fun. The only thing I'll say is that I like happy endings, but I make my characters work for it. At least you won't have to worry about everyone dying or the like. Anything else is go.
Jewelbrat2: Not quite, but good guess. I wish it was that easy.
CatLover260: You're probably the closest to what I have planned, but just not quite there.
Mraestalyn: I'm glad you like my story and that you found it again. I always hate to lose stuff I like reading. I've really like writing Kagome as a neko, its been fun.
Youkaineko: I didn't even think of those cat names, but I thought it would be funny if Kagome's demon kind of challenged Inuyasha. She's a bitch like that.
LadyCash: Inuyasha was probably afraid because he's never met another hanyou-turned-demon before. He had only heard myths and urban legend type stories from his dad. If I don't work this more in there later, let that explanation suffice. It is getting tense isn't it? Stressful just writing this sucker.
Beautifulyreal: Izayoi, as the lady of the house, is in charge of everything and everyone. She might have even seen Kagome, but it was only in the context as a servant, and she didn't associate Kagome with Inuyasha. Remember, the Takahashis are looking for a suitable girl to marry Inuyasha; she has to have some type of pedigree, for Taro more than Izayoi. (Kagome does, but they don't know that yet.)
Kia: Sorry I was so touchy. I have a gutter mouth—so much so that I feel like it's a part of me. Reviewers in the past have ripped me a new one because I dropped too many swears, and to be honest, I hardly even notice when I'm doing it—not to mention its part of how I express myself, something I take very seriously. I should be nicer to reviewers who are civil; sorry for being snappy.
sprat111: I'm glad you saw the humor. This fic is such a downer, and I wasn't sure if people notice the joke amongst all the angst, lol.
Lady Kea: But if Kikyou had said something she wouldn't be Kikyou la Bitch!
Chapter 12
Storming into the hall with Sango and Kikyou in tow, Izayoi fumed at the sight of her husband still asleep. Sesshomaru and Kagura had slipped off somewhere, probably to do unspeakable things to one another. At least it was a lull in their bickering.
“Wake up!” Lady Higurashi slammed her fist down on the table in front of her snoozing spouse.
The youkai snorted up, looking around confused, a little drool hanging off his chin. “What the hell?” Taro appeared as though he had been torn from a pleasant dream—and he was not happy about it.
His wife did not seem to care. “All of our servants are—or were—outside running around with our son who is now somewhere carrying a half-naked hanyou girl. Do you know about this, Taro?” Izayoi asked, leaning in toward her husband, her hand still on the table where she had struck it. Blinking his eyes in an effort to wake up, Lord Takahashi could only shake his head. “You didn't smell them?” *Shake of a head no* “You didn't hear them?” *Shake of head no*. “I wonder why that is…oh right, you were sleeping.” She finished with a hiss.
“Izayoi? What are you talking about?” Taro was more than a little perturbed that she was squawking at him—he had been having such a nice nap! Rubbing his forehead with the heel of his hand, he tried to wake up. Somewhat unsuccessfully.
“I'm just trying to figure out how you, with your superior senses missed whatever it was that happened outside.” Izayoi glared down at her husband, but he seemed unperturbed. The demon lord could not understand what she was talking about, and more importantly, why she deemed it so important to disturb his slumber so rudely.
“Izayoi, I'm going to bed.” Taro said, standing, roughly pushing his chair back. “I don't feel like putting up with your nagging tonight.”
“Our son is running around with a neko hanyou. Do you know what that means?” Even though she still sounded angry, there was a lift to her voice that spoke to hope.
Taro suddenly looked awkward, shuffling his feet from side to side. He coughed into his hand, and pointedly did not meet her gaze.
“Goodnight, dear,” the demon mumbled before darting away, leaving only a wind to ripple his wife's skirts. Suddenly it had become quite clear as to Izayoi's excitement, and Taro knew he was not in the correct frame of mind to have that conversation with her.
Izayoi growled under her breath and turned back to the two women were following her. Sango also avoided her gaze, but Kikyou seemed to be looking to get her attention.
“My Lady, if you don't mind, I'll retire for the night.”
Regarding her for a moment, Lady Higurashi decided it would be best if she let Kikyou do as she wished. She needed to find out what was going on, and Sango might have things to say that would compromise the agreement her husband had with Lord Higurashi. It would be better if Kikyou wasn't there to relay them to her father.
