InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Two: A Little Company? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and I know this because.... I am not rich and I am not going to be any time soon.
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Scroll Two - A Little Company?

The forest was dark, the path before her hidden in the darkness and littered with obstacles. The moon in the sky could not be seen through the dense layer of foliage above her head. The sun has set long ago and Kagome wished she didn’t have to go in search of Inuyasha on her own. Her mind wondered to the sleep her body desperately needed. The trees appeared to part ahead of her all on their own. Her body had stopped listening to the commands her brain was sending it long ago. She continued forward. It was a trap, she knew this long before she walked into the clearing. It was too quiet. Too dark. Too convenient.

Her mind begged to go back, turn around, anything but go to the clearing. Her body continued to step carefully over the roots of the aging trees. “Inuyasha?” her broke the silence of the night. “Inuyasha?”

Her figure broke through the tree line but she was prepared for the sight in front of her. She wasn’t the first time, but she knew what to expect now. Inuyasha Tetsusaiga laid at her feet and a few yards from his sword was the silver haired hanyou. His body laid a few feet from his head, battered and broken from battle. Tears formed in her eyes. She had cried the first time because she though it was real but not this time. This time she cried because she was cursed to relive the scene of her friend’s massacred body. She knew it wasn’t real, it was all a lie but she was tired of seeing the same images over and over.

A torn vibrant red fire rat robe.

Dead amber eyes gazed over. Staring at the nothingness that was once his enemy.

Stiff dog ears on a silver mat of hair closely resembling fur.

“Inuyasha,” his name came out as a whisper. She knew there would be no answer. She knew what would come next. She watched and waited as the echo of her voice escape the area. The clearing slowly faded and she was left in the darkness of her mind.

Moments later the pain in her side woke her from the reality in her mind Naraku haunted her with. Her eyes opened to the darkness she had grown accustom to. She could now make out shadows and outlines a few feet away instead of inches. Her hand flew to her injury. It pained her more and more but she was unable to see if it was infected or just sore from the conditions she was in. Her wrists were raw skin from the chains that pinned her to the wall. Her body was constantly cold from her damp clothing, well lack of clothing. In her haste to save the kitsune of the group she forgot she was only in a towel. She was surprise that it was still wrapped around her considering what she had been through so far. Kagome knew that if she were to survive this ordeal she would need time to recover. However, she was unsure how Inuyasha would feel about this. ~Perhaps he isn’t even coming for me. I did send him to go save Kikyo.~

Well she was grateful that Naraku hadn’t returned since the last time he came. The meals came regularly. Or at least it felt that way, but Kagome wasn’t sure if this was so. Nothing was certain in the darkness of her prison. The only thing that did change was that she slept more. She was sleeping more to try and make up for the energy she was losing but her sleep was haunted. It became a curse. Most times she woke up more exhausted then before she slept.

“My little pet,” the voice of Naraku broke the silence, startling Kagome.

“Naraku,” Kagome’s voice cracked from dryness and the lack of use.

“How are you little Miko? Sleeping well?” His chuckled filled the room for a few moments before she could her metal hitting the floor. Although her eyes had adjusted to the darkness over the past few days she knew she would never be able to see Naraku unless he wanted her to. So Kagome didn’t even bother.
“You should get some more rest my pet. It is good for you.”

“Go to hell!”

“Ah my little jewel you forget. I am hell” His presence in the room died and she had thought that she was alone once more. A soft moan to her right proved her wrong.

Kagome looked over and could make out a small shadow. A small child was curled up beside her and Kagome wondered exactly how long he or she had been there. Another moan came from the form of the sleep child and Kagome was pretty sure it was a young girl. Her hand reached over to feel her wrist to see if she too were pinned to the wall. She felt the metal around her small wrist. ~Poor thing.~ Deciding that it was better for the child to sleep then to sit wilting away in the darkness Kagome left the little girl alone for the time being. She felt for the tray that she saw and pulled it to her left side. That way if the child was startled awake she wouldn’t knock over her only food for a while.

