InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MIKO, YOUKAI, AND FATE ❯ Searching ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anime/Manga » Inuyasha »

Author: Faerieschyld

Fiction Rated: M- English- - Kag/Kog & all the rest of the Inu gang

This story is coming off of ideas I had from Warrior Shrine Priestess, (I pulled that story) which I am not happy with in the way in which it is going right now and I am definitely going to re-edit or combine into this story as I do want to keep all the ideas I have about Kagome. I'm a little tired of her being portrayed as so wimpy sometimes in the manga/anime. So remember those thoughts earlier were mine! :)

I do not own InuYasha as that story is completely RUMIKO TAKAHASHI'S, (lucky her). If I had my way, the well would always stay open, and Kouga could travel through it, and since this is my story it probably will.

So enough of that and on we go.


Kaede, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all arose early, as they were eager to see if Kagome had indeed gone back home through the well. Kaede and Sango prepared a quick breakfast, while Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara scouted the area for any sign of Inuyasha or Kikyou. Miroku told Shippo not to worry as he didn't think that the two would be around the village because Inuyasha always needed extra time to think. All Miroku accomplished by saying this was to make Shippo extremely angry. "Miroku, what does he have to think about?" Shippo's lips were quivering. "This time Inuyasha isn't just being hard headed or stubborn, he broke us up! He made Kagome leave! He hurt her!" Everything that Shippo had been holding in came spilling out. "What if we never see her again? Don't lie to me this time and tell me everything is going to be alright. I may be a little kid but I'm not stupid! This is the worst thing he's ever done!" After saying all this Shippo began to wail. Miroku bent down and picked Shippo up, and held him tight as he sobbed. He knew Shippo was right and even though Miroku could sometimes be deceitful when circumstances permitted, he never could with his friends. Unless it was when his cursed hand stroked Sango's butt or "accidentally" saw her bathing or changing. That was excusable to him.

"I'm sorry Shippo you're right, I just want to try and stay as positive and strong as possible for you and Sango. I still will, but I won't pretend that I'm not worried also, O.K.? And even though you are young, you've proved time and again just how strong and smart you are. Can you promise to do that now, for Sango and I?" Shippo looked up at Miroku and wiped his eyes, as he nodded yes and squared his shoulders. He felt proud at Miroku's words, as he didn't often hear that about him, because he was so young. "Thank you Miroku, I'll do my best for you, Sango and Kirara, so we can find Kagome as soon as possible." Miroku gave him a smile, set him down and said, "Sounds good. Now why don't we go and get some breakfast before checking out the well?"

When the three entered the hut, Sango looked up quickly, her expressive eyes asking for any news, but Miroku just shook his head. As he walked by Sango he thought this would be the perfect time to cheer her up. With that thought his hand "slipped" against her rear, only to be followed by the usual words of "You hentai" and the resulting red hand print on his face. Shippo sighed and shook his head, and Sango turned to hide a small smile. Although she hated when Miroku did that it brought a sense of normality to the reduced group. Miroku rubbed his face with the familiar words of "It's the hand!", but felt he had accomplished what he intended. Even though Sango could hit hard! They ate their breakfast and helped Kaede clean up and set off to the Bone Eater's Well.

As they walked through the tall grass towards the well, they were depending on Shippo and Kirara’s sense of smell, as the humans weren’t able to scent her. When Shippo told them that her scent was very old and didn’t smell recent at all, they decided to go back to Kaede’s to discuss further plans. Although they were somewhat disappointed, they hadn't really expected Kagome to have gone back to her era as she had promised to complete the Shikon No Tama. Besides it was a moot point anyway as none of them could travel through the well. They had hoped to get some clue of her whereabouts though.

Kaede, looking at them with her one good eye, told them that Kagome was a smart girl and had been growing in her powers, and Kaede had also been teaching her about medicinal plants in the Sengoku Jidai in the year and a half she'd been there. The one’s in Kagome’s era had started to die out due to over-building and pollution, although no one was quite sure what that meant. All they knew was that when Kagome came to their era she always remarked on how fresh the air smelled. Kaede tried to refrain from saying if she was hurt she'd need the plants, but everyone knew what she meant.

