InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ Miko no Youkai ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Not my characters, not my anime, not my manga. I've dealt with it, so can you. Please excuse me while I go cry on a yak's shoulder. . .

A/N: This is a quick short-story fic to give me a break typing my big fanfic. Oh, a bit about this fic.. this is a lemon. If you don't want to read it as such, go to

01/10/03- I've a second part in the making, but Sango and Miroku are being difficult. As for the revised scene here.. well, it was possible to do that, it just required creative use of angles. (Yes, I actually asked some friends about it. *grin* Got interesting looks for that one.) I'm happier with it now.



Miko no Youkai


Miroku blinked, his hand frozen half way to it's customary grope of Sango. The taiji-ya herself was equally stunned, and poor Shippou had been quick to jump and hide in her hair. A painful silence threatened to suffocate them, but none made to break it. They were more than afraid of what might happen if Kagome's attention were to shift to them.

Standing over an uncharacteristically quiet Inuyasha was a steaming Kagome. Her fists were clenched and blood was slowly trickling from the marks her nails were making in her palms. She struggled to steady her breathing, her eyes closed in concentration. Wisely, Inuyasha did not move from the new impression of himself in the ground. Or, maybe he didn't move because he couldn't. To those who could see it, there was a faint glow of power over the hanyou's form. It seemed to pulse in time with the blood trailing from Kagome's self-inflicted cuts.

They stayed like that for time enough that the storm that had been on the horizon was now gently coating them with rain. Kirara, who had also hidden herself behind Sango, silently stretched up to nudge Shippou. Nodding his understanding to the neko-youkai, the kitsune slid off of the taiji-ya and crawled over to Kagome. Her breathing had steadied, but the blood was beginning to puddle below her hands. Shippou contained his gasp at the sight. Even he knew the bleeding should have stopped by now.

Behind him, Sango and Miroku prayed for his safety as well as their own. Inuyasha was left to fend for himself, though. They weren't sure why his casual remark had set Kagome off, but they didn't have to be to know that he deserved it. Still, the rain was increasing in intensity, and the lightning was getting closer with each strike.

"Ka-Kagome?" Shippou squeaked, tugging on his tail in an effort to keep his nerves in check.

After waiting for a response and not getting any, the kitsune was about to try again when he saw Kagome's eyes open and her gaze slid over to pierce him. He gulped, swallowing the lump that suddenly constricted his throat and blinked up at her. Another tense moment passed before Kagome suddenly collapsed to the ground with a great sigh.

"Oh, Shippou.. gomen. Did I scare you?"

The reply she received was a tackle-hug from the little kitsune. He buried his face in her belly and inhaled as deeply as his tiny lungs would let him, reassuring himself that his Kagome was real. Satisfied, he looked up into her eyes then down to her hands, which had finally unballed. The blood was still seeping with every beat of her heart. He frowned and reached out to pull her hand closer. Kagome just watched him as he lifted the hand to his face and gently licked her wounds. A lone, hot tear slid down her face, mixing in with the rain she was just beginning to feel.

"Kagome-chan, Houshi-sama... we should move to shelter," Sango stood, stretching her cramped muscles before setting Hiraikotsu on her back. She turned to help the monk up, but found him absently rubbing the arm of his cursed hand, and staring at the place where Inuyasha still lie. "Houshi-sama?"

Miroku ignored the taiji-ya, addressing Kagome instead. "What did you do to him?"

"I..." Kagome sighed again, looking down at Shippou who was now cleaning her other hand. "He... I just wanted him to stop."

"Stop what, Kagome-chan?" Sango moved closer to her friend, kneeling beside her and placing an arm around the miko's shoulders.

"Stop... acting like. . like . . ." Now Kagome was crying, and Sango rubbed her back as she looked towards Inuyasha. What she saw made her gasp, causing Kagome to follow the taiji-ya's line of sight.

The hanyou was breathing and looked all right, but something was drastically wrong. His furry ears were gone, his hair was black, and his claws had shrunk to regular nails. Inuyasha was in his human form, during the day, and when the moon was to be nearly full.

Clearing his throat, Miroku stood, still rubbing his arm. After it had stayed in the same position for so long -halfway to Sango's beautiful..- he shook his head in effort to align his thoughts, and knelt beside the fallen hanyou. Smart enough to use his staff, the monk poked Inuyasha in the ribs, getting a grunt in return. He sighed, at least he was aware enough to make sounds. Could he hear?