Kagome began to worry about the young girl when she didn’t wake up by the next tray of food. Kagome hadn’t eaten anything from the first tray hoping to give it to the little girl so she was grateful that it wasn’t taken from her. She sat eating now placing the second tray to her left and waiting for the awakening of the girl. Moments later the young girl rubbed her eyes and began to sit up. She turned her head from side to side and Kagome was sure that she was blind to everything like when Kagome had first arrived.

“Hey little one,” Kagome knew that her voice would scare the young child but touching her would probably startle her even more. Sure enough the room was filled with a shriek. Kagome knew she had to tried and the calm the frighten girl. She herself had been scared when she had first awoken so she could only imagine what it was like for a young girl to go through that experience.

“Shhhhh, it’s okay I won’t hurt you. I am a prisoner here to.” Kagome tried to fill her voice with the kindness she usually had but it came a little more awkward then her typical cheery voice. It did help the young girl though.

“Where are we?” her voice was a little uneven and filled with fear.

“Well, I’m not exactly sure. I would assume a dungeon of Naraku’s castle,” Kagome was shocked perhaps the child wasn’t as young as she was assuming. Her size suggested six maybe seven but she acted so much older.

“Who are you?” The child was as curious as most her age.

“Kagome. And yours?”

“Rin is called Rin.”

“Alright Rin, are you hungry?” Kagome pulled the tray to her left onto her lap. She grabbed a few items and reached over to Rin’s hands. “Here take this and eat to keep up your strength.” Rin’s hands groped blindly in the dark searching for Kagome’s hands. A moment later Kagome was handing Rin another handful of various scraps. After both of the girls had eaten Kagome pushed the trays away from her and Rin.

“Rin are you injured anywhere?” Kagome worried about her own side and didn’t know what to do if Rin also had an injury that could become infect.


“Okay that’s good. Are you tired?”

“Hai. But is it okay to sleep?”

“Yeah come here I’ll try to keep you warm while you sleep. I don’t want you to get sick from the damp and cold of the room.”

Rin shuffled closer to Kagome and laid her head on Kagome lap. Eventually the room was filled the deep breathing of the small girl. Kagome in the meantime rattled her brain. She had heard the name Rin before but Kagome couldn’t for the life of her remember where. Kagome remembered a picture or image more then a name or number. If she could just see the little one in her arms then she knew she would recognize her. She took Kagome soon after the youngster. Once again images of Inuyasha’s death filled her dream.

Kagome sat at the lake her feet were in the spring chilled water. The full moonlight lit the area nicely so she had no need for light to see. She looked down at her feet in the water to see colourful fish more around her ankles. Before her eyes the water colour swiftly changed from a crystal clear to a crimson red. Kagome took her feet out of the water quickly then wiped them on the grass before running to the forest where Inuyasha disappeared to. For the millionth time Kagome walked through the forest with no light to guide her. But the trees parted until she reached the clearing that Inuyasha laid dead. Her eyes filled once more with tears at the sight. Unlike the last times Kagome could hear a voice on the wind. Something, or someone, was talking to her. Kagome opened her eyes.

“Kagome nee-chan, Kagome nee-chan please wake up!” Small hands grasped Kagome’s shoulders and shook her, trying to wake up the older woman. Rin’s eye were watering in fright, she didn’t know what was wrong with Kagome but she didn’t want anything to happen to her. “Kagome nee-chan!” A few more shakes apparently help wake the girl from her restless slumber.

“Rin, what’s wrong.” Kagome turned her head to the younger girl even though she couldn’t make out facial features and Rin could see her. But showed respect and she had a feeling Rin did the same thing.

“Kagome nee-chan, Rin was worried. You were moaning like you were afraid of something. What is wrong Kagome nee-chan?”

“Nightmares that’s all. Did you sleep well?”

