InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Eight: Here's the Plans... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well this catches me up with my other sites. I will be updating about once a week at least unless I can manage more.
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Disclaimer: “Hello people!!! My name is Rumiko Takahashi and I own Inuyasha” <— too bad that is not me.
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Scroll 8: Here’s The Plans...

He would wait to confront the girl. He was a patient one. He sat and waited in the tree where he had perched for the night. Like a hawk looking down at his prey, he watched the well where the little miko had disappeared.

All night he watched the well, briefly noting the sound of the birds singing to the rising sun over the edge of the horizon indicating the beginning of another day. The light of dawn faded into an afternoon heat. His figure hidden in the cool shadows went unnoticed by three figures that made their way to the well.

“She said she had to go home for something but didn’t mention what,” the only woman of the group told the men.

“Well she hasn’t been home in a while so she may be gone a few days,” replied the male in black and purple robes, signifying him as a h shi.

“Okaa-san will be back, she told me she wouldn’t be gone long and that she would bring us all a present,” chirped a small kitsune sitting on the shoulder of the taijiya’s shoulder. All three of them leaned over the edge to peer into the depths of the well.

“I guess we will just have to wait,” the woman sighed, it was rather lonesome without the fiery spirited miko around.

“So any guesses when Inuyasha will be back?” the h shi asked as the group turned to make their way back to the village.

“Who know what that baka is doing right now,” spat the orange fur ball.

The rest of the day had passed and the moon was less then its former glory. The light could still bath the clearing that held the well, just not as brightly. The stars made up for the lost beauty as they flickered, in their own ways saying hello. All too soon the early morning hours were upon them, yet this all went ignored by the Tai-Youkai with one thing on his mind.

Sesshomaru had won control of his beast by now, his mind no longer in a frenzy to have the girl his beast craved for. His heat had passed almost completely and it would be another year until his next one. That would give him a year to complete his goal. Only it wouldn’t take a year to accomplish what he had in mind.

He had to have dealt with the miko by the next heat so his beast could move on. He would not go through the pain his beast inflicted. Of all the female youkai the Tai-Youkai approved of not one could satisfy his beast. Instead of rutting with the willing whores his beast killed them. Their blood still dried on the claws that ended their life. His white haori that adorned the red floral like patterns on his shoulders and sleeves was accompanied by patches of many liquid life forces. After the fourth, Sesshomaru had had enough and locked him and his beast in his personal chambers to wait for the effects to wear off.

The night of the full moon was the worst of all the nights of his heat. It was the night his beast had more control and Sesshomaru had fought against being pulled into the darkness. It was the night that could cause the most intense pleasure or pain one could ever feel. Also the only night the Tai-Youkai could fully make a female his mate. His beast had control over who Sesshomaru could rut with. His beast would also have to accept the mate Sesshomaru would choose.

This was a problem for Sesshomaru. His beast did not seem to understand that Sesshomaru did not want a mate. They were too much of a hassle. This left Sesshomaru no other choice then to take care of his beast’s needs in another way. He would prove to him a human is nothing, and then get back to a normal way of living. Part of him inquired if he would be able to go through with his plan. His mind whispered insecurities to him, yet, he reminded himself that the miko meant nothing to him. Everything would go accordingly. Sesshomaru was one with no feelings because feelings caused weaknesses.

Right before dawn, movement, at last, came from the well. The miko had returned back to this time. Sesshomaru watched as she climbed just over the edge holding on to the rim as she pulled her bag over the edge. Then she let go, going back through the time portal in a flash of blue light. Less then half a minute later the miko repeat the same process for another four rather large bags. Sesshomaru was rooted to the spot. Something told him to just watch. Another part of his mind told him to go the poor woman and help her or question her actions.

After the fifth bag Kagome clambered over the well’s edge. Sesshomaru rose to make his move but stopped as a high pitch whistling sound struck his ears. It caused the great Tai-Youkai to cover his oversensitive ears before they shattered.

~What the hell was that?~

Again he stood by and watched. If the miko made a move to blow the infuriating metal tube that caused the high pitched squeal again he would have to remove it from her person. It would be good to take it the next chance he got, to be on the safe side anyway. To do this Sesshomaru would have to put his plot on hold. He would not appear weak to anyone. This meant getting rid of the sound the miko could use against him.

