InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Five: It's for the Best! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer: The men, wearing black suits, in front of my bedroom door say I am required to tell you: I do not own Inuyasha.
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Scroll 5 -It’s for the Best!!

The meeting? Well, let’s just leave it at: things went as well as they could. For the most part, Sesshomaru ignored everything Inuyasha had to say. He had turned his back to the scene but could still hear everything that occurred. His vision would glance backwards at times to catch some of the movement between the miko and hanyou.

Listening to the words that spewed from his half brother gave Sesshomaru a very unsettling feeling. He spent his effort holding himself in one spot, preventing him from snapping the hanyou’s neck in two, each time ‘bitch’ or ‘wench’ slid off his tongue. He was highly amused when Kagome ‘sat’ Inuyasha a couple dozen times. Each time Inuyasha’s face was reintroduced to the earth’s face until there was a nicely shaped Inuyasha crater a few feet deep.

Sesshomaru had to admit the woman he had first met was growing and wasn’t one to let another step all over her. It might have been interesting had she continued to travel in his group. But, then again, she made him think too much. His mind had awakened after years of hibernation. This would not do. The miko’s leave of absence would help him go back to the peaceful settings he enjoyed.

Inuyasha now slept in the crater Kagome had created for him. By this time, the taijiya, kitsune, and the nekomata had made it to the small gathering. Kagome smiled to them and waved before turning to Rin, who was watching the events while sitting on Ah-Un. With the goodbye’s now in order, Kagome was feeling dreadful.

Rin and Kagome were in front of the two headed dragon, Kagome kneeling before the small girl. The older girl was having difficult time saying goodbye and it only got harder when a very upset Rin started to cry.

“Rin-chan,“ Kagome asked softly. “What’s the matter?”

The young child sniffed a bit. “I’m fearful that you’re leaving for good and won’t come visit me ever again.” She looked at the ground, not wanting to say goodbye to her new-found sister.

“Oh, Rin-chan, you silly thing. Of course I’m not going to leave you forever! I’ll come visit as often as I can. In fact, I promise the next time I visit I’ll bring a present for you. A present from my time,” Kagome said, a broad smile on her face. She gently ran her hand down the back of the smaller girl’s head in a comforting gesture.

An enormous smile spread across Rin’s face. “That sounds wonderful! Oh I’m so excited!“ Kagome never broke a promise to Rin. They were both free of Naraku and alive. Kagome had bathed with Rin every night after the first. Kagome had picked flowers and made the chains she had promised to make. Kagome even taught Rin how to make the floral chains. So Rin believed everything Kagome said to her. With the promise of meeting the next time the two Inu brothers confronted each other Rin hugged Kagome then kissed her on the cheek.

“I’ll be waiting for you, nee-chan.” Rin whispered in her ear. This of course, did not go unheard by Sesshomaru and he could only imagine how long it would take before Rin was begging to see her ‘nee-chan’.

~I am becoming too soft. There was a time when humans feared me, like those two on the sidelines, now I have both a human child and woman scheming.~ Sesshomaru growled. Then he realized he was doing that more often too. ~Damn it!~

He was so deep in thought he almost didn’t realize that the miko was now making her way towards him. After creating a path to his side, she waited to see if he would acknowledge her. He turned his eyes from the view of the forest he would be travelling through soon, to the miko. She picked up on the gesture and the acceptance in his eyes. She bowed her head in respect for the demon that had saved her life.

“I cannot begin to express my gratitude for what you have done for me,” she said softly, her voice lowered to accommodate for his ears. She looked up at him through lowered lashes to see him still looking at her.


After spending so much time with him she was being to decipher the meaning behind each ‘hn’. Like now it was more of an ‘I acknowledge what you are saying’. Although, she had to admit she had hoped he would say ‘you’re welcome’.

“Thank-you Sesshomaru, for your help and the beautiful kimono.” Kagome didn’t expect a reply.

