InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Under the Moonlit Sky ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
You know the drill, VOTE!! And I’m still welcoming suggestions for costume ideas

1) Kikyo should hook up with Naraku.

2) Kikyo should fall into the lake.

3) Kikyo should be happy

4) Kikyo should get Inuyasha.

5) Or all of the above, except 4 and 3.

Pick as many as you want, it doesn't matter!

Chapter 11...I think: Under the Moonlit Sky

Inuyasha growled low in his throat, pinned down his ears and twitched his nose.

'This is seriously getting annoying.' He let out an annoyed sigh and ran a clawed hand through Kagome's hair. The girl was currently resting her head on his chest, trying to fall asleep.

"What's the matter?" She muttered in a voice still heavy with sleep.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep."

"Can't sleep." Kagome turned her head to look at him in the dark, her fingers aimlessly drawing unknown patterns on his shirtless chest.

"So you hear it too."

"You mean Sesshomaru and Rin, and Sango and Miroku, yeah. At least Kirara left to go make out with Shippo."

"Let's get out of here, you're lucky enough to not have demon senses. That heightened sense of smell thing is coming back to bite me in the ass rite now." Inuyasha rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a button down shirt that he left open.

"You may be able to see in the dark, but I can't see my hand in front my face. Mind helping me out here." Kagome grumbled quietly still sitting on the bed, glaring in Inuyasha's general direction. Inuyasha chuckled and scooped her up and carried her outside.

"Hey! It's cold out there you know!! I wanted to get a sweater you know...and oh, I dunno, some pant's that don't reach right below my ass!!!"

"Feh, it's summer, and trust me, if you get cold I'll be sure to warm you up." Kagome blushed crimson and glared at Inuyasha.

"You're a pervert you know." She said dryly.

"Seriously, I'll keep you warm." Inuyasha's cheeks tinged pink.

"Awwww, you're being sweet again!"

"Oi wench, do you want me to drop you?"

"Hmph." Inuyasha smirked when she gave up arguing and gently set her down in front of the lake that only weeks before she met with intimately, thanks to him. He sat down then pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her to shield her from the chilly night air.

"Inu?" Kagome snuggled closer to him.

"Hmm?" He pulled her to him and nuzzled her neck.

" never uh... marked me, as your intended." She blushed crimson and buried her face in his chest. Inuyasha chuckled and looked down at the girl in his arms. She looked so innocent and fragile.

'And sometimes she actually can be.'

"You know, you're right. I guess we should fix that huh?" In a move faster than she thought possible he flipped her over and pinned her to the ground with both of her hands pinned above her head.

"OK I'm starting to get tired of this position."

Inuyasha chuckled and licked down her neck to her shoulder and back up to the nape of her neck. He bit down but not hard enough to leave a mark, he could feel Kagome's pulse quicken under his lips. He slowly moved back up her body to place a gentle kiss on her lips while his other hand strayed down her side. He left her lips and trailed kisses down her jaw and neck.

"Inuyasha, we can't. What if...someone comes by and...sees us." Kagome panted out.

"I'll smell 'em." His lips continued their decent.

"But-" Inuyasha cut her off with a gentle but passionate kiss.

"No buts, just relax. This isn't a mating mark Kag. Trust me, that one'll feel much more enjoyable." His voice was thick with lust, sending shivers down her spine and made her scent spike.

His hands roamed down her sides and hooked under her shirt, pulling it over her head. Kagome shivered slightly when the cool night air hit her heated flesh, and moved her arms to cover her chest, but Inuyasha once again had her hands pinned above her head.

He trailed kisses down her neck and to her breasts trailing his tongue around a nipple before taking one into his mouth. Massaging the neglected breast with his hand, pinching the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His hand went down her quivering stomach, running his hand under her shorts, and stroked her through her underwear. Kagome arched her back and moaned loudly, her body felt like it was on fire, she loved the feelings Inuyasha could awaken in her and she never wanted him to stop.

