InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Be Quieter ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: You think I own Inuyasha? I don't think so. If I did, which I don't, it would be one messed up show. No one would be happy with me at all. I'd get lots of hate mail, death threats, and stalkers. I don't think I need those in my life. So, I'll leave Inu and the gang to their creator, Rumiko Takahashi, and I'll just play with them a little for the pleasure of everyone here.

Warnings: Language(lots of bad stuff), sexual situations, lemons, limes, violence...and anything else I can think to put in here. Pay attention to the rating of the story. VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO IGNORE IT!! You have been warned.

Chapter 10 *Does the happy dance*

Kagome entered through the large front door and leaned against it, accidentally slamming it in the process. She winced, knowing that the loud noise would alert her two friends to her presence. She sighed and closed her eyes, leaning more against the door, and waited for the two to come down the stairs. She didn't have long to wait. A few moments later she was greeted by the sound of hurrying feet.
Inuyasha was the first down the stairs and he came to stand directly before the young woman. "Just what were you thinking, bitch?" he nearly screamed at her, getting right in her face. "After what happened last night, you just up and go out without leaving a note or calling or anything else! You know how worried I got?"

Kikyou came up beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Inuyasha, please calm down," she said softly. "You're not helping this situation any more than what you were earlier." She went to Kagome and smiled softly. "I will agree with him though. You should have left a note or called. Even if you had called from your grandfather's house. We were really worried about you Kagome."

"I just needed to work out some energy," Kagome explained as she made her way to the kitchen.

Inuyasha 'fehed' and crossed his arms. "After what happened last night, I didn't think ya'd have any energy left to do much of anything."

Kagome looked up at him quickly. "Ok, you keep saying 'after last night'. What the Hell happened last night that has you two so freaked out?" She started to panic slightly when she saw the look that Kikyou shot at Inuyasha. "Kikyou…Inuyasha…You two are my best friends. Please, tell me what happened."

Kikyou settled her chocolate eyes on her cousin. "Just what do you remember about last night?" she
asked softly.

Kagome thought for a moment. "I remember meeting Sesshoumaru, dancing with you…and Kouga coming in. After that…it's kind of a blank."

Kikyou nodded her head slowly. "I expected that much. Sweetie, if it wasn't for Sesshoumaru, you would have purified many youkai and hanyou. All because Kouga kept egging you on."

Kagome closed her eyes and sighed, bringing her hands to her face and rubbing her temples. "Let's sit down and go over this. I need to know what exactly happened so that I don't make an even bigger idiot of myself than what is entirely necessary." She followed Kikyou and Inuyasha into the kitchen and sat at the small table in the center of the room. Once seated, Kagome leaned her head on the table and tried to think. "Okay, so Kouga came in, and we started arguing, I remember that much. I kept getting more and more pissed off at him. I kinda remember Sesshoumaru coming over, but most of it is really fuzzy. Please, fill me in..."

Kikyou slowly went over the events of the previous evening, glancing at Inuyasha from time to time.

"So, basically, I freaked a few people out, got pissed, fucked up, and passed out," Kagome commented. She ran her fingers though her hair and sighed again. "Did the club at least get locked up?"

Inuyasha nodded his head. "I made sure the others locked it up. I also told them that you'd probably want to stay closed tonight." He gave Kagome a hard look. "And you're going to say closed tonight. Even if I have to tie you down, you're staying here and resting."

Kagome sighed softly and nodded her head. "You don't have to get so pushy about it. I know that it's best if I do that," she replied as she rested her elbows on the table and set her head on her hands. Her chocolate brown eyes closed slowly as her breath came slowly. "I may not like it, but I know I have to. I think I should close for at least a couple of days. I need to take a while off."

Kikyou and Inuyasha gave each other confused looks. Never had Kagome agreed to follow their advice so easily. Kikyou stood and walked over by Kagome then knelt next to her. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked straight out. "In as long as I've known you, you've never taken advice so quickly from either of us."

A dry laugh escaped Kagome's lips. "I don't know why I'm listening to you all of a sudden." She leaned back in the chair and let her ebony hair fall behind her. "I guess I've had enough fighting and arguing and....and...and just everything else I've done in the past. With what happened last night, and what's happened recently, I guess I just want to have some peace. And a break from all the negative will do some good. I hope." Kagome stood slowly and smiled at her friends. “I'm going to go call the others and let them know that we're having a weekend off.” She walked out of the kitchen and up to her room.

Kikyou watched her cousin as she left the room then looked over at Inuyasha. "Do you think she's gonna do all that? Taking a couple days off and trying not to be negative?" she asked him quietly.

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, his claws running through his silver mane. "Beats me," he said flatly, "But if I have anything to do with it, she's gonna take those days even if I have to tie her to a chair and watch her myself."

"Inuyasha, you know as well as I do that you cannot do that to her. If you keep her confined she'll be worse than before. And that anger will be directed toward you."

"See if I care. She's gonna relax."

Kikyou sighed in exasperation. "You two are going to be the end of me. How can you be such good friends and yet infuriate each other to no end."

He gave her a single-fanged grin. "We just put each other in our places."

