InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Jii-chan and a Lemon ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Ownership belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story. Thank You.

A/N: Okay! After a LOOOOONG hiatus, I am making revisions. I will be writing new chapters and posting new ones soon, hopefully. I apologize for taking so long in doing this. In all honesty, I forgot the e-mail address I was using for this, as well as my password, so I was kinda screwed. But, I'm back and hopefully will be up and running again in no-time! Thank you for your reviews, everyone! I really mean that. You are all so wonderful!

Edited version is on They have very strict sensor rules over there, as far as I've seen.Last Chapter:Rin watched them before turning to Sango and Miroku. “Will she be ok?” she asked worriedly, “Why did she pass out like that?”Miroku nodded his head. “Kagome will be just fine after some rest,” he assured her, “It happens to her when she’s under a lot of stress and contains her energy. She’s supposed to train to release excess energy, but I guess she hasn’t been doing that.”Sango started to clean up and put things away. “Let’s get this place cleaned. Kagome wouldn’t like it if she came back and the place was a mess.”The three started cleaning up the bar, leaving Sesshoumaru to sit at the bar and think about a certain young miko…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 10Kikyou opened the door and immediately stepped out of the way to allow Inuyasha entrance. He walked up the stairs quickly and laid the sleeping miko in his arms on the bed. He stepped back and sighed as he watched his best friend and sister.Kikyou’s arms wrapped around his waist when she joined him in the room. “She’ll be alright, Inu,” she reassured him, “Don’t worry.”Inuyasha walked out of the room and to the his and Kikyou’s, with Kikyou following close behind. “How can I not be worried?” he asked her heatedly. “She is more a sister to me than anyone in my life. I’m gonna be worried about her, Kiks…” He sat down on the bed and rested his head in his hands. “That bastard ookami is the reason this is happening to her. And he will pay for it.”Kikyou sat behind him and started massaging his shoulders. “I know your reasoning behind how you feel, Inuyasha,” she replied softly. “I want him to pay as well. She’s not only one of my best friends but she’s also my family.” She pulled him back to lean against her and wrapped her arms around his shoulders tightly. “Both of us want him to know what he’s putting her through. And I’m sure that Miroku and Sango do as well. I’ll also bet every last piece of jewelry I own that Rin and Sesshoumaru don’t like how he’s been treating her either…”Inuyasha tensed at the mention of his brother’s name. “He’s the last person I’d see as caring.” He thought about his brother’s actions at the club and was thoroughly confused. “I can’t figure out why Sesshoumaru would even think twice about what happens to Kagome, or anyone else for that matter…It’s confusing as Hell.” He sighed and laid his head down on the pillow. “I just don’t know what to think of it.”Kikyou rested against Inuyasha’s chest and sighed softly. “I don't know either,” she replied sleepily.Inuyasha held Kikyou in his arms closely as the two fell asleep.^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ ^_^_^_^_^_^Her eyes opened slowly and a soft smile played across her lips. The warm hands and mouth on her body were enough to wake her every sense. Her eyes were closed, taking all he had to offer. The simple touch of his clawed hands scraping lightly at her sides was enough to make her come undone. His mouth was magical. He knew exactly where to touch her. Where to lay the softest of kisses that made her turn to putty. Slowly, he slid up her body and she could feel every muscle under his skin. When he came above her, she opened her brown eyes and looked up into his golden ones and....Kagome shot up, eyes wide and sweat dripping down her forehead. She looked around the room and let out a frustrated sigh. She hadn't had such an erotic dream in a long time. She shifted in the bed to alleviate some of the pressure that had gathered around her womb and groaned in disappointment. Turning her head, she nearly growled at the time the numbers on her alarm clock glowed at her. She stood up and walked to the bathroom, needing cold water desperately.She gazed at her reflection in the large mirror then splashed her face with some cold water. What the Hell is going on? she asked herself sleepily. Who was that? She looked at the dark circles under her eyes. Maybe I’m just overdoing