InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Million Crimes ❯ [Hello,Goodbye] ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Nope. Still don't own. So please, don't sue.
A/N: I hope everyone's liking the story thus far. Sorry for the short prologue. It's a working progress.
Read on…
Ch. 1 [Hello, Goodbye]
Let's get something straight.
I hate humans.
And demons.
Actually, I'd go as far as to say that I hate everything.
Especially humans.
If it were up to me I'd do away with ALL of humanity.
Fucking assholes.
Humans as well as demons piss me off.
And excuse my cynicism but you'd feel the exact same way if you were treated like shit by the entire world all the fucking time.
Anyway, if it weren't for everyone being judgmental I'd be better off.
Everyone's always so worried about social prestige.
No one would ever be caught dead associating with a `half-breed'…
Humans don't like hanyous.
Demons don't like hanyous.
Keh! I don't even like hanyous.
So everyone can leave me the hell alone!
Problem is… the world likes to fuck with me.
That's how I ended up in this goddamn mess.
…I hate my life.
Sounds of silence seemed to echo throughout the sleeping forest as a red-clad figure soared high above the trees. Landing softly on the cool ground, the figure took off at jet speed, burning a path as he ran in search of no particular destination.
`Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.'
“Stop demon!”
`Keh! As if…'
Increasing his hurried speed, InuYasha swiftly jumped into a large, towering tree. Amber eyes glowing intensely as they watched the small crowd of villagers run past his hiding place. He let out an exasperated sigh as he propped himself against one of the thick branches. Closing his eyes, the hanyou recalled the night's previous events and scowled.
He had simply gone in search of food, preying on a small rabbit that had wandered too close. As he was readying to attack a loud explosion had disturbed the forest, alarming the rabbit as it ran for safety.
Inwardly cursing, InuYasha set out to find the source of the unusual explosion. He didn't have to search long before another explosion erupted, directing his attention to a small clearing in the forest. The hanyou quietly jumped into a nearby tree in an attempt to get a closer look at the source of all the commotion.
A mask of confusion and frustration marred the demon's face as golden eyes took in the scene before him. A young girl, no more than 18 years of age, stood at one end of the small, circular clearing. As InuYasha tried to get a better look at the girl's face a sudden wave of pain clouded his senses. His chest began constricting as he felt his stomach making it's way into his throat.
`What the hell's going on?!'
As he tried shaking away the pain, a strange feeling settled in his heart. Annoyed, the hanyou ignored the sudden spasm and returned his attention to the young girl who was now fitting an arrow into a large, wooden bow. Inhaling deeply, realization hit InuYasha causing him to lose his balance. Clumsily falling out of the tree, he landed face down on the cool, mossy ground.
A muffled curse was followed by a loud gasp. Pushing himself up, InuYasha roughly shook his head in an attempt to regain clarity. The forest around him had become a blur of color and earthy scents…except for one.
He managed to regain his balance before letting his gaze settle on a ghostly figure.
“Ki… Kikyou?”
“Do not move, demon!”
InuYasha's stomach began to churn as he was thrust back into an old memory. Quickly blinking back the tears that threatened to fall, the hanyou turned away.
Before him was the mirror image of his former love. Clad in miko's clothing, eyes blazing fiercely, mouth firmly set, and an arrow aimed ready to fire. A dam suddenly broke in the hanyou's mental frame. Memory upon memory filtered his every thought like sawdust.
That scent. Her scent. It had caught him off guard. Assaulting his nostrils, filling his lungs, capturing his heart once more.
As he pleaded with his sanity, InuYasha forced all the memories back. He couldn't break down again. Not here. As he slowly turned around, he felt another pain in his chest. Tightly clenching his fists, he deeply inhaled the tantalizing scent once more.
“I said don't move!”
This time the command echoed throughout the hanyou's mind, bringing him out of his stupor. Halfheartedly lifting his head, amber eyes stared intently through a silver curtain.
The passing of time had distanced him from many memories. Over the years, he had to learn to live without his lover. It had been like trying to live without the sun, water, the fresh air. He needed those to survive… just like he needed her. He knew what it was like existing alone and he had hated it. After Kikyou, he had hoped he would never have to be alone again. Life had it's own plan.
“What is it you want, demon?”
`Her face… those eyes… that scent… it has to be her.'
“So we're back to this, eh Kikyou?”
Taking a cautious step back, the young girl narrowed her eyes in suspicion. The demon had a cocky air about him as he laughed out his question.
“Who is Kikyou?”
`Her voice… it's different…but her face…'
“C'mon, Kikyou… whatcha waiting for? Finish me off.”
What else could he do but play it off as he had once done before? He was back in the same situation he had been in years ago with his beloved. He, the rough, lonely, courageous half-breed. She, the strong, lonely, beautiful miko. Both different and yet exactly the same. They were meant to be together. …wasn't that good enough for the world?
“I don't know who you think you're dealing with, demon. But I am not Kikyou.”
Taking a step toward the young girl, InuYasha barred his white fangs as he smiled slyly. With every step forward the hanyou could sense the girl's anxiety growing, rolling off of her in large waves.