His mouth left her breasts and trailed kisses down her stomach, but stopped when he reached her bellybutton. He wanted to taste her, but he didn't know if he could control himself, he didn't want to end up taking her when she wasn't ready. So instead he moved his lips back up her body to her ear, nibbling on the lobe slightly.

He pushed away her underwear and plunged a finger inside of her. The girl nearly screamed in pleasure, and felt something coiling in the pit of her stomach begging to be broken. Inuyasha's thumb found her bundle of nerves and massaged it slowly. The girl arched her back and ran her hands under his shirt, dragging her nails down his back. He added another finger and pumped them in and out of her faster, she moaned out his name as she felt herself coming closer to release.

Inuyasha watched the girl writhe beneath him from the feelings he had created in her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, her hair was tousled, and her lips were slightly puffy. He breasts were the perfect size for her, round and full, and her back was arched, his name escaping her lips. He felt himself getting even harder at the particularly loud moan of his name. He felt her coming closer to release and kissed the junction of her neck and shoulder after whispering into her ear.

"This might hurt a bit." He fingers clamped around him signaling her release and he bit into the soft flesh, the coppery taste of her blood filling his mouth.

Kagome was in complete euphoria, the feeling of extreme pleasure and the mix of pain stretched on her orgasm. She was panting heavily by the time she returned back to her normal state.

"How are feeling, intended?" Inuyasha asked with a cocky smirk.

"I can't wait 'til we're mated." Kagome panted out making Inuyasha's cocky smirk grow. "What about you?" She asked looking down at the tent in his pants.

"Thinking of Sesshomaru in a bikini makes that go away." Kagome giggled before reaching down to the bulg in his pants.

"Why don't you let me take care of that." Kagome whispered seductively, unzipping his jeans.

"As men it's in our genetic makeup to hate shopping. So I'm giving you all 90 minutes to get your costume. If you are not by the car in the hour and a half, then you'd get to stay here." Sy let out a cough that sounded a lot like Hojo's name. The large group of boys that was gathered around him and the other counselors chuckled.

"Does everyone at camp know about that?" Hojo mumbled to himself...because quite frankly, no one was listening to him.

"Anyway, there's a huge costume shop just up the strip. And a few other random ones scattered around here somewhere." One of the other councilors, Sal, said. "So knock yourselves out."

The large crowd of all the camp boys separated and went their different ways.

"Hopefully they will and leave us alone." Sy said to Sal.


"This is boring." Sesshomaru grumbled.

"I don't even know what I'm gonna be." Shippo said deep in thought. He Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Miroku were on their way to the costume store...Hojo anyway...

"Has anyone else noticed that dumb smile that's been plastered on Inuyasha's face since we woke up?" Miroku asked, drawing everyone’s attention to the dog-eared boy who was totally out of it.

"I know that smile," Miroku continued, a lecherous grin already forming. "That's the 'I got laid smile.' I'm just, so proud." Miroku faked a sniffle right before Inuyasha's fist connected with his head, sending him flying onto the floor.

"I would kill you, but Sango's scary." Inuyasha smirked at the huge bump that formed on the boys head.


"He never learns." Sesshomaru muttered, walking on the boy who let out a loud groan.

"Whose bright idea was it to have a costume party in July anyway. Let's just get this over with, I have better things to be doing right now." Inuyasha grumbled and stomped away, missing Miroku's muttered comment of,

"Things, or people."


"Wow, so now the only people here who haven't had sex are me and Kirara. We're the only innocent ones." Kagome said jokingly looking at her friends.

"Speak for yourself." Kirara mumbled from behind her magazine.

"Sango and Miroku, didn't see that one coming. Thought Kagome and Inuyasha would have had kids before you two went at it. Hell, I thought the Pope would be a porn star before you two even thought of admitting your feelings." Rin said incredulously.

"Yep, Hell has officially frozen over." Kagome giggled, earning a glare from her friend.

"Hey, you're not as innocent as you say Kagome. Don't think I didn't notice you and Inuyasha sneaking out last night, and I was already back asleep by the time you two came back." Sango shot back.

"We were just talking." 'Among other things.'

"If they were only talking, she wouldn’t be that red." Sango whispered to the other two girls who both nodded.