“Hai, Rin slept fine.”

Kagome nodded but then remembered that Rin could not see this. “Good.” She pulled Rin a little closer then lifted a wrist to Rin’s forehead. No fever and her skin felt normal so she safely assumed Rin was in perfect health for now.

“Rin wonders how long have you been here Kagome nee-chan.”

Kagome didn’t know so she was unsure how to answer she thought to say no long at all but didn’t want to lie to the young girl. “I don’t know Rin. A few days at least I guess.”

“Kagome nee-chan has been alone for a long time, it makes Rin sad.”

~How long has she been calling me nee-chan?~ Kagome tried to remember but gave up. “Rin why do you call me nee-chan?”

“You are caring for me and we are in the same...” Rin paused looking for the right word to explain their predicament, “situation. Rin thinks this makes us sisters. But if you don’t...”

“No it’s fine Rin I don’t mind at all,” Kagome smiled in the darkness. She had always wanted a little sister to take care of. However, among these thoughts were Naraku’s words. Perhaps in accepting Rin’s proposal she was using her. It was true Kagome didn’t like being alone but the few days in the dark cell had banished this fear. Now she wasn’t so sure about her acceptance. Was it for the good of the little one curled into Kagome’s side or was it for Kagome’s own selfishness? ~Perhaps both of us are using each other? Rin is looking for me to care for her and I am looking to her to find someone to care for.~ Kagome tried to rationalize her thoughts but these days she was unsure about many things.

“I see you have made yourself comfortable little one,” Kagome pulled Rin as close as possible upon hearing the new unwanted voice in the cell. “It won’t be for long though.”

“Leave her alone Naraku!”

“Ah, attached already? Didn’t you learn your lesson?” the questions sound more like statements.

“I...” Kagome was at a lost for words. On one hand she knew Naraku was right, Kagome feared being useless and alone. But on the other hand the people she depended on also depended on her. But maybe that was what she wanted to believe.

“You what? Do you think it is different this time. My little Miko thought that she could fix things by caring for Sesshomaru’s newest companion in her time of need. That’s sweet of you but it will do nothing. Perhaps you would like to know your companions draw near, but I wonder how much they really care for you. They waited for the half dog to return with his dead whore before they searched for you.”

Kagome closed her eyes she didn’t want to believe Naraku but his words sounded true. It hurt but not as much as she thought it would. “Leave us alone Naraku, you are not wanted here.”

“That may be so, but you have no say in the matter.” Naraku left but not before placing another tray at their feet.

“Are you okay Rin?”

“Rin is fine, but Kagome nee-chan why are we here?”

“I don’t know what Naraku plans with you here Rin.”

“Rin worries for Sesshomaru-sama.”

The vision of a small girl with brown eyes and black hair pulled into a lopsided tail on the top of her head filled Kagome’s mind. This was followed by the image of Sesshomaru’s two head dragon. ~Sesshomaru? That’s were I have seen this girl before.~

“You were the little girl that was riding the two-headed dragon belonging to Sesshomaru. You, and that toad thing that follows Sesshomaru around, tried to steal Inuyasha’s fang.”

“Master Jaken was in trouble. Rin doesn’t want anymore people to die or get hurt.”

“Rin why do you follow Sesshomaru around?” Kagome knew that Sesshomaru hated humans and wondered many times, after seeing Rin for the first time, why a human child would follow the Great Tai-Youkai of the West.

“Sesshomaru-sama saved Rin when Rin died. Wolves attacked Rin’s village where she was left after Rin’s parents were killed.”

It took a few moments to put two and two together. “Sesshomaru used his Tenseiga on you to bring you back. He allows you to follow him?”

“Sesshomaru-sama never said ‘no’ when Rin asked.”

~I guess I can accept that. I mean it always appears that Sesshomaru is taking it easy on Inuyasha. Then, there were those times when Sesshomaru could have killed Inuyasha but didn’t. Maybe, he isn’t as cold hearted as everyone believes?~

“Rin thinks Sesshomaru-sama is very dashing. He saves Rin when Rin is in trouble and teaches Rin.”