Kaede felt that if Kagome kept to herself and stayed alert, she would be able to avoid Inuyasha, Kikyou and Naraku. Also since her spiritual powers had been growing by leaps and bounds, she didn't really have to worry about any problems in defeating demons. Unlike Kikyou, who, while alive had been losing her miko powers because of love, Kagome herself had through her own loving heart grown even stronger than Kikyou. If all went well she might even find new allies. “You should be able to get word of her as she is a strangely dressed miko. I suggest you go back to where you last saw her and start from there and try and pick up her trail. Also Shippo, I think it’s best if you stayed here with me for awhile.”

At this Shippo threw a fit. “No. I want to find and see Kagome. I’ve always been able to help before and I’m not going to stop now. After all I’m the one who was able to scent out her smell at the well. Sango and Miroku need me for that at least. And Miroku said I'm strong and smart.” Sango and Miroku didn't want to be without anymore of their group either, so they didn't say a word even though it went against Kaede’s best intentions.

They used the rest of day to prepare supplies and rest as much as possible for they felt it would be a long journey. They weren’t sure what they would do if they ran into Inuyasha and Kikyou, or Naraku and one of his incarnations. They just would have to cross that bridge when they came to it.


As soon as the sun came up the next morning, Kaede came to see them off. Sango had changed into her demon slayer’s outfit, and had sharpened her hiraikotsu the day before. Miroku had prepared plenty of sacred sutras, and Shippo had checked all his kitsune items. Kaede offered up prayers for their safe journey and also whispered a prayer that Inuyasha and Kikyou would soon see the truth. She knew the others weren’t ready to hear that yet. Kirara transformed and they all climbed on her, Sango in front, Miroku behind her supporting himself with his shakujou around her waist, and Shippo sitting on his shoulder. With a "Let’s go Kirara” from Sango they waved goodbye to Kaede and started on their lonely journey.

Riding on Kirara, it didn’t take as long as before to reach their campsite where Kagome had run off from, and luckily the weather was still clear and hadn’t rained so no trail would of been washed away. Thankfully Inuyasha and Kikyou were now no longer present. Sango wasn’t sure if she could control herself and not injure Inuyasha or Kikyou before getting answers, that is if they were ready to talk sense. She knew Miroku would try and stop her, but when she went into battle mode it was often hard to calm her.

They first of all went into the woods to see of they could find the area where supposedly Kikyou had been “attacked” by Kagome. They wanted to see if they could find any sign of Naraku, that Inuyasha in his fury might of missed. It turned out the site was fairly easy to find, but unfortunately all they found were the ropes that had tied Kikyou up. Sango looked at them and could tell that they had not been tied by Kagome, as she had trouble with knots. She kept her thoughts to herself that they looked like the kind of knots Kohaku would know about. (Oh, please don’t let him be involved in this too.) “Miroku, I’m positive Kagome didn’t do this, although I had never had doubts before, but these ropes prove it”

“Shippo can you sense if there was any presence of Naraku or his miasma?” Sango asked. Shippo concentrated as hard as he could. “I think I do sense a bit of his miasma, although I don’t understand why Inuyasha didn’t. Was he just so mad at what he thought he saw Kagome doing and would only see what he wanted to see and not use his other senses? He’s always so stupid when Kikyou is involved, but this really goes beyond any of his earlier stubbornness.”, Shippo said angrily.

“Well there’s no more to find here.” Miroku said. “I think we should go back to the campsite and follow in the direction that Kagome took. I’m really glad she remembered to grab all her weapons and sleeping bag and backpack. I’m just surprised she had the presence of mind to do that. I think we should travel on to the next village in the direction she went, and see if anyone’s heard any news of her.


