InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Six: Some Things that go Unnoticed... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I will be using the Japanese names of objects and people/things. In case you are not familiar with them I will give you a legend beforehand.

DokksouOne of Sesshomaru’s Toxic Poison attacks
Sainiyoushou - Hell Wasps *the poisonous insects that do Naraku’s bidding*
Shichinintai - Band of Seven
Shinidamachu - soul stealers
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Disclaimer: I had a dream... a dream where they were all mine. But it was only a dream. In reality I don’t own Inuyasha.
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Scroll 6 - Some Things That Go Unnoticed...

It had been three months. Three long, hard, terrible months. Kagome frequently found herself wondering at night why she didn’t just leave Inuyasha and travel with Sesshomaru. Inuyasha now had Kikyou to help him find the jewel shards right? Besides, the way things were going, Kagome was sure there were no more jewel shards and any that were left would be discovered by chance.

So, if she ran away, and say, went back to Sesshomaru and Rin, then it wouldn’t matter. But she was never one for running away from her problems. Sesshomaru would probably send her back too. Moreover, Kagome had her adopted son to take care of and she was now more reluctant then ever to leave him with Inuyasha. Inuyasha had taken to beating the little fox demon as much as possible now. Anything that happened was the fault of someone other then his.

Kagome also had a hard time healing when she started traveling with the group again. It wasn’t until the end of the first month that she could say she was completely healed. Only Sango knew this since she was the one Kagome bathed with. Shippou was bright but Kagome used every trick in the book to keep her secrets hidden when she needed to.

She had gone home as soon as possible and returned with more items then intended. She brought many things for Rin to show the girl of the her time. Kagome felt bad that she would never be able to bring the little girl-child to her time. It was her plan to make up for it with the presents she had. Unfortunately, Kagome may have gone a little over board. Most of what she brought back was kept in a small hut that Kaede and the villagers had surprised her with.

As a miko, Kagome had the right to have her own quarters. So, she started to stock pile supplies. This would help the villagers incase anything stopped her from coming back to the past.

The many shelves and cabinets that Kagome helped create were filled with supplies from the future. Just slightly modified. She didn’t want to leave containers in the past that did not belong for fear of changing the time line. Instead, she filled the supplies in labeled biodegradable storage containers. Even the food wasn’t left in its original packaging unless she could burn it and leave no trace.

Kagome had trouble finding something for Sesshomaru. There was also the problem of acceptance. She was sure that Sesshomaru would say something along the lines of ‘anything made by a human would never interest this Sesshomaru’. This made her more than a little nervous about giving him something. What if he saw it as an insult? She was going to have to, somehow, work up the nerve.

Jaken was also a little difficult. She wasn’t going to give the insulting toad anything at first but Rin adored him.

Time was not on her side and, as much as she hated to leave all the many items she had gotten behind, she had no choice. Kagome couldn’’t carry it all but did manage to pack a few things in her pack. Now that Inuyasha was pushing them to Mount Hakurei she wasn’t sure what she should have brought but she had made a promise to the little girl. Kagome had not seen Rin since the day she had left. Although, they were bound to meet up eventually.

Mount Hakurei was the area that Naraku was last seen traveling to and now there was a strange barrier found around the mountain. This explained why no one could feel Naraku’s evil aura lately, he must have been hiding within Mount Hakurei’s barrier.

But how did he survive it? There were rumors that all demons had difficulties whenever they got close to the barrier. Kagome worried for the two demons in the group. Kirara and Shippou were strong but not that strong. If the barrier could pull an average demon to his feet then that would mean that a small kitsune and nekomata probably didn’t stand a chance.

“Okaa-san are you asleep?” Shippou was curled up next to Kagome’s chest.

“Hai,” Kagome answered, making sure both she and Shippou kept their voices low.

“Then how did you answer?”

“I’m your okaa-san I can do anything.”

Shippou giggled trying to muffle the sound with his hand and Kagome’s chest. Kagome smiled in response.

“It’s time to go to sleep Shippou.”

“But I can’t.””

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“I’m not feeling well. I’m really tired but not sleepy tired.” Even this far away Shippou was beginning to feel the effect of the barrier.

“I will hum you a lullaby. Will that help?”

Shippou nodded, curling deeper into her chest once more. He would have to tell her one day that her hummed songs sounded like a purr or a low growl that would calm any demon. He wondered if it had always been that way or maybe his okaa-san was changing. He banished this thought from his head. As much as he hated it, his okaa-san was human. It was not because she was human that he hated her but because she was mortal. A mortal was one who could die, meaning he would lose her all too soon.