Kagome had blown the whistle to attract the nekomata without the presence of her friends. It seemed that a dog whistle also worked for nekomata youkai as well. Though this should have been obvious right away since all demons had improved hearing.
“Kirara, my apologies for disturbing your sleep but could you help me out?”

Kirara meowed with her reply accepting whatever task the woman gave her.

“Here take this,” Kagome put an end of a rope in the mouth of the feline. “I will tug it when I return. I have something that will be hard for me to climb back up with.”

Kirara purred.

“Thanks Kirara. I have a little treat for later just for you.”

A louder purr echoed in the clearing.

Sesshomaru watched as the miko leaped back into the darkness of the well. She returned a few moments later. A little tug signaled Kirara, who took to the sky to pull her load up. Sesshomaru watch the woman slowly make her way to solid ground before letting the rope go. A bundle of blankets in her arms made the task more difficult.

“Ahh, thank you once again Kirara. I have one other thing to ask. Could you help with the bags?”

Kirara grabbed a few and left to the village. Kagome waited for the nekomata’s return she didn’t dare pick anything up for fear that she would drop and injure her precious bundle. It wasn’t long before Kirara returned and offered her back to the girl. Kagome shook her head to decline.

“I have to wait a little while. This is a new place for him. I don’t want all the new things to scare or frighten him.”

Kirara nodded in understanding before taking up the last two bags and heading to Kagome’s hut were the rest of the baggage waited.

Sesshomaru knew at once that there was a child in Kagome’s arms. From the blankets, it was a little more difficulty to define age but he knew he wasn’t exactly small. Older then Rin. Now he had to determine why the human smelt like the miko. He wanted to know why she brought him here and who he was. Looking at her form her could see that she looked exhausted. Her eyes closed and opened seeking the sleep she was fighting. He followed as Kagome made a path through Inuyasha’s forest to the Tree of Ages. His complete presence was cloaked allowing him the chance to watch from branches a few feet from above her position.

Kagome sat among the roots of the tree that looked no different then the one feet from her family home. Souta would recognize it and she hope that this one familiar thing would help the transition. Though the tree did not know it yet, it had watched the two siblings grow up.

Looking down at them, Sesshomaru could see the face of the new being. The child was male. His eyes were closed in sleep but the child closely resembled the miko. His face was the same shape, his nose was like a button on his face. The hair was the same midnight black just shorter. This child was a boy version of the one who held him.

Sesshomaru desperately wanted to know if the child was hers. He nearly growled at the thought of her being with someone. He pushed that thinking aside. It didn’t matter, nor did he care. It helped when he remembered she smelled of innocence. She was also too young to have a child that age.

Perhaps this was another one of the children she saw as her own. The miko already cared for the small kitsune in her traveling group. He had watched many times as the woman protected the kitsune even if it endangered her own life. She had taken many injuries for him, some which would not have harmed the kit, since he was a youkai, as much as it did the human woman. Images of the miko caring for Rin ran rampant through his mind. How he longed to see her acted so motherly to her once again. She had shown the same protectiveness trying to save Rin from Suikotsu in his recent battle.

Now he watched her interact with the sleeping child. She hummed a foreign tune as she brushed thin bangs from the child’s face. Her hum sounded more and more like a purr, calming his beast enough for him to think about his next step of action.

“Nee-chan?” the boy had awakened finally.

“Right here,” Kagome pulled him closer to her chest in a hug to calm him a bit.

“Where are we?” he blinked his eyes slowly, looking around them.

“You made it pass the well. You fell asleep while I was passing the bags through,” the older girl said softly, a small, tired smile lighting up her face.

“I passed through the well?” His voice was awed. The only other time he had attempted to pass through the well he had failed.

“Yep, seems like my plan worked.”

“I can stay here with you right?” There was notable concern in his voice.

“Of course, I love you Souta. You’re my only little brother. I couldn’t bear leaving you behind. But I need the jewel shard back now.”

The one called Souta rummaged around until he could pull a hand from out of the tightly woven blankets acting as a cocoon. He reached for his neck for a small silver chain that held a single shard of the Shikon-no-Tama . He pulled until the chain released around his neck and handed it to Kagome. Sesshomaru wished very much to confront the miko but he would have to wait. It seemed the events that had occurred in her time were taking a toll on her.

