InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Seven: Let Me Get Things Straight! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer:*looks to lawyer* “Not even a little bit?” *lawyer shakes head* I do not own Inuyasha... not one little bit.
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Scroll 7 - Let Me Get Things Straight!?

Sesshomaru had given her more then Shippou when he arrived. From her angle on the ground looking up she was unable to see the nekomata that was sleeping behind the small kitsune. Just imagine her surprise when she went to grab her adopted son and found herself holding two fur balls.


“The nekomata was sleeping with the kitsune. I assumed they were together and brought them both to you.” Sesshomaru made his way to a nearby tree. He positioned himself there to keep a lookout over his ever growing group. Jaken and Rin were both asleep, leaving the miko and the Tai-Youkai the only ones awake in the camp. The miko’s smell hit his nose and he knew she was about to bombard him with questions. He wondered how many questions it would take before she was angry enough to yell at him. He did so love the smell of her anger, almost as much as the smell of her contentment.

“Was Inuyasha there?” She sounded annoyed, slightly angry. Sesshomaru smirked within, it was already beginning.

No remark. ~One.~

“Did you hurt him?” Surprisingly there was no concern in her voice. Her eyes met his before he looked to the fire.

No reply. ~Two.~

“What about Sango, was she there or even Miroku?” Now there was concern.

Silence. ~Three.~

Why did you bring me Shippou anyway?” This time curiosity filled her sweet fragrance.

No answer. ~Four.~
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to being me back to my camp?” The smell of anger began to sweep through the area.

More silence. ~Five.~

“Aren’t you going to answer anything?” Kagome, who had moved Shippou and Kirara off of her lap and closer to the sleeping Rin, stood up with her fist clenched at her sides. ““It is because I am a human isn’t it? I am too low for you, the All High and Mighty Sesshomaru of the Western lands, to speak to. Yet it’s okay when I am caring for your ward right? Well you know what? I have news for you. I will not stand aside and let you walk all over me, you pig-headed, pride driven, overgrown dog. I don’t care what anyone says, you and Inuyasha are more alike then you think. I....””

Kagome couldn’t finish the rest of her speech. She had been watching Sesshomaru the whole time but it took merely seconds for him to pounce, pinning her to a tree by the neck. Her hands grasped the one holding her airway and she was surprised she was able to breathe for some reason. Mind you, it was a little more difficult but she could. Kagome thought she would be dead by now however, she didn’t banish that thought when she looked into the blood crimson eyes of the youkai before her.

“You, need to learn your place. This Sesshomaru answers to no one. Your behavior will not be tolerated should it get out of hand again. Is that understood?”

“Hai,” Kagome barely whispered.

“Good,” Sesshomaru did not know what had gotten into him. He didn’t mind at first and it had been his intention to get her mad. Yet, he did not like the way the woman was degrading herself. He lost it when she even dared to compare him to the hanyou he was related to.

Sesshomaru released the girl, not bothering to help her as she slid down the trunk of the tree to the roots. He swiftly made his way to his own tree. There was a feeling building in his stomach and he wondered what it was. Guilt? Sesshomaru cast out this thought. He shouldn’t feel guilty for putting a mere woman in her place. But he was guilty and he could not just rid the feeling away. He let himself a mental sigh. Sesshomaru really was becoming soft.

“No one was around when I found your kitsune. He was alone with the nekomata in a tree. The smell of the clay pot and Inuyasha were not far off but they held a steady position. This Sesshomaru could tell they were preoccupied with other matters then the welfare of the smaller youkais.”

“Oh...” Kagome was a little down hearted but only because she didn’t know what to say to the person she had insulted only seconds ago.

He had ended up answering her questions, not all of them, but a few. She had an impression that not many people, especially humans, could even get him to utter a single syllable to them. Yet, he had at least acknowledged her when she was around ever since she had helped him, and he her. Kagome was yet again taking for granted what she had. Even if he didn’t speak an answer to her it did not mean that he was not answering her. He had his own way of doing things. Her anger toward Inuyasha had built up inside of her for so long and she had just taken it out on Sesshomaru who had done nothing toward her to deserve that type of treatment. It didn’t matter anymore though, Sesshomaru probably hated her for the nasty things she said and would have continued to say if it were not for him stopping her. This didn’t sit well with her.