“You helped my ward. I was in your debt. Consider ourselves even.”

Kagome nodded. He must have been speaking about some of the traditions and laws that higher status youkai followed. Sango had begun to teach her a little of what humans knew. Thankfully the demon exterminator knew more than the average human of this era.

So that was that. With nothing more to say she bowed her head again and turned to continue to her group. Inuyasha, with his ever perfect timing, was now beginning to stir.

“Jaken, Rin, we are leaving now.” Sesshomaru’s voice did not seem as sharp as it once was. Kagome had a feeling it was the same as it always and only beginning to sound different to her. She didn’t fully understand the Tai-Youkai, but she was starting to.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome dreaded the night to come and for good reason. Inuyasha held his questions until he led them to an area to camp. The priestess fed the weary travellers and by the time she was ready to sit down and eat herself, she was exhausted. Sesshomaru had made her take it easy while in his company. That, and he had given Kagome no choice but to ride Ah-Un if they were not stopped for the night or an afternoon break. Walking so much was making her sore. She found herself grateful to her previous travelling companions. Sesshomaru had taken care of her, although Kagome was certain he was glad to be rid of her.

“Inuyasha, is there hot spring near by?”

“I don’t think so wench. You aren’t going anywhere until you tell me, in full detail, what happened,” he growled. He was still unsure about what all went on when she was in his half-brother’s company.

Kagome sighed with frustration. Inuyasha ears flattened as he feared the worst. Fortunately for him, Kagome forgave him a bit. After all, he did have some right to know. But he wasn’t getting off so easily.

“Fine, what do you want to know?” she snapped wearily.

“Everything. What happened? Where’s Naraku? Why are you with my brother? And why are you so cuddly with his brat?” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her, waiting for her explanation.

Sango and Miroku were curious too, however, they would have taken a better approach then Inuyasha’s. Shippou sat peacefully in Kagome’s lap. He was very content to have his okaa-san back and even more overjoyed that nothing had happened to her. It was strange to smell a new scent mixed with hers. He assumed it was from the little girl she was hugging and holding when the group had found her.

“Naraku was the one to kidnap me, Inuyasha. It was not Sesshomaru like you were accusing earlier.” Kagome began the difficult task of retelling what had occurred after Inuyasha left to find Kikyou. She explained her prison and how she had met Rin. Next was each rescue. She recited how Sesshomaru found them but Rin as sick. Therefore, Kagome had helped Rin in return. Last, but not least, Kagome stated she too was injured and Sesshomaru had saved her.

After the long explanation of the account, Kagome carried on to ask questions of her own. Inuyasha stopped her yet again. “What about the funny clothing? Where is the normal stuff you wear?”

“I ... uh... well I was wearing my clothes up until the time I helped Rin the night after our escape. I was unconscious for a while and when I woke up Sesshomaru mentioned that Naraku’s stench was in the clothing. He had Jaken retrieve some new articles for us in a nearby village.” As far as Kagome was concerned, Inuyasha didn’t need to know that her own clothing before was a towel and that at one point Sesshomaru had lent her his haori. Demon villages were probably out of the question as well.

“Feh... you look ridiculous.” Inuyasha turned his nose up. His remark slightly hurt Kagome but then she thought better of it. She didn’t like him in the least now, so why would it matter?

“Who cares what you think Inuyasha? I like it.” Kagome turned up her own nose.

“I think it looks very nice okaa-san. It makes you look like a princess.” Kagome looked down to the little youkai in her lap. His face was tilted upwards to stare at her. He was waiting for the little praise he would get from her.

“Thank-you Shippou. You’re so sweet.” She hugged him softly, planting a light kiss on the crown of his head. ~Inuyasha could learn a thing or two from him.~

Sango and Miroku put in their two cents agreeing that she indeed looked beautiful in her new kimono. Miroku, who never learned from his past transgressions, tried the whole ‘my hand is cursed’ thing. He was stopped dead in his tracks as the hiraikotsu was brought down on his head. This was followed by ‘hentai’ from both women.