“That would be fine my dear,” Izayoi said with what she hoped was a warm smile. Motioning with her hand over her head, she called out one of the serving women to escort Kikyou to her room and help her ready for bed.
Once the miko was gone, Izayoi turned her attention back to Sango. “Spill it, Sango.” She strolled over to the dining table, which had been cleaned by some of the servants who had remained at their posts. Sango carefully stepped over to the other side so she could face her mistress and gingerly settled on the bench.
“I—what—I don't know what to say.”
“You seem to know this Kagome. Why don't you tell me who she is?”
Sango bowed her head, trying to think of a way to phrase the tale. “Inuyasha…um…he was at the tavern, playing cards and he won…her.” Her voice squeaked. Izayoi was staring at her with her piercing gaze that the young maid was not used to having focused on her. Usually her interaction with the lady of the house was limited to taking orders, not spilling her guts.
Izayoi carefully digested what she had been told. “He won her? So she's a slave?” Sango nodded. “Is he sleeping with her? I can only assume that was why a hanyou would be kept around. Outside of their family.”
The maid blushed. “You're right that she was a sex slave—from what I gather—though unwilling.” Izayoi and Sango both grimaced at the thought. “I—I don't know what Inuyasha…uses her for, but I don't believe its for that. He seems to like her; he's extremely protective of her. She shouldn't have even been here tonight, but I needed help and I promised to keep an eye on her after last time—”
“Last time?” Izayoi raised an eye brow.
“When she was first here, after he first won her, he sent her to the kitchens to work. Inuyasha didn't even want her around, at first. But her first week in the kitchens, the other youkai attacked her, and I insisted she stay at the Cabin with him.” Sango's head was still hung; fearing Lady Higurashi's wrath.
“Why wasn't I told about this?” Izayoi pondered to herself and to Sango. “A girl was beaten in my home and I wasn't informed.”
Sango slowly met her eyes. “Hide did not want to bother you. I didn't want Miyuki—I mean Kagome to be turned away, so I just took her to Inuyasha.”
“Because he was a hanyou and Kagome is a hanyou, and he would take care of her.” Izayoi pondered Sango's reasons for a moment. “You called her Miyuki a moment ago. Why?”
Sango explain Inuyasha's trip to Kaede with Kagome. “Before that, we called her Miyuki. We didn't know what else to do. We couldn't just call her `hanyou'.”
Izayoi nodded. They had been caring for this helpless girl, and it appeared her son had taken the lion's share of the responsibility. “You're sure he isn't keeping her in his bed?”
“My lady, I can't answer that; I do not know. I doubt it; when she first came here, Kagome was so shy and afraid. Now, with Inuyasha, she seems…stronger, I supposed. He's given her a reason to trust him.”
For the first time since they had begun talking, Izayoi smiled. Inuyasha must like this Kagome. She may not be a princess, but wouldn't she be good for Inuyasha? Isn't she what I was looking for?
The Lady frowned when she remembered Kikyou. Why didn't Taro wait? Still, everything is not lost. Yet.
Kikyou sat before her dressing mirror. She brushed her hair, counting the strokes until her locks where straight and smoothed. She kept brushing though there was no need.
*Brush. Brush*
Kagome is here.
*Brush. Brush*
On the one hand, Kikyou was relieved. While she believed her father would have welcomed her back regardless of whether or not she found the hanyou, it was one less thing to worry about.
*Brush. Brush* Hair must be straight and perfect.
How can she still be alive?
*Brush. Brush* A miko must be straight and perfect.
Kikyou had assumed the hanyou was dead. It was the only logical thing to think, but it appeared she was wrong. For a moment, Kikyou pondered if she should feel a slight sense of happiness that her sister was still living, but found she felt none. Kagome had always been something of the symbol of her disappointment. Deshi had spent most of her young life teaching Kikyou to hate demons; to fear them. Then only a short time after her mother's passing, Lord Higurashi had turned around and married one of the creatures. Since she had not been one of Midori's own brood, the youkai had instinctively re-coiled from Kikyou, and Kikyou's lonely heart had been turned to only feel anger for the baby Kagome who received her step mother's love.
*Brush. Brush*
Perhaps I was being a little psychopathic sending Kagome away like that, Kikyou mused. Oh well. It is my duty as a priestess to rid the world of these beasts.
