InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MIKO, YOUKAI, AND FATE ❯ Guilty ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anime/Manga » Inuyasha »

Author: Faerieschyld

Fiction Rated: M- English- - Kag/Kog & all the rest of the Inu gang

This story is coming off of ideas I had from Warrior Shrine Priestess, which I am not happy with in the way in which it is going right now and I am definitely going to re-edit or combine into this story (actually I pulled it) as I do want to keep all the ideas I have about Kagome. I'm a little tired of her being portrayed as so wimpy in the anime/manga so often. So remember those thoughts earlier were mine! :)

I do not own Inuyasha as that story is completely RUMIKO TAKAHASHI'S, (lucky her). If I had my way, the well would always stay open ,and Kouga also could travel through it, and since this is my story it probably will.

So enough of that and on we go.


He didn’t even spare a glance for the sobbing young miko he had hurt physically and emotionally, who was running off in the direction of their campsite to get her things and leave. He’d allow her that much at least. She had just better be gone by the time he arrived there with Kikyou. If she was still there when he returned to his remaining friends, he didn’t think even Miroku or Sango could of stopped him from killing her. It never even dawned on him that they would side with her. It didn’t matter that they all hated how much it hurt Kagome whenever he left to meet with Kikyou: he’d have the proof in his arms.


After he had cut off the ropes that tied her feet and hands, he gently laid Kikyou against a tree and covered her with his red haori that was made from the fire rat. Inuyasha watched as the soul collectors continued to restore the rest of her life essence. While he waited his thoughts were in turmoil, darting back and forth. He had waited earlier until everyone was asleep, especially Kagome as she just couldn’t understand his need, his desire to ensure that Kikyou was well. After he was positive they were all sleeping soundly, he had jumped down from his resting place in the tree as silently as possible, and gone running into the thickly wooded forest that was near their campsite, the glow of the fire quickly becoming smaller as he sped toward the designated meeting place he and Kikyou had agreed upon.

When Kikyou had told him months ago that Naraku still desired her because Onigumo’s heart was still inside him, he had felt so sick, so disgusted it had taken every ounce of energy he had not to go charging off blindly, leaving all his friends behind. He remembered pulling her into his arms that day and telling her that he would protect her, only he could protect her. It didn’t matter that she wished for his death, and had once tried to pull him down into hell with her. (Kagome had saved him then, a very, very small corner of his mind breathed.) “Shut up, I won’t listen.” Kikyou had been his first love, was his first love. Even if she was raised from the dead and created from soil and bone, she was still Kikyou, still so sad and lonely as she had been in her first life. He couldn’t lose her again. Kikyou had left him that day, but promised to come if he called and since then he couldn’t resist seeing her as often as possible.

He thought Kagome had understood about him and Kikyou, and when she had asked if she could stay with him, he had marveled at her caring heart. So had she been secretly biding her time until she could get Kikyou alone before making an attempt on her life? (Kikyou tried to kill Kagome once.) Again his mind was trying to intrude and force him to see that he should of listened to Kagome, given her a chance to explain. (You were secretly meeting Kikyou, you’re guilty.) No, it’s not true, she’s the guilty one, not him. It was unforgivable what she had done. But why hadn’t Kikyou been at their meeting place? How had Kagome even found her?


After her soul collectors had stopped dropping the borrowed souls into Kikyou’s body, she had started stirring a bit. Inuyasha softly called her name but she hadn’t spoken since he first came upon her and Kagome. He picked her up carefully as if she were a porcelain doll, her long black hair which was tied back in a white tie, was draped over his arms and her miko’s clothing were torn and stained with her blood, and he walked slowly out of the forest. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the eastern sky was taking on gorgeous hues of pink and orange above the early morning landscape. It looked like it would be a beautiful sunny day, but it didn’t matter. His heart was black, filled with fury at the thought that the only other woman he had let into his heart had betrayed him like this.

He looked down at the fragile miko in his arms, her pale face even whiter, almost luminescent, and if possible she felt colder than ever. His face tightened, ears back. He was still so much in a rage that he was scaring himself. If there was one thing he could be grateful for about this night, was that he had learned he must always carry his Tetsusaiga to prevent him from transforming into a full youkai. If he did he might end up killing Kikyou for sure, along with Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara. (Kagome had been the only one to stop his transformations, she was the one who told him about the Tetsusaiga. She was sweet, kind and loving. I’m Guilty.) Now the voice in his mind was more than a whisper. “I refuse to listen.”