Before Miroku could say anything, Kagome broke out, "Gomen.. gomen, gomen, gomen.. I.. I didn't mean to, Inuyasha. I just- you.." A shudder ran through Kagome's body and she bolted to her feet, hugging Shippou tightly. Despite the tears running down her cheeks her voice hardened. "Don't ever act like that, Inuyasha. I won't let Shippou grow up in such an atmosphere."

At that, Kagome turned and ran back toward the well. Unfortunately, the well was a day's travel by foot. Sango nodded to Kirara who transformed and took off after Kagome. She would get her there safely.


In the cave Miroku and Sango had found for shelter, there was an uneasy quiet. The fire crackled as the monk and taiji-ya ate their food in silence. Sango sat leaning against Kagome's giant pack that the girl had left behind in her haste. Farther back in the cave sat Inuyasha, hugging Tetsuiga and his knees to his chest. His head rested on the hilt of his sword, black hair tumbling forward to hide his features. Every now and then Miroku would glance over in the hanyou's direction as though studying something around him.

"Houshi-sama," Sango inquired, "what are you looking at?"

Flinching at her title for him, Miroku turned back to the fire before answering. "There is an odd aura about him. Like when Kagome purifies a shard. . . this aura feels of her, and the shard together. It is as though she had purified him, locking his youkai blood elsewhere."

"If she purified him, wouldn't his youkai blood be gone?" She whispered this question, hoping Inuyasha wouldn't pick it up with his dulled senses.

"No," Miroku shook his head slowly. "I can still sense his youki. It's there, it is just.. bound tighter than Tetsuiga could ever manage."

Silence once again took over the cave. The two looked over at their transformed companion filled with something not quite pity. What would happen now? They sighed and made ready to sleep. The only thing to do was return to Kaede and hope that Kagome would be there, or would return soon. They didn't try to deceive themselves that Inuyasha would go to drag her back himself.

Sango sighed again, curling into a ball under her blanket. She hoped Kagome was okay. The miko was her close friend, and she didn't like seeing her hurt like that. What ever had set her off, it was a deep wound.


Kagome shivered again and Shippou snuggled closer against her. Kirara, too, wiggled closer to the young miko. They were sheltered in a hollow trunk that had once been the base of a large, old tree. It was not yet winter, but the nights were cold and Kagome's bedroll was with her companions. Well, it was with them if they remembered or even thought to take it with them. Another shiver ran through her body, but this one was caused by the thought of Inuyasha. What had she done to him? Mentally, she chided herself and calmed her nerves. It wouldn't do to be upset.

A few deep breaths and she was reasonably calm. She brought her actions to the front of her thoughts and tried to figure out what had happened. She knew what Inuyasha had said, and that it had made her angry. It wasn't really his fault, how could he know about what her friend had been through? A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. He deserved the humbling experience, though. Still, how had she done it? If she could figure that out, she might be able to use it to her advantage in fights. Modify it a bit, or more than a bit, and be able to use her miko powers at a distance. She knew it had been her powers to reduce the hanyou to his human form. But, had she not felt the Shikon as well?

Now she was frowning and absently scratching Shippou's and Kirara's heads while she thought. She must have drawn on the Shikon no Kakara that she had. Yet, she was remembering everything she had done now, and not once had she even thought of the Shikon no Tama. No, she had reached deep into herself and pulled from a deep well of power she found there. There was no need for the Shikon no Kakara she had in the little glass jar. Perhaps, after traveling within her soul for five hundred years, she and the jewel had become connected more than she or anyone thought?

She could puzzle that out later. For now, she just wanted to sleep. And since she knew how she had done what she did to Inuyasha, she knew how to undo it. More importantly, she was aware of her own power now, how to reach it, and how to manipulate it to do what she needed it to. Feeling the protests her body was sending at still being awake, Kagome surrendered to sleep after wrapping her miko power around the neko youkai, kitsune, and herself. That night the three slept warm despite the chill of the night, and safer than they had been in a long time.

Quiet resolve settled Kagome's tense muscles. Now, she knew how to keep them all safe. And tomorrow she would bind Inuyasha to her so tightly that Kikyo would have no hope of dragging him to hell anymore. She would make sure Shippou had a family to grow up with. One that had both a mother and a father.


Soft laughter tugged at the dreams of the three companions in the cave. Not surprisingly, Inuyasha was the first to open his eyes, but he did not bother to look up. Still sunk in his own depression, he simply figured one of the other two with him could deal with it. He was just a weak human, anyway. Why should he bother?