“Please, I didn’t mean what I said. I wasn’t thinking. Sorry Sesshomaru-sama, for everything I said. I didn’t mean to insult you like that. I was...angry. But not at you. I just…it was just too much. Please, please, forgive me. Please, don’t hate me.” Kagome head was bowed so she did not see the flicker of emotion in Sesshomaru’s golden eyes for less then a second.

Sesshomaru didn’t know what to think or if he should say anything at all. The human woman before him seemed to find some importance to how he viewed her. She was apologizing to him because his anger towards her concerned her. She didn’t say it in that many words but he knew this was important to her. He wasn’t sure how he knew but he did.


Kagome wanted to smack her head against a tree for her stupidity. Honestly, she had thought she would learn to keep her emotions in check after awhile but she still seemed to open her mouth without considering the words that came out of it. She took a glance at Sesshomaru. Perhaps if she showed her gratitude then things wouldn’t change between them. Now would probably be the best of times. It would be better to give him anything while they were alone then with the others awake and present.

“Um... Sesshomaru I have something to give you. A token of appreciation. Like a gift of sorts.”

Kagome was nervous and it showed. How was she to know how he would react when she gave Sesshomaru a present? Well she couldn’t take back what she said now. The worse he could do was reject the silly thing. Actually, he could kill her, but after her outburst earlier she was still alive. Not many would be able to live through that and this thought gave her a little more confidence. She stood to walk closer to the youkai and then pulled a small chain from her pocket.

“It isn’t much and you can hide it beneath your clothing so no one will see it if you wish. Don’t be insulted but I put a spell on it with my new abilities. The small crystals, braided in the gold, draw power from anyone who gives you permission to use their energy to assist you. It may help in any future battles to gain the upper hand. Not that you are weak, but you may need a new skill that you don’t possess to beat an opponent. I put a little of my reiki (miko powers) in it for now and all you have to do is focus the energy into an object of concentration. Like the cloud you use to fly on and how you concentrate the energy at your feet. It’s much like that, in a sense, just use an object that will be harmonious with the power. Your sword would work with my reiki. Um... well, my power wouldn’t blend well with Toukijin but Tenseiga would be fine, I think. Ah... I’ll stop talking now.”

“Indeed,” Sesshomaru pocketed the silver chain. He would study it later. Kagome made her way back to Ah-Un and the sleeping children and nekomata.

She sighed, he hadn’t accepted it but he hadn’t rejected it either. It turned out pretty well though, so she was happy and content. Sleep was begging to take her and from all the excitement of the day she was surprise to find herself still awake.

“Good night Sesshomaru.”

Kagome laid down and Ah-Un wrapped his tail around the four sleeping figures. Rin, who was sleeping curled into the two headed dragon, subconsciously moved to curl into Kagome’s left side. Shippou was on Kagome’s right and the nekomata was curled between the two girls. Jaken slept on the other side of Ah-Un, hidden from his sight.

Sesshomaru was a little glad about this. His retainer wasn’t in the way of spoiling the picture before him. He nearly smiled at the sight of the miko. Something appeared almost familiar, in a way. It took him a few moments to realize both the girls were wearing the kimonos that he had given them the day he took them to the hot spring. It would seem that the miko had grown accustomed to the garments of this era. It wasn’t long before the campsite was filled with the sound of light breathing signaling a sleeping person, or demon.

“Good night.” Sesshomaru whispered. He pulled the gold chain out and studied it before putting it around his neck, then tucked it under his haori before closing his eyes to focus on the surrounding area.

§ ‡ § † § ‡§

Rin’s giggling woke Kagome up the next morning. The bright sunshine blinded her when she first opened her eyes. As the spots in her vision faded away she could see Shippou, Kirara, and Rin running around the campsite. Sesshomaru had left his position in front of his tree and was nowhere to be seen. Jaken was building the fire for tea.