Shippou was reluctantly lulled to sleep. Kagome watched over him for a while before she let her mind slip into thought once more. A few things since the incident with Naraku unnerved her. Her eyes had changes. It was very slight at first progressing slowly from the sapphires they once were. No one noticed, yet, but Kagome did the last time she was home which was two weeks ago. That was when she had looked into a mirror.

During that visit she had discovered not only had her eyes changed but her very life. She had found her family home completely empty with no note. So she waited, one day turned to two. Kagome was very anxious. There was no phone connection, no power, but everything else was fine. The next morning she went to a friend’s house only to find out the worst news ever. Her okaa-san and jii-san were dead. Souta was in foster care temporarily and if it were not for a friend, Yuki, she would never have found him.

A while back Kagome had made the choice to drop out of school and told everyone she was in boarding school in America. They, being her friends, all believed her of course. When Kagome came around asking what had happened they were not surprised. They knew that there was little contact going on between the family according to Kagome’s brother.

Souta was fine, though. He said he was doing better each day and would soon be moving to live with relatives. Kagome was having a hard time deciding what to do. She ran back through the time portal and had cried her eyes out that night under the tree of ages, then returned to her time to buy as much as possible in hopes of not having to return for a while.

Souta told her he didn’t mind if she didn’t come back but she didn’t want that. Souta depended on her more then anyone else. What would he do when she was gone? Their relatives were not the caring type either. She feared for him being on his own with relatives they barely knew. She had to do something but no one knew of this new situation yet. She was seventeen now almost eighteen and that would mean she would be able to take over the family shrine on her own. Souta had said that his social worker would not allow Kagome to care for Souta after her birthday. There were issues with income and health. According to the worker, Kagome was not suited for caring after her little brother and it was in the child’s best interest that he stayed where he was.

Kagome never uttered a single word about the problems of her time to her friends. They wouldn’t be able to help, it was out of their hands. Besides, she would only make them worry about needless things that did not concern them. Sometimes Kagome couldn’t help but wish to have something good happen to her, just once.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

The next few days prove that the rumors were true. The barrier around Mount Hakurei definitely affected demons. Shippou was being carried more and more by Kagome the closer they got to the mountain. Kirara stopped transforming and she too had to be carried. Inuyasha wouldn’t say anything but he was slowly decreasing his speed. More often than not, Inuyasha would be walking behind the humans instead of leading them.

Kikyou was apparently affected too, for she was constantly vanishing. One time Kagome was able to slip away to follow her in order to see what the dead priestess what doing. She watched as Kikyou entered a small clearing where her Shinidamachu waited for her and then fed her now nightly meal of souls.

One night Kikyou didn’t return to the group, Inuyasha went looking for her. The next morning, Kikyou returned but Inuyasha didn’t. The group became nervous and went looking for him. After an hour of searching, they heard Inuyasha’s famous battle cry and ran towards the direction it came from to see what was going on. A very girl-like man seemed to be hitting on Inuyasha who was wildly swinging his Tetsusaiga, as usual. Kagome was able to determine that the new opponent was part of the Shichinintai they had heard of.

“Inuyasha watch out. He has a jewel shard!!” Kagome screamed out her warning to the hanyou. She wondered why Kikyou did not warn her lover each time they came across a jewel shard. Unfortunately, for the past three months, they had all been presents from Naraku whose Saimyoushou would always seize the shard quickly after the monster carrying the shard was destroyed.

“That explains why he smells like corpse and graveyard soil.” Inuyasha shouted back. “This baka is a weakling!!!”

“My name is Jakotsu and I assure you, I am no weakling.”

The battle continued. Kikyou left and only Kagome seemed to notice. Her attention went back to the fight but all went black. Mukotsu, another member of the Shichinintai, used his poison to knock out Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippou and Kirara. Inuyasha continued to battle Jakotsu until the feminine male ran, commenting he would be back. Inuyasha was too far away to help the others, though. As Mukotsu concocted another type of poison Kagome opened her sleepy eyes. She was sure that her luck had run out as she listened the poison specialist explain his deadly plan.

Consequentially, Sesshomaru happened to pick up the scent of the miko. Against his better judgment, Sesshomaru chose to see what was going on. The miko had not seen him in three months. What she didn’t know was that he had watched her.