"Really, Inuyasha." The voice was one the hanyou would recognize anywhere, and it was definitely not Sango. "You look like a puppy who just realized his master is not returning for him."

Inuyasha sucked in a lungful of air, looking up with hope-filled eyes. "Kagome!?"

"And then the mistress comes in and tells the puppy it's okay. The master just left for the day." Kagome grinned. "Except, I'm the mistress, there is no master. I have returned, though."

Laughter still shown in her eyes as she reached out a hand for him to take. He did so, obedient in his bewildered state.

"Come, Inuyasha. I have something to show you," she tugged him to the end of the cave, pausing to pat Shippou on the head. "Stay here and keep Sango safe from Miroku. That goes for you, too, Kirara."

The kitsune nodded and Kirara gave an agreeing mew. Satisfied, Kagome left with Inuyasha, and Miroku and Sango could only blink at one another over the remains of their fire.

It wasn't until they were a good distance away that Inuyasha snapped out of his bewilderment and remembered that he was supposed to be depressed and sulking. Kagome, feeling the change in his step, stopped and turned to look at him.

"What's your problem, Inuyasha?"




"Is it really so bad to be human?"

Half-growl, stronger glare enforced with the best growl his human throat could muster.

"Well, no complaining when we humans of the group want to rest."

"You're not human."

Kagome grinned. Finally, some real words out of him. "Oh?"

"Humans have hearts. What the hell did you do to me?"

This time Kagome growled. "Exactly what you deserved."




Sigh. "Inuyasha, please listen to me."


"I have a close friend.. her father is.. not the sort of man that should ever be a father. Or around any children for that matter. I found out the last time I was home that he is even worse than I thought, and you. . . you just reminded me so much of him that I snapped."

Inuyasha blinked at her again. Had the man hurt Kagome? He would dearly pay if he did. About to entertain himself with thoughts of how to torture anybody that hurt Kagome he nearly missed the tears gathering in her eyes. Immediately, his breath caught and all thoughts of torture vaporized. Why was she crying?

"Inuyasha.. " Sniffle. "Gomen, you don't really deserve to be bound in your human form. I.. I can release you."


She looked up, startled to find his eyes so close to her own. "Y-yes?"

"Why are you crying?"

"I.. I just realized how close I came to hurting you."

"By keeping me in human form? Keh, I'm stronger than that." Pay no mind to the sulking, depressed and silent hanyou of earlier . . .

"Not that. I.. I was going to." The miko shuddered. Had she really been planning on forcing him to bond with her? Now that she thought about it, she realized how bad the consequences of such an action would have been. Mikos did not force anyone to do anything. Bonding oneself to someone unwilling would not only be painful, but also have the exact opposite effect she had wanted. Slumping to the ground, Kagome hugged her legs and refused to look at Inuyasha as she spoke.

"I'll undo the binding, Inuyasha. You.. you'll be free of me. I'll even remove the rosary."

"Don't.." came a whisper so close to Kagome's ear she felt her hair stir.

"Don't what?" she whispered back.

"Leave me, Kagome. Don't leave me. I need you."

She raised her head, looking once again into the violet eyes of Inuyasha. "Do you really mean that?"

He nodded, "Hai."

"I'm not Kikyo."

"I know that," Inuyasha frowned. "I never felt this way for Kikyo. I.. I cared for her, lusted after her, but. . ."

Kagome kept silent. Please, let him say what she hoped he was going to say. Please, don't let him change his mind about Kikyo and turn to her instead. After all, had he not planned to use the Shikon no Tama to become human and stay with her?

"Kagome, I want you to be my mate." His words were barely a whisper, but Kagome heard them as though they had been shouted. He wanted her.

Instead of saying anything, Kagome let her legs go and wrapped her arms around Inuyasha. She held him so tight he thought she was trying to push herself through to the other side.

"I need to breath.." he forced out.

With a half-laugh, half-sob, Kagome loosened her grip enough to peer into his eyes again. They gazed at one another for a moment, then Inuyasha leaned forward and caught her lips with his own. Caught by surprise again, Kagome stiffened, causing Inuyasha to pull back with a frown.


"Please.. don't stop." Kagome enforced her words with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Hai." The miko nodded, rolling forward and catching his lips with hers this time. He instantly responded and wrapped his arms around her.