With that decided and Kirara having had a rest they continued on, the mid morning sun warming their bodies and their moods a bit. Although the next village was small, made up of mostly farmers with no lord, but only a headsman, and not much in the way of wealth, they were ecstatic to find out that Kagome had been there. But they soon became extremely distraught to find out that she had met and helped the healer there. The healer, an older woman with graying hair, who seemed to have knowledge of medicinal herbs and served in the place of a miko, had informed them that Kagome had asked for a powder that would conceal her scent from demons. As Kagome had helped heal three extremely sick villagers, the healer was only too happy to comply. Miroku asked the healer how much she had given her and she told them enough to last at least for three months. Sango looked at Miroku, with tears in her dark eyes, hanging onto Kirara for support and asked him how they were ever supposed to find her now. All Shippo did was stand in silence and try not to cry, for men didn’t show their tears. So he did the very best he could.

“I’m not sure Sango. The best we can do is keep searching for a strangely dressed miko who carries quite a few weapons and is strong spiritually”. Shippo had begun to cry in earnest and the healer felt bad for them. If she had known that this miko would cause any friends so much heartache, she might of thought twice about helping her, but she had seemed so desperate. Miroku said, “She does have a lot of enemies right now, so I can understand her desire to conceal her scent. Please don’t distress yourself healer. Would you be able to tell us which direction she left in?” It was a sign of Miroku’s strong desire to find Kagome that he didn’t pull his usual, “I sense a strong demonic aura” over the best house in the village so they could get meal and a place to sleep. Besides he knew Sango would deck him, but good.

“That I can do. She traveled north but she didn’t leave until nightfall. She rested most of the day after helping me, and I gave her some food to help her on her journey. As soon as she left, she used a bit of the scent concealing powder before leaving, and without really saying goodbye left as soon as it was full dark.”

Miroku looked at Sango and each realized that it would be much more difficult to find Kagome. If she had that powder, it meant she was trying to keep safe not only from Inuyasha, but demons as well. Also if she was traveling at night, it would make it that much harder to find her, as Shippo would have a hard time traveling at night. Not to mention that they needed to stop at the various villages during the day, as most were asleep by dark. She had thought out what to do fairly well. It just proved once again how wrong Inuyasha had been when he sometimes referred to her as just a jewel detector, and under estimated her fighting and spiritual abilities and how smart she was. It was as if he did, then he would be betraying Kikyou. By now Sango was getting desperate trying to come up with ideas on how to find her, but she wanted to put on a good face for Shippo’s sake.

“Well," Sango said. “We can only do what we can, which is journey on and hope we get word of her.” Miroku and Shippo agreed. Since the healer had said Kagome had gone north, they decided to travel that way, although now they wouldn’t be able to rely on Shippo and Kirara’s noses. “Miroku if she’s sleeping during the day, do you think it’s possible we might find her that way?”

Miroku thought a minute. “I’m not sure. She’s sure to find a safe place to hide, and it’s not like she’ll camp out in the open. She'll probably be under cover somewhere and will spread the scent concealing powder so she can rest. I don’t think Kirara will be able to see her from the air. We’ll just have to do our best and trust to luck. I also have a sneaking suspicion she’ll try and travel through as many rivers as possible. I don’t think Inuyasha or very many demons can scent her as well in water. So it’s possible if we ask around at villages that are close to water it might help. I don’t think though, that she’ll be entering many villages as she is so recognizable.” Miroku heaved a great sigh, that he quickly changed into a smile to help keep up the others spirits.

The only thing Shippo had to say, his bushy fox tail fluffed out as far as it would go,”Well from now on I’m not going to worry about sacred jewel shards or anything like that. I could care less about them. Inuyasha and Kikyou can find them on their own.” And with that the small group set off in the direction Kagome had gone, hoping she hadn’t back tracked to conceal the way she was traveling. They just wished they had some inkling of what she planned to do now that she was on her own. Was she still planning on completing the Shikon No Tama and trying to defeat Naraku? Only time would tell.


Naraku had been watching the events unfold from Kanna’s mirror, created by the situation he and Kikyou had come up with. His red eyes were filled with an evil delight. This had gone better than expected. True, Inuyasha hadn’t killed Kagome, but he had attacked her and chased her off. For now the miko bitch would be out of his hair so to speak, and he could concentrate on recreating his body, and furthering his plans. He was almost positive that Kikyou was not to be trusted, because he knew she hated him for what he had done fifty years ago, and he felt the same, as he was disgusted by Onigumo’s heart that still loved her. Love. What an insipid word for someone like he who would soon be the most powerful youkai ever seen. As soon as his latest plans were complete he would no longer be a hanyou. What a despicable word for someone as great as he. And the tone in which Sesshoumaru had said it was unforgivable. He would definitely be one of the first to be brought down. But for now he’d just enjoy the show as everyone fell into despair.


