InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ Taiji-ya ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I's back! I wasn't going to make this one a lemon, but I have a feeling many would be disappointed if Miroku and Sango didn't get fully together yet. My one-shot has turned into a short story. *laugh* Such is my life . . .

Ugh, Miroku and Sango were extra difficult. Who would have thought the houshi-sama would be so noble on me? Houshi no baka.

Mm, I didn't actually tell how much Kagome explained, either. Well, so you don't have to go back and read what I corrected, she told Sango that he had finally chosen her over Kikyo, and went into a few details, but did not tell her they were mates in every sense of the word.



A beautiful sunset colored the sky that evening. Standing at the cave entrance, the scene sent a cold shiver down Kagome's spine. It was worthy of a master painter's canvas, but the feeling it gave the miko was enough to make her reconsider sleeping that night.

"Oi," Inuyasha's gruff voice sounded behind her. "Looks like blood."

Kagome nodded as she rubbed her arms to smooth away the goose flesh that had covered them. Turning her back on the beautifully disturbing scene, she returned inside the cave and scanned it for Miroku. He was leaning against the wall opposite Sango, a fresh welt in the shape of the taiji-ya's hand angrily burning on his cheek. With a sigh, Kagome stepped up to him and gave him a light kick in the shin.

"Kagome-sama?" Miroku schooled his voice into innocence. Rolling her eyes, the miko grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the cave. As they passed Inuyasha, Kagome slowed enough to brush his cheek with her free hand and earn a puzzled look from the monk.

A sore arm and several muttered curses later, Miroku found himself staring at Kagome's rather expectant face.


"Well, what?" Miroku blinked at the girl. Kagome could be rather confusing.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rather confusing? How about completely and utterly not able to be understood. Maybe it was a girl thing; sometimes he couldn't understand Sango either.

"Miroku," Kagome huffed impatiently. "I don't want to spend all night out here. How about I play like Inuyasha and say this a bluntly as I can? I'll even add in an insult."

That made the monk take a step back, but he nodded and kept his eyes on her. He couldn't help but wonder if she was under a spell.

"Oi, bouzu," Kagome did her best Inuyasha impression. "When you gonna stop messing around and ask the girl? Or are you blind as well as lecherous?"

Letting his face fall into its customary blank expression, Miroku sent a silent prayer out and hoped he could lead Kagome away from the subject she was bringing up. "Should I not ask you the same?"

Her reaction was not one the monk expected. Anger, surprise, or abandonment of the conversation, he could handle. But the sudden light to her eyes and the smile that appeared? Huh-uh. Well, if it changed the subject he would still be happy.

"Miroku-sama, you are not getting out of this that easily. Inuyasha and I have.. settled our troubles. Now, when are you going to ask Sango what you ask nearly every other girl we meet?"

"There is no need." He was careful to keep a tight reign on his expression. That is, until Kagome added a new red mark opposite the fading one given to him by Sango. His thoughts tangled upon themselves and all he could do was blink at the miko.

Placing her hands threateningly on her hips, Kagome glared at her friend. "Miroku, if you think I am going to stand by and watch you push the girl you love away, then you are in for a lot of bruises."

"Don't I-"

Kagome cut him off with a glare. "Worse bruises, bouzu. Now I know why Inuyasha calls you that all the time." She sighed and rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself again.

"Listen to me, Miroku. In pushing her away, you are hurting Sango more than you realize. Tell her how much you care."

The monk's gaze fell to his feet. His voice came out in a pained whisper, "I can't."

A delicate hand on his shoulder startled him. "Why not?"

"This curse."

He held out his hand, turning it over so that the kazanna on his palm was facing up. Kagome's own hand trailed down to grasp his. Bringing her other hand up, she traced the hole through its binding.

"I think I can help with that," her voice was so soft Miroku wasn't sure he heard it.


"Do you trust me?"

He looked up and met Kagome's intense gaze. "Hai."

"Then don't move and stay silent."

Miroku nodded, shifting his gaze to his cursed hand when he felt a tingle. A gentle, unnatural wind began to stir the leaves around their feet. Kagome's eyes closed and the monk felt a greater power within her than he had ever sensed before. Minding her words, he kept his questions to himself and watched silently.

Focused on her task, the miko pulled her power around herself protectively and examined Miroku's curse. What she found nearly made her forget what she was doing to run off and strangle Naraku on her own. But that would be too good for him, perhaps she could- No! She took another calming breath and focused on the task before her. She tugged at her power, mentally pulling a few strings of it out. Mindful of the danger, she started to tug at the outer ring of dark energy that made Miroku's kazanna only to find something blocking her.

Well, the rosary kept his curse contained, of course it would keep other energy out. She carefully shaped a binding globe of her miko energy around the monk's hand. Once she was sure it would hold, she opened her eyes and reached to remove the beads. Miroku's free hand stopped her.