"Kagome," he managed to steady his voice when they finally broke apart. "I meant what I said. Will you be my mate?"

"Hai, Inuyasha. Will you be mine?"

Blink. "I asked you. Why would I say no?"

"I claimed Shippou.."

"You what?" Inuyasha was thoroughly confused. "Only youkai claim, humans.." He struggled shortly to remember the word. "Humans adopt."

Shrug. "Shippou is youkai, you are hanyou.. and I wanted all youkai to know he was protected."

"How did you know what to do? Youkai-"

He was cut off by her waving hands. "I don't want to know. I did something more in line with my miko abilities."

"You what?" He asked again.

"I," Kagome frowned, trying to find the right words. "I marked him. He already has my scent on him since he always sleeps with me, but. . . now he is surrounded by my protection. He wears a cord around his neck that we made this morning. It carries a.. charm. He is surrounded by my protection."


Shrug. Again. "I can't explain how I did it. I just knew how when I needed to."

The hanyou shook his head. What was he to do with her? He should be frightened. She had bound his youkai blood, rendering him a nearly helpless human, and could probably kill him with a thought. Obviously, she had control of her miko powers, and she was much stronger than Kikyo could ever hope to be. Strangely, this only drew him closer to her. She accepted him as he was. Or, she had.

As though reading his thoughts, Kagome placed a hand on each of his shoulders and closed her eyes. Within him he felt what could only be her power moving. There was a tug, a release, and his own power pulsed. His hair returned to its usual silvery, blue-ish white, and his ears got fuzzy and migrated to the top of his head again. Sounds and smells rushed through his senses as his claws lengthened. Eyes, golden once more, searched Kagome's as he lifted her face.

"My answer is yes."

It took a moment, but Kagome remembered the question. Any words she might have said were blocked passage when Inuyasha gently pressed his lips to hers. His tongue begged entrance and she hesitantly parted her lips. She let him explore a bit before pushing him away. He frowned and made to pull her back when her hand on his chest stopped him.

"No.. I want to bind us first." She searched his eyes. "Are you sure you are willing?"

A nod was her reply. She seemed to be getting lots of silent replies lately. Mentally shrugging, Kagome cleared her mind and reached within herself for her well of power. Drawing it out, she used her physical contact with Inuyasha to reach within him as well. Her eyes had drifted closed in her concentration, and now she could see herself through his. Did she really look like that? Gripping her concentration again, she found Inuyasha's source of power. His youki was unstable, due to its recent release by the Tetsuiga breaking, but as her power wrapped around it, it calmed. His youki and her miko energy swirled together, mixing, but not. Their powers curled against one another like two dogs of a pack, happy to be united at last.

Kagome took a deep breath and opened her eyes, meeting Inuyasha's intense gaze.

"What.. is this, Kagome?"

"This," she answered with a kiss, "is the start of a long relationship."

"How long?"

"How long do you want it to be?"

"'Till the day I die."

"Good," Kagome giggled. "'Cause you are stuck with me until then."

It was Inuyasha's turn to be surprised when she slid close to him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Her chocolate eyes locked with his gaze and she used the distraction to do something she had been wanting to since the first time she saw him. She reached up and rubbed his fuzzy ears with her fingers. Ever since he had awakened on the Goshinboku she had been good and not reached for his ears again. Today, with his proposal and everything else, her resolve to let the cute triangles alone weakened. She wanted to touch them, and he would have to deal with it.

"Kagome . . ." Inuyasha's voice held a quiet warning.


"Don't do that."

She focused on his eyes, looking for clues to what he was feeling while continuing to rub his ears. Her answer was not found there, however. Pressed against him as she was, she felt the telltale hardening against her thigh. Instantly, her fingers stopped their motion, and she gave a little thrust with her hips to make sure she was feeling what she thought. Inuyasha grunted and pushed her off, turning his head to hide the blush that had risen to his cheeks.

"I told you, do-"

His words were effectively cut off with the press of Kagome's lips to his. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. After his initial hesitation, the hanyou embraced her and returned the kiss as passionately as she gave. He struggled with himself, not wanting to hurt Kagome, but his defenses crumbled when she thrust against him again. He grunted, slipping his hands under her shirt and sliding them over her waist.