If there had been a barrier and Kagome destroyed it with a sacred arrow, he would of seen the brilliant pink aura, right? (All you had on your mind was searching for Kikyou. GUILTY!). A shout now. No, Kagome had been standing over Kikyou with a dagger in her hand while Kikyou was dying, trying to poison his mind with lies about a barrier and miasma. Only Naraku could of done that and he hadn’t caught his scent, therefore Kagome was the guilty one, not him. This last thought screamed over the others, drowning out the guilt he felt. Finally justifying his actions in his own mind, he continued striding through the long grass as he tried to think how to put into words, a way to explain the vileness of what Kagome had done in order to get Miroku, Sango, and Shippo to understand.


As Kikyou lay in Inuyasha arms and was being carried back to his campsite, although fully recovered, she feigned weakness and kept still. He wasn’t running with his usual bounding movements, and with his hyper senses he would of sensed any movement and she wasn’t ready to talk yet. Kikyou could tell that he was still furious. She thought for awhile there he might transform, but that had not been her desire for him. All in all, things had gone well. Kagome had performed exactly as planned, although for a few minutes it had looked pretty close. She had never been in any real danger, as she could of easily dissolved the barrier with her own miko powers and had her soul collectors revive her, but she wanted Inuyasha to find Kagome standing over her. She knew Kagome always carried some sort of knife with her and would try and free her from her bonds, or she had hoped. Kagome had once saved the both of them from a cave when she could of chose to leave Kikyou behind, so she was counting on the younger miko’s loving heart overcoming jealousy once again. Therefore she was fairly certain that the plan she and Naraku had come up with would work.

It was fairly easy to keep Inuyasha’s suspicions at bay. Kikyou knew of Kagome’s feelings for the hanyou, (for after all hadn’t she attempted to use those feelings against Kagome once before?) and would not be able to resist fulfilling her curiosity once she saw the soul collectors against the night sky. By having one of the saimyoushou report that Kagome had spotted her soul collectors and was on the move, and then having Kahaku stab and tie Kikyou up, it had prevented Naraku’s vile stench from clinging to her. From a safe enough distance to keep his scent from Inuyasha, Naraku had then enclosed Kikyou in his barrier full of miasma and floated it over to the place where her soul collectors were waiting for Kagome.

Kikyou knew why Naraku was so eager for this plan to work, as he was afraid of Kagome’s powers and felt if he could provoke Inuyasha into killing her, he would have one less and one or more severely weakened enemies. Or at the least Inuyasha would drive her off, separating her from her friends and weakening her spiritual powers and the group’s bond from the loss. Either way Naraku thought she’d no longer be a threat to him, and he could pursue her at his leisure if she lived, and he’d of done his most tenacious enemies a major blow.

Kikyou knew that because Naraku had corrupted his heart so foully that he could never comprehend the fact that Inuyasha would not or could not kill Kagome, just as he couldn’t kill her some fifty odd years ago. Or the fact that if Inuyasha ever found out that tonight had been another of Naraku’s plots, he would be even more thirsty for revenge and work to make himself stronger to defeat their enemy. Naraku didn’t understand that Kagome would not grow weaker, but instead would become stronger. She had a strength that surpassed Kikyou’s. Her heart was so big it wouldn’t let her give up and become bitter.

No, that was not why Kikyou had wanted this plan to work. She had gone along with this plan against Kagome, because Naraku was afraid of her. Kikyou just hoped that when it came time to explain everything to Inuyasha that he would understand why this had to of happened. Inuyasha had always before come to understand her actions. Such as giving Naraku Kagome’s jewel shards and why she needed to “borrow” the dead souls. It had all been forgiven hadn’t it ? And once she explained this night to him, he’d forgive her again. If he had tried to kill Kagome earlier, she would of stopped him by playing on his emotions he felt for both women, but luckily it hadn’t come to that. “Enough of this.”, she told herself, “For now I just have to concentrate on the next few hours, days, and possibly months to avoid any hint of suspicion.” Inuyasha and his friends would have to understand that in the end this was the only way to defeat Naraku, they just, he just had to.