"Trust me." She met her friend's gaze and he let his arm drop.

"I do."

Nodding, Kagome pulled off the rosary beads and returned her focus to the kazanna. It pulled at her barrier, trying to suck it in as it could nearly everything else. The miko ignored its pull, concentrating on braiding her strings of power with the wisps of dark energy that whipped around the kazanna's edge. She kept tight hold of her power, never letting any of it slip into the kazanna for fear of what might follow it. So, her mind remained acutely focused, braiding and weaving, over, under, out, and in. It was a long while before Kagome had made a complete circuit and reached the beginning of her work. Without questioning the specifics of how, she severed her connection with the braiding and fused the two ends so well that none could tell where it had started or finished.

With a weary sigh, she replaced the rosary and drew her barrier back into herself. She let the monk's hand fall as she dropped to her knees and attempted to clear the blurriness from her vision. The curse would remain on Miroku, but the kazanna would not grow any larger, and his children would never know the fear of being swallowed by their own void.

Warm arms wrapped around Kagome's shoulders and she found herself leaning into them. "Arigotto," she sighed to their owner.

"It is I that should thank you, Miko."

"Eh?" If she squinted, she could just make out Miroku's shape. He was kneeling beside her and sounded nearly as relieved as she was exhausted. "No... explain later. Sleep now."

The monk chuckled softly at her words, but his soft laughter soon turned to a blush when Kagome leaned her full weight against him. One glance revealed that she was already asleep, her energy spent from such intense concentration. Miroku shook his head as he observed the sleeping girl. He could sense her miko power still strong within her. Looking at the work she had done, he knew no trained priest any gender or denomination could have done so thorough a binding. Intuition and instinct guided her, and Miroku didn't know anybody he would trust more with his life.

A low growl brought his attention away from Kagome, and he grabbed his nearly forgotten staff and raised it protectively.

"Hands off her, bouzu," the growl was barely understandable.

"Inuyasha?" Miroku scanned the trees for signs of the hanyou.

"I said hands off!"

A red blur sped at the monk from his left and he just managed to dive out of its path, pulling Kagome down with him. She half-growled in her sleep and rolled onto her side, curling up in a ball. As she rolled, a rope of her power formed a circle around her and the monk, expanding into a dome of protection. Miroku did not have long to stare at her in surprise, though, for Inuyasha slammed himself against the barrier directly in front of him.

"Inuyasha.. ang'ry.." Kagome mumbled in her sleep, rolling over and resting her head on a forearm. "Calm... lay.. w'*yawn* me . . ."

Both the monk and hanyou looked at the girl, surprise evident on their faces.

"It seems she wants you," Miroku looked to the subject of her sleep-talk.

"Leave." Inuyasha growled again.

There was a sudden look of understanding that crossed Miroku's face as he stood. He looked once more at the peaceful miko before grabbing his staff and carefully backing out of Kagome's barrier and away from the still growling hanyou. As much as he had teased him earlier that day, he had not actually thought the two had mated. The look on Inuyasha's face told him they had done more than that. That the two were closer than he could ever hope to be with the one he loved.

'Sango..' his heart whispered. The taiji-ya would be waiting at the cave, wondering why they were not back yet.

As soon as he felt he was a safe distance, Miroku turned and quickened his pace. By the time he reached the cave his breath was coming in gasps and he was forced to catch himself with his hands as he fell forward.

That is how Sango found him: his shoulders shaking in his lung's effort to receive oxygen. She ran to his side and helped him stand and walk with extra aide of his staff, directing him into the cave. Shippou and Kirara watched the two make their way to the fire with wide eyes. The taiji-ya cursed the restriction of her skirt as she helped Miroku sit where he could lean back against the cave wall for support. From there, the monk watched her sort through Kagome's pack, presumably for something to eat. He was right, for soon a steaming cup of ramen was held before him.

"Eat, Houshi-sama."

"Sango-..." Miroku took the cup and set it down beside him. He wasn't hungry, really. There was something more important he wanted to do, wanted to ask. "Kagome-sama. . she.. " He sighed, afraid of her reaction to what he so desperately needed to ask.

"Did she speak with you?" Sango asked, encouraging him to continue.

"Hai.. and more." He held up his cursed hand, examining it in the fire's light. "It won't grow, Sango. Neither will my children need fear it, Naraku or no."

This next part he wanted to be alone for. Glancing around the cave, he discovered Shippou and Kirara were already gone. "Where?"

"They ran out just after you came in.. I think they felt Kagome-sama needed them more."

"Ah. . . " Miroku allowed himself a small smile. He pushed himself up to one knee and took Sango's left hand in both of his. "Sango, when this is all over, and Naraku defeated, will you bear my child?"

The taiji-ya blinked. "Houshi-sama?"