“Come on Souta, I’ll take you back to my hut. It’s not far and you can stay inside until you are ready to face people. I know you are probably still tired too.”

“Yeah a bit,” the boy nodded wearily.

“Kagome lead him back to the village. No one noticed her and she was grateful. She entered her hut avoiding the pile of bags Kirara had left just inside the door. She would deal with unpacking later. A barrier was placed around her hut. If something important happened Kaede would be able to fetch her. For now, she needed sleep and lots of it.

It looked as though Sesshomaru would have to wait again. But as she moved he was able to use he speed to fall down the tree, land behind her, out of view of the child, grab the metal instrument and back up. She didn’t notice anything, maybe a slight breeze but that would be it.

The miko was torturing him. She may not be aware of what she was doing but it was a slow torture he would not allow her to continue. He would return in seven days time. He melted the metal in his hand with his poison as he walked away from the scene.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome walked to the Bone Eater’s Well. It had been one week since she had managed to get her brother through the well. Everyone adored him and she was glad that they had accepted his arrival so well. She had yet to tell her friends all the details. They had asked and she replied that she needed a little of time before she could tell them everything. The details she did leave them were small but would suffice. Souta was her brother. She used a shard she had retrieved from Suikotsu to get him through the well. He was shy and would take time to get use to so many new faces.

He did take well to Kirara and Shippou and questioned Inuyasha’s whereabouts, who had yet to return. He would tolerate being around Kaede on his own, though he did not talk to her, anyone else was not so lucky. To Kagome’s relief, no one pushed the situation. Right now, the three musketeers were sleeping in her hut. Shippou and Souta could not be torn apart. They ate, slept, and played together. Tonight, they were joined by the small nekomata.

Kagome, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep and she was finding it harder and harder as her stress levels increased. Once she was awake she could not fall back asleep the rest of the night. The slightest sound would wake her or the morning light of dawn.

She was reaching her limits but nothing would work to put her in the deep sleep she desperately needed. They had tried different teas and weird concoctions that Kaede had taught her but they did not have the desired effect. On some nights she was more restless then others. She would go for a walk on these nights hoping to exhaust her body enough to get a little rest before the next day’s activities.

Tonight, Kagome had decided to go to the well. She still clung to the wooden box even though she would not be using anymore. She made it to her destination and sat leaning on the cool damp wood. The heat of summer was making itself known and there were not be as many cool nights like this one left.

A brief flare of her power helped her sense any nearby demons. She wasn’t expecting one to be so near. Kagome leaped up to face the direction it was coming from. In the shadows she was able to see a familiar silhouette.

White silk haori and hakamas with a yellow and blue obi tied at his waist. Youkai bone spiked armor mirrored the right shoulder where his mokomoko-sama resided on. His silver hair was as glitter in the light of the moon. His usual golden eyes were what worried her. Although, she wasn’t afraid of him, it wasn’t usual to see them trimmed in red. His face was adorned with a blue crescent moon and two magenta triangular markings on each cheek. She could see from where she stood there the marks had a jagged edge instead of the smooth line she was accustomed to seeing.

It was clear that his beast was trying to gain control. Sango’s warning flashed in her mind, *he wouldn’t be able to mate with you unless his beast wanted you and was present*. Kagome fought the shiver that ran down her spine. Sesshomaru would never allow anything to occur between him and a human, even if she did sometimes think of him in ways that she shouldn’t. He hated humans. She knew this. His eyes almost suggested otherwise.

Kagome could not rid herself of the look she was receiving. Lust, hatred, confusion. His eyes were where one could find his emotions. Even if he was shielding them, there were flickers every once in a while that Kagome could analyze. At the present moment he left his eyes unshielded by his mask.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome would make the first move since he gave no indication that he would state the reason for his attendance.

“Miko.” No question, no answer, just a statement. Stalemate.

“May I ask what brings you here?”

“You may,” Sesshomaru smirked. He liked games.

“Okay... Sesshomaru-sama, why are you here?” Kagome’s voice quivered a bit his eyes had suddenly gone cold. He didn’t answer. “Sesshomaru?””
“This Sesshomaru never said your question would be answered. Only that you could ask it.” Of course the games could only be played by his rules.