Sango, Miroku, and Shippo, who’s large green eyes had started filling with tears giving them the look of polished emeralds, just sat and stared at each other after Kagome had spoken her cryptic words. She had so quickly gathered up her green sleeping bag and remaining things and then shoved it all into her brown colored bag, and they were so utterly confused, that it gave her a chance to vanish into the early morning darkness before any of them had time to say a word.

For a minute the houshi, taijiya, young kitsune, and two-tailed demon cat just sat in silence. It was clear to all of them what they were thinking though, something had happened with Inuyasha and Kagome that probably involved Kikyou. Sango fixed her dark brown eyes on Miroku’s wise violet one’s, begging him for an answer. He walked over to her, black and purple robes swaying slightly, and his shakujou jingling quietly and sat down by her side with a sigh. He put an arm around her shoulders, his one true love, and he knew now was the time to comfort. “Don’t worry Sango, as soon as Inuyasha gets back he’ll be able to answer all our questions. I’m sure it’s one of their normal fights and Kagome probably went home.”

"Miroku, I know you saw the gashes on her arm that were bleeding and from they way they looked only Inuyasha’s claws could of done that, so I don’t think it was just one of their normal fights. And she looked so much more upset that normal. Would you please go and find him, so we can get some answers? I don’t think I can wait any longer." Sango threw some more firewood onto the last embers of the fire and gently blew on it to get it blazing again, just to give her something to do.

Suddenly Miroku’s violet eyes saw off in the distance Inuyasha walking toward them in the early morning light and he could see that he carried Kikyou in his arms. “Oh kami, he has Kikyou with him.”, and stood up.

When Sango heard this her anger turned ferocious. She grabbed her hiraikotsu, because just holding it made her feel better. Miroku grabbed his staff more firmly and reached in his robes for some sutras, and Kirara transformed.

Inuyasha didn’t say anything at first as he sat down with Kikyou in his lap. As he marshaled his thoughts, everyone stayed quiet waiting for him to speak and tell what happened. “OK, I did go and meet with Kikyou last night but I couldn’t find her. When I did finally find her, I came upon Kagome standing over her with a knife and Kikyou was bleeding and losing her souls. She tried to tell me that she had found her trapped in a barrier filled with Naraku’s miasma, but I didn’t smell Naraku and I never saw the glow from Kagome’s sacred arrow. So how was I was supposed to believe her? I think Kagome was preventing the souls from trying to revive her. So yeah, I was pretty angry and did attack her but I held back. But I did tell her to get her stuff and leave.”

Shippo jumped into Sango’s arms and she gripped him tightly to her chest, both of them trying to give each other comfort. Kirara snuggled against Sango’s side as close as she could, also trying her best with soft mews. Miroku asked as patiently as he could because he knew of the hanyou’s short temper, how he could be sure it was Kagome and not a plot of Naraku’s.

"Because I saw it with my own eyes, and I saw Kikyou’s wounds, you all know Naraku can’t kill her because Onigumo’s heart still loves her.”, at this Inuyasha growled.

Miroku asked Kikyou as gently as possible so as not to provoke Inuyasha any further, “Is there anything you can remember?” “Not really, it’s kind of hazy, just that Kagome was standing over me with a knife and I had numerous stab wounds and my soul collectors couldn’t get close, and then Inuyasha showed up.” Kikyou said softly.

Sango growled under her throat “I don’t believe any of this, and I won’t until I have solid proof from someone I can trust. Miroku let’s get away from Inuyasha so we can come up with a plan." He agreed readily. Inuyasha looked angry and Kikyou in her naivete couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t believe her. Was this another of Naraku’s plots, one of his true intentions? ”Why couldn’t he follow the plan that they had formed?". She wondered.


They ignored Inuyasha’s angry roars and sputters as they all flew off. This was not the time to stay and speak with him, he was too far gone. He had even gone as far as to blow off the wounds he had inflicted on Kagome without further explanations.

So Sango, Shippo and Miroku had climbed on Kirara with Shippo clinging tightly to Sango and flew a few miles, when suddenly Miroku realized Sango and Shippo were sobbing uncontrollably. He asked Kirara to please take them down to a secluded clearing near a spring. He held them all closely until they had calmed down, and then told Sango, Shippo and Kirara to stay there and he’d be back with firewood ,food, and water. By the time he got back Sango and Shippo and recovered enough to get the futons ready and clear a space for a fire. He gave the firewood to Sango to start a fire and to help Shippo keep his mind off their situation, asked him if he could find some early spring greens.