"I can hear you!!!"


"How about this one?" Shippo asked, pulling on another cheesy mask.

"Um...depends. How do you feel about the red nosed reindeer?" Miroku asked.

"Will you two hurry up so we can get out of here. This is seriously getting annoying." Inuyasha growled, already holding his costume choice in a brown bag that said "Carl's Crazy Costumes." in bold black letters.

"What did you get anyway?" Miroku asked looking over at his friend.

"Keh, none of your business. I'm getting out of here, meet me by the cars in 20 minutes." Inuyasha said to the other boys, turning to leave the store.

"Hey Sesshomaru, does this make my butt look big?" Miroku asked the other boy wearing a monk costume and practically shoving his ass in Sesshomaru's face. The demon sighed and looked to his brothers retreating back.

"I'm coming with you."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

"What do you think about this one?"

"It's a necklace. I think that it's impossible for me to care less." Sesshomaru gave his brother a dry look, which he didn't even notice.

"I don't know if she would like it."

"And I would. Look little brother, just pick something already, she's your wench, what do you think she'd like." Sesshomaru didn't acknowledge his brother's stare, and opted for looking at his claws instead. Acting like he gave advice, that wasn't "Shut up or I'll kill you," or "why don't you jump off a bridge and end my misery and yours", everyday.

"Look, Kagome's not as easy to shop for as Rin. Buy Rin something shiny and it'll entertain her for months. This has to come from the heart." Inuyasha said then returned to scanning the display for the perfect gift.

"The ring I got for Rin is meaningful. Just pick what you think suits her, and hurry up.... or die."

"And here I thought today would be the first day that went by without you threatening m- That's the one!" Inuyasha broke off his sentence when he saw a silver necklace with a silver heart shaped locket. The locket had intricate swirls of gold intertwining with white gold that all circled toward the middle from four different corners. On the back in golden letters it read "I love you"

"That's the perfect one for her." Inuyasha turned around and looked at his brother. "What do you think?"

"One, remember how before I said I couldn't care less, well apparently I was wrong.. And two, I think that you should turn around and wave bye bye to your necklace 'cuz there it goes."

"What are you-" Inuyasha turned around just in time to see the necklace being handed to a platinum blonde crane demoness, and his jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Excuse me, do you have another locket like the one you just sold." Inuyasha asked the salesman who acted all too high and mighty for his middle wage job.

"No sir, that was the only one." Inuyasha turned a desperate look to his brother who shook his head and sighed.

"She went that way." He pointed a clawed finger in the direction of the woman. Inuyasha bolted out of the store and ran down the street as fast as he could in an effort to search for the woman.

"You'll have to excuse him, he's an idiot." Sesshomaru said to the salesman before calmly walking out of the store in the direction of his brother.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

"Excuse me ma'am." The platinum blonde turned around and stared at the panting dog demon next to her.

"Do I know you?"

"No, but, um...that locket you just bought, can I buy it from you?" Inuyasha turned pleading golden eyes to the woman.

"What? Why?"

"It's for my girlfriend, it's perfect for her. Please can I buy it?"

"Sorry kid, it's for my mother, she's sick, besides, your little teenage romance is gonna die in two weeks anyway, so just save your money."

"Look wen-!" Inuyasha stopped himself and took a deep breath, starting over this time much calmer.

"Ma'am," He gritted through clenched teeth.

"This is not some stupid “teenage romance”. I really do care about her a lot. She's the only girl I've ever felt like this about...I love her. And I'm not too good with words, I sorta have foot in mouth syndrome, but if I give her that locket then she'll know how I feel, it pretty much expresses everything I want to say to her, but can't. She is the most important thing to me, so can I please, please buy the locket from you?" The woman looked at Inuyasha suspiciously for a moment, then a small warm smile graced her lips.

"I wish my boyfriend were as sweet as you, you can get the locket. My mom's half dead anyway, and we never really liked each other that much." Inuyasha thanked the woman repeatedly and paid for the locket.

"Your mate'll love it kid." The woman said before walking off.

