InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Secrets to Bind ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
A/N: Thanks to all who reviewed. They really helped limp through this chapter. I've had a stressful week at work, so I'm glad I finished this chapter! I hope the next goes better!
LiHudson: Good, I'm glad Kikyou's behavior fit—I was afraid I was being too abrupt, but I didn't know how else to put it.
AnimeObsessionFantasy: It is supposed to be Izayoi, I just got the `ladies' confused. Oops, my bad. I'll fix in my copy and when I do revisions, it'll change. Unless someone else complains. I always have to watch to make sure I don't write “Kikyou” instead of “Kagome”, but never thought I'd get the surnames confuse. Thanks for the catch.
Kia: No problem. I know, finally? I thought it was too soon, but the really did need some action.
Dark Inu Fan: A loon! Ha! Just read and find out.
Kokoronagomu: Yeah, too bad I don't think they have insane asylums where this story takes place. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to kill Kikyou, but I'm working on a way for her to get what she deserves because she does have it coming. We'll see.
Auraidne_deep: Glad to know you like my Kikyou reason. Its been my experience that people who have almost everything can be just as mean—if not more so—than people who don't. I plan to finish all my stories, even if there are some of them that I haven't touched for years, lol. I hate it too when you find I really awesome story that looks like I won't ever get done. So sad.
Chapter 13
Inuyasha was surprised to find Kaede already at the manor when he arrived there later that morning. She was sitting outside the kitchen entrance, smoking a long willowy pipe that curved quite a ways from mouth piece to bowl.
“Ah, Inuyasha,” the wise woman greeted him with a smile. “I see Kagome is doing well after last night. Sango has been very worried.” Kaede's gaze turned to the neko hanyou who had taken her place beside Inuyasha.
“She's fine—no thanks to Sango,” Inuyasha growled.
As if she had heard them talking about her, said maid appeared at the kitchen door. “Oh thank god—you really are alright!” Sango ran to give Kagome a quick hug, but was stopped by the snarling half demon who stepped in her path.
“Where were you last night? While everyone else was attacking Kagome what exactly were you doing?” Inuyasha demanded. This time, when Kagome tried to tug on his sleeve, he jerked his arm away. “She could have been killed or—or—” He couldn't finish. He couldn't talk just yet about Kagome's demon coming out. About how afraid he still was—even though he had her back—that she might have stayed that way. About all the other things that had could have happened to her.
Sango met his eyes, tears glistening in her own. “I—I didn't think—”
“Damned straight.”
“I didn't think that anything would happen. I was right out here.”
“What could be so fucking important that you left Kagome alone? Knowing the possibilites?” Inuyasha was really becoming angry now.
Perhaps that moment would not have been the best time for Miroku to come out of the kitchen looking for Sango. Hardly taking stock in the scene he was walking into, the monk in training walked up Sango, and clamped a hand on her shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Inuyasha howled. Now that the two of them were standing together, he could tell they smelled like one another. He hadn't noticed it before, just that Sango smelled a little like a man, which was very reasonable considering she was pregnant. “Who the fuck is he? You left Kagome alone so you could be with him?”
Both Sango and Miroku blushed red and looked away, feeling guilty. Inuyasha wasn't done ranting.
“Sango, I swear to Kami he,” Inuyasha forcefully gestured to the man next to Sango. “Had better be the father of your child or I'll—I'll—hey! Come back here when I'm yelling at you!” Sango had turned ghostly, deadly pale just before she took off in the opposite direction of Miroku. Kagome, worried for her friend took after the maid.
The young monk could only stand, rooted where he and been. He had no idea what Inuyasha was talking about, but from the way Sango had reacted, he wasn't sure if he was going to like it.
Nodding her head, Kaede slowly walked up to the hanyou. He looked down to meet her eye, and for a while they just stood there. Then suddenly, Kaede lifted her cane and whacked Inuyasha in the back of the head. “I can't believe you said that!” And with that she turned back to her protégé who still appeared to be trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
“Said what?” Inuyasha demanded. “Everyone knows she's knocked up! She reeks like any breeding bitch.”