`She's afraid… Kikyou was never afraid…'
InuYasha stopped 10 feet before the young girl, puzzled by her sudden fear. From a distance, the young girl had looked identical to Kikyou. Same eyes, same face, same mouth, same scent. But up close, he began berating himself for making the mistake.
This young girl had many similarities to his former love so his immediate confusion was understandable. Her hair was shorter and much more unruly as it poured out from a tied, white ribbon. Her eyes were a darker hue of brown, glowing more intensely in the moonlight. Even now at a closer distance, InuYasha could tell that her scent was very different to that of Kikyou's.
`It…isn't her…'
The hanyou couldn't avoid the feeling of disappointment that crept into his thoughts as sadness glistened in his eyes.
“No… you're not Kikyou.”
He spat out this statement with the intent on insulting her, unclenching his fists as he turned to leave.
“Who are you? Why were you watching me?”
“That's none of your fucking business. I should be the one asking the questions!”
This statement baffled the young girl as she calmly lowered her weapon.
The hanyou heard her movements and inwardly cursed. Why hadn't she just killed him while he had his back turned? Why does she look so much like the woman from his past? Where were those explosions coming from? Why did he suddenly need to get away from her? He didn't want to remember anymore. Not her.
`Only one way to get rid of Kikyou once and for all…'
“Big mistake. You should've killed me when you had the chance,” the hanyou turned around slowly, cracking his fingers as he brought them to his face. “Now I'm going to have to kill you.”
A loud roar echoed from the darkness behind InuYasha, making the ground beneath them pulsate. Spinning around, the hanyou readied his claws for the approaching demon.
`I'll get rid of another demon and this stupid bitch.'
A large green, ogre-like demon broke through the threshold of the clearing, roaring violently. Running past InuYasha, the demon sought out the young girl.
Fumbling with her bow, she managed to send a glowing arrow flying through the air and into the demon's left shoulder. The large ogre fell to the ground as a bright light engulfed it before exploding into dust.
“Keh. I could've handled it,” InuYasha rolled his eyes as he began stalking towards the young miko. He couldn't help noting the girl's strength in comparison to Kikyou's.
`She's a strong miko…'
“Leave or I will be forced to kill you.”
As she readied another arrow a loud rustle came from behind the half demon. Before he could turn around another ogre-like demon came charging at him from the darkness.
A single arrow lit a path in the air as it whizzed past InuYasha into the ogre's heart, causing another loud explosion.
The hanyou turned around to survey the area, angry that he hadn't sensed the second demon. Kikyou had saved him countless times. He had happily repaid her many times, offering his life for the sake of hers.
Emotions were overpowering his senses. This situation was much too similar for his liking. It was as though the world enjoyed toying with his sorrow and sanity.
`You're fucking losing your mind. She ain't Kikyou.'
“Don't expect a thanks because I didn't ask for your fucking help,” he huffed as he looked back at the young girl.
“Hey, bitch! Come back here! Dammit, wait!”
The girl just continued walking into the darkness, unfazed by InuYasha's insults. She had had enough encounters with demons for the night.
InuYasha hotly followed her before she came to an abrupt halt, forcing him to stop a few feet away from her.
“Leave demon. I have no intention of killing you”, she quietly stated, not bothering to turn around.
Slightly taken aback by her statement, InuYasha simply crossed his arms over his chest.
“You're a miko. It's your damn job.”
This statement seemed to bother the young girl as she turned around calmly. She glared frigidly at the hanyou as she clenched the bow in her hand.
“Don't tell me what I should and should not do. I have no need to slay a half demon.”
With that she bowed slightly and continued her journey into the forest, her jet-black hair dancing behind her.
InuYasha was left dumbfounded, glaring at her disappearing form with his mouth agape.
`Who the fuck does she think she is?'
The hanyou only “keh'd” one last time before walking in the opposite direction back towards his usual seat on his preferred tree.
Ambling quietly through the forest, InuYasha contemplated his encounter with the Kikyou look-alike. He hated that he had let her disturb his heart so easily. Once again he felt his chest constricting, reminding him that he still wasn't over his loss. He had buried his sorrow and any memory of her deep in his mind, some place only he could find it. Actions driven by visceral emotion only lead to trouble. He needed to stop losing his rationality and himself… if he wanted to live.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps caught his attention.
`Oh, for fucking…'
InuYasha knew who it was, how many, and why they were coming. Either little `miss miko' had bestowed the villagers with the responsibility of killing him or they were simply on their monthly raid of the forest.
`Stupid bastards… they must've seen me.'
As if on cue, a small flock of villagers erupted from the darkness towards the inu-hanyou. They carried pitchforks, torches and other various blunt objects in hopes of ridding the world of another evil demon.
InuYasha simply scowled and took off running, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.
`I fucking hate humans…'
Humanity never wanted to deal with me.
No one ever gave me a fucking chance to prove I'm worth something.
No one except her
And now she's gone.
And I'm still here. Alone.
If the world wants to ignore me, that's just fine.
I'll ignore it right back.
Fuck everyone!