"So the great Inuyasha has just begged for something." Sesshomaru said walking towards his brother.

"How much did you hear." Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at the boy.

"Everything, loverboy."

"I'll give you $40 to never tell anyone about this, and an added $10 to never say loverboy every again."


------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------

"So none of you are gonna tell us what you got huh?" Rin asked the 5 boys in front of her. (See Hojo's there!)

"Nope." Shippo answered.

"Well, when we get our costumes we're not gonna show you ours either." She stuck out her tongue and turned her back to them.

"We don't even know what each other got anyway."

"But I know what Sesshy got, right Fluffy?" Rin sent an innocent smile to the demon who only growled low in his throat.

"Hey, where's Kagome." Inuyasha asked his eyes quickly scanning the cabin.

"Um...In the woods somewhere."

"You're so specific Rin." Inuyasha said sarcastically, "I'll go look for her." Inuyasha grumbled, stomping out of the cabin, tossing his bag in the corner of the room.

"He's got it bad." Kirara muttered from behind her magazine.

"He's pathetic." Sesshomaru mumbled with a shake of his head.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------

Kagome sat in front of the small lake in the clearing where she was told the story of the star crossed lovers,(literally.) thinking about the past few weeks.

'So much has happened between Inuyasha and I...I do like him a lot, I love him? Did I make the right choice? Did we rush into this this?' She was too deep in thought to notice when the main object of her thoughts walked into the clearing and sat down next to her. She did notice when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. He dipped his head and licked the mark on her shoulder, making her quietly gasp.

"I missed you." He mumbled quietly, a light blush staining his cheeks.

'This was the right choice, and I don't regret ever making it.' Kagome smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I missed you too, Inuyasha."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Miroku was in hell; no hell would be an understatement. It was Saturday morning and all the girls were costume shopping. ALL of the girls, every last one of them, councilors and all.

"He looks like he's about five seconds away from hyperventilating, curling into the fetal position and hugging Mr. Snuggums." Inuyasha said to the other boys in the cabin.

Miroku was currently sitting on his and Sango's bed, rocking back and forth slightly, muttering about nothing to grab.

"Who's Mr. Snuggums?" Hojo (who is alive) asked.

"Miroku's beat up old stuffed teddy bear he's had since he was 4." Inuyasha grinned.

"Wait a minute..." Sesshomaru looked up from his book, a slight frown on his face. "Normally when someone is cut off from something they need, they go into relapse and act out."

"Mind repeating that, try English this time." Inuyasha gave his brother a dry look.

"With no girls to flirt with or grope, all that pent up energy has to come out somehow...meaning, he needs someone to hit on...or worse...grope."

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm outta here."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

"Kagome what's wrong with you?" Sango whispered to her friend, poking her in the side. "You've been acting weird all day."

"Huh? What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Well for starters, you've been standing there in that little mermaid costume completely zoned out for the past 10 minutes. By the way, shells really aren’t your thing." Sango giggled. Kagome walked...well more like hopped back into one of the dressing rooms to try on another costume.

"Gosh, how did the little mermaid get around in this thing?"

"She was in the water smart one." Sango giggled. "So what’s the matter, I'm guessing it has something to do with a certain dog eared hanyou."

"Well yes and no." Kagome answered.

"C'mon you can tell mama." Sango said in a motherish voice that sent Kagome into a fit of giggles.

"He asked me to be his mate, and I said yes. But, I was thinking about it, and...was it really such a good idea? I just don't know if I should've said yes so soon."

"Kagome in all honesty, Inuyasha is rude, obnoxious, loud, bossy, an egomaniac-"

"I get it Sango."

"But I really think you couldn't have made a better choice, you practically light up when you're around him. He really loves you Kag, and you love him, and at the end of the day, isn't that really all that matters. I think that if you had to spend a lot of time thinking about it, then you should've said no. Something that requires that much thought, even if it is such an important decision, isn't good. Things that don't need a lot of thought are usually the best things...unlike math." Sango said as Kagome finally exited the dressing room in a new costume.

"You're right.’s this one?" She did a quick spin.