*Brush. Brush*
Starting with Inuyasha and Kagome.
Kikyou blushed at the thought of Inuyasha. How can I feel this way about one of them? Her fingers tightened on the handle of brush. It doesn't matter; it can't be. All the more reason to get rid of him. In fact, if for no other basis, how I feel about him should be grounds enough to dispose of him.
*Brush. Brush. Brush*
But Kikyou knew her own strengths and weaknesses. At the moment, she could not go around killing anyone—especially the son of the lord. It would be too suspicious.
Too bad the two hanyous won't just get into a fight and murder one another.
Sighing, Kikyou continued to brush her hair.
Poor little Kagome. I'm sure she wants to come home—not that she'd be welcomed now. Living in the Demon Lands for so long…I doubt she's a virgin priestess anymore. What good would she be?
Setting the brush down on the vanity, Kikyou's mind suddenly jolted with a plan. At first, she had to run it though her mind a couple of times to make sure her instant inspiration would even work, but it seemed plausible.
A malicious smile coiled the ends of Kikyou's lips.
That will do nicely.
Now all she had to do was find an excuse to visit her betrothed and get her darling sister alone.
How much does Kagome want to return home?
Inuyasha had tried to clean Kagome up, but she refused to wake up and hissed in her sleep when he brought her anywhere near the water bucket. There was also the pesky little dilemma that she had latched her arms around his neck and wouldn't let go of him for anything.
When he attempted to lay her on the bedding in her own room, she growled deep in her throat in a way that warned him her demon was not far from the surface. He was fairly certain the hanyou was back even though she was still unconscious: her fangs and claws were their normal size again and her hair had stopped doing that weird breezy thing. That didn't mean the youkai could not appear.
Will she be able to speak when she wakes up? He wondered. I hope so.
Sighing, and seeing little else he could do without bringing back an angry demon, Inuyasha carried Kagome back into his own bedroom. If they were going to sleep like this, he wasn't going to spend the night on her sad excuse for a bed. I need to get her something better. How can she stand it?
Somehow, still holding the hanyou who had her claws in his clothes, he awkwardly lowered them both onto his futon.
Instantly, Kagome rolled up into a neko ball and snuggled near him, as though all she needed was to have him close. He could feel her faintly begin to purr. Inuyasha sighed in exasperation, but couldn't help think, as long as she's comfortable.
Inuyasha rolled onto his side and propped his head up on one side with his arm. Using the other, he reached out and stroked her ear. Kagome began to purr more.
She likes it too.
The hanyou began to wonder what would happen when Kagome woke. How would she react to the fact she had kissed him…and attacked those other youkai?
How should I feel about it? He gulped. Like that, there had been something sensual about her—even if she did call me a bitch.
The entire night had been a fucking roller coaster of spiraling misery pitted against a single high: when Kagome kissed him. Yes, he had been worried about the fact that she might kill him or take a limb off like she had with the other demon, but deep down, he had not been too worried. His fear had been superficial, and mostly for Kagome's well being.
His father had told him tales about half demons that were over taken by their demon sides and were unable to return to their original mindset. Instead, they walked the earth as blood lusting monsters, usually until they were murdered by a more powerful youkai.
But Kagome hadn't been completely lost. She recognized me. From what little he knew about hanyou, even when they were in a state of blood lust, they could tell who their mates were.
Is that what I am to Kagome? A mate?
Is that what she is to me?
Inuyasha scrunched his brow. This was not a good way to be thinking. Especially now that his father expected him to marry that human woman.
But what about I want?
Deciding that he might be completely wrong about Kagome wanting him to be her mate in the first place, Inuyasha closed his eyes and nestled a little closer to Kagome. Maybe things would make more sense in the morning.
Where am I? Kagome scrunched her brow in confusion. This was not her bedroom—that much she did know. Rolling over, she found herself face to face with Inuyasha's sleeping form.
What. The. Hell?!
Looking down, she was relieved to find that she still had her clothes on—or what was left of them. They were completely shredded. Quickly sitting up, Kagome tried to take stock of what had had happened.
Alright. Breath. You can figure this out. For starters, you're in Inuyasha's bed room with your clothes on, but ruined. She blushed at how revealing the garments had become. Did Inuyasha do this? Carefully, as not to wake the dozing hanyou, Kagome reached out and took one of his clawed hands, sniffing for evidence.
