InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Love ❯ Chapter seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
1Woah.. don’t shoot me. I’m such a bitch .Taking all this time to update. After all Military love was my love child.

Kagome spent the next two weeks gathering all of Inuyasha’s belongings. She had to be sure that everything was in place. Otherwise, it would not only mean their lives but everyone around them as well.

“Kagome, you wanted to see me?” Sango said standing in the door a smile plastered on her face.

“Yes, Sango. I did actually. I wanted to speak to you about something.” Kagome took a deep breath. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’m going to do. “You probably won’t believe what I’m about to tell you.”

“Just tell me Kagome. I’m sure it can’t be that unbelievable.”

Kagome took another deep breath before she began to tell Sango the entire story. She told her of her past as a demon exterminator and how things turned out the way they are now.

Sango sat silently a dumbfounded look on her face. “Kagome, are you sure that you haven’t had a little too much sake or something?”

Kagome huffed. “I told you that it wouldn’t make any sense.

“That’s for sure.”

“Sango, I know all of this seems unbelievable to you but I need you to approve Inuyasha’s leave.”

“What! Kagome I can’t do that. What if I lose my job?”

“Sango this job will be the last thing on your mind after I prove to you that you are from another time.”

“Whatever you say Kagome. I’ll check up on you in the morning. You should be feeling a little better then.”

“Okay Sango.” Kagome gave up on her attempt to convince her. She turned to look at the pile of belongings that belonged to her friends. I don’t think we’re truly prepared for this but immediate action has to be taken.

The next day:

After lights out Kagome decided that this would be the time when she rounded up all of her companions and broke the spell.

“Kagome, where are you?”

“I’m here, Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha had his hands stuffed deep into his pockets as he approached his head down.

“Kagome I thought a lot about what you said. Us being lovers and all. I came to the conclusion that-“


Sango and Miroku approached finger intertwined struggling to make it through the thick bush.

“Inuyasha!” Sango gasped, quickly releasing Miroku’s hand.

Inuyasha laughed heartily. “I was wondering what was up with the two of you.”

Sango frowned and opened her mouth to retort but Kagome cut her off.

“I’ve asked you all to come here for a reason. I know you guys didn’t believe me when I told you of the current situation but I have some items that may jog your memory just a little bit.”

Kagome stepped aside revealing the old clothing and weapons that they wore during their days of traveling together. She handed each their belongings one by one.

Inuyasha held his sword in his hand, removing it from the sheath it transformed.

“Wow. This is awesome.”

“It is called Tetsusaiga. It is a weapon that was forged from your fathers fang. Only you can wield this sword.”

Sango marveled at the large boomerang rubbing her hand along it. A few scratches adorned the large weapon. Scars that each held their own memory.

“Your weapon is called Hiraikotsu.”

“Does my weapon have a name?” Miroku asked, a hopeful glint apparent in his eyes.

“Yes, Miroku. Your weapon is called staff.”

Sango and Inuyasha snickered, never turning their eyes from the weapons in front of them.

“Now, I need you all to change into your clothes so that I may continue with the removal of the spell.”

After everyone had on their respective clothing they all set cross-legged in a circle. Kagome closed her eyes and began to chant some words that were incoherent to anyone but her. After she finished her chant each member of the circle began to see flashbacks of their childhood until now.

“Was-was that real?” Sango asked, still unable to process what she’d just seen.

“Of course it was, wench. It’s not like it was a movie or something.”

Miroku said nothing, instead he found himself somehow snaking his way to Sango’s bottom only to receive a smack in return.

Kagome giggled softly. Everything had returned to normal alright.

Yes, this was short. Although I doubt anyone will actually read this or review it for this matter..I feel good about myself because I actually updated.