Inuyasha and Kikyou sat in silence under the tree for awhile after the others had left. Inuyasha had earlier caught himself a couple of fish and cooked them over the fire Sango had breathed back into life, but for now he was letting it burn down. Kikyou didn't need any food as all she required were her soul collectors. The sun was now fully up, and as promised earlier it was going to be a beautiful day. Inuyasha’s white hair was blowing in the morning breeze and he was heavily in thought, his hands tucked in his haori, Tetsusaiga at his side. He wondered a little if he had made a mistake in not trusting Kagome or at least listening to her, since Kikyou didn't remember much. But this was about Kikyou! His anger had cooled somewhat, but every time he thought of how Sango, Miroku, and Shippo had left to find “proof”, it would flare up again. So instead he turned his thoughts to what he and Kikyou’s next moves should be. She seemed to be waiting for him to say something, staring at him with her big sad eyes.

He finally turned to her and asked her if she was positive she couldn’t remember what exactly had happened. When he saw the anger in her eyes, he was glad she couldn’t “sit” him. That he would definitely not miss. He quickly apologized, wincing internally when he realized he never apologized to Kagome about anything, and she had deserved many. “Well Kikyou, I think we should move from here. If I know Miroku, he took them all to your sister’s for advice and then he’s going to start searching for Kagome from here. I don't think it's a good idea to stick around. Should you and I continue on searching for the jewel shards ourselves? You can see them and I can protect you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there soon enough last night.” He lowered his head as he said this, and his bangs fell over his eyes to hide his failure of her.

Kikyou breathed a sigh of relief that for now Inuyasha still believed in her. What he would think once she gave all the jewel shards to Naraku, she just didn’t want to think about right now. But it had to be done, or he’d never be defeated. “Inuyasha, I think that would be the best plan of action right now. Is there anyway to make the Tetsusaiga stronger than it is now? I know you’ve mastered the wind scar, but I feel that in order to defeat Naraku your sword will need to become even more powerful.” She said this with a smile on her lips to take the sting out of her words, as she knew Inuyasha hated to be made to feel he wasn’t strong enough. But this was Naraku she was talking about and he had to be made to understand just what he was up against. Especially when Naraku would have more jewel shards because of her.

Inuyasha had been seriously thinking of ways to improve his Tetsusaiga, as more of the battles they had fought, especially the one’s against Naraku’s incarnations, were getting tougher. Plus Naraku had a barrier that he had so far not been able to penetrate. And now it was just Kikyou and him. Although he had no doubts about either of their strengths, it had helped to have everyone working together. "Well, that's all over now because of Kagome." he thought. “OK, Kikyou. We’ll leave here and search for more shards and I’ll try and find Totosi. He made my sword so he might have some answers. Are you sure that for right now you don’t want to go after Kagome for what she did, because truthfully I wouldn’t mind? I can't just forgive her for what she's done.” Every hour that had gone by since his argument with himself early that morning, had only strengthened his belief in Kagome's betrayal of he and Kikyou.

Kikyou smiled sweetly and gave Inuyasha a small kiss and hug. She told him it would be better to forget Kagome for now, and concentrate on the jewel shards and strengthening his sword. After that Inuyasha put out the fire and helped Kikyou up and had her climb on his back. They stopped at the same stream where Inuyasha had caught his fish, so Kikyou could wash as much of the blood off as possible. She told Inuyasha that they would need to stop at a village so she could repair or replace her clothes. His eyes flashed a hint of red at the fact that she had to do this because of being stabbed, by Kagome no less. Kikyou soothed him by running her fingers through his hair, and as soon as she was done bathing, they continued on their journey.


Did you think I forgot about Kagome, Kouga, and Tioru? Of course not! I just don’t want to give away to much to soon. I hope you like this chapter.

Take care, review if you like it, and thanks to all the people who have enjoyed this so far.