"I think we've got a winner. Inuyasha's gonna love it." Sango giggled at Kagome's bright red blush.

'Inuyasha...I wonder what he's doing right now.'

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

"Miroku!! Get away from me!!" Inuyasha backed away as the other boy came closer, looking like he was in a daze.

"Will you do me the honor of-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence!! I have a girlfriend!! And so do you! Remember Sango! The violent one, San-go!!" Inuyasha backed away some more tripping over a rock, and fell.


------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

"So Sango, what's going on with you and Miroku?" Kagome asked Sango as she and the other girls exited the store, with bags of clothes, costumes and accessories.

"Wha- nothing." Sango answered, walking ahead a bit.

"Hey it's my turn to pry. Anyway, we all know you two have slept together, there's really nothing else that could be more shocking...or disturbing than that."

"We didn't so much sleep together as much as have sex up against the wall in the shower." The three stopped behind Sango a look of disgust on each of their faces.

"Wait, do you mean, our shower, the one that we use every day!! The one I used this morning!?!" Rin squeaked. "Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"I would say no amount of scrubbing would ever make this go away... but I don't ever want to go back in that bathroom to scrub!" Kirara said looking like she was 5 seconds away from emptying the contents of her stomach.

"I didn't hear that. I didn't hear that." Kagome kept chanting her little mantra for a few seconds. "Anyway, what, other than the disturbing stuff, is going on with you two."

"Well, other than the uh.. shower time," Sango blushed crimson and continued, "nothing really. We've never really said anything like "I love you," And honestly I'm perfectly happy with that." She ended then quickly walked away.

"She's in denial." Rin whispered sadly.

"Yeah, poor thing." Kagome sighed and shook her head.

"Poor her! Poor us! I don't think I can ever take a shower again until camp is over!!" Kirara said and Kagome and Rin nodded in agreement.

"Hurry it up or we'll be left behind!" Sango yelled from a few feet in front of the girls who all nodded and ran to catch up with their friend.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

"You knocked him out." Sesshomaru looked at his brother, then nudged the boy on the floor with his foot. "Are you sure he's not dead?"

"I hope so, Sango would massacre me. Anyway he came to close, it was in self-defense. I think he thought I was a girl or something, must've been hallucinating." Inuyasha said, looking at the ceiling from his and Kagome's bed, well since they had the bottom bunk he wasn't looking at the ceiling, just the bottom of the top bunk...same thing.

"Where are the girls anyway, it's been almost 7 hours. Are they buying costumes or the whole mall? We only took 40 minutes." Inuyasha grumbled.

"When are you gonna tell her?"

"You're not a big fan of small talk are you?" Inuyasha sent his brother a sideways glance.

"You said it once to a complete stranger, you can at least say it to her. Just try."

"You're being helpful...are you trying to get my half of the inheritance. Dad's not dead yet you know." Sesshomaru mumbled something that sounded like "soon enough."

"Just practice, if you can say it now it'll be easier to say it to her."

"You're my brother, and a guy...even though I have my doubts, mom and dad never did let me see your birth certificate. Either way, I do believe that practicing on you could cause serious mental, and emotional trauma."

"Inuyasha I'm not going to like to you; I don't like you. In fact, I loathe you, you're mere existence angers me. You as a person anger me, you are the bane of my existence, the root of all my problems. You are revolting to me-"

"Would you get on with it!?!?!"

"Oh, right, anyway, that girl is strong, and feisty and one of Rin’s friends. She deserves better, but for some reason beyond my comprehension, she chose you. You could at least tell her how much she means to you and how you really feel about her. And I don't mean by just giving her some dumb locket." Sesshomaru sent an icy glare towards his brother.

"Wow Fluffy if I didn't know any better I'd say you cared." Inuyasha grinned at his brother who if anything only sent him an even colder glare. "Either that or I shouldn't eat my mystery meat from the cafeteria today...not like I was gonna eat it anyway."

"I told you already I'm only doing this for the girl. She deserves better...much better. And what did I tell you about calling me Fluffy! Anyway, just practice saying it...this doesn't leave the room."