She gasped as his claws brushed her skin, breaking the kiss. Desire spread warmth over her skin and pooled in her lower regions. A small whine escaped her throat, encouraging Inuyasha to continue. She struggled more with his clothing, tugging and pushing at it to get to the skin she knew was hidden beneath. A low chuckle made her look up into his eyes again. He smiled, actually smiled, and took a step back from her. Kagome frowned, about to close the distance between them when she realized what he was doing.

Inuyasha removed every scrap of cloth from his body and stood before her as though awaiting her approval. He did not look at her, though, instead finding a nearby tree extra interesting. He heard her step up to him, and tensed as though he expected to be hit. What he felt instead nearly sent him to his knees. Kagome took his hands in hers and used them to steady herself as she stood on her toes and nibbled his ear.

Smiling at his sudden intake of air, she whispered, "You are even more beautiful than I dreamed. Now.. it's my turn."

She stepped back from him and removed her school outfit, leaving the bra and panties for a moment, enjoying the hungry look in his eyes. Then modesty struck her and she blushed, finding the same tree Inuyasha had been looking at suddenly very interesting as she tugged her undergarments off.

A clawed hand gently brought her lips in line with the hanyou's. As he claimed her lips his claws made a trail up from her thighs to her breasts and back down again. "Mine," he pulled back to whisper fiercely and grabbed her hips.

"Mine," came Kagome's reply. She ran her hands on a path similar to the one his had taken, but let hers rest on his shoulders. "Inuyasha.?"

He bent slightly, nuzzling her neck and making her giggle around her words. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Oi, shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Their eyes met again and Kagome realized how bold she had been. Suddenly blushing, her gaze fell and what she saw made her blush even more. Inuyasha nuzzled her again, bringing her gaze back to his face. "I love you," he whispered. "And you will always be mine."

"Always," Kagome managed to get out her reply before he scooped her up in his arms, making her squeak. "Wha-"

"Shh.." he kissed her lightly on her forehead and lay her on the ground. His eyes trailed to her breasts and he reached out to cup them, mindful of his claws. Kagome gasped, arching into his touch. Her hands sought out his ears, wanting to return the pleasure she was receiving. Inuyasha grunted and pushed himself away.

"Don't. Not unless you want to go further."

The miko blinked at his back when he turned it to her. Was he really that dense? A small frown tugged at her lips and she rolled onto her knees. She paused, gathering her resolve and courage. A small flame of anger lit her eyes behind the desire already burning there. Did he really think she would have stripped if she didn't mean to go all the way? What kind of girl did he think she was?

Inuyasha jumped when her hands encircled his waste and she pressed her body against him. "I'm cold. Make me warm."

He reached for his fire-rat haori and found his arm restrained. "Not like that," she hissed in his ear. Nibbling on the little triangle, she was pleased when he gasped again. "I am yours, Inuyasha, and you are mine. We should.. we should tend to each other's needs."

"Are you sure?" He turned in her arms, wrapping his own around her.

A blush tinted her cheeks again, but she nodded. He nuzzled her and pushed her back to her previous position. This time he straddled her, asking permission with his eyes and receiving his answer in the same manner. Kagome felt the heat building as his member brushed against her. He covered her mouth with his and entered her fully with one quick thrust. Her cry was muffled, but he saw the tear run from her eye.

"Gomen," he whispered and kissed the tear away.

"What for?" Kagome managed after a few breaths.

"For hurting you, bitch."

"Bitch? Baka."

A light growl rumbled through Inuyasha's chest. Kagome kissed him again and the growl died in his throat.

"You knew it would hurt?"

He nodded, blushing. "I've.. heard village women talk."

"Mm.." Kagome closed her eyes and nuzzled his neck. "Well, it doesn't hurt so much now."

She experimented, lifting her hips up and tightening her muscles around him. His gasp was her reward and she opened her eyes to catch his look of wonderment.

He pulled nearly all the way out of her and slowly pushed himself back in. As he sped up she moved to meet him, and together they set a rhythm. Her hands roamed his back, searching for a hold to anchor her in the physical realm. As her nails scraped his skin, they left trails of fiery desire behind. On her own body his claws were doing the same. The need to taste her grew too strong, and Inuyasha licked her cheek. He alternated between kisses of desire and teasing licks until he reached the area where her shoulder and neck met. There he pulled at her skin and brushed his teeth against it, restraining himself enough to keep from drawing blood.