“Kagome, there is a hot spring nearby. Would you care to join me?“ Sango offered, remembering Kagome’s earlier question.

“Yes, Sango, I do believe I would love to join you.” She stood, placing the kit on the ground before gathering her bathing supplies and weapons. Kagome would question Sango about their whereabouts. At least she could trust the woman’s word over Inuyasha’s right now.

“Shippou watch them all right?” Shippou nodded to his mother.

Once at the hot spring both of them stripped. Sango was quicker since she was not suffering from any injury. She also didn’t have to take off foreign clothing she was not accustomed to. It was then that Sango got a first glimpse at the wrappings of Kagome’s wound. Sango watched as the girl took the bandage off, slowly unraveling it from her thin waist. Thinner then she remembered. Kagome had lost a lot of weight. The wound didn’t look as bad as it did once. Kagome knew this but Sango didn’t so Kagome was not shocked to hear a gasp come from her best friend.

“Don’t worry it feels much better.”

“But...the color and ...”

“Sesshomaru-sama was kind enough to save me from anything serious due to the infection. I feel much better now then I did before. There is only a little bit more of the infection to fight off. I will be fine. Really, Sango, I am doing well compared to how I was a few days ago.”

“Naraku did this?” Sango was now sitting beside Kagome who had gotten into the spring.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know where I got the injury. I assume it was from Naraku, though. I didn’t have it when I came back to the camp but I did when I woke in the cell. It wasn’t that bad until it got infected. It became worse when Rin was ill.”

“You took care of Rin before you took care of yourself didn’t you?” Sango knew her friend all to well. Kagome would think of others before herself.

“She is a child and deserves the right to have a chance at living.”

“I am glad you are okay. Your methods should change a little but you’re alive. For that I am very thankful to Sesshomaru.” Sango pulled Kagome into a hug. “So why -sama? I mean before you use to just call him Sesshomaru.”

“Well... I guess I respect him for what he has done.” Kagome couldn’t explain why she picked up adding the title to Sesshomaru’s name. Her concern was more on other issues at hand. It wasn’t the time for her to ponder this. “It’s my turn now. What took you guys so long? I was gone for more than two weeks.”

Sango was very uncomfortable. She was hoping Kagome would accept the fact that it took time to find a person. However, she had decided that she would not lie if her friend questioned her. It was her right to know why her friends had let her down.

“Kagome, I love you. Please remember that because you might not like what I say. Just remember that I had little choice in the matter for obvious reasons. I don’t want to make excuses.”

Kagome nodded, a little anxious about what was to come. “I will not hold any grudge against you if it is not your fault.”

This restored little confidence in Sango. The way things had happened was very unlucky for their part. Sango began her tale from the time just after Kagome had been kidnapped.

“Shippou was the first to awake and realize you were gone...”


“Sango, Miroku, Kirara, are you okay?” Shippou shook Sango until her eyelids fluttered with the movement of her eyes underneath. He proceeded to do the same with the other human of the group and then the nekomata. “Okaa-san is gone, we have to go get her. I think Naraku took her.”

“Shippou what are you talking about?” Sango was having a hard time focusing on the little kitsune in front of her. A rush of memories reminded her of what had happened moments ago. She looked to the sky to find out that the sun was just passed its zenith. They had been unconscious for a while. Sango feared the worst. Naraku could have killed Kagome by now.

“We have to go look for her.” Sango looked over to Miroku, he was still unconscious. “Come on Shippou, I need your help.”

Shippou went to a nearby river to get some water. He brought back the small cup and poured it on Miroku’s face. The houshi awoke immediately only to be told of the situation at hand.

“Well, what are we waiting for? I have never been one to leave a maiden in distress.”

“But, Inuyasha hasn’t returned yet.” Shippou pointed out.