it.She walked back to her room and sat on the bed. The red numbers on the alarm clock read 5:18am. She had no idea how long she’d been out. Surprisingly, Kikyou and Inuyasha were not in the room to keep an eye on her. They would be in bed until late in the morning.After deciding to go for a run, she pulled on a red sports bra and a pair of black jogging pants. Quietly, she walked out of the house and ran in random directions. The cool morning air turned her cheeks pink and the wind caused her hair to whip wildly around her. She quickly tied it back with an elastic band and continued running.When she finally paused for a break, she took a look at her surroundings and groaned. She jogged straight to her old neighborhood, and a few blocks from her family’s shrine. She started again and stopped at the base of a set of steps. She climbed them, knowing full well that her grandfather would be wide awake and doing chores.At the top, she took in the familiar scene. The place where she grew up as a little girl. She took slow steps into the temple area and felt the ground practically hum beneath her feet. She smiled to see her grandfather at the main temple building, sweeping the steps as he usually did.“Hello, Jii-chan,” she said softly when she was a few feet away.He looked up at her and smiled slightly. “Kagome,” he replied. He leaned the broom against the wall and walked up to Kagome. “It’s good to see that you are well.” He wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.She hugged him back and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed you, Gramps,” she whispered.“I know. I’ve missed you, too.” He patted her back several times then released her. “Let’s go into the house and have some tea.”Kagome nodded her head and followed him into the house. In the kitchen, Kagome sat at the table and waited while her grandfather prepared the water. She looked around the room and smiled to herself. Everything was exactly the same as when she was a child.“How are things going for you?” Jii-chan asked, “Last time you visited, you were seeing that Hojo boy and you were doing the final touches on that bar of yours.” He set the tea on the table and handed her a cup. “And how are all of your friends?”Kagome took a long drink of the warm, bitter liquid then set the cup on the table. “Well, everyone is doing fine,” she began, smiling, “Inuyasha and Kikyou are together, mated. We’re just waiting for them to choose a date to have a wedding.“Sango and Miroku finally decided to become an official couple. He’s still as lecherous as he used to be when it comes to beautiful women. Sango does all she can to keep him in line though.”She paused to drink again from the mug in front of her. “My club is doing great. Especially for it being so new. I’ll easily have the loans that I took out for it paid off in a matter of months.“And as for me and Hojo…We broke up a long time ago. We haven’t been together for about six months now. I was seeing someone named Kouga, but that definitely didn’t work out.” She wrapped her hands around the teacup and looked down at the table, avoiding her grandfather’s gaze.She jumped slightly when he placed his hands on hers. She moved her gaze to his face and saw a sympathetic smile.“If you ever need a safe place to stay, you can always stay here. No questions asked and for as long as you need to stay. Your old room is still there for you.”“Thanks, Gramps.” She looked at the clock on the wall and jumped up from her chair. “I’ve got to go!!”Jii-chan gave her a questioning look. “But you just got here Why do you have to leave?”She put her cup in the sink and headed to the door. “I know I just got here, but I’ve been running all morning.” She bit her bottom lip nervously. “Since I left Kouga, I’ve been staying with Inuyasha and Kikyou. They’re gonna worry about me if I don’t get back there soon.”She hugged her grandfather and said goodbye then started the run back to Inu’s house.<(“<)<( “ )>(>“)><( " )><(“<)<( “ )>(>“)><( “ )><(“<) *Groove to the music*“Inuyasha, will you please stop pacing?” Kikyou asked as she hung the phone up again. “It’s not helping and it’s driving me crazy.”