His speed increased with need for release, but his touch remained gentle. Sharp canines never pierced skin while he nibbled on her collar. Involuntary cries escaped Kagome as she moved with him. His touches had set her skin on fire, she needed release and sensed it would come soon

Inuyasha felt how close release was and stopped his nibbling to nuzzle her as he increased in speed and intensity again. As her cries grew louder, Inuyasha instinctively covered her mouth with his. In this time and age it could be deadly to be caught in such a position; all his instincts screamed for him to keep them from being discovered.

He let a hand trail down to feel her heat and play with the little nub he found. Kagome's breath caught in a silent scream as it was finally too much, and she leapt over the edge. Her muscles clamped around him and he thrust one final time into her, biting down where neck met shoulder.

Panting, Inuyasha collapsed on top of his mate. He lay there a moment before wrapping a leg around one of hers and rolling them both onto their sides. Kagome opened her eyes, finally realizing they were closed, and stared into his loving, golden gaze. She tightened her arms around him and buried her face against his chest. They lay like that for a while, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Inuyasha gently pushed his mate away from his chest and pulled out of her so he could lick the blood from her shoulder.

Kagome whimpered softly at the feeling of emptiness that his exiting left behind. She was too distracted to pay attention to what her hanyou was doing. Instead, she ran her hands over his body again, amazed at the muscles rippling beneath his skin. When Inuyasha shifted his attention from her shoulder to her lips, Kagome gave in and returned his kisses. After all, she could explore his body later. Then again, she could do a bit more exploring now, and see if the first time was a fluke, and test out what she read. Could it really get better than her first time?

She giggled, getting a quirked brow from Inuyasha. He caught the mischievous light in her eyes and was about to ask when she pushed him over and climbed on top. The day suddenly looked even better.


Miroku, with several bumps and bruises was not so surprisingly the first to spot the pair as they returned after midday. Sango had kicked him out of the cave after his third grope and threatened him with a transformed Kirara and removal of his ability to ever have any woman bear his child. Just as he was to call out, Shippou bounded out of the cave, having caught Kagome's scent.

"Kagome!!" The little kitsune shouted, bounding into her welcoming arms. "Did it work?" He shot a glance at Inuyasha, then whispered in her ear, "I'm guessing yes, so.. can I name the first?"

"First what, kit?"

"Nothing important!" Shippou's eyes widened in innocence. "I just want to name her first.. puppy!"

"Puppy?" Inuyasha growled warningly.

Swallow and nod. "Hai.. she has a neko, right? I want to name her first inu."

Laughter startled them both into looking at Kagome. She hugged Shippou and walked past Miroku and into the cave. The monk and hanyou stared at each other for a moment. Then they both shrugged and stared at the cave entrance. Women.

"Oi, bouzu, what do you think got into Kagome?"

Arching a brow, Miroku grinned. "Wouldn't you know?"

Growling, Inuyasha launched at the monk. "Just what are you suggesting, bouzu?"

More laughter spilled from the cave. Inside, Kagome and Sango listened to the two outside a little longer before turning to prepare the fire. The boys would settle down once the ramen was fixed. As it was, Shippou was already licking a lollipop from Kagome's pack. She had handed it to him with a promise of getting to name one of the.. pups, if not the first, as well as assurance that she would be around to see them, and him, grow.

Sango quietly listened as her friend explained that she had bonded herself to Inuyasha, then blushed when the miko teased her about Miroku. "After all," Kagome reasoned too well, "I have seen how he looks at you, and how you look at him. And I know you don't mind his groping half as much as you make it appear. You just wish he would be more discrete, and loyal." Kagome frowned. "I'll speak with him, if you wish."

At the taiji-ya's expression Kagome smiled again. "Don't worry, Sango-chan, I won't mention your feelings to him. Just give him pointers on what women really want. And ease his fear."

"Fear?" Sango finally asked.

"Hai.. I think he is afraid because of his curse. Have you not seen him staring at it sometimes at night? I've watched him through nearly closed lids enough to know he studies you as you sleep, and then looks to his hand with this expression . . . He's afraid, Sango-chan. He doesn't want to hurt you, so he pushes you away with his gropes."

The taiji-ya blinked. She made to speak again, but Inuyasha burst upon them, having finally caught the scent of ramen. Miroku was not far behind, a few extra bumps on his head. Looking at the group that had accepted her, Sango allowed herself to think that maybe, just maybe Kagome was right.


A/N: And there you have it. I tried to catch the mistakes, but invariably, several will make it through. I use my own version of grammar sometimes, too. When it suits me. Try it sometime. It's as fun as feeding flamers to jackals. ^_^