“What are you doing?” Kagome questioned the first running blur that pasted by her. The second one was the one to answer as in lunged for her to give her a hug.

“Shippou taught me how to play tag, Kagome nee-chan.” Rin giggled, “Guess what Kagome nee-chan.”


“You’re IT!” Rin took off running to the other side of the campsite.

Kagome got up and followed pursuit, chasing the little monsters around until they turned on her and pounced, dog piling her onto the meadow floor.

This was the sight that greeted Sesshomaru when he returned. He wasn’t certain if he like how the kitsune could play with Rin with ease. At the same time he was happy that his ward had a companion that was of an appropriate age. Then again, if she got attached it could cause more problems. He battled back and forth with these thoughts. ~By the looks of things, it is too late to do anything about the matter.~ Sesshomaru took a seat under his tree, waiting as patiently as he could until they could depart.

Kagome was the first to notice Sesshomaru was back, followed by Rin.

“Good Morning Sesshomaru-sama.” Both girls greeted him but the kitsune hid behind his surrogate mother. Shippou was not sure about the youkai who had, on many occasions, threatened the life of his okaa-san and her friends. Looking to Kirara was a little reassuring to him. The nekomata was curled up into a ball suggesting that the place was safe so Shippou jumped upon his okaa-san’s shoulder.

“Eat. We will depart as soon as you are done.” Sesshomaru command as usual to the girls. Shippou was reminded of Inuyasha briefly. Unlike the hanyou, Sesshomaru didn’t bark his orders or follow them with an insult.

“Oh, that reminds me I have some things for you, Rin, but I couldn’t carry them all. So I only brought a few things.” Kagome pulled Rin into her lap and opened her bag. Conveniently, the two had attacked her right beside where she left her things the night before. “Here, these are some breakfast or a snack items that are easy to carry and eat on-the-go. Inuyasha pushes us hard and sometimes we can’t stop to eat. It’s really good.”

Kagome pulled out various wrapped foods that Rin had never seen before. They were in the shape of long skinny rectangles, flat rectangles, squares, some looked gummy, and others in funny shapes. Kagome pointed to something and said that it was a cereal that was good with milk but also dry. She called another a granola bar. Rin reached for the one Shippou called a pop-tart.

“You can heat that one if you want or you can eat it cold.”” Kagome suggested to Rin.

“Which way is better?”

“I like them cold but Shippou likes them warm.”

Rin bit into it. Her eyes widened in shock. “It’s so sweet and... yummy.”

“Well you can keep these things if you wish. I have plenty. We’ll put them in the pouch on Ah-Un. If that’s all right with Sesshomaru-sama.”

“Please Sesshomaru-sama?” Rin puppy-eyed the silver haired inu youkai.

“Hn,” He was not happy to hear about another way the hanyou mistreated the young woman. The alpha of a pack should always make sure his pack ate healthy and regularly.

Rin jumped up excited and grabbed an armful of the treats in front of her. Kagome picked up the rest with help from Shippou and they made their way to Ah-Un to fill the small bag attached to his saddle.

“Okaa-san, how can you tell that ‘hn’’ was a ‘hai’?” Shippou peered to the youkai under the tree. He was as frigid as a glacier. Shippou heard no emotion that sounded as approval and yet the girls worked as if he had.

“We just do.” Shippou looked at her, confused. “It takes time and a strong will to understand a person.”” Shippou nodded, still not completely comprehending what Kagome was telling him.

Sesshomaru smirked behind their backs. It was very interesting with the miko around. Shippou and Rin continued their breakfast amongst the flowers of the meadow. Kagome would wait to give Rin the rest of her items until the time she departed. Perhaps it would make things easier on the little girl. Kagome didn’t want to bear the same goodbyes she did the last time she left. This reminded her of her present to Jaken but when she looked around camp Jaken was no where to be found. Not that Kagome minded since she still had issues with the little annoying toad. Instead of continuing her search she made her way to a place beside Sesshomaru.

“Did you want anything?” Sesshomaru didn’t answer, Kagome was going to take this as a ‘no’ but suddenly his hand reached over and broke off a piece of the bar she was eating. Sesshomaru smirked when she jumped from surprise and she saw this.