He had watched over her in a sense and did not like the way Inuyasha was treating her. This was none of his concern. If she did nothing about it then why should he? She was purposely putting herself in that type of environment on her own. He also saw the miko grow in power and grace through her training. She had long ago surpassed that of the dead miko.

He noticed the things that others did not. The change of her eye color from blue to green. The change of her heart beat and he was sure that she could see better. The only reason he had for checking on the miko was he had given her demon blood to heal. This normally had effects on humans in one form or another, even in small amounts.

In four visits he was able to tell that she would only have small changes. Nothing life threatening and most of it could be explained through her past experiences. But on his fourth visit he had found her in Inuyasha’s forest alone crying her eyes out. She mumbled a few apologies between her tears and the salt liquid she shed cause him to growl. It irritated him to no end but it didn’t last long as he watched her get up, walk away and then jump into the well once more. He stood over the rim of the well and when he did not see the girl or smell her, he knew this was the evidence to prove her story was the truth.

Sesshomaru had found that it was easier to not think when she wasn’t around but his beast was always uneasy recently. Her image would haunt him every once in a while and he found that he missed Rin and the woman giggling in the morning. At the present moment, he was worried and he hated that he was feeling these things. He allowed the fragrance of the environment fill his nose. A hut in the distance was the location of the miko with her friends and a foul dead odor.

He entered the hut. The one known as Mukotsu took notice of the new visitor, turned, and threw a ball of poison at Sesshomaru, who waved it away with ease. The dead human begged for his life apologizing to the Tai-Youkai while preparing a stronger dose of poison behind his back.

Sesshomaru resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow in question. Did the human thing he was blind? He could see the slight motion of the baka’s arm and smell the mixture as it was being made. Sesshomaru would finish him off after the fool realized his poison would have no effect on a full-blooded Inu Youkai. Mukotsu made his move Sesshomaru blasted through the silly ball of cloud before drawing out his own poison in his claws. Using his Dokkasou, Sesshomaru finished the un-human in one swipe of his claws.

Kagome watched as all the events unraveled. It would appear that she was now in Sesshomaru’s debt once again. Attempting to move was a bad idea as it made her head spin. Nothing wanted to work; the poison Mukotsu had used to put the five companions in their sleep also paralyzed them.

“You cannot move but you can talk. Where is Naraku?”

Kagome wondered if this was the reason he saved them. ~It’s not like there would be any other reason.~

“Hiding,” Kagome thought about not telling him. Inuyasha wouldn’t like the idea of Kagome giving out information to Sesshomaru but she also knew that if anyone had a chance against Naraku, it would be the Killing Perfection. “The mountain, Mount Hakurei, has a barrier. We think he is there.”

“Hn.” Sesshomaru turned to leave.

“Wait!” Kagome struggled and managed to sit. “Rin, is she okay? I have a few things, presents and such, for her. Ah...will you find after this is over so I can give her a couple of things?”

“Hn.” Sesshomaru knew that was coming. Rin frequently asked when they would see her ‘nee-chan’ again. At least this gave another reason to give in. No one would have to know that he wanted to see the miko and his ward interacting with each other as they had before. He found them both amusing when they were together no matter how much trouble they got into. That and he was curious about the objects of her time. How much could the world change in 500 years? Sesshomaru left the hut to return to his camp where Rin and Jaken waited but would not tell the small child of anything yet.

Kagome waited inside of the hut for Miroku and Sango to awaken. Sesshomaru knew they were fine but it would seem that the blood he gave the miko was also helping improve her immune system. Poisons and potions would not have too large of a damaging effect on her anymore. Her friends would not wake up for some time; he knew this and almost stayed to watch over them. Almost. Inuyasha’’s scent was heading towards them and, seeing that Sesshomaru was in no mood for a confrontation, he left. There were other things he had to deal with.

Like his score he wanted to resolve with Naraku

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

“I don’t believe you. That bastard must have wanted something more then information on Naraku’’s location.” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her, suspicion evident in every line of his face.

“Oh, I see. Well I don’t care anymore. I am not explaining it over and over,” Kagome huffed, turning around and crossing her arms over her chest. No matter what she said, that stupid, pigheaded Inuyasha constantly insisted that there was something more behind Sesshomaru “saving” her from Mukotsu. Jerk. Every little thing he said, or rather, didn’t say, insinuated that she was somehow “involved” with his elder half brother.