"Please.. Miroku," he flinched visibly at the title. He had hoped she would be more comfortable with him. Had he tried too hard to push her away and succeeded too well? His arms fell back to his side in defeat.

"Hai, Miroku."


"Hai... I will bear your child."

His jaw hit the ground. Sango smiled and sat down on the mat in front of him, gently reaching out and closing his mouth. A light blush colored her cheeks, making Miroku's heart skip several beats.

"You are beautiful," he whispered. "May I.. may I touch you?"

After a quick, scrutinizing look that told her he was actually not being his hentai self, the taiji-ya nodded. Miroku released the breath he hadn't known he was holding and inched forward. Tentatively, he reached out his hand and caressed her cheek. Sango closed her eyes leaned into the touch with a sigh. She had wanted him to do this more than she would ever admit.

Encouraged, Miroku's hand traveled downward and back to rest on the nape of her neck. He leaned forward until his mouth hovered over hers. Fear that she would change her mind kept him from completing his action. Distracted by his thoughts, Miroku didn't notice the small smile that Sango suddenly had, and was surprised when she closed the minute distance between them. It didn't take long for him to return the kiss, though.

Sango pulled back first; just enough to look him directly in the eye. "What scared you, Housh- Miroku?"

Suddenly the fire was very interesting to the monk. He turned to look into its crackling depths for a few moments before answering. "Inuyasha found me with Kagome-sama in my arms. She.. well, what she did made her extremely tired. He found us like that and I could see in his eyes how much he cared for her."

Returning his gaze to the taiji-ya, Miroku collected his thoughts. Converting them into coherent words, he continued. "What if I lost you? I thought I was protecting you by keeping my distance." Here Sango arched a brow. He thought groping her was keeping his distance? "Inuyasha would have ripped me apart had I stayed. He very nearly did anyway. Sango, I.. I would do the same for you."

The taiji-ya shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She was afraid of where this was going, and she couldn't believe she had agreed to bear his children. Yet she did not regret that decision and, and-

"Hentai!" She instinctively reached for Hiraikotsu to knock him over the head, but the bone boomerang was unfortunately leaning against the opposite wall. With a grunt of annoyance, she made instead to slap him. Her arm went limp before her hand ever raised; Miroku's lips pressed hard against hers leaving her aching for more.

The hand that had been groping her slid upward to her lower back. The monk's other hand eased its way around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Her eyes slid closed as she savored the feel of her love so close.

"Sango," he sighed, ending the kiss and leaving her wanting.

"Please," she whispered against his cheek. "Show me."

"Show you what, my love?"

"I want to know you are real. That you won't leave me for another"

"There is no other to me." Miroku gave her another kiss, unconsciously leaning forward and pushing her onto her back. His hands ran up and down her sides, trembling in their need to feel her skin. "Sango?"

She opened her eyes just enough to catch his unvoiced words. Knowing she would more than likely regret the decision later, the taiji-ya wiggled beneath him and easily untied the knot holding her skirt in place before tugging her top loose. The monk sighed above her and slipped his hands beneath the cloth.

Burning desire unlike anything she had ever felt or imagined threatened to take over Sango's mind. She gasped and arced against Miroku. The monk hesitated, not wanting to push things too far. When his hands stopped a whimper begged for him to continue. Not being one to argue such things, he did.

Soon Sango's hands had found their way beneath the robes of the monk and the two were lost in their kisses and exploring. Both, however, froze when bare skin touched bare skin where a minimum of two layers of cloth should have been. Simultaneously, they looked down and blushed. Miroku's robes had parted and Sango's skirt was only serving to keep her lower body from touching the cold floor. It was obvious the monk had been enjoying their exchange, too. He blushed and immediately moved to cover himself and roll away.

All coherent thought stopped when a soft hand gripped his most sensitive organ. Eyes wide, he searched Sango's face for an answer. Her head was still tilted at an odd angle, looking down the length of their bodies. Curiosity ruled her expression, tinged with enough lust and love to keep him silent. He watched her, barely containing his body's reactions as she trailed her fingers over the throbbing appendage. His eyes closed and he fought for control. He didn't want to spill his seed on her; he wanted to spill it in her.

When her hand tightened around him again it was too much. A cry wrenched itself from his throat and he buried his head against her shoulder, struggling to keep from loosing complete control.

The taiji-ya, startled by his violent reaction, wanted only to comfort him. "Miroku, wha-"

Her words died on her lips when he raised his head to meet her gaze. A shudder ran through her at the intensity of the need she saw there. "Please," he whispered hoarsely. "Please don't. It hurts when I can't- when I . . ."

"Can't what? What do you need?"

The feeling of something hard at her nether regions made Sango gasp. She didn't need to look to know it was what she had just held in her hand.