"Keh, fine.............................................."

"This year Inuyasha!"

" think I might l-love you."

"If you say it like that you'd be lucky if she doesn't throw something at you. Try again.”

"Well it's kinda hard to tell a hot girl I love her, when I'm practicing on a really ugly girl." Inuyasha chuckled at the glare his brother sent him.

"Try again!" Inuyasha gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

"Fine, I love you dammit!!"

"Um.... do you guys want us to leave you alone?" Kirara stood by the door with three wide-eyed girls behind her. Two of which had huge anime style tears in their eyes.

"I knew he was to good to be straight!!" Kagome said to Rin with huge anime tears flying out of her eyes.

"I knew he was to nice to be straight...and not be British!!!!" Rin agreed. "It's always the hot ones!" Rin sniffled whipping away a tear.

Inuyasha blushed crimson and growled loudly. Sesshomaru stood up and walked over to Rin, whispered something in her ear that made her turn crimson, then casually walked out of the cabin.

"Um...I’ll be right back." Rin said, quickly dropping her bags and running out the door.

"Ew." Sango muttered.

"Wait a minute, something's terribly wrong here." Kirara said, her eyes scanning the room. "Miroku's unconscious...but Sango's been with us all day." Kirara giggled and dodged a swipe from Sango.

"Yeah, that is weird, Inuyasha, what did you do?" Inuyasha turned abnormally innocent eyes to his girlfriend.

"I don't know what you're talking about, he's just napping. So what'd you get?" Inuyasha got up, and dusted off the invisible dirt from his clothes.

"Nah uh, I can't tell, it's a secret." Kagome smiled at the boy who moved the stand next to her, yawned loudly and stretched. And in a move faster than Kagome thought possible he scooped her up into his and covered her lips with his before she could even squeak.

Kagome melted into the kiss that, in her opinion, ended to fast. But in the opinion of the other conscious people in the cabin lasted way to long.

"Whose up for some dinner, cause here comes lunch." Sango grumbled to Kirara who covered her mouth and made throw up noises.

"Hey I had to stomach hearing you and Miroku last ni-" Inuyasha was cut off by a loud groan from the no longer unconscious boy on the floor. Miroku slowly opened his violet eyes and scanned the room, his eyes landing on Sango.

"WOMEN!!" He quickly crawled over to her and latched onto her legs and promptly started kissing them.

"I've missed you so much!! Never leave me again!!" Sango looked down at the boy attached to her legs. 'I get stuck with the stupid one. Just great.'

"Can you please stop slobbering on my jeans Miroku?" She tried to kick him off of her, but her efforts were in vain. He wouldn't even let go when she started walking, dragging along behind her.

"Miroku if you let go, I'll um....." Sango let out a resigned sigh. "I'll let you grope me." She muttered to quietly for even Inuyasha's demonic hearing to pick up. But demonic hearing and perverted hearing are two totally different things.

"Your wish is my command." (Hint to someone’s costume) Miroku was off her legs in a second and Sango was out the door in two, with Miroku chasing behind her.

"Well then... now that that's over-" A loud slap echoed from outside, followed by the loud thud they'd all grown to love.

"Good contact on that one." Inuyasha mumbled with slight adoration.

"Anyway." Kirara jumped onto the couch and pulled out a magazine.

"Um...." Kagome looked over to Kirara then to Inuyasha.

"What?" Kirara looked over her magazine at the couple. " think I hear someone calling me." She said before running out of the cabin.

"She's a bit sl-" Kagome jumped on Inuyasha with enough force to push him onto the bed behind him. Her lips attacked his in a hungry kiss.

"You know," She panted slightly when they broke apart. "This mark, makes me want you constantly."

"God I love being a demon." Inuyasha pulled her back to him for another heated kiss.


"Party starts in 5 hours 56 minutes, 22 seconds, no 19,18,17-"

"What dropped on her head to many times as a child is trying to say is, the party starts in 6 hours." Sakura said, cutting off her sister.