“Listen here, bitch, and listen carefully,”” Inuyasha snarled. “I want you to tell me what happened. Why was my baka half brother here?”

“Inuyasha! Sit!!” Kagome was going insane. Inuyasha wasn’t listening to a word she said. Tired of looking at the silver haired hanyou she turned and watched the exterminator and monk wake up from their poison induced slumber. Shippou and Kirara had awoken a while ago but, due to the impact of the barrier on them, they were sound asleep in her lap.

When Inuyasha recovered from his ‘punishment’ he told everyone they were leaving. Kagome looked attentively at Inuyasha. He was slower the normal, meaning was also feeling the effects of the barrier more.

“Come on wench, you’re holding us up.” Inuyasha didn’t even spare a glance backwards.

“Yeah, yeah I’m coming.”” Kagome mumbled under her breath, “Slave-driving bastard.””

“What did you say?” Inuyasha asked, turning around and once more narrowing his eyes on her.

“Nothing,” Kagome said dismissively, giving him a flippant wave of her hand before continuing to walk.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Somewhere along the way she had gotten separated. She didn’t even know where she was any longer. All she knew was Sango and Miroku had gone through the barrier to check things out. Then Inuyasha had smelled Koga, urging him to check things out.

Inuyasha’s reason was he wanted the jewel shards and it would do no good to have Koga lose his in battle. Upon arriving at the battle field, Kagome realized Koga was severely injured. He needed help so she had Inuyasha carry him off to a cave. That was when another one of the members of the Shichinintai attacked them, filling the near by river with enough oil to light it on fire. One fiery battle later proved Inuyasha to be the victor. Koga and his two followers left, leaving Kagome to travel once more with Inuyasha.

They were supposed to be finding their way back to where Shippou and Kirara were hiding but Kagome got lost, in a sense. A heavy fog set in covering the entire area and Kagome couldn’t see where she was going. This made it hard to see after a while for Inuyasha was just too fast to keep up with. Kagome had to watch her feet to make sure she wasn’t going to trip and fall but also see which direction Inuyasha was heading.

That and she was regretting packing so much. The bag on her shoulders was getting heavy. There was no way she was going to carry it for any longer. They could retrieve it in the daylight hours. Kagome let the bag fall to her feet with a heavy thud. Her back now straighten after eliminating the heavy load. Kagome looked about and picked a direction to set out on her mission once more.

Something tugged at her to follow the direction to her right so she did. No reason involved at all. She was only hoping to make it back to her kit soon. The sight that she came to was not what she had expected. Rin was being held captive in the arm of the doctor that changed from good to evil, Suikotsu. Sesshomaru, meanwhile, was in battle with Jakotsu. Sesshomaru was slower then he usually was but he never let it show. His opponents figured this out though since Sesshomaru had been attempting to guide them away from the barrier. Jakotsu ordered his partner not to move away from the spot where he held Rin.

Still, even though he was up against the worst odds, Sesshomaru fought on for his human ward and he had sustained a small injury while pulling off his next stunt. Toukijin was in his hand one second but not the next. Kagome looked as he threw the sword at the one holding Rin captive. His aim was perfect. But his target was already dead. Kagome had to act while they were still unaware of her presence.

Her training for the past three months had increased her ability slightly. She notched an arrow let the previously pink but now a purplish blue glow of her power flow through and released. It was perfect. For once nothing went wrong. Kagome watched as the arrow hit the shard in Suikotsu’s neck. She didn’t see as her purifying arrow did its job and vanquished the pollution of the shard. Sesshomaru’s shock face went unnoticed and his shocked enemies as well. Kagome ran. Rin was released from the grasp of her captor and Kagome ran to her. She didn’t care about anything else but the safety of the small child who had helped her, who had saved her from the darkness.

“Rin, are you okay?” Kagome grabbed the girl into her arms and picked her up. “Come on, we have to get out of here. Sesshomaru-sama doesn’t need to worry about us.”

Rin nodded, “Hai,”

Kagome retreated to the sidelines with the girl still in her arms. She didn’t know that, by this time, Sesshomaru had used his enemy’s weak point to his advantage. Sesshomaru didn’t let his face show any emotion for more then a second. His opponent did. The battle would have been easy if he didn’t have to worry about Rin’s welfare but he confided in himself that the miko’s timing was fortunate and proved useful for his own benefits. The miko turned to face Sesshomaru her eyes were now completely green and sparkled like emeralds. He could feel his beast wanting out; restraining him was harder near the barrier.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” The woman was not afraid of him but was indeed questioning his appearance.