“That’s not funny,” Kagome hissed trying not to make a scene. “You should warn people before you steal something of theirs like that.”

“Then it would be no fun. The point of stealing is for the person to not realize that something is gone until it is too late.” With that said he put the piece of granola into his mouth and chewed. His face never suggesting if he hated it or loved it.

“Say Sesshomaru?


“Can you eat chocolate?”

Sesshomaru arched a perfect eyebrow at her. Kagome wasn’t sure if this was because he was questioning why she was asking or if he had never heard of chocolate. Did chocolate exist among those of high status in this era? Kagome couldn’t remember.

“It is just there is this candy, or a type of sweet food, that exist in my time. I don’t know if you have heard of it but was just wondering if you can eat it?”


“You see, it is a common fact in my time that, well, dogs can’t eat chocolate. Something about them being allergic to it. So, I thought that you, being a dog in a way, may also have to avoid chocolate.””

“And this is a matter that concerns you?”

“Yeah, you could say that. I have some candies for Rin but some of them are chocolate. I figured that it would be fine at first but I forgot about your sensitive nose and maybe you could have a reaction of some sort by smelling it.”

“This Sesshomaru would never die of something so trivial as chocolate. Do not believe in such nonsense.”

“Oh okay. That’s a relief.” Kagome handed him a small pouch like bag. “This is the candy for Rin and you. I didn’t think I should give it to Rin because it is like eating pure sugar. We already know how energetic she is without it. You might like to ration it.” Kagome smiled and lean back against the trunk of the tree.


§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome found herself saying goodbye to Rin later the same day. This time Kagome departed leaving a present with the small girl. A small doll with black hair and a few outfits she could dress the girl in. Rin was ecstatic about her present explaining to all those in the clearing it was like having a baby to dress-up. “Thank-you, Kagome nee-chan.”

“You are quite welcome Rin-chan.”

Sesshomaru gestured, it was time to leave. Only Rin and Kagome picked up on his motives.

“Will you visit again soon Kagome nee-chan?”

“I will try my hardest, just for you.”

“Okay...bye.” Rin ran to grab Ah-Un’’s reins and follow her Lord.

Kagome moved to face her own group. They had found her shortly after lunch. Inuyasha was not in a happy mood about finding her with his half brother again. She fingered the new flowers that Rin gave her. She would press them as soon as she got the chance. Kagome wondered how surprise Rin would be if she knew Kagome had almost every single flower Rin had given her. Kagome would dry them or press them then use them to decorate her scrapbook or a picture frame.

“Oi wench, what is the excuse this time?”

“I got lost in the fog.” Kagome barely heard Inuyasha as she was caught up in her own thoughts.

“Feh. If you had kept up then you wouldn’t have been lost.” Inuyasha was walking beside her for once. A privilege he only bestowed on her when she was receiving a lecture.

“Well, you could have come and looked for me.” Her mouth was on auto. She answered the bare minimum and continued to think about the next thing she would give to Rin. Her mind went to the crayons and colouring books Shippou so loved.

“I wasn’t the one who got lost was I?””

Miroku, Sango, Kirara, and Shippou all shook their heads at Inuyasha. They knew what was coming and again thought that he should have learned his lesson by now.

“SIT!” Kagome stomped her foot for emphasizes. “Come on, lets go.”

“” Inuyasha voice muffled in the dirt.

“What was that Inuyasha? I am afraid we couldn’t hear you.” Kagome looked to the pile of bright red robes.

“I said ‘wait for me’ you stupid bitch.” Inuyasha made his way back to his feet ad the spell wore off.

“Sit! down and be patient Inuyasha. Are you or are you not suppose to be waiting for you stupid clay whore?” Shippou snickered on Sango’s shoulder. Kagome was always finding new ways to use her enchanted word.

The group made their way to where Inuyasha was to meet Kikyou. Naraku had fled after ‘testing’ his new body out on the group. Kagome wasn’t present at the time and she was going by the words of Miroku and Sango. Kikyou had chosen to see about locating Naraku and would meet back with them with her results.