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Kagome sat in the center of the large bed with a red phone in her lap. She'd just hung up with Sango, explaining why Paradise was to be closed for a few days. Sango, being such an understanding friend, pried and pried and pried as to what was going on to make Kagome take off. Kagome was honest in the explanation that if she didn't, Inuyasha would hold her hostage. Sango immediately took the hint and told Kagome that she would inform Miroku.

Kagome let out the breath that she was holding and picked up the phone again. She knew she had to call Rin before she left for the club. She quickly dialed Rin's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" asked a definitely male voice.

Kagome paused a moment before responding. "Um...Hi, Sesshoumaru-sama," she stammered out, "This is Kagome. Is Rin there by any chance?"

The nearly emotionless voice replied quickly. "No, she's not. She mentioned something about going to get new clothes for the club."

Kagome sighed heavily. "Dammit. Okay. Could you give her a message for me?"

"I will."

Kagome smiled to herself.
Well, at least he's willing to do this after everything else, she thought silently. "Could you just tell her that we will be closed for at least a few days. I really need to take some time off. I don't want to, but Inuyasha has nearly threatened to tie me down if I even say 'no' about this."

Sesshoumaru gave a dry laugh. "So, my brother has actually said something of value. I do agree with him. It would seem that after last night's events that you do need to take it easy for a time. Is there anything else you need?"

Right to the point. Kagome ran her fingers through her hair slowly. "Well...I do want to thank you for helping me out. I don't know everything of what happened. Actually, almost none of it. Inuyasha and Kikyou filled me in on a little of what happened. With Kouga coming and you helping. I really appreciate it."

"No thanks are needed, Miss Higurashi. As I said, no one deserves to be hurt by someone who is supposed to love them."

Kagome smiled again. "I'm still going to thank you. I don't want to think of what would have happened if you hadn't been there for me." She looked at the clock on the night stand and sighed softly. "You probably want me to let you go. I'm sure you have a lot of work to do."

"While that may be true," Sesshoumaru began slowly, "I do enjoy speaking with you. You are actually intelligent and have something worth listening to."

Kagome blushed. "Thanks, I guess. But I really should let you go. Just see that Rin gets my message. If she has any questions, she can call me anytime. And remember, my name is Kagome. You can call me that." She hung up the phone before he could say anything in reply.

o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o. o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o

Sesshoumaru held the phone in is hand for a moment before hanging up again. He set it down on the desk in front of him and leaned back in his chair, his mind going over the previous night's events.

He could remember the feel of her energy moving through his arm and his entire body. The sensation was painfully sweet and intoxicating. The touch of a miko should have felt deadly to him, but he wanted more of it. The more he thought on it, the more he became confused. Why would their auras react in such a way together? And why did hers seem to follow his own? The situation was more than only slightly odd.

Sesshoumaru pushed himself away from his desk and walked out of the study. He needed to get his mind off of the miko, Kagome. It just wouldn't do to think about her any further. He made his way down the stairs and out to the large garden at the rear of his house. He stopped in the center of it and closed his eyes, lifting his face to the sun. The warmth of it and the light breeze blowing helped clear his mind slightly, but he could not fully rid himself of the thoughts of Kagome.

He swore silently to himself. How could he have let the little miko, whom he had literally just met, get under his skin. He would not let this woman into his life. He kept telling himself that she was a filthy human. A woman who smiled prettily at every man who came into her life. As much as he told himself these things, her smile and laughter filled his heart with something. Something he didn't dare think of.

The sound of a door closing inside the house brought his attention back to reality. He turned from his sanctuary to see Rin returning, hands full with bags. He knew instantly that her shopping trip had gone well. He went back into the house and stopped in the doorway. He watched Rin as she set her bags down and sat on a large sofa.

Rin sighed and leaned into the comfy couch. She had spent all morning shopping, hoping to miss a lot of the weekend crowds that congregated at the mall. Smiling at the thought of all she had gotten herself, she leaned forward and saw Sesshoumaru watching her. She smiled brightly at him.

“I'm home, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she sang happily. She looked down at all of her bags then back up at him. “In case you haven't been able to tell, I had a very successful trip. This should be enough clothes to last me for quite a while.” She started rummaging through the bags and pulling out possible outfits.

Sesshoumaru walked into the room completely and sat across from Rin. “Kagome called,” he stated simply, “The club is going to remain closed for the night.”

Rin looked up at him with surprise. “She called? I thought that she would be resting for the entire day.”

Sesshoumaru nodded his head. “Yes, and that is why she called. She wants the club to remain closed so that she may get her rest and not worry about something happening while she is gone.”

“Did she sound okay? I mean, she didn't sound like she was really sick or anything, did she?”

The youkai lord rolled his eyes slightly. “If you mean, was she all bubbly and full of laughter like she was previously, then no. But she did not sound terribly out of sorts.”

Rin nodded her head and started to collect her bags. “Thank you for allowing me to go shopping, Sesshoumaru-sama. And thank you for taking the message from Kagome for me.” She bowed slightly before heading up to her room.

Sesshoumaru sat on the chair, his chin in his hand.
If only she had been full of the laughter that she had previously shown us...

Chapter End
A/N: I realize that EVERYONE is completely out of character. And I am sorry. I tried to keep them as close as I could, but in the end, it just didn't work out. I really hope that won't hold it against me.