Sesshomaru’s crimson eyes went to Rin. He had almost lost her. The miko had pulled a stupid move as well and had anything gone wrong her would have lost her too. He wasn’t sure why we cared, but he did.

He stepped forward expecting retreat from the miko in front of him. She stood her ground holding the presently sleeping child in her arms. Their scents together were calming and Sesshomaru was able to, once more, gain control of his beast.

“Come, we depart from this area now.”

Kagome nodded and waited for Sesshomaru to pass her and lead the way. Rather then have the miko walk a long distance carrying her heavy burden, he decided upon helping her out. Sesshomaru took a few steps to cover the distance between them then pulled her close to his chest. Rin was snuggled between them her forehead was pressed against Kagome’s left shoulder but pillowed by his mokomoko-sama.

“Hold on tight. Do not let her go.”” His grip tightened on Kagome’s waist but she was too shock to think of anything but what he said. Kagome held onto Rin knowing that, as long as she carried Rin, Sesshomaru would not drop her. A gust of wind was a sign that Sesshomaru had launched them into the sky. She was going to look around but her eyes drifted downward to the fields below.

“Oh God.” Kagome really hated heights.

Within an instant Kagome was back on the ground on her own to feet. When Sesshomaru released her, she let herself fall to the knees gracefully enough to not disturb Rin. “No... more...flying...””

Sesshomaru smirked. He was learning a lot about the little miko.

“Come you will stay with Rin tonight.” Sesshomaru walked toward a light. Kagome could make out Ah-Un and Jaken sitting before a fire. For some reason something was unsettling about this sight. ~Shippou~

“Ah, I can’t!”” Sesshomaru was confused. He looked at the girl behind him with his cold mask like any other but he questioned her words. The miko had been scared about seeing the situation then happy and relieved when she retrieved Rin to ensure she was fine. Then there was shock and fear from the flying but she was relieved and calm when she was back on the ground. She had the smell of contentment when Sesshomaru had first offered for the miko to join them but know her scent changed to uneasiness, worry and possibly hysterical.


“My kit he is ill from the barrier. I was on my way to him but I got lost. I have to go get him. Inuyasha... I don’’t know if I can trust him to care for Shippou.”

~She must be speaking of the Kitsune that follows her around calling her okaa-san.~

You would do well to go fetch him for her.

~No. She can return to her group.~

You wish to leave her in the company of you pathetic half brother?


Go recover the kitsune.

~Hn. They will leave in the morning.~

We shall see

~You will leave now.~

I’ll be back.

You always say that.~

But it is always true.


“Stay. Take care of Rin.” Sesshomaru left, taking to the sky as Kagome stared after him.

“Who does he think he is ordering me about like that? The nerve of that guy,” Kagome mumbled under her breath. Kagome took Rin over to Ah-Un and carefully deposited her within the circle of the two headed dragon.

Sesshomaru would have a better time looking for Shippou then she would. Kagome was only human and her senses were weaker then that of a full-blooded youkai. Though, her sight had improved and she could see better in the dark. Kagome blamed living in darkness for ten days the cause of this and thought nothing of it.

Still, even with her better sight she had lost her way in the fog and mist. At least Sesshomaru would be able to smell his way around if he could not completely see. So she had nothing to worry about. Sesshomaru would find Shippou and she truly believed this but sleep was not going to come to her anyway and she knew this too. Not until she knew that her adopted kit was fine, would she be able to fall asleep peacefully. There were other things she had to think about too. The most important on her list was way Sesshomaru brought her here and why didn’t he just take her back to her camp? He was going there anyway to bring her Shippou. Why did he care anyway?

~Why am I looking into this so much?~

Sesshomaru arrived back a short while later. Kagome was sure he would need longer so wasn’t paying too much attention. A soft ‘thud’ directly in front of her brought her out of her stupor. Her black pack was neatly placed before her. Kagome looked up to see a pair of golden eyes. Her eyes trailed to the soft bundle that Sesshomaru was carrying in his hand. Shippou was still sleeping.

“Thank you.” Kagome held her hands out to take Shippou from Sesshomaru.

~I swear on the Gods above I will owe Sesshomaru forever.~
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angelic memories
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