InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Love ❯ Chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay. I've gotten more reviews, and my heart is truly filled with glee. But, some of you may have just guessed wrong in your reviews. Now, I will take a short time out to clear these things.

Kokoro- Kagome was not speaking to herself. She was thinking. Hence the italics, and ` marks. And at the end she was speaking to Inuyasha. (But not loud enough for him to hear mind you.)

TrunksGirl-Pan - Don't worry everything you want to know will be answered in this chapter and the next.

Lady Duzell- I'll try to make this one a long chapter, and I'll try to get in two more before you leave for basic training. They may not be as long, but I'll try. These chapters are for you. ^-^

Okay. Now. To explain this now. All phone conversations are in italics. Cause there will be a lot of those in this chapter.

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Chapter three: The seal broken, and the love that was lost PART I

A heart so pure

Inuyasha let out an exasperated sigh as he picked up the phone from the office desk. He inhaled deeply before dialing his number.




"Mom! You wanted me to call, right? It's an emergency?"

"Inuyasha. Sweetie. It is an emergency. Sesshomaru called and-"

"Sesshomaru? What the hell does he want?"

"He called to say the seal has been broken again. The seal between this world and the feudal world has been opened again. And if it's not sealed soon the past and present will collide and- and" She chocked on her words as a lump formed in her throat causing tears to spill from her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Ay. Inuyasha I can't explain it. I'm going to call a few people and see if we can get you shipped back home. We need you here. You're the only one that can go back to the feudal era. You and that girl."

"Girl? What girl?"

"Her name is Ka-" Inuyasha's mothers voice faded fast and her once melodic voice was no more. The sound of static replaced her words.

"Shit! Cheap ass phones." Inuyasha grunted slamming the phone back down onto its base.

"Temper, temper. You should be learn to be a little more gentle with things that aren't yours." A gentle voice said behind him. Inuyasha turned to face the person who the voice belonged to.

"And how would you know this phone isn't mine?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He was certainly in no mood to argue with someone so he figured he'd just play along until this person got pissed and let him be. He smirked grimly and leaned on the desk, just expecting to be cussed out. The girl grinned and walked to Inuyasha leaning over him.

She licked her lips, which were adorned with red lipstick. She brushed his cheek with her lips softly and reached down to the phone.

"Property of Kenneth Burley's correctional boot camp facility." She said, rubbing her painted finger over the worn out marker writing.

"Oh. I guess it's not mine."

"Correct. Now, may I ask why you're in my office?"

"Commander Kikyo allowed me to use any phone I wished. I had to call home for emergency purposes."

"Ay. Well, I am lieutenant Kagura. Now, will you leave my office?"

"Well. Not to be rude, lieutenant Kagura but I need you to remove yourself from me so that I may pass." Kagura smiled warmly, and stepped to the side allowing him to move around her.

Inuyasha stepped away from the lieutenant and started walking back to his tent. `For some reason everyone I've ran into at this camp seems familiar. It feels like I've known these people before. And, I know I'm not the only demon here. I felt it from the moment I arrived. That Naraku guy. I know he's not human. I could smell the demon blood inside of him'.

Inuyasha arrived to his tent to notice that everyone had returned. She sighed and walked to his bed, lying on it stiffly. Those metal beds would be the end of him.

"Ay, Inuyasha. There you are. Where'd you go off to?"

"I had to call my mother."


"Hey. Do you know about a lieutenant Kagura at this camp? I think I met her but she didn't seem right to me." ` I could smell that Naraku guy all over her. Perhaps they are together. But that can't be it. It seemed to have a much deeper connection then that.'

"Lieutenant Kagura?" Shyin asked, rubbing his hand through his long black hair as if it would stimulate some type of response. "No. I can't say that I have. Maybe she's new. I'm not sure. I don't remember her."

"This isn't your first time being here is it?" Inuyasha asked, turning on his side to look at the blue-eyed young boy. He had a shocked looked on his face.

"So. How'd you find me out?" He said, with an uneasy laugh.

"Keh. Just a lucky guess."


"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SEAL HAS BEEN BROKEN?!" Kagome yelled through the phone.

"I'm not sure. But the seal has indeed been broken, Kagome." Souta said, pulling his ear away from the phone a bit. He was sure she would be yelling again.

"Ay. I'm sorry, Souta. I didn't mean to yell at you. Well, has anything come through the well yet?"

"No. But it is glowing a strange red color. Kagome, you need to return home as soon as possible."

"I-I can't just yet, Souta."

"You haven't told him yet, have you?"

"No." Kagome said, sighing deeply. It would be too difficult to explain to him just yet. She was still struggling to understand it herself.

"Kagome. I have to go. I think mom's calling me again."

"Wait, Souta. How is she?"

"She's fine. But she misses you a lot. We haven't seen you since grandpa died."

"I know, Souta. I'm sorry."

"Okay, Kagome. I gotta go."



Kagome sighed, and sat in her desk chair. `Why is this happening now? And what can we possibly do to stop the well from completely opening? Ay, Inuyasha. If only you could remember. What did they do to you to make you forget us? To forget me?'

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Okay. This is how I've decided to do this. I'm going to simply update every other day with four pages or more. I'm trying to be a little more in tune with my updates so the people that truly want to read it may do so. Well, I've updated so please review. Your reviews are greatly appreciated.