“He’s right, Miroku, Inuyasha must be still looking for Kikyou.” Sango was frustrated and her fury was growing by the second. She was scared but wouldn’t show it. Hopefully Kagome would be okay alone, for a little while. “We need to look for clues. Let’s see if we can find out where Naraku took off to.”

The three located Kagome’s bag by the spring. They were unable to find neither hide nor hare of Naraku’s trail. His scent filled the area of the small battlefield but nothing else. Shippou offered a few options. The best was after capturing Kagome he took to the sky. They had spent the rest of the day and all through the night looking for any sign of Kagome, Naraku, or Inuyasha but found none. So they retraced their tracks to head to the nearest village they group had pass less then a day ago.

Three days passed. Sango cried herself to sleep each night by herself. She couldn’t imagine Kagome living through whatever Naraku has been putting her through. That was if Kagome was still alive. But Sango could only hope she was. Each night she cursed herself for not paying more attention to the surroundings then the lecherous monk that had been trying to grope her at the time.

At the end of the sixth day Inuyasha found Sango and Miroku on the outskirts of a fourth village. This one was abandon, serving no purpose to the huntress and houshi.

“Damn it, Miroku, this is a waste of time.”

“Ah but look, my dear Sango, our fellow companion as returned to us.”

“Inuyasha where have you been?” Sango’s hope revived a little. At least with Inuyasha nose they could try and cover some ground tonight.

“That is none of your business.” Inuyasha answered.

Sango, who had been hoping to travel through the night had forgotten about the moon and as the sun set Inuyasha changed into his human form. They had no choice but to hide within the abandon village until the sun rose the next morning. Meanwhile, Sango explained to Inuyasha what had happened.

“Feh, if Kikyou was here, she wouldn’t have allowed herself to get captured.”

“Inuyasha, you beast!” Sango couldn’t handle the insults any longer and ran to spend the night in another house by herself.

The started out the next morning. All three were unaware that they were heading in the wrong direction. Shippou had taken Kirara to ask Kaede if she had heard anything. Hopefully they would be back by the end of the day or early tomorrow. That night, while all were sleeping, Inuyasha slipped away.

Sango couldn’t sleep, constantly waking from nightmares. She didn’t want to stop but Inuyasha had insisted. The next morning as the sun rose Inuyasha returned without a word to the woman sitting under the tree glaring at his figure as he approached.

They continued their search in silence. By the ninth day Shippou and Kirara had returned. The news they were given was heartbreaking to Sango. The group turned around and headed in the opposite direction. ~Kagome I am so sorry.~


“Kagome I am so sorry. I know that doesn’t justify anything but I am very sorry. Please forgive me.” Sango cried harder but Kagome didn’t understand what was to be forgiven. They had made a mistake and looked in the wrong direction. It couldn’t be helped.

“By the time we made it to where Naraku’s castle once resided your scent was gone. We thought you were dead.”

“Sango it isn’t your fault. You tried your hardest with what was given to you. I think you are looking too much into this and putting too much blame on yourself. If anything it was Inuyasha’s fault.”

“But Kagome, I gave up after that. As did everyone else. It wasn’t until a while later, when Inuyasha caught Sesshomaru’s scent mixed with yours, that we even began to look again.”

Kagome held the older crying woman closer to her. “I might have thought the same thing.”

Sango shook her head. “That’s not all. I really don’t want to hurt you. I know how much you hate her...”

“Just tell me.”

“Inuyasha had Kikyou traveling with us for a time after we found Naraku’s castle. Inuyasha said something like ‘since my jewel detector is dead, we need to rearrange our traveling organization’.”

“Where is she now?”

“I don’t know but I don’t think she is very far.”

Kagome nodded. She didn’t hate Kikyou or Inuyasha. It didn’t hurt her as much as she thought. Her mind went back to Sesshomaru and she wondered why that was.