Night fell and the next day passed. Inuyasha grew impatient and went looking for the love of his life. The rest stayed behind for a day but took Inuyasha’s last bit of advice and headed back to the village near the Bone Eater’s Well.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Rin was thrilled with her new toy and never let it go. Jaken was happy because he now had a few items to keep him more organized. In fact, Jaken couldn’t be more overjoyed that Rin now had something else to put her energy into, other then picking flowers and decorating him. Jaken also noticed that his master and lord seem a little more pleasant, yet at the same time distracted with thoughts that Jaken wished he was privy to.

“Sesshomaru-sama, I was wondering if we could get Kagome nee-chan a present. Maybe a new pretty kimono or something pretty for her to wear in her hair. I gave her some flowers today and she said she would put them in a special book. I think she called it a ...scrapbook... can we get her another one of these books Sesshomaru-sama?”

“Perhaps.” Sesshomaru mulled the thought over in his head. It would be good to repay the miko for the gifts she gave each of them. The miko had also mentioned there was more to come for Rin. He was curious about the other things Rin would get. The future appeared to be a fascinating place. For once he was glad for his immortality. He would make it his goal to live until this time the miko spoke of. 500 years. It couldn’t change that much in such a small amount of time. He was nearly 800 and not too much had changed in that time. All changes took time and a lot of time at that. For him, though, time was not something he had to worry about. Time did not age his appearance after reaching his prime. He looked at Rin who was dressing her ‘doll’ once again. He would take it when Rin was preoccupied so he could study the material it was made of. It smelled of things he had never, well, smelled before.

Sesshomaru thought about the future once more and how he wished there was a way for the small human child to also see the time that the miko spoke of. Oh how his mind drifted since saving the miko. Sometimes he wished he could kill her just so he could return to the way he was before. This would not be possible though. Rin had already begun to change him after bringing her back from the dead. He had stopped regretting the incident long ago and now thought of the child as his own. One of his pack. The miko had only added fire to the issue and melted the ice around his heart more. How he hated his new weakness.

Sesshomaru stopped at a suitable place to set-up a camp. They were making good time, only a short distance from his palace. Maybe another day or two. He would have just enough time to find an acceptable whore he could take his heat out on.

“Rin. Weren’t you going to fish?” Sesshomaru really wanted to study that doll thing. Rin wouldn’t be able to take it into the river only a short distance away.

“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama.”

Rin placed her doll down and looked to Sesshomaru silently asking if he would watch over her new doll. This caused Sesshomaru to sigh deeply mentally. He was the Great Sesshomaru, Killing Perfection, protector of a miko, guardian of little girls and watcher of dolls. His reputation was definitely at stake now a days but he gave Rin one short nod of approval. After all, he really wanted to study the thing.

Rin grinned before taking off with Jaken to the nearby river. Sesshomaru looked at the doll beside him. It looked as though it was looking directly at him trying to find out his deepest secrets. For a short time a staring contest went on between the two. That was until he picked it up and sniffed the scent coming off of the object. He didn’t know how to explain the main scent of the doll. It was laced with Rin’s scent of wildflowers and rain and hidden underneath this was the smell of waterfalls and roses. Sesshomaru suppressed the urge to purr at the smell. He quite enjoyed the miko’s scent. She was very clean for a human. The miko and Rin were the only humans who smelled pleasantly to him. The other humans held a stench that was indescribable. He might even go so far as to say they were far better smelling the some of the youkais he had met.

Sesshomaru placed the doll back exactly as it was before. It looked like it had never moved. Sesshomaru was very good at this game. His father commonly had him study a room for less then a few seconds then have Sesshomaru leave before coming back into the room so that he could fix the things that had been moved. Inu no Taisho had explained that you never knew when you might need such talents.

Now Sesshomaru was reminiscing the past. The miko would pay for this. If he could ever think of a suitable punishment for the damaged caused. An image flashed before his eyes of the miko writhing beneath his muscle laden form. His mind suddenly when blank from shock.