“Hai, well Sesshomaru-sama doesn’t teach me, but Sesshomaru-sama has someone teach Rin vocabulary, arts, proper etiquette, geography, history, reading and writing. Right now Rin is suppose to learn proper speech. Sensei says ‘it is improper to refer to one’s self by name all the time, unless to empathize something, like what Sesshomaru-sama does’. But Rin doesn’t understand what this means. Do you Kagome nee-chan?”

Kagome was glad for the talking even if the little one could talk a mile a minute. This would prove better then sitting in the darkness imagining things that are not really there.

“I think I can teach you a little while we are here. You see Rin it is improper to state one’s name the way you are now. Instead of saying Rin is called Rin, you could say I am called Rin, or my name is Rin.”

So the lesson progressed for the next few hours until both of the girls we in need of food and sleep.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

The next few days were a killer. Kagome had learned many things, almost all at once. The first was that her side was differently infected. The second was Rin was sick, and Kagome could only hope that she didn’t have pneumonia. The third was that Rin was here for half the time that Kagome was and the Rin’s companions were also closer. Naraku had slipped this information to them but Kagome was unaware whether this was purposeful or accidental. Kagome figured that Rin had been here for approximately five or so days. This of course meant that Kagome had been here for around 10 days. Her wound was drawing a lot of strength from her. Plus she had a young sick child to care for. It was getting harder to care for both of them on their own. On top of it all the ration of water had to be split for drink and healing. With her Miko training Kagome was well aware of how to care for the sick and injuried but the water they were getting was not enough to care for both girls. So Kagome used most of it on Rin to bring down her fever and keep her liquids up. The water she allowed her self was no more then a few sips. At this point Kagome didn’t care what happened to herself as long as Rin made it through. She had grown attached to the little girl and thought the world of her.

Kagome hadn’t slept at all since Rin’s breathing had gotten worst. She had long ago given up her dignity to turn the towel into strips of cloth. One of these strips laid on Rin’s forehead as an attempt to keep her body temperature down. Kagome remembered reading in one of her text books that it was deadly if a person’s body temperature became too high. She couldn’t remember the exact details but those didn’t matter right now. Another strip was dabbing at her sweat covered face. Kagome continuously wiped the child face with the cloth catching the sweat rolling off her brow. Another was across Kagome’s arm holding the child’s head in place. This cloth was also catching sweat, but from the back of her neck.

Kagome had taken some time to wrap a piece of the towel around her injured side before placing the child in her lap. The pressure on the towel kept some of her own pain at bay so she could concentrate on caring for Rin. Kagome was at a loss. She wasn’t sure what else she could do at the moment. Rin moaned a little in her constant slumber. She hadn’t woken up for at least a day now. This scared Kagome even more.

Each hour they were stuck down here Kagome’s hope lessened. She was beginning to believe that Inuyasha wouldn’t come after all. Nevertheless, there was no way Kagome could get out of this situation on her own. A few times she wondered if Sesshomaru would come and perhaps as a thank-you for caring for his ward he would release her too. But then again there was the chance that he wouldn’t come knowing it was a trap. Maybe, he didn’t care for his ward as much as she believed and she feared for Rin if this was so. Still, even in her head she didn’t think this was possible. But only time would tell and this was another issue all on it own.

If Rin didn’t get proper treatment and soon the she would surely die. If Kagome had the proper tools, herbs, and water she knew she could save Rin. Time was growing short and Kagome was scared out of her mind of the outcome. Rin’s breathing grew a little heavier. Kagome’s hand on Rin’s back vibrated with each inhale. Kagome knew at that moment Rin’s health had taken a turn for the worst. Not many people in the feudal era could live through pneumonia.

“Please, Kami, I beg you, to let this child live.”

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Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008