"So since there are 4 girls and it takes each of them approximately 1 and a half hours for them to get dressed, so boys you can use your original cabin to get ready, you can go now." Sakura said while her sister kept counting seconds in the background.

"But we've got 5 hours and 45 minutes to kill." Inuyasha objected holding the bright red girl in his lap who was desperately trying to claw free.

"So find something to do so they can get ready." Sakura ground out glaring at the boy.


"NOW!!" All the boys practically ran out of the cabin with their tails between their legs, that was more literal for some than for others.

"You've got like 5 hours and 40 minutes." Sakura said walking out of the cabin.

"And 14 seconds, no, 12."

"Shut up retardo." Sakura slammed the door behind her.

"We need to hurry, that's definitely not enough time."

---------------------5hrs 36mins left--girls----------------------

Kagome pulled Sango's leg while Sango was holding onto the bathroom doorknob, and desperately trying to balance on one leg.

"Let me go!! I've got first shower!!"

"As much as that bathroom currently disturbs me beyond all reason, NO!!!" Kagome pulled harder on her leg making her loose balance and fall onto the other girl. Kirara happily skipped over the two and went into the bathroom slamming the door behind her, while Rin left and went to take a shower in the boys’ cabin.

-----------------5hrs 27mins left--boys---------------------------

Inuyasha yawned and gulped down another yoohoo. He and the other boys continued eating.

----------------4hrs 48mins left--girl-----------------------------

"Kirara get out of there!!" Kagome banged on the door for the hundredth time and still got no response.

Rin ran into the cabin earning stares from Kagome and Sango.

"'re only in a towel. Did you just run from the boys cabin to this one in a towel?" Kagome asked looking at the girl like she had an extra head.


"Um...ok them. I'm going over there to shower."

"But Sango just left to go there."


--------------4hrs 40mins left--boys--------------------

A trickle of drool slid from Miroku's mouth as he lay face down on the table in the mess hall

--------------3hrs 12mins left--girl---------------------

(Kagome finally got her shower)

"Someone fix my hair!!"

"Where's my shirt!?!"

"Where's my makeup!?!"

"Where's my sanity?"

--------------3hrs 4mins left--boys---------------------

Inuyasha and Miroku silently high fived as the looked at Miroku's now marker covered face.

--------------2hrs 18mins left--girls-------------------

"Kagome does my costume make me look whoreish?"

"Of course not Sango, you just look like you've raided Kikyo's closet. Thank you I'll be here all night!"

-------------1hr 59mins left--boys---------------------

"Hey, maybe we should start getting ready." Inuyasha muttered to the other boys. They were all wondering around camp for about 2 hours or so since the councilors kicked them out of the mess hall so they could start decorating.

" you guys know why everyone's been staring at me weird?" Miroku asked the other boys who only hurried towards the cabin.

"I'm sure the cabin wasn't just fixed, why are they telling us about it now?"

"Inuyasha shut up and be happy." Sesshomaru mumbled, adding an "Or I'll kill you." as an after thought.

"Wait a second," Miroku stopped when they passed the lake. "INUYASHA!! ILL KILL YOU!!!"

"It was Sesshomaru's idea!!"

--------------45mins left-----girls-----------------

"Guys, what are you doing with those?" Sango asked backing away from the approaching girls.

"It's just some mascara, eyeshadow and blush Sango. It won't kill you." Kagome said to her friend.

"But that thing looks like it will." Sango pointed to the silver thing in Kagome's hand, finally backing into the wall looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"It's an eyelash curler, c'mon this won't hurt a bit." Rin soothed as they closed in on the girl.


----------------31mins left------------------------

The girls made sure everything was perfect before knocking on the boys cabin front door. The muffled voice of Hojo was heard saying "Hold on a sec."

"You know this should be the other way around!!" Rin yelled.

Seconds later the door opened and Miroku stepped out.

The girls stared...and stared, and stared, and stared, and burst into painful fits of laughter. They had to hold onto each other so they wouldn't fall, and tried to hold in tears that threatened to fall and ruin their perfect makeup.