The young women finished their bath. Sango helped Kagome dress her wounded side, then dress back into the kimono. After they were done, they walked slowly back to camp. As they came to the small forest clearing they were to take up residence for the night, Kagome noticed a new figure sitting at the fire. Kikyou.

“Good evening.” Kagome looked to Kikyou who never replied.

Sango help Kagome sit before following suit. Shippou made his way to Kagome’s lap while Kirara slept soundly in Sango’s. Miroku sat under a tree and it looked like he was ‘meditating’. Both girls stayed conscious of his position waiting to see if he would pull off any of his ‘sneaky’ shambling. Inuyasha was no where in sight until Kagome noticed movement in the trees.

Suddenly the jewel shards came into her mind and she gasped.

“Sango can you hand me my backpack?” Sango nodded and reached to grab the handles to tug it closer.

“They aren’t there!” Inuyasha shouted from his treetop. “Kikyou will hold on to them since you are not capable of staying out of trouble.”

Kagome didn’t say anything at all. Instead she pulled her sleeping bag out of the knapsack and got in for bed. Shippou curled up closer to her as if afraid she may vanish in the middle of the night.

“Goodnight.” She whispered to her adopted son.

“Goodnight okaa-san.”

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

The next morning a foot kicked her side. The pain shot from her side to her spine and spread up. It wasn’t as bad as some things she had experienced. Still, along with the shock and being wakened roughly she couldn’t help but scream out.

“Ow. Fucking wench, those are my ears you are hurting.”

“Inuyasha, that hurt. Why did you have to kick me?”

“Feh, you weren’t waking up. We’re leaving.”

“Okay give me a minute.”

“Hurry up.”

Kagome lay still for a brief moment to let the pain die down. When she sat up slowly she came face to face with Sango who didn’t seem to know what had just occurred.

“Kagome what happened?”

“Nothing, I am fine.”

“What did Inuyasha do? I heard you scream.”

“Well, he forgot I was still injured.” Kagome smiled hoping that Sango wouldn’t see the falseness. It was true she was fine but she was tired of Inuyasha and worse, Inuyasha’s attitude.

“That baka. Come on let’s go. You can ride on Kirara with me until you are better.”

“Thank you Sango.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

Kagome didn’t like that comment. It sounded like Sango was still blaming herself. Kagome needed to make a list of things to do.

First: make Sango feel better.
Second: go home and get presents for Rin, Jaken, and Sesshomaru as well as supplies for her.
Third: find Sesshomaru and his companions.

The first and second would probably be harder to do then the last. Especially since they were all heading in the same direction. They were bound to run into Sesshomaru’s group eventually.

“Inuyasha, when are we heading back to Kaede’s?” Kagome asked.

“Why?” Inuyasha snipped.

“I want to go home for a little while.” the young priestess replied. Really, it wasn’t that difficult to figure out. Kaede’s meant the well and the well meant home. See, easy as 1, 2, 3.


Oh no he just didn‘t! Her right eyebrow twitched and she willed herself to calm down. “Inuyasha, I haven’t been home in a while.” It was perfectly clear that she needed time to herself.

The hanyou crossed his arms over his chest in a huff. No way was she going home when he just got her back. “Feh, we have to get the jewel shards before Naraku.”

“We need supplies to continue traveling.” There, another perfectly reasonable excuse. Surely he would see the light. Right?

“I said no, bitch.” Apparently not.

“Why do you need me when you have Kikyou?” The question was said in an innocent tone of voice, but the undercurrents of her voice--too smooth--set the half-dog on edge.

“It is my decision when a person can come and go. You will not question it.”

Okay, enough was enough. It was time to play dirty. “Inuyasha you’re running low on ramen.”

“Fine, go home. I don’t care anyway.”

Kagome smirked triumphantly. ~And the miko wins again…correction, and the pure miko wins again.~
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Ja ne
angelic memories
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