He smells like me and…dirty water? There were also traces of blood and other youkai, which made no sense. As Kagome let Inuyasha's hand go, she was startled by the blood embedded in her own claws.
What have I done?
Frantically, she began fumbling with Inuyasha's clothes searching for wounds she might have inflicted on him.
Please. Please don't let me have hurt him.
This was the scene Inuyasha woke to. Kagome hovering over him, tears in her eyes, as her hands anxiously skimmed over his skin as she dug into his clothes.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha started, staring at her with his eyes still blurry from sleep.
Kagome sat back on her heels, visibly shaken and pale. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but not sound came out.
“Kagome can you speak?” Inuyasha asked the first thing that came to mind when she remained silence. He still hadn't given up hope that she would be able to.
She tried to say something, but in the end only shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.
“So it must have only been temporary,” Inuyasha sighed, his ears drooping.
Kagome batted his arm, getting his attention back on her. She held her hands up in front of him, showing him the blood on them, then motioned toward her torn clothes.
“Don't you remember?” Inuyasha choked, swallowing hard.
Kagome shook her head. What do I need to remember?
“Anything?” His voice was tiny now.
Bowing her head, Kagome rubbed her forehead. There was nothing; a great, gaping blank where her memory of the night before should have been. Looking back to Inuyasha who was looking at her with worried eyes and sagging ears, Kagome felt her heart clench. What the hell happened that I don't remember!
Inuyasha appeared unwilling to say anything, so Kagome thrust her hands back under his face.
“You want to know what happened?” Inuyasha asked with a gulp.
Kagome nodded.
Sucking in a deep breath, Inuyasha tried to figure out where to start. “We were at the manor last night.”
Kagome signaled she remembered that much.
“You were supposed to be in the kitchen with Sango—she promised to watch over you after what happened the last time.” Inuyasha made a mental note to have a long talk with Sango when he saw her next. “But I don't know, somehow you ended up in the fountain with most of the manor's servants.”
Sniffing her hand, Kagome could detect, in addition to the blood, Inuyasha traces and the distinct scent of the same dirty water she had picked up on him. He must have come into the fountain to save me.
“I was in the dining hall when I heard a commotion outside,” he swallowed hard. “I knew something had happened with you so I tried to get to you as fast as I could.” Inuyasha's head dropped, thinking about how much danger she had been in.
But she took care of herself.
Kagome reached out and patted Inuyasha's arm. Their sad gazes met, and feeling awkwardness reared between them, Inuyasha continued with his tale. “By the time I got to you, some of the servants were attacking you and,” taking her hands in his so her palms faced up, revealing the blood-crusted nails, “you had already taken one demon's arm off.” Kagome gasped, looking at him in shock as she jerked away. “I don't want you to blame yourself about this,” he took her hand back into his own held them tight. “They attacked you. If they had not, I don't think your demon would have surfaced like it did.”
Kagome flinched. My demon? She had always been afraid of allowing her demon to take over. It meant she lost all over her humanity and became nothing but a monster. No. I couldn't have. Why now? Kagome felt a painful knot forming in the pit of her stomach.
Inuyasha could smell her panic, and tried to think of something to comfort her: “You didn't hurt me. I showed up after you changed and you didn't attack me. It was like you knew me.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha, and he looked back at her.
If I didn't attack him, what did I do? Silenced remained between them. He seemed to have halted his story, so Kagome shook his sleeve where she had grasped his arm.
Inuyasha didn't know if he should tell her the rest. What if she didn't want to kiss me…what if her demon was just randy. What if she doesn't like me like—like I like her. He gulped when he grasped what he had just thought. Idiot! Of course you like her like that! Well, there's only one way to find out if she feels the same.
Not really thinking, Inuyasha answered Kagome's question by doing, not telling. One moment, she was staring at him with worried eyes, the next, he was giving a replay of the previous night's events. He moved a hand to cup the back of her head as he kissed, holding her hand with his other. Kagome was still for a moment, and in that instant Inuyasha was sure he had been very wrong, but then her free hand moved up to clutch the fabric of his shirt, tugging him closer.
“That's what happened,” he said, when he pulled back, blushing. “Only—only I didn't kiss you, you…” he stuttered along, trying to get the words out. “Youkissedme.” When he spit out the sentence, Inuyasha ducked his head and cowered, expecting to be stuck. Or something.