There in front of them stood Miroku, hands clasped together, holding a rosary, and dressed in the black and white robes of... a nun. But all of his attention wasn't on the other three girls laughing and pointing, but was on the other girl who stood giggling a slight blush tingeing her cheeks under his intense stare.

"Heaven help me." He muttered staring at Sango who was currently wearing a shiny extremely short black leather mini skirt, and a short sleeved blue police shirt that was tied at the side so it barely reached her belly button. She even had a fake gun and was twirling a pair of handcuffs, with her police hat tipped down slightly.

"Sango," He breathed out her name making shivers run up her spine, a small smile tugged on her red glossed lips. He grasped on of her hands in his and kissed the back of it. "If I'm dreaming, I never want to wake up." He whispered, dipping his head in for a kiss, but a finger on his lips stopped him.

"Oh no you don't mother Teresa. With all the trouble I had to go through to get this on,” She gestured to her light blue slightly sparkly eyeshadow, eyelashes with blue mascara at the tips, (yes it does come in colors) and the cherry red lips stick and gloss.

"Well at least promise a strip search in the near future." He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

"Nuns are celibate Miroku." Before Miroku could open his mouth to say anything else the door opened revealing Hojo who wore a black pinstriped business suit and a briefcase.

"Uh...what are you supposed to be?" Kirara asked looking him up and down.

"A lawyer." The boys smiled cheekily.

" um...interesting."

The door opened once again and Kagome stood gaping. Inuyasha had his hands in his pockets leaning against the doorframe and just looking sexy. He wore a black muscle tee that showed off his heavenly chest, and black slightly baggy pants and black dress shoes. He also had on a black leather trench coat thing that made him look like a vampire right out of Buffy. His hair was no longer its snowy white color but an ebony that put Kagome's raven tresses to shame. His eyes were now a deep intense violet that was almost as captivating as their golden color. He looked paler, (but not risen from the dead creepy pale) he even had a trickle of dried blood coming from the corner of his mouth down to his chin. He sent Kagome a smirk that showed his now more noticeable canines, but to Kagome's disappointment his cute furry puppy ears were gone.

'He looks so hot in black.'

Inuyasha's eyes raked over the raven-haired beauty in front of him. Her hair was in loose curls put up in a high ponytail with a few wisps of hair out to frame her face. She had on light pink shimmer eyeshadow and some shimmery pink lip-gloss, even her face seemed to shimmer a bit.

She wore a pink sheer top that reached just under her breasts, with billowing sheer pink sleeves that was decorated with silver flecks of glitter. Her pants were also a sheer pink with flecks of glitter and were slightly bigger and baggier at the bottom. She had on a pink headpiece with a veil and a lot of golden bracelets and pink open toed heels.

"Wow." Inuyasha rushed up to her and picked her up bridal style and moved to kiss her.

"I swear if you ruin my makeup I'll go vampire slayer on your ass." Kagome grinned at the boy.

"And here I thought you were a good genie. Where's your bottle anyway?"

"It's getting reupholstered." Kagome said dryly.

"Clever." Inuyasha chuckled and put her down and walked back to the cabin door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my brother, Bozo the clown."

"I'm not coming outside." Sesshomaru grumbled from inside the cabin.

"Fluffy get out here now!!" Rin yelled tapping foot impatiently. She was dressed as one of the playboy bunnies, wearing the signature black bunny ears, and black one-piece bathing suit, with a bunny tail and black stilettos.

There was a loud growl from inside the cabin before the door flew open. Everyone had to bite their tongues to keep from laughing. Everyone except for Inuyasha who fell on the floor laughing and pointing.

Sesshomaru was a clown, a bright yellow and blue polka dot wearing clown. White face paint, big red smile thing, a huge red nose, big floppy shoes and all. After holding it in for 5 seconds everyone almost died of laughter.

"You *giggle* look *giggle giggle* great *laugh" Rin had to hold onto Sango to keep herself up.

"I'll kill you all."

"With what, your rubber chicken." Inuyasha laughed out from on the floor.

"When this is over, you'll be the first to go." Sesshomaru glared at his brother who got off the floor and dusted himself off.

"I'm terrified."