InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Killer Night, Kouga and Inuyasha ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: -walks up to the microphone- I do not own Inuyasha. Thank you.


Last Chapter:

Kagome grinned at her. "Well, get back here. Everything is all set and easy to find. Don't play with the music." She smiled when she saw one of the many bouncers come in and another stand outside, starting to let a few people in. "Welcome to your first night at `Miko's Paradise.'"

Rin took another deep breath and began working. Please, let me do this right and get this job.

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Chapter 2

"I'd like a bottle of Bud and a double bourbon."

Rin nodded her head and quickly got the man's drinks. "That will be $8 even," she said quickly. She took the money and put it in the register. Immediately, she went back to the bar and took more orders.

"Hey, Rin," a sweet voice called out, "How you doin' over there?"

Rin turned and smiled at Sango. "It's a blast!" she called out, "I'm happy Kagome is giving me a chance to work here."

Sango laughed loudly. "This is really slow for a Friday night. It's still early, so just wait. You'll begin to wonder why you wanted to work here."

"I highly doubt that. I love this. I hope that it does get busier."

Suddenly, Miroku came up behind her. "And when was your last psychiatric evaluation?" he asked, "You must be nuts to enjoy this."

Sango looked at him in disbelief. "Sure, Houshi. That's why you come back here each night. Even when you don't work."

"My dear Sango. Don't you know that I come here for you?" He burst out laughing when she blushed a deep shade of red. He moved over to Rin and took her hands. "Rin, since you are new here, there is an important question I must ask you."

Rin looked at him and smiled. "Ask me anything you like."

"Would you do me the pleasure of bearing my child?"

She jumped back when Sango hit him on the top of the head, leaving a large lump. "Dammit, Miroku," she grumbled, "So much for you being here for me." She looked up at Rin. "Ignore him. He's a hentai houshi who can't keep is lecherous hands to himself. If he goes after you again, just slap him or come get me."

Rin giggled and nodded her head. "I believe Kagome told me something along those lines as well." She immediately went back to work.

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Kagome walked through the club, grabbing empty bottles and glasses, and taking different orders. She paused several times to talk to the different patrons, laughing the entire time. Suddenly, she looked up from the table she was at and spotted Kouga. Dammit, she thought to herself, I wish he would keep away from here.

Quickly, she made her way to the bar and stood beside Sango for a moment. "Sango, he's here. Pull me away if things get heated," she begged. At the nod of Sango's head, she moved to Kouga.

When he saw her, a smile glued itself to his face. "Kag, Baby!" he exclaimed, "How you doin'?" He leaned forward, grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her harshly.

She let the kiss go for a second then pushed him away. "Kouga," she nearly yelled, "do you have to do that here? I won't let you in here if you treat me like that!"

Kouga just laughed and smiled at her. "Yeah, right, Kags. You couldn't keep me away if you tried. And neither could that filthy inu hanyou, so don't even bother threatening me with him." He sat on a stool and looked around quickly. "So, no chance of you getting out early?"

Kagome shook her head. "No chance in Hell. When do I ever get out early?"

"Well, you are the owner. You could just leave when you feel like it."

"And leave everything to everyone else? No way." She poured him a drink and set it down. "Now, what are you doing here? And don't tell me that it's just so you can watch me work."

Kouga took a drink from the glass. "On one level, yes, I did come to see you. Another, I'm here to make sure that the filth in the room keep their hands off of what's mine."

Kagome glared at him. "Kouga, number one, while the guys, and a few girls, in here might flirt with me, they do nothing more than that. I won't let them touch me unless I want them to. And number two, I AM NOT YOURS! You should know by now that I belong to no one!" She once again gave him the lecture that they both came to memorize.

"You are mine, Kagome. Whether you want to admit it or not, you're mine. Always will be mine." He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "Don't forget who gave you the money to open this shit hole."

Kagome glared at him and sent a stream of miko energy at him. She smirked when he pulled his hand away. "You told me that the money was a gift for a friend, from a friend. And I paid it back to you, so I don't want to hear it." She waved to one of the bouncers, Manten. "Manten, show Kouga here the door. Tell Hiten not to let him back in."

Manten nodded his head and grabbed Kouga's shoulders. "No problem, Miss Kagome," he said and pulled him back, "We won't let him back in tonight."

Kouga growled at Kagome. "We're gonna talk about this!" he called back to her.

"No, we're not, Kouga," she muttered.

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Rin looked over at Kagome and saw her arguing with a good-looking young man. She turned to Sango and pointed to them. "Hey, Sango. Who's Kagome yelling at?" she asked, "She looks like she's about to rip his head off."

Sango took a quick look and shook her head. "That's her boyfriend, Kouga," she explained, "He's here every night. She told you about him, didn't she?"

"Just that he's here every night and a major pain in her ass."

"That's about right. He seems to think that just because they're a couple that she belongs to him. He hasn't marked her or anything but he's still so possessive." She paused for a minute. "Reminds me of a certain inu hanyou most of us know."

"Are you talking about me by any chance, Sango?" came an annoyed voice, "Or do you guys know another inu hanyou besides me?"

Rin and Sango turned to the voice. Sango smiled at him and Rin just stood there in shock.

"Inuyasha?" she asked in disbelief.

Inuyasha mirrored her expression. "Rin?" he yelled, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

End Chapter

A/N: Once again, thank you for being patient. I do hope that you enjoy. As for those who have read my story and have previously reviewed, I thank each an every one of you. You're my inspiration that keeps me going. I really hope that I do not let you down.