“What else am I supposed to do?” he nearly shouted, “You told me not to go out and look for her. You told me not to worry about her. But here you are, making phone calls, looking for her, and making me worry when each number comes up as a dead end.” He started pacing again and growled in frustration.Kikyou shook her head and dialed another number. “Hello? Higurashi-san? This is Kikyou…Yes, I’m doing well…Inuyasha’s fine, too…Actually, I was wondering if you’d seen Kagome…She did? No, nothing’s wrong. We were just wondering…Yes…Thank you…You too. Ja ne.” She placed the phone back on the receiver and relaxed into the chair.Inuyasha had stopped pacing and was watching her expectantly. “Well, was she there?”Kikyou nodded her head and sighed. “She was at her grandfather’s house. Higurashi-san said that she left a little while ago. Seems like she jogged there this morning.”Inuyasha calmed down and stopped pacing, his shoulders slumped only slightly in relief. He then straightened and marched to the door. “I’m going to go out and see if I can catch up to her.”Kikyou rushed over to him and grabbed his arm, holding it tightly. “No, you’re not. She’s on her way back here now, so there’s no reason to go after her.” She slowly turned him around. “We have the house to ourselves until she gets back.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his gently, then pulled away slightly. “I say we make use of the fact that Kagome went for a jog.”As she pressed herself against him, he closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure. His hands went to her hips and pulled her body tight against his. His lips captured hers in a passionate kiss, his tongue gliding easily into her waiting mouth. He lifted her into his arms effortlessly and carried her to their bedroom where he placed her on the bed.Kikyou looked up at him, desire showing clearly through her coffee brown eyes. She reached up and ran a hand through his hair, rubbing at his furry ear lightly as the other hand caressed his chest lightly and slipped under his shirt. She smiled at him as he hissed softly when her fingers moved over a hardened nipple. Leaning up carefully, she started kissing and biting at his neck and shoulders as her hand undid the buttons of his shirt.Each button came undone easily, slipping quickly through the hole, exposing more and more of his broad, chiseled chest. As the shirt revealed more of Inuyasha’s chest, Kikyou leaned up and placed soft kisses on the exposed skin. Inuyasha growled softly as he pulled Kikyou away and claimed her lips hungrily, his hand wrapped around the back of her neck. He loved her mouth slowly and thoroughly, searching out every crevice, and leaving her breathless. He gently pushed her back onto the bed, covering her body with his.As he pressed into her, a soft moan escaped her slightly parted lips. He slowly left her mouth to kiss along her neck and shoulders, nipping at the bared flesh, and causing her to moan again. He placed his lips over the mark on her neck and she gasped loudly before running her hands through his hair, pulling him closer to her.Inuyasha placed his hands at the hem of her shirt and slowly raised it, pulling it over her head in a quick motion. The moment her large mounds were uncovered, he latched onto one of them, sucking the taut nipple into his mouth. He repeatedly bit and tugged at it, the woman beneath him arching her back off the bed, wanting more of him. His hands slid slowly up and down her sides, raising her arms above her head, then moving down to her curvy bottom, bringing her closer to his body. He wrapped his hands around her waist, spreading her creamy thighs open and settling between them.Kikyou moaned loudly and linked her ankles behind his back, pulling him even closer. Her hands grabbed at the pillows above her tightly, longing to touch the man above her, but knew not to for the moment. Her head rolled back as he bit into her nipple again. She tightened her legs around him, bringing his lower body against hers. She started moving her hips slowly, trying to relieve some of the pressure that was building within her. She closed her eyes tightly as he pushed back into her, letting her feel the strength of his arousal.Inuyasha pulled away from Kikyou slowly, locking gazes with her as he sat up. She continued to lay there, watching his every move. He quickly pealed his shirt off and threw it across the room. He looked down at Kikyou, desire in his eyes, and leaned down, capturing her lips again. The two groaned in unison as their upper bodies touched, sending warm tingles through them. Kikyou wrapped her arms around Inuyasha’s shoulders tightly, holding onto him for dear life.Inuyasha slid his hands down Kikyou’s sides, moving under the top of her skirt. He gripped the thong he felt under the garment and pulled the two down together, slowly revealing the treasure hidden underneath. The legs wrapped around his waist loosened and fell away, allowing the inu-hanyou to pull the two pieces of clothing away.As they were removed, he kissed down her thighs, loving the heady flavor of them. His lips moved higher, following the path of