The warmth of Miroku's breath reignited the fire that raged over her skin. Another moan rose through her and her hands started roaming again. That was enough permission for the lecherous monk.

He knew exactly what he wanted to do, too. The plan had spontaneously blossomed in his head, and it was a wonderful one. He tugged off what clothing was left on her and tossed it aside. Planting kisses and nibbling at her skin, Miroku made his way from her welcoming mouth to her breasts. The already hard nipples invited him to taste them and he did just that.

More moans filled the cave as he rolled the red peaks in his teeth and teased them with his tongue. While his mouth was on one, a hand would be on the other to make sure he was giving Sango as much pleasure as he could. The hand not on a breast would lightly run up and down the inside of her thigh. Each time his hands switched positions a pleading whimper came from Sango, growing more intense.

Finally, Miroku moved on, letting his hands knead her breasts a little longer while he licked a trail lower. As his wet trail neared her navel, he let his hands massage her sides, and eventually her hips. But the taiji-ya couldn't have cared where his hands were, for his tongue had just reached her opening. Waves of pleasure, each more powerful than the last, rocked through her, and her hips bucked on their own. The monk had expected this and halted his massage to hold her as still as he could.

Her hands buried themselves in his hair and gripped the dark locks as though they were a lifeline. Miroku nibbled and nuzzled, licking at the delicate folds of skin. Sango's breath came in pants and her entire body vibrated in reaction to the monk's attentions. Just when she thought she couldn't handle any more, Miroku's tongue darted inside her and caressed her from the inside. All of the air her lungs had fought to gather was expelled as her body writhed with an explosion of pleasure and she called out the monk's name.

Quick, so as not to let the opportunity pass, Miroku repositioned himself and thrust inside her. Any pain he may have caused his beloved taiji-ya was never felt. Having held back so long and finally being inside her, Miroku's release did not take long in coming. He thrust in and out; hard and fast. She was tight, and her muscles clamped around him hungrily, trying to keep him inside. Moans escaped his throat as well, and he thrust harder, ever closer to the edge. Then he reached it and took a flying leap. He called to his lover, her name ending in a wordless yell as the world crumbled around him.

When he was aware of his surroundings again he rolled off and out of Sango. The taiji-ya herself was still panting, trying to make sense of what her body was still feeling the after effects of. Suddenly realization of what had just transpired dawned on her and her still labored breathing caught again.

What was she going to do now? How could she face Miroku again? Or Kagome? And Inuyasha?

Thought of the hanyou brought a new fear to her: he could smell what she had just done with Miroku! There was no saving her honor. She had willingly let the monk take her, and now she had no honor.

Tears gathered in her eyes and spilled over and onto the mat. She had shamed her family. There was no way to redeem herself now. Where would she go? No man would ever touch her again. Miroku would find her disgusting now because she gave in so easily.

Small sobs began to shake her body, bringing Miroku's attention to her tears.

"Sango," he whispered. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

He moved to examine her, but she flinched at his touch and rolled away. This caused him to worry even more. His hand gripped her shoulder and he forced her to roll on her back again. He straddled her once more, cupping her face with both hands so he could look into her eyes.

"Tell me," he demanded softly.

She whimpered, but did not look away. Her breathing slowly calmed back down, letting Miroku's heart slow from it's worried pace. She blinked, but the tears refused to stop, so she focused on her voice. It was hard to find it for the words she had to say.

"Gomen, Miroku," she finally forced out. It wasn't really what she had intended, but it had to be said, too.

Understanding flickered across Miroku's face, quickly covered by anger at himself. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Sango. I am the one that should apologize. I - I took you. It was not the other way around."

His eyes softened and he bent to lightly kiss away her tears. He gave her another kiss, this time a gentle one on her trembling lips, before repositioning himself beside her.

Resting his head on her shoulder, he reached for a blanket to cover them before speaking again. "When Kagome-sama returns, we shall be properly wed, my love. Though we'll have to be careful." He brushed his lips against her shoulder in yet another kiss. "No children until we know Naraku will not be around to threaten them."

Sango let his words sink in and allowed sleep to take her as she realized her fears had been nullified. He wouldn't leave her, and neither would Kagome. For that matter, Inuyasha would not either. They were her family, and together, with Shippou and Kirara, too, they would remain. Naraku would never know what hit him.


A/N: I know, it's half the length of the last bit, but I had so much trouble with these two! I never wrote erotica until Kagome and Inuyasha took over the usual voices in my head, but they were easy and flowed into it without even warning me. Still, I didn't think these two would be so hard. *pout*

As to my Japanese; well, I watch subtitled anime, and I have gathered some from other fics. So, I absorb by listening and reading. And checking online dictionaries. If I'm not sure, though, I default to my native language: American English.

Anyway, I don't promise lemons in every section, so don't be upset in the future if there is not one. I'll warn you, though. ^_~