“Can I help you with something then?”

“You will cease this line of questioning.”

“Okay...” Kagome looked to her feet. She had been around Sesshomaru before. She had found that being around him was calming and peaceful. Right now she was uncomfortable. She couldn’t figure out why. She didn’t fear him, his aura was just unsettling. The look in his eyes didn’t help her in the least.

“Tell me, miko, what have you done with me?” Sesshomaru moved forward.

“What?” Kagome snapped her head up but Sesshomaru had moved fast enough to pin her to a tree before she finished the movement.

“What spell have you used upon this Sesshomaru.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Her neck ached where he held her.

“I will have the answers I seek and will draw them from you in any way I see fit.” Sesshomaru’s grasp tightened.

“I really... d... don’t kn..know... what ... it is you ... tal king a... about.” Kagome gasped for air. Her vision was filling with red spots.

Sesshomaru didn’t smell any deceit in her smell or hear it in her voice. He released her, letting her fall into a kneel before him. He made the mistake of looking down and images of the kneeling miko filled his mind. The bone plated armor covered his hard on caused by the picture of the miko licking and sucking his member mere inches from her face. Sesshomaru took a few steps back.

“You are not lying.” Another statement.

“I have problems of my own that I am dealing with. I don’t have the time to try and cast spells on people.” She answered anyway, while rubbing her sore neck.

“Hn,” At Sesshomaru’s reply, her anger flared. He had wanted to get answers from what he saw earlier. He also loved the smell of her anger. He could kill two birds with one stone. He only had to irritate her enough that she would allow the answers to flow out of her without her consent.

“Hn, is that all you know how to say? Hn, hn, hn, I can’t stand how you think this can be the answer to everything.”” Kagome didn’t know what was wrong with her. She knew how to read each remark he made but sometimes he was infuriating. Like now.
“This Sesshomaru does not have to explain anything to you miko.” Kagome stood up and poked her index finger into his left shoulder.

“Miko? I am tried of everyone calling me miko. I have a name. It’s Kagome. Not very hard to remember.”

“Miko you will terminate your rambling this instant.” Sesshomaru growled and grabbed the finger assaulting her person.

“I told you my name is Ka-Go-Me. And I will rant to anyone I see fit. I don’t care if you kill me. I give up, I can’t do this anymore. Too many people expect too many things from me. I am only human I can’t do everything, I don’t have the time and I do make mistakes. I... I ... don’t ... know anymore. I did what I had to and they don’t understand. Why do people question everything? Why can’t they let me be? Why?...” Kagome fell to the ground, for a second time that night, this time forming her person into a ball. This was difficult feat, as her finger was still imprisoned in Sesshomaru’s hand.

Sesshomaru inhaled. The smell of salt in the air and the heaving of Kagome’s shoulders was enough to tell him the miko was crying. Things did not go as planned. He forgot to calculate how humans react when they are tired and stressed. The miko must have been both and on top of it all he had attempted to kill her.

His frustration of the ever changing emotions within him was enough to make him go insane. He now readily admitted that his cold heart of ice was melting and with it made room for emotions he had locked away long ago. For the first time he was afraid. He did not know what would happen if he allowed things to continue as they were. So he had planned to take out the cause. It didn’t work. The miko was still alive.

Kagome continued to cry before him and the scent of tears was growing thicker around him. He didn’t like it and most of all he was not enjoying the idea of his miko upset. It seemed his beast was going to win in the end. Sesshomaru pulled the miko into his arm and let her cry. Instinct took hold and he growled softly as a way to calm her. His finger’s lazily traced small soothing circles on her back.

From what had just happened he could tell he would not be able to ever kill the miko, nor hurt her. He was going to have to think of something else. For now, he would calm the crying girl and get the information he wanted.

Her cries died and her breathing became steady before she spoke again, ““Why?”

“All humans seek comfort when they are upset.”

“But you hate humans.” Her face was still buried in his chest.

“I dislike them because they are weak.” Sesshomaru would need to turn this conversation into a confession if he were to ever get what he desired.
“I am weak. Does that mean you hate me?” Sesshomaru was getting nowhere. Apparently his plan and the miko were not seeing eye to eye.

