InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Miko's Paradise ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own `Inuyasha', nor will I ever own the show and/or characters. Wish I did, but I don't. Oh well.

Warnings: Rating- NC-17, swearing, occasional violence, explicit dancing, drinking, future lemons, some limey moments, much marshmallow fluff, and quite a bit of ooc-ness from many characters.

Pairings: Sess/Kag (future), Inu/Kik, Mir/San, possible Rin/Shippo, and mention of past Kik/Kag (Yes, it's true. Question my sanity if you like.)


Self-explanatory otherwise


Chapter 1

Kagome unlocked the double doors of the club and stepped in, closing and locking the doors again behind her. She went behind the bar and began stocking the soda, beer and other alcoholic liquids. She walked back to the kitchen and turned on the fryers, heating the oil for food. Finally, she walked to her office and plopped down in her chair.

She pushed the button on her answering machine and listened to the few messages:

"Hey, Kags," came Sango's voice, "I might be a little late coming in tonight. Kohaku needs me to pick him up from soccor practice. Laters!"

"Hey, sexy." Kagome shook her head when she heard Kouga's voice. "I'll be stopping by tonight to talk to you. See ya."

"Um, hi," came a loud voice, "I'm calling about the job opening I read about in the paper. If you could call me back, I'd like to apply. My number is…" Kagome copied it down quickly. "Oh, yeah, my name is Rin Rashki. I hope to hear from you." (A/N: Hope ya don't mind if I don't put a number in here. Don't need people calling whichever number I put in.)

Kagome sighed in relief. Finally, she thought to herself, The extra help I've been praying for. Hopefully she'll be able to start as soon as possible. She picked up the phone and dialed the number on the paper in front of her.

"Hello?" asked a cheerful voice.

"Yes, hello," Kagome replied, "I'm looking for Rin Rashki. Is she in by chance?"

"You're talkin' to her."

"Rin, this is Kagome Higurashi, owner of Miko's Paradise. I'm returning your call about your interest in a job working here."

"Oh, yes. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly."

Kagome smiled. "It's no problem at all. I was wondering if you could come by tonight for an interview and audition."

"Absolutely. What time would you like me to come in?"

Kagome thought for a moment. "I open my doors at 5pm. Come in at about 4:30?"

"Of course, thank you. I'll be there."

Kagome smiled. "Ok. Just knock a few times on the front doors and I'll be there." She hung up the phone after Rin thanked her once again. She leaned back and relaxed for a few minutes. It was Friday night, the busiest night of the week. She would definitely need the extra pair of hands.

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Rin walked up to the large building, feeling slightly nervous, but quickly wiping it away. She took a deep breath and knocked on the front doors a couple of times and waited patiently for the owner. She smiled when she saw a young woman with raven black hair unlock the doors.

"Hi, I'm Rin," she said, holding out her hand.

Kagome took her hand and shook it firmly. "I'm Kagome," she replied, "Please, come in." She stepped aside and let Rin walk into the building before locking the doors again. "If you could go by the bar, we can start the interview and everything."

Rin smiled brightly as she looked around the brightly lit bar and dance floor. "This place is really nice," she commented, "You must be very proud to have a business like this."

Kagome nodded her head and walked behind the bar while Rin sat on a stool. "Yes, I am quite proud of `Paradise'." She stood across from Rin and leaned on the bar. "Now, tell me why you'd like to work here at Miko's Paradise."

Rin took a deep breath and smiled. "Well, I've heard great reviews from critics and people who have been here. I'm interested in working in an environment where I can meet a lot of people and have fun."

Kagome nodded her head. "I assume that since you work here that you are 21 or older and that you have your bartender's license?"

Rin nodded her head. "I've had my license for 3 years now. I also have a degree in business management and accounting."

Kagome's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow. That's pretty good." She thought for a moment. A thought came to her mind. "I must ask you, how do you feel about lecherous men?"

Rin looked at her like she was crazy. "Are you serious?"

"Well, there's an employee that works for me who has a problem controlling his hands. I have to ask because he loves to grope any good looking woman around."

Rin began to giggle. "Well, I don't have a problem with it. But, if he gets annoying, I will have to slap him around a little."

Kagome nodded her head. "That's usually what we all do."

"If you don't mind me asking, if I get the job, who will I be working with? And what kinds of patrons do you get?"

"Well, there's me, I'm here every night, whether we're open or not. There's Sango, she's here 5 nights a week. She's nice as they come, thought she doesn't take shit from anyone, so try to stay on her good side. Miroku is the lecher. If you find his hands wandering too much, just slap him or call for Sango and she'll knock him out for a while. He's here 3 nights a week. I have a kid named Shippo, he's mostly working with the bouncers. Sometimes he helps with drinks, but otherwise he's on the floor.

"As for our patrons…We get a variety, depending upon the night. Fridays are our busiest nights, mostly couples and more than a few regulars who are here from opening to closing. Saturday's our dry night. No alcoholic beverages are served. Sundays are pretty slow, usually only regulars. We're closed on Mondays. Tuesday through Thursday we're open from 6 `til midnight."

She paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words. "We allow a mixed crowd each night." She looked up at Rin. "Do you know what I mean by a `mixed crowd'?" She sighed heavily when Rin shook her head. "This is one of the few bars that allows both ningen and youkai patrons."

Rin looked at her oddly. "Are you serious? Don't fights break out all the time?"

Kagome shook her head. "No. Everyone knows my rules. If you are involved with a fight, either directly or indirectly, you are kicked out."

Rin smiled. "I think that's great. There definitely aren't many places like that around here." She looked around the large room. I'll have to tell Sesshoumaru about this place. She looked at Kagome again. "You mentioned something about an audition? I was wondering what that was."

"Basically, you work for a night. Since it's Friday, I'll cut you a little slack on how well you do. I'll watch you as you work, and I'll ask the patrons what they think of your performance. If we like you, you're hired. If not, then you won't get the job. You will be paid for working tonight, and you can keep the tips you make." She reached under the bar and pulled out a small, yellow tin bucket. "This is where you will place your tips." She placed it next to 3 others, each in different colors; green, purple, pink, and yellow.

Rin nodded her head and smiled. "Well, I hope I don't disappoint you."

Kagome smiled back at her. "I'm sure you'll do just fine." She looked at her watch. "Looks like it's just about time to open the doors. Oh, yes, one more thing. There is a certain man who comes in here looking for me. His name is Kouga Jeiya. He's annoying as all the seven Hells. If he comes in and asks for me, tell him that I'll get to him when I can."

Rin nodded her head. "I'll do that." She watched as Kagome went to the front and opened the doors, then came back to the bar. She flipped a few switches, turning down the lights and turning on the music from and unseen source.

Kagome grinned at her. "Well, get back here. Everything is all set and easy to find. Don't play with the music." She smiled when she saw one of the many bouncers come in and another stand outside, starting to let a few people in. "Welcome to your first night at `Miko's Paradise.'"

Rin took another deep breath and began working. Please, let me do this right and get this job.

End chapter 1

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter....again. Please, R&R.