Sango had gotten the fire going, and then Miroku put the pot with water on the fire to start heating, and then he cleaned the three large fish he caught. Shippo had found some edible greens. Everything was thrown into the pot of boiling water. They ate quietly and then discussed their plan on how they were going to travel to Kaede’s to see if Kagome had showed up there and gone back into the well into her own time/era. They didn’t really think so, because as Inuyasha was still so angry at her, they were afraid he might go through the well and face her grandpa and what he might do. Her grandpa was also a mighty priest in his own right. She probably felt Inuyasha might cause a disturbance before she arrived there demanding answers. No, the best thing they felt under the circumstance's was to get as many clues to Kagome’s whereabouts, before making their own move. Even though she had immense powers when she first arrived in this era, they had really developed under Kaede’s tutoring , and they thought Kaede might have some guidance for them.

They decided to stay and rest there for the day as they were so emotionally exhausted, and then turn in early. Miroku felt like an old man, and Sango and Shippo didn’t look much better, so he felt it best to recoup some of their strength. But hopefully after a good night's sleep, things might seem more bearable in the morning. Sango didn't really want to wait as she felt the longer they took, the farther Kagome would get away. But she ended up agreeing with Miroku because if they ran into any demons or kami forbid Naraku, they'd need their full strength.

Shippo woke first the next morning and added some more firewood, and went to get some water. Luckily the area was fairly safe since they were close to Kaede’s village. While the water was boiling and he was looking for more edible greens, he thought of Kagome. She had accepted him completely even if he was a demon and tried to rob her. She also was friends with the half demon that grew healing herbs, and although he wasn’t pretty, Kagome was able to see the good in him and in her own way had ended up helping and befriending him. She had replaced Shippo's own dead mother in his heart, and he knew Kagome loved the kitsune as her own son. He loved her so much and missed her.

He felt so grateful to her and he would never believe her capable of killing Kikyou no matter what that bitch said. He scrubbed at his eyes so Sango and Miroku wouldn’t notice he had been crying.

Sango woke next , and her thoughts were on Naraku’s castle when he tried to get her to steal the Tetsusaiga, in order to free her brother. Even though she had betrayed them all, Kagome had been simply furious, not at her, but at Naraku who in his folly thought he could corrupt Sango’s heart by having her kill her only remaing relative, but she couldn’t do it. Kagome had been so fierce that day, that she purified his miasma and dealt Naraku a mortal blow. Kagome had yelled that Naraku would never understand a love a sister had for a brother. She had then gathered Sango in her arms and cried with her and rocked her. Telling her she was loved, that they all loved her and not to give up. Sango knew in that moment she wasn’t alone after all. Sango had lost her family, but she had gained a new one because of Kagome.

Low and behold Shippo had found some edible greens. Sango threw them into the pot of boiling water to make a kind of fortifying soup. They ate quickly, and prepared to leave for Kaede's village. Before they left, Sango went to wash quickly, but all it did was bring back memories of how her and Kagome used to bath together, so she finished as fast as possible. As each prepared to leave the campsite, they were lost in their own thoughts. Sango poured the rest of the water on the last of the campfire, Miroku folded up the futons, And Shippo cleaned up the area. Each of them had cried in the night, the last of their tears finely subsiding, and although still sad, the familiarity of the chores and with a plan in place, they had a starting point, a sense of hope that everything would work out for the best. After that they all climbed on Kirara and headed for Kaede's, as for now it was the only clue they had.

Miroku also was lost in his thoughts. He had always thought that his destiny was to walk alone until and when his Kazanna sucked him in. But Kagome had pointed out that wouldn't be better to have people around to care about him? Even to the very end? It was as if she had just right then and there decided that he was worthy to be around. Even Inuyasha himself, although somewhat grudgingly, had let him in his life, as if he could forgive Kagome anything, especially as Kagome had welcomed him with open with arms. He felt ashamed that at first when he met her he had kidnapped her and robbed her, but now there wasn’t one thing he wouldn’t do for her or his friends. Inuyasha was a little rough around the edges. But deep down there must still be something to save of Inuyasha if Kagome could see it, although he didn't know how this situation could be fixed. He kept these thought to himself as he knew Sango and Shippo weren’t quite ready to hear them yet.