“Hn, you are not weak as you are phrasing it. Your physical strength will never compare to that of a Tai-Youkai. I despise the humans for other weakness.”

“Are you talking about my emotions?”


“Now you listen here.” Kagome stepped back a little so she wouldn’t have to tilt her head as much. Sesshomaru resisted elevating an eyebrow at the woman. She could fling herself so easily from one emotion to another.

“Are you considered weak if you fend for someone who is weaker then you? I have always thought that the strong should watch out for those who are weaker than them. It only makes you stronger if you have someone to protect. Emotions make that bond stronger and the will to fight more formidable.

““I protected Rin because she is a child and couldn’t fend for herself. She fought because of her will to see you and Jaken. One day soon, she too may find someone she wants to protect for life. I protect Shippou because he is so much like a son to me but he too will grow and protect someone of his own when his is older. I protect my brother because he doesn’t know his own strength yet, but when he is older he will also grow to protect someone.

““Tell me Sesshomaru, do you have someone to protect? Does that person really make you weak? If you have someone to fight for, someone to watch over, then does that not help you fight to live. That’s what happened to me in the darkness with Rin. I know I am weak but that’s only because I am human but I think I am stronger when I find people I can protect and watch over. Someone who needs me. Does this make me weak?” Kagome shuttered, she wasn’t sure how well he would take that.

“Come with me.” Sesshomaru’s idea might take a while.

It had been a while since he had last heard the words the miko spoke. *Do you have someone to protect?* His father had asked him that before the former ruler of the Western Lands left to fight for Inuyasha’s and his mother’s life. Sesshomaru really didn’t like thinking about the past so long ago.

Sesshomaru pulled Kagome to a tree. He sat down leaning against the trunk. He knew the miko was right in a way but there was no way he would say that he had two people who he wished to protect. He found that he fought harder when the two girls were endangered.

Kagome sat beside him like she had all those time when she came across Sesshomaru while traveling. Sesshomaru looked to the stars, letting the light of the moon play with the color of his eyes. Kagome knew she was about to receive knowledge no other would hear.
“This Sesshomaru has lived through many generations. Humans have rarely changed from the time I was a pup until the time I was crowned ruler of the Western Lands. I have seen the weakness in humans that others of my kind have seen. They have little physical strength and even less will. Even now, humans rule for power and money. They have no pride or loyalty. They care not for others and will not respect those who deserve to be respect. They are commonly seen as selfish brutes that care for themselves more then others. They use others to do their bidding and play dirty tricks to get what they want. I find humans to be a contradiction. The claim to be compassionate and caring, filled with emotions that are good. Yet I only notice how they deceive even their own children to get their way.”

Sesshomaru paused, trying to find a way to phrase his next thoughts. “This Sesshomaru has seen one miracle these past few months. A single miko, an ordinary human woman, stood up against something more powerful then her on her own. She lived when others would have perished. She stayed pure when others would have been tainted. She loved a child and cared for the child as her own when others would have cared for themselves. This was very foolish of her, she cared for the child to the point of death. The woman expected nothing in return. She found hope in a dire position. This is her strength.

“Your weakness is simply not depending in others. You bottle emotions and feelings away. You hide the full truth from the people you trust and those who trust in you. You never face your fears, and instead, keep them in the depths of your mind. I can see where you think emotions are strength but one needs to know when to show them. They are hazardous if you keep them hidden and at the same time they are a danger if you show them to too many people. ”

Kagome was shocked. A lecture of emotion from one who showed no emotions at all. A few minutes went by in a comfortable silence. Sesshomaru could tell from her many scents that she was thinking about what was said.

“Um... Sesshomaru?”


“I was wondering, if you think holding back your emotions is not the greatest, then why do you?”

“Youkai are built differently then humans. We live longer so we are capable of baring more without the worry of doing damage to one’s self.”

~How typical. He was knowledgeable and sincere before but now he gives a distinctly Sesshomaru answer~.“You mean suicide?”

“Hn, that is one way humans rid away their problems.”

“You think I would commit suicide?”

“You begged for death before. Did you not?”

“Well, I was.... never mind.”

“Indeed,” A cold impassive tone.