his wandering hands. His hands slipped under her legs to grasp her round ass tightly. His lips moved on until they reached their goal. His tongue snaked out and licked at her wet folds slowly, barely touching her wet pussy. He heard her cry out softly and held her hips down as they bucked upward, wanting more of his tongue.Kikyou felt his tongue against her and nearly lost all reason. She wanted to feel more of him, all of him in her. His teasing was driving her crazy. She felt his tongue move in again and raised her hips expectantly. She wasn’t disappointed. His long tongue slipped into her waiting pussy, tasting every bit of her. Her eyes opened wide as she gasped loudly, her hands gripping the blankets tightly. The hot mouth on her pussy kept moving, bringing her closer to the edge of a cliff.Inuyasha was going crazy with the flavor of Kikyou’s pussy. Her sweet nectar filled his mouth and he wanted more, so much more. His hands slowly caressed her skin, moving over her hips and ass. Each time he had her ass in his hands, he squeezed hard, causing her to moan out again. He licked at her pussy one last time before slowly kissing up her body. He stopped at her nipples and took one into his mouth. He sucked on it hard, causing her to moan and arch her back. His hands rested on her hips, stopping her from grinding against him.Kikyou was becoming frustrated with the hanyou above her. She wanted to fall over the edge that he had taken her to, but he pulled her back before she could take that leap. When she felt his mouth cover her nipple, she grabbed his head and pulled him closer. Her fingers ran through his silver mane, loving the silkiness of it.Suddenly, he pulled away and moved up to her lips, capturing them in a burning kiss. Kikyou moaned softly as she tasted herself on his lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist once again and tightened them around him. She broke the kiss and whispered heatedly, “Fuck me…”Inuyasha nodded his head once and moved to the side of the bed, quickly removing his pants and boxers. He laid back in bed and settled on top of Kikyou once again, placing his hard cock at her wet entrance. In one swift motion, he entered her dripping pussy and groaned loudly. He stilled for a moment before he began thrusting into her tight opening. He pumped into her slowly at first, then steadily moved faster.Kikyou’s eyes closed as she smiled in ecstasy. She brought her knees up and cradled Inu’s hips, bringing him deeper into her core. She moaned softly as he thrust into her. She could feel the pressure starting to build within her. Her eyes opened and she gazed at him with passion filled eyes. Kikyou smiled once before she started rocking her hips against his thrusts, causing her to moan louder.Inuyasha groaned again and closed his eyes briefly. He loved it when Kikyou bucked against him like that. He opened his eyes and fucked her faster and harder. He wanted her to cum and knew that they both were getting close. Supporting his weight on his knees, he gripped her hips and lifted them slightly, changing the angle that he thrust into her. He watched her expression change as he pulled her against him, losing more of his cock in her awaiting opening.Kikyou was in heaven. Her hands found their way to her tits and she started working them, squeezing and tugging at the nipples. She moaned over and over, each moan louder and louder as Inuyasha kept fucking her. If he kept this up, she’d be cumming soon.And he kept it up, moving into her faster and harder. He released her hips and leaned down, spreading her legs apart. He started ramming his cock into her pussy, moving as fast and hard as he knew she could handle. He grinned as she moaned loudly and kept pounding into her. Her pussy started to pulse around his cock and it drove him crazy, but he kept the pace he had set.Suddenly, she screamed his name and she tightened around him completely. He thrust into her a few more times before burying his cock deep inside of her as they both came. Inuyasha collapsed on top of her and the two stayed like that for several moments. After a while, Inu leaned up slowly and kissed Kikyou’s lips gently.Kikyou smiled and returned the sweet kiss. Her smile faded quickly when she heard the slam of the door downstairs. The two quickly searched for their clothes, not wanting their guest to see them in such a position. Once dressed, they headed back down the stairs wordlessly in search of the one they had been tracking most of the morning.End Chapter.A/N: Be gentle with the criticism. I'm very sensitive when it comes to the opinions of others, and I'd rather not cry. Thank you.