Miroku still did not appear to be working up to his full brain capacity: he was staring straight ahead. Occasionally his lips would move, but no discernable sound would come out.
“Everyone with a nose as powerful as yours does, Inuyasha. And brain wonder here,” Kaede patted Miroku's shoulder, “does not, and he didn't realize.”
“Oh.” Inuyasha lowered his ears. He knew he would have it coming from Sango.
The maid suddenly appeared just then from where ever it was she had gone, Kagome at her heels. Inuyasha grimaced at the looks both women were now giving him. Great. Me and my big fat mouth.
Sango marched directly in front of the inu hanyou and smacked him as hard as she could across his face. The half demon was fairly certain he saw stars. “Why did you say that!”
“I didn't know he didn't know!”
“You're so—so stupid!” She looked nervously over her shoulder at the babbling Miroku. Now his gibberish sounded occationally like “baby” and “Sango”.
Seeing this argument was going nowhere, and that his friend was being distracted by the father of her child, Inuyasha side stepped Sango, scooped a still-comatose Miroku into his arms and bounded away with the monk. Inuyasha returned a few minutes later, Miroku-less.
“I've got more important things to do than deal with this. You left Kagome alone last night, I spoiled your big secret, let's call it even.”
Each side felt slightly slighted, but agreed. Neither wanted the wrath of the other.
“Why are you here, Inuyasha?” Kaede asked, walking in between the two friends.
Inuyasha stared at her blankly for a moment before he remembered. “Kagome!” Turning quickly, he pulled the neko so she was beside him again. “She spoke last night—when she was full demon.”
Needless to say, both Kaede and Sango were shocked. “Full demon?” Kaede asked when she was finally able to speak.
Both Inuyasha and Kagome nodded. “While she was being attacked, she turned. Probably to defend herself.” Inuyasha looked pointed at Sango, but said nothing else.
“What happened?” Sango asked. She couldn't meet Inuyasha's eyes and turned in the opposite direction as Kagome.
Motioning that they should sit down, Inuyasha related what he knew and what he had inferred about the night before. “So how is it that her demon can speak, but she,” he gestured to Kagome, “has gone back to being mute?”
Kaede thought about it for a moment. “Her demon side should hypothetically be able to heal faster than her human or even her hanyou.” The wise woman paused, thinking through what she was going to say. “Her demonic form must have repaired that part of her aura, so when she changed forms last night, and the dominant aura became that of Kagome's youkai, she was able to speak.”
“She can only speak when she becomes a fully youkai?” Inuyasha asked, sounding downtrodden.
Kaede nodded, “From what I can guess, I'm afraid so,” she answered, eyeing both hanyous, their ears drooping in their disappointment. “I've said it before, but only Kagome's sister can lift the spell.”
Kagome nodded sadly.
Sister. Inuyasha mused. Perhaps his thoughts might have linked up to come to a useful conclusion, but Sango interrupted.
“Um…what did you do with Miroku?”
Izayoi hadn't meant to find herself alone in the same room as her future daughter-in-law. She was walking down one of the many furniture-stuffed halls when she spotted Kikyou. Between a bust of Taro's great-great-great etc grandfather and a large ottoman for sitting stood the miko at a window. One of her hand's fingers were flushed with the glass as she stared intently down on something outside. The girl was completely enwrapped with whatever it was that had captured her attention below. When she was closer, Izayoi could see Kikyou's face was even stained in a flush.
And I didn't even think she could blush, her face is always so bloodless.
In order to see what is was Kikyou was looking at, Izayoi practically had to lean over the girl's shoulder. Much to her surprise, Lady Takahashi found herself gazing at Inuyasha. He was sitting with Sango, the local wise woman, and the hanyou girl she had seen him with the night before. They were all clearly in deep conversation. Izayoi couldn't help but notice how the two hanyou leaned toward one another, almost touching, but not.
If only things could be different for them. If only Taro would talk to me. In fact, he's been acting stranger since last night than usual.
They might not have been the closest pair, but she could sense when there was something her husband wasn't telling her. This time, Izayoi knew Taro was hiding something about their son, and there was a good chance it would hurt the boy.