“You... you make me so mad.”

“You frustrate yourself from hiding things. You should talk more to your friends.” Sesshomaru was close. He knew he would know soon.

“I can’t. They try to understand me but they don’t. I have tried but they don’t listen and hear only what they wish to. It is not an option for me to confide in them.”

“Hn,” his tone was questionable.


“You fear telling them.”

“I do in a way, I suppose, but only because I don’t think they will understand why I did the things I have.”


“I went home recently.”

“Hn,” Sesshomaru nearly grinned as he succeeded in pulling the conversation to the topic of his choice.

“I brought back my brother. I didn’t think I would be able to, but I had to and, in my need, I was willing to try anything.”

“Why would your brother need to be brought here? Would he not want to be with his okaa-san in his own time?”

“I haven’t told anyone yet. I didn’t want them to worry but my okaa-san and jii-san recently died. They left my brother in a foster home until my relatives could take him in. He was going to be staying in the foster home for many months until our okaa-san’s family moved into their new home. My brother is shy and he doesn’t do well socializing with people outside his small group of friends. He hides his troubles from everyone, even our okaa-san. Instead, he would tell me and I would help him. He depended on me and still does. I couldn’t let the other people take him into a home where I would never be allowed to go to.”
“A few days before I left to go to Mount Hakurei I noticed the jewel shard everyone has been searching for. I don’t know why I didn’t notice it before but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore. It was the one that has allowed me to travel through time. I thought that this wasn’t so because the Shikon-no-Tama was not shattered when I first came to this time. I thought about removing it yet didn’t. I had a feeling it would be the end of my travels through time. Then I remembered, I had the whole Shikon-no-Tama when I traveled back in time from my home, inside of me. Shortly upon arriving here for the first time, I had shattered the jewel. I didn’t need any of the shards to travel back home my first few times because a shard had made its way into the well. Where it is positioned would be hard to remove. The only way to get it out is to destroy the well.

“I risked losing all contact to my brother if I did this. I wouldn’t be able to help him so I had to find a way to bring him here, if he agreed. I left to pack as much supplies as I could afford. I wouldn’t be returning so I had to stock up.

I was able to leave and see Souta at school. I told him I had a plan for him to come with me if he wanted. He looked at me and asked if he could live with me here. I was turning eighteen soon and had asked his social worker on my last visit if I could care for him in our family home after my birthday. She had said no. There were matters and concerns in my life style that would not allow him to come and stay with me. Bringing him here would mean he wouldn’t be separated from me.

““Upon hearing this, he told me he would runaway that night. We met at a park. I remember that he didn’t even shed a tear as I told him he wouldn’t be able to return. He truly looked happy. I didn’t feel like I was making a mistake. I handed him a shard when we approached the well on our shrine. When it was time I carried him through, wishing, praying, hoping it would work. And it did.” Sesshomaru was silent. The miko wasn’t finished yet.

“I didn’t have any other choices. I want to be there for my brother and he wouldn’t have done well without my help. Here I can be with him and there are no laws preventing me from keeping him. I feel a little guilty but at the same time none at all. I think I made the right choice.”

Sesshomaru had his answers. He could leave now. To his dismay his body would not comply to his wishes. He continued to sit there in silence. He didn’t need to say anything to her. She wasn’t looking for someone to justify her reasons or her actions. The miko just needed someone to listen to her story. To lessen the burden.

Kagome felt great and she knew at that moment all the things Sesshomaru had spoken about were true. She had told the one person she would never have guessed would listen her story. It lightened the load of carrying it but Sesshomaru was not burden to carry it.

“Thank you, Sesshomaru-sama.”


Kagome was convinced this was ‘you’re welcome’ in the language of Sesshomaru.

“Ah, Sesshomaru-sama can I ask for your assistance once more?”


“I can’t get the shard. Where it is positioned would mean I would either get injured regaining it or traveling back to my home. Could you destroy the well?” There was no hesitation in her speech.

Sesshomaru looked to the woman. Her eyes were darker in the night. “You are certain this is what you want.”


“Very well.”
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So like I said in the first chapter I do not expect people to review but I will reply to anyone that does... if you have any feedback what so ever or criticism please review so I can make my story better.

Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008