~You have done this to me beast.~

I assure you it was not I this time. You did it all on your own.

~I would never allow myself to become this weak.~

Who said this was a weakness?

~She is a human.~

Change her.

~She is not suited for this Sesshomaru and his beast. She will die.~

She is a strong human miko. We can be careful for her sake.

~No, this Sesshomaru will not be distracted.~

I want her. You want her. Why deny yourself what we want? If it is weakness you fear, train her.

~I will not sink so low. Leave.~

I will not have anyone else. Suffer through the next heat.

Sesshomaru groaned. The next full moon was not going to be easy. If his beast was not satiated, he would be in pain from not giving into his beast’’s needs. But Sesshomaru was not going to drop so low as to rut with a human. No matter how good said miko smelled or looked. This Sesshomaru could bare through any amount of pain.

§ ‡ § † § ‡§

She had thought about it and then thought about it some more. She could only hope that it worked. That night she prayed as she had done the night before. They would be back at the village tomorrow and then tomorrow night her plan would be put into action. She looked up to the night sky.
The Feudal era was so beautiful. Kagome loved many things about it. The air was so clean and crisp compared to the pollution of her time. The stars shone brightly and more proudly in a blanket of midnight blue overhead. The wind sang a peaceful song through the trees that climbed higher then those of the future. The full moon nearly at it zenith was capable of lighting up the whole area. They wouldn’’t have needed the fire at all that night since it was fairly warm but it kept small creatures away. One more night.

She went over tiny details in her mind. It wouldn’t be that difficult at first but near the end it might. She wanted things to work out for her just this once. That was all she asked for. A little luck for things to go her way. Kagome sighed and let sleep take her. She would need her rest. Tomorrow night was the big night.

At dawn the next morning, the group began to stir. Kagome prepared a quick breakfast while Sango helped make the tea.

“Have I ever told you Kagome, how much I love these tea bags?” Sango dropped the object of the conversation topic into the boiling water.

“No, but they are handy, aren’t they?”” Kagome smiled warmly at her sister-like friend.

“You should bring some more back from your time. We are running low,” Sango said nonchalantly.

“I will since we are heading back to the village anyway. Oh and I have something else I bought but forgot at my house. It’s a small strainer that you put tea leaves into. It holds the leaves so you can strain them without worrying about loose leaves floating in your tea.” Sango was having a hard time picturing it. She scrunched up her nose trying to get a mental image but it wasn’t coming. Kagome giggled. “I will show it to you as soon as I return. I’ll bring a few.”

Kagome and Sango had let their guard down during their time awake thinking Miroku was asleep, but they were highly mistaken. A hand to each of the girl’’s backsides earned Miroku a slap from each girl on each side of his cheek.

“Hentai!” Sango screamed at him while packing things around the camp.

The girls were leaving the area, each holding a fur ball. Kagome had one that was orange, Sango had one that was a cream white.

“Ladies please. It’s curse I tell you,”” Miroku said in a mock hurt tone. Secretly, he was pleased with this latest accomplishment. Two lovely, fair doves with one stone. Or, more accurately, one hand each. He sighed in pleasure at the thought.

“I though only your right hand was cursed, Miroku. You clearly used both hands just a minute ago.” Sango didn’t even turn her attention to the h shi who was falling behind fast.

“Ladies, ladies, please wait up!!”

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

They made it back to the village well before nightfall. After greetings and warm welcome home’s, Kaede offered to make dinner for the weary travelers. Kagome still had some time to spare so she accepted the offer. Tea and dinner were well enjoyed until Kaede asked where Inuyasha was.

“He is off looking for Kikyou. She never returned to the group after looking to see where Naraku may be relocating to.” A certain monk joined the conversation.

Kagome was pleased she was not the one who had to answer. Miroku took the job into his own hands explaining all that had come to pass during the last confrontation with Naraku. Kagome only had to speak when Miroku mentioned that Kagome, Shippou and Kirara had all been missing in action. She told of what occurred after Miroku and Sango entered the barrier. They frowned at Inuyasha’s stubbornness during the fog. They said nothing about what had happened on the mountainside with Kagome, Rin and Sesshomaru. When Kagome told them Sesshomaru had fetched Shippou and Kirara for her Sango and Kaede looked concerned.