As they began to resume their journey to Kaede’s, they decided to walk in order to marshal their thoughts on what they could say, the words that would soften the blows for Kaede about not only what Inuyasha had done, but also what Kikyou had done. They knew in their heart of hearts Kikyou was involved in some way with Naraku. Inuyasha was just to angry and blind to see it. Sango and Miroku walked side by side for comfort, and Shippo was carried in Sango's arms. He tried not to think about how he was usually carried by Kagome, but it was so hard. They finally reached the outskirts of the village and greeted everyone, but turned aside their questions and asked where Lady Kaede was. "We must speak to Lady Kaede first please." Miroku said. They found her in the herb garden, but as soon as she saw their sad faces, invited them into her home so she could wash. When she was done, she asked them all to take a seat. At first no one spoke. But Kaede was a master of waiting.

Finally Sango and Shippo, looked at Miroku as their spokesman. First of all he filled in how Inuyasha had been secretly meeting with Kikyou at night several times and although it had hurt Kagome, how she had always seemed her self the next day, But then the night before last Kagome had stumbled to their camp, hurt and bleeding by Inuyasha's claws, saying how she ‘didn’t do it’, grabbed her stuff and took off into the early morning. That’s when Inuyasha had returned to the campsite with Kikyou in his arms. He had told them the story as he believed it, and also told them he attacked her, Miroku said, although not enough to kill her.

Kikyou was bleeding from five or six stab wounds. Inuyasha felt Kagome had been keeping the soul collectors at bay, while Kikyou was losing souls. When he went on to tell Kaede that Kagome had found Kikyou trapped in a barrier of miasma, Inuyasha wouldn’t listen that it was probably one of Naraku’s plots again. Inuyasha had felt that he would of seen the pink aura of Kagome’s arrows from a distance, although Inuyasha's eyes had shifted a little a guiltily at this.

"So we split up from Kikyou and Inuyasha. Right now we just feel we can't we can trust them. I’m sorry Kikyou’s still you sister and Inuyasha is like a small brother to you, but we desperately need to find Kagome and find out the truth and we don’t want to leave her alone out there. This would be just like one of Naraku’s plots to separate us. I know Kagome is very strong even if Inuyasha never truly believed it of her. But she is the heart and soul of all of us. Lady Kaede, Do you have any idea what you're sister could have planned aside from wishing for Inuyasha’s or Kagome's death?"

Kaede was silent for a moment as she poked the fire with a stick. “I had thought that for awhile she has given up on that thought, and instead had been concentrating all her energies on defeating Naraku. She had at one time asked me about the connection between Naraku and Onigumo, and I had thought at the time it would be enough for her to turn her anger to them and not Inuyasha. But I do not know what to do anymore. I fear only heartbreak is set on the path before them.

Shippo had lost his brave face again and started crying, although he manly tried to hold them in. "It’s ok Shippo, your second mother is missing. It’s alright to cry. Even though you don’t know were she is, I’m positive she's alright. I feel it. Let’s all go to the bone eater’s well tomorrow and see if we can sense her presence there. I really don’t think we will, because she’d of wanted to stay away from places Kikyou and Inuyasha could readily find her especially at the village she knows so well." Kaede tried to comfort the young kitsune.

"For now least let's all have a hot meal and get a good nights sleep, and then we can discuss this further in the morning." And with that they all ate Kaede’s wonderful cooking and turned in. Shippo snuggled as close to Sango and Kirara as he could, and Miroku slept against the wall near all of them. He occasionally woke to make sure everything was ok. Kaede lay there unable to sleep as she wondered just what Kikyou was thinking. At one time her gentle powerful sister had been her idol and now all she wished is that she would find peace and return to where she belonged in Nirvana or heaven or where ever.

sorry this took so long.I had a terrible time with Kikyou because I don't really like her. I even had to re-watch the tragic priestess eps which I hate and had to skim through the manga's whenever she appeared just to keep her as true to character as possible. Do you realize how hard it is to write about some one you have no feelings for? Not easy. Also sorry for the double paragraphs earlier I have epilepsy and sometimes space out so I re edited this ch.

again please review. love you guys