InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Love ❯ Chapter six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Here it is. The sixth chapter.

< br> “Rise and shine, boys!” Kagome said, flipping on the lights. Mumbles and grunts were heard all around the room. “I have good news, and bad news. The good news is you’re moving to the west side of the camp, which means you’ll be leaving soon. The bad news is I’ll be going along with you. She forced a smile onto her face. She tried her best to stay looking straight ahead, not wanting to move her eyes in his direction, but they seemed to have a mind of their own. Hey eyes met his cold amber ones, and a chill went down her spine. I wonder if he’s angry with me. But why, does he remember? Is that why you’re angry, Inuyasha? She noticed she’d never broken her gaze into his eyes and quickly looked somewhere else, hoping no one noticed. “Okay, move out. Pack your things and head to the west end; make room for the other pitiful bunch. Inuyasha, come with me.”

“Oooooooooooh. Shyin said, eyeing Inuyasha. “What have you done now?”

“Shut up, Shyin. I haven’t done anything. She is probably going to tell me I can leave today.” Inuyasha said, forcing a grin. He knew this wasn’t about home.

“That. Or she’s going to tell you she loves you.” Shyin said, chuckling softly at his joke.

‘Too late for that.’ ”You really have a wild imagination, Shyin.”

Inuyasha patted him on the shoulder and joined Kagome outside. “Yes, sergeant?” Inuyasha said, giving a mock salute.

Kagome sighed inwardly and rubbed her hands together trying to place her words. “We have to leave soon, Inuyasha. You won’t live out your time in boot camp, sadly.”

“Keh. As if I wanted to stay in this place anyway.” He looked into the sky and watched a flock of birds fly past. “What about the others? Didn’t you say Miroku and Sango were our allies in the past? Shouldn’t you tell them?”

“They’ll know soon enough. But before we can tell them, you need to know everything about your past and we need to contact our other allies. I’ll tell Miroku and Sango that I need their help to transport you to another boot camp and then from there I can remove the spell from them. But it’ll take much more to remove it from this world.

“Sure if you think that’s best, then that’s the route we can take. “ Inuyasha said looking away from Kagome. “Are you sure it’s best to stay out here in birds eye view?”

Kagome looked around and nodded her head, signaling that they should go some place else.

“I wonder where Inuyasha is going with her.” Shyin said watching Kagome and Inuyasha walk away. ‘I knew those two had something going on, and now I have my proof.’ Shyin thought to himself slyly, slinking off to catch up with the others.

“I know you’re probably wondering how all of this is going to fall into place. I’m kind of wondering myself. All I know is that we have to do something. We can’t allow this to go on forever. If we don’t work quickly many people could lose their lives. “Inuyasha, I want you to pack your things and prepare yourself, mentally and physically. There are a few things from your past that I wish to give to you. But for now I want you to lay low. We leave in two weeks.”

Inuyasha nodded, and walked off to catch up with his bunkmates.

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Well, I’m sorry that it took SO LONG. But I’ve been having relationship problems. What can I say? Once a cheat. Always a cheat. Well, since I can give my fanfics my whole and complete attention I hope to update again soon. Plus, I have fewer hours in school. This means more UPDATING! Please review. I need them.