“So that’s about explains it all. I have to head home for a bit so I am going to go change,” Kagome excused herself after respectfully nodding her head to the elder miko.

Her hut hadn’t changed at all. She released the barrier that Kaede and she kept on it at all times. This stopped any damage to the building and kept anyone who was not trained as a miko out. As the barrier wavered and vanished she walked into the one room shelter. A small chest in the furthest corner held her clothes. Modern and traditional were mixed together.

The young woman slipped each layer of her current purple kimono off one at a time, starting with the obi. She made a pile of clothes to be washed when she returned. This included her recently worn blue and white kimono that Sesshomaru had given her. So far it was her favorite. It was completely different from the miko clothing she was expected to wear. She tried to get out of wearing red and white together as much as possible. The blue was a change. It was also her favorite color.

Kagome changed into a pair of faded black pants, a black and grey tank top and the matching sweater. In the modern time this was her favorite track suit. Now she was more comfortable wearing the clothes of the feudal era.

Sango knocked on the wooden frame of the door, “Kagome, can I come in? I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Sure come on in.” Kagome turned to the door as Sango entered. They sat down on the raised floor beside each other.

“So what’s up?” Kagome asked, adjusting her seat to a more comfortable position.

“I wanted to warn you about something that you might not know ... you were not born in this era.” Sango fidgeted a little, looking nervously at her friend before looking away.

“Okay, what is it? Wait before you begin, is it good or bad?” Kagome wasn’t going to have any bad news distract her from the mission she had planned.

“I’m not sure. It can be a good thing but also a bad thing.”

“Well, I guess I am all ears.”

“I am just a little worried about you. You have been found in Sesshomaru’s company more then once and, well, youkai are different from humans. I want you to understand that a small normal thing for you could be completely different in youkai terms. A good example is um...well I guess the things Inuyasha says. He commonly calls you and me a ‘bitch’’. We see this as an insult and he is insulting us but for full canine youkai, both dog and wolf, this word is used as a highly respectable term for a mate or alpha female.”

“Sango? Is there something bothering you?”

“Sesshomaru has given you many gifts so far right?”

“Umm.... oh the kimono but that’s it and I already told you that it was because my clothing smelt horrible even to my human nose. Just imagine how his was.”

“He also gave you Kirara and Shippou.”

“No, he fetched them for me. I think it was because I saved Rin.”

“Hm... ... Kagome just be careful. The courting of Tai-Youkai begins with the exchange of gifts. You gave him a gift didn’t you?”

“Well, yeah. I only wanted to thank him for saving me. It didn’t mean anything else and I told him that.”

“Kagome, I am only worried about your well being that’s all,” Sango said slowly. “I mean he wouldn’t be able to mate with you unless his beast wanted you and was present. It concerns me a little that Sesshomaru would allow you to give him a gift. In all technicalities, you were even already. You saved Rin and he saved you. This would be a fair trade, paying off your debt in youkai terms.”

“I’ll be careful Sango. But honestly what are the chances of Sesshomaru wanting to court a human?” Kagome asked, a little wryly.

Sango giggled. “Okay, okay, you’re right. It does seem a little outrageous. But just incase, remember this Kagome, okay?”

“Yep. No problem. Well I better be going. I have to get home tonight.”

“Ja ne.”

Kagome left the small hut with her empty bag on her back and headed to the well. Her dark cloth figure walked through the darkness lit only by the light of the recently full moon. She reached the well and jumped over the rim thankful that she went undetected. She had left her arrows behind since she wouldn’t be needing them in her own time.

That’s what she thought.

Silver hair shimmered within the trees. Golden eyes trimmed with red watched as she journeyed through the forest to the well. His hidden aura went unnoticed by the miko. He had suffered for this girl and he didn’t understand why. His beast wanted her and he had gone through the most painful experience of his long life. He wouldn’t allow it to happen again.

*************************************************************************** *******************
Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008