Somewhere in her ponderings, Izayoi growled. One did not live around a bunch of dog demons without picking up some of their traits. At the sound, Kikyou whirled around.
“M-my lady?” Kikyou gulped, clearly embarrassed about being caught.
Her less-than-pure thoughts were still flashing in her mind and they had been revolving around the son of the woman before her. Kikyou had been minding her own business, wandering the halls where she could find no youkai when she happened to see her `fiancé' out in the yard. With Kagome.
What had boiled up in Kikyou could only be described as anger chased jealously laced with lust. All emotions a miko was not supposed to feel, but just looking at the inu hanyou made her long to touch him. She was envious at Kagome for being allowed to sit so close to him. Anger flashed though her mind simply because she was Kikyou.
Now she somehow had to explain to Inuyasha's mother she felt none of that.
“I was just curious, my girl,” Lady Takahashi was saying, “as to what had caught your attention so. I must say I am pleased to see it is your betrothed.” Izayoi forced a smile at her soon-to-be daughter-in-law.
Kikyou had quickly recovered from her shock at being caught staring, practically drooling at a hanyou nonetheless. There was something in the way the lady of the house spoke to her that she did not like; the older woman was challenging her. “I wasn't looking at Inuyasha. I was admiring your lovely garden, my lady. A miko shouldn't linger on such things; I marry your son to honor the wishes of my father.”
Izayoi had never found much beauty in the simple kitchen garden. “Am I to assume then, that summer cabbage always bring you blush?” Ordinarily, even with someone she despised, Izayoi would attempt more kindness and less prying. But this girl was about to be married to her son (unless the wedding could somehow be diverted) and because of that, she was willing to be as rude as possible.
Kikyou visibly gulped and turned back to window, ignoring the lady's question.
Deciding her time would be better spent talking to her husband, Izayoi turned and went in search of the demon who had been hiding from her. He knew something and she was going to find out what it was.
Inuyasha lifted Kagome up on the cart and she smiled at him as he came to sit next to her.
Miroku had vanished, and though Sango was not happy about it, had been calmed down when Inuyasha promised he had not killed the monk or hid him in the well or the like. She offered them a ride back to the Cabin, though that was more in way of an apology to Kagome than anything else.
“What am I?” Sango demanded, hands on her hips as she stood beneath the cart's box. “Chopped liver? Aren't you going to help me up—I'm the pregnant one!”
Scoffing, Inuyasha leaped out of the cart and snatched up Sango. He quickly settled her on the box and jumped back to his spot next to Kagome. The neko laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, giving Inuyasha some time to himself.
Why does everything have to be complicated? Inuyasha thought with a sigh.
He knew he always had the option of mating Kagome—if she would have him—and then he wouldn't even be able to be with the human girl his father was pushing at him.
You could always have both…
If he didn't mark Kagome or the other girl, he could have them both: the human as his wife, Kagome as his mistress. The logistics of it were possible, but would he himself be able to pull it off? Inuyasha shook his head. He wasn't suave and cunning with women like Sesshomaru and his father. Kikyou might not care, but Inuyasha couldn't bear to subject Kagome to the life of a mistress. Her life might become slightly less precarious as a mistress as opposed to a slave, but if something happened to him—well Inuyasha did not like to think of it. From the stories his father told from the youkai court, a used mistress was little better than a used slave. In Kagome's case things would be worse. She had been a slave and she was a hanyou. His family might simply kill her so she wouldn't be around.
What can I do to help her?
Something else occurred to him: How do I tell her I've been betrothed to someone else? She doesn't even know about Kikyou.
Glancing over at Kagome who had started fiddling with a loose string on her sleeve, Inuyasha wasn't sure if he should bother.
There always is the possibility she isn't seeing me as a potential mate. But he knew that wasn't so. Her demon made that much clear. Could it be that the rest of her feels the same?
I'll tell her. Just not now.
He prayed that this decision did not come back to somehow bite him in the ass. The inu hanyou couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that had begun to grow in the pit of his stomach.
She found him in his study, a room she was rarely allowed to enter. Today, Izayoi did not worry about her husband's rules, but barged in on Taro where he sat reading some letter or another.