Guardedly, he squinted out at her through his bangs, and could have laughed at the neko's expression: Kagome's ears were pointing straight up, her lips drawn into a tiny little bud, and her eyes were extremely wide with shock. She was staring at his mouth and a thin red line of blush appeared on either side of her face.
With her fingers, she first touched her lips and then gestured to Inuyasha. The half demon could only nod slowly as Kagome digested the new information. Discreetly as possible, Inuyasha tried to monitor her scent in an attempt to find out what she was feeling.
She smells mostly fear. Is she afraid of me?
“Why are you afraid?” Inuyasha asked and Kagome only blushed response, averting her eyes. “What is it? Are you afraid of me?”
When Inuyasha couldn't stand it anymore, Kagome shook her head “no”.
“Then what is it?”
Again, she was motionless for some time, then she gestured towards herself.
“You're afraid of you?” He tried to clarify.
Kagome held up her bloody claws before pantomiming a downward strike at Inuyasha. She ended by patting his chest so he knew she was worried about him.
“You're afraid you would hurt me?” Inuyasha asked, wondering where this was going. “Trust me,” he could have laughed, “you didn't.”
Tears pricked Kagome's eyes. Sucking in a sniffly breath, she nodded.
“But you didn't, you—you touched my ears.” Kagome's head looked up at him, her eyes wide again. “You didn't hurt me; it felt good.”
A hint of a smile played on her lips. She quickly tweaked his ear.
“Two can play at that game,” Inuyasha teased as he gave her ear a gentle twist.
Kagome smiled and blushed again, but did not further the game. Inuyasha could tell she was intentionally holding back, but they were making progress. She had let him touch her. Hell, she had allowed him to kiss her. He gained a flush of his own from the memory.
“Come on,” Inuyasha commanded as he slipped off the futon. “We need to get you cleaned up.”
Kagome nodded and followed him.
From some older clothes Sango had given him, Inuyasha rooted out a simple bathing robe for Kagome. After handing it to her, he turned his back so she would have privacy while she changed out of the ruined garment.
When she was ready, Kagome tapped on Inuyasha's shoulder. He turned around on her and gave her a shy smile.
I wish we could talk all this out, but its so hard to communicate like this. But if her demon can speak…wait? Why can her demon talk and she can't?
Inuyasha nearly smacked himself in the head. “I almost forgot—you spoke last night. When your demon took over. Do you have any idea why?”
Kagome frowned. How is that possible? Shaking her head, she showed Inuyasha she was just as confused as he was.
“Maybe we should go see Kaede. We can go to the manor first and see if Sango wants to go—I need to talk to her anyway.” Inuyasha finished with a growl. “I can't believe she left you alone like that.”
Kagome nodded, but then took Inuyasha's hand in hers and rubbed his palm in a way that showed she was not upset with Sango.
Inuyasha whined, but conceded. “She at least owes you an explanation.”
With that, Inuyasha picked up a bucket of water and gathered some rags. Not stopping to ask, he pulled Kagome's hands to him and began scrubbing her finger tips, removing the crusted blood and gore from her nail beds. He was careful his own claws, not wanting to bring her new injuries. When he was certain her hands were clean, Inuyasha moved to check out her other injuries. There was a cut on her upper arm that needed to be washed out—Inuyasha had to restrain himself from snarling: any wound that had not healed by now must have been truly gruesome.
Thankfully, Inuyasha found no other cuts, but he did have to spend more time than he would have liked cleansing her skin of dried blood from places that had already healed. There were also still some faint bruises here and there, but nothing he felt he needed to be concerned about.
“They didn't break anything, did they?”
Kagome motioned she had had no fractures.
Inuyasha had been about to put up the wash rag when Kagome snatched it out of his hand. Nervously, she used the wet cloth to wipe away some of the dirt on his face.
Smiling at him lopsidedly, Kagome brushed his face a few more times than needed.
Inuyasha couldn't help but smile back. A part of him wanted to kiss her again, but he chose not to. We both need to take this slow.
A/N: Kikyou is going a little crazy mainly because I need an explanation for why she is the way she is. I tried to put it in a back story, but it really came out like, she wasn't loved enough as a child blah, blah, blah. So she's crazy and a bitch. Nut case de bitch.