“Izayoi?” He sounded more than a little surprised.
Lady Takahashi took one of the chairs that sat before his desk, picking up and dropping the papers that had been occupying it on the floor so she could sit in it.
“What would you do if I told you there is a hanyou girl at our home, with our son?”
Taro avoided her gaze, but his gesture spoke louder than words.
“You knew she was here? And you didn't tell me?” She sounded hurt, probably because Izayoi knew him so well.
Lord Takahashi finally looked his wife in the eye. There would be no lying to her now: “Yes, I knew she was here. Inuyasha came to me the other night saying he wanted to mate her—can you believe it?.”
Izayoi felt like throwing things and wished she had claws and fangs of her own to tear into her husband. Inuyasha did that? For the neko? Maybe he thought Taro would let him have Kagome, but something must have motivated Inuyasha to even ask. Kagome must be very special to him.
“And even though I had made my wishes perfectly clear—and they are the same as Inuyasha's—you saw no reason to tell me or act upon them?” Izayoi countered, showing her anger.
“Were you also aware the girl is little more than a slave?” Taro asked, believing he had the upper hand for he doubted Izayoi had that little piece of information.
“I did.”
The demon lord growled. “And you still believe this girl, this slave is good enough for our son? I am a lord and he is my son, and he will have the wife of good birth he deserves.” Izayoi was still glaring at him. Running a hand through his silver hair he tried a different approach, “Besides, we've already signed our lives away with this damned treaty with Higurashi.”
“You already know my thoughts on that.”
“Izayoi, as things are now, the boy is a target of ridicule and worse. Mate him to another hanyou? Can you imagine the problems he would have? I can't give the boy everything he wants.”
Crossing her arms, Izayoi rolled her eyes: “So you would rather marry him to that bloody ice princess? I don't trust that girl.”
“You wouldn't trust any girl,” the demon lord gave his head a shake. “Unless you handpicked her.”
“No,” she spoke to clarify her point, “I don't trust Kikyou Higurashi. One minute she looks terrified to pitch a fit, then she appears angry, and just the morning I caught her spying on Inuyasha.”
“Maybe she likes him.” Taro smiled with a raised eyebrow.
“And maybe she lusts for him, but hates the fact he's a hanyou.”
Taro shook his head. “I don't think so. She smells like a miko—someone who is at peace with herself. I assure you, she probably just views all this as some way to honor her family.”
Izayoi glared at her husband. “That is the problem with you dogs. You rely so much on your noses that you forget how to read faces. That girl is up to no good. I knew of the Higurashis when I lived in the human lands, and they do not love youkai—”
“There are many human lords who do not love youkai. They only have to tolerate us to sign a treaty such as ours.”
“I don't like this.”
“I know,” Taro shook his head. “And you don't have to.”
“It is our son who will be most unhappy because of all that you do.” Izayoi looked sad.
“This Kikyou will be better than nothing—and before you say anything,” he said, holding up a hand, “I will not allow Inuyasha to marry a common whore. No matter what she may be. Besides—a neko girl and an inu boy. Izayoi? Are you joking?”
Lady Takahashi looked fiercely at her husband, venom in her eyes. “I'm afraid I'm not.” Sighing, she shook her head sadly, “But I can see this is the closest we'll come to an agreement.”
Taro nodded.
“Please, will you just watch the girl instead of picking up on her scent to tell what she is feeling. I don't trust her.”
Taro begrudging agreed. He seemed about to say more when there was a commotion at the door and a moment latter, a snarling woman appeared. Lord Takahashi immediately recognized the sun star-burst on her forehead signifying that she was a member of the Neko clan. The next instant, three of his guards tackled the woman to the ground and before anything could be said, they dragged her out of the study, slamming the door behind them.
“Well,” Izayoi said with a raised eyebrow. “That is something I don't see every day. I should come here more often.”
Taro only cursed under his breath, grumbling something about his home being overrun by cats.
A/N: My apologies for this chapter being late and shitty. I had part of it written so that something happened, but it just didn't go along with what I have planned to happen next. It took an incredibly long time for me to decide which sequence fit best. Hope it flows!