InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Nine: Deja Vu!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I’m soo sorry I know it has been a long time but I promise that things were worth the wait because the next chapter will be posted within a few days.
Let me tell you though. Exams are horrible; they take up a lot of time. Not to mention that I didn’t have too much of a break between my exams. Anyway they are almost over so I will have more time to write and the chapters may be longer.

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Disclaimer: Why me?... why?... I want them!! I really do ... but I dont have them ... Why cant I own Inuyasha?!?!
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Scroll Nine: Deja Vu!

Sesshomaru had helped her. He used his whips to dismember the well into nothingness. There was now a hole in the ground and splinters of wood all over the place. He helped Kagome to the place she saw the shard glow and she thanked him.

That was more then a day ago. There had been plenty of time to think about what had happened and the little miko took the time to gather her thoughts. Now she sat in front of her friends. Inuyasha had returned and, surprisingly, Souta didn’t want to see him. He chose to instead play with Shippou and Kirara in the field where Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Kaede, and Inuyasha sat.

Inuyasha finished telling everyone that he had found Kikyou. She had been badly injured and he had decided to mate with her. Kikyou had returned with him but had decided not to join the group. Kagome wasn’t sure what to think. She took a look at Kaede who appeared disturbed at the news.

“So Kagome, what’s your brat doing here?” Inuyasha had left no room for discussion of the previous topic.

How dare he. I can’t believe that bastard would think he could get away with insulting my brother too.

“Inuyasha, SIT.” Kagome crossed her arms and looked away after his kotodama rosary took the desired effect. “My brother is not a brat.”

Inuyasha groaned as he made his way back to a sitting position. His eyes never left the black-haired miko, once again wearing the kimono that his baka half brother had given her. He watched and waited for a bit before demanding his question once more. To save his face from being deformed via face plants he reworded his request.

“I thought your brother couldn’t pass through the well? So how is he here now?”

“I used a jewel shard,” Kagome stated, holding her ground against the hanyou. She was not shocked to see him becoming angry at her statement.

“I gave Kikyou the jewel shards!”

“Yeah and look where that landed us,” Kagome mumbled under her breath. She was referring to the lost shard that Kikyou had been “holding” for them. Naraku had taken them after nearly killing Kikyou and now all they had were the ones that the live miko held.

“What was that?” A growl came from the hanyou.

“I still had some from the battle with the Shichinintai,” Kagome answered his previous question. She too could play at avoiding questions.

“I don’t want you insulting my mate.” Obviously Inuyasha wasn’t playing fair.

“Inuyasha I could care less about your so-called mate.” Kagome smirked at the horrified look on Inuyasha’s face. She then looked to the others. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Kagome made to stand but a hand grabbed her wrist. The miko looked to the clawed hand gripping her then up to its owner.

“Let go,” she hissed.

Inuyasha pulled his other hand back and slapped Kagome across the face. She grasped her face with her free hand.

“Inuyasha, you bastard how dare you!” Sango moved to help her friend but Kagome’s smirk caught her off guard.

“Sit, Inuyasha. SIT!!” She left without a word. However, she had a trick up her sleeve if he did it again. Every demon should fear the power of a miko.

The younger woman then moved away from him and to the children who were playing. She would have to tell the others about everything during their evening meal. At least Inuyasha wouldn’t be present. Instead he would be with his dead whore he took as a mate.

Sango came over to ask if Kagome needed to talk. The younger of the two women shook her head and said later. Sango nodded before pulling Miroku and Inuyasha away. Kirara left with her. Kaede stayed until a villager came claiming there was an emergency.

This left Kagome alone with her son and brother. As she played tag and hide and seek with Souta and Shippou, the miko thought about staying. If Inuyasha continued his attitude toward Shippou and Souta she wasn’t going to stand for it. They were hers to protect. She wanted to leave but there were a few issues.

She had trained with a sword with Sango for a little while but she still depended on her bow and arrows. Kagome could now easily hit nine out of ten of her targets moving or standing still. Her powers had improved. There was no denying that she was strong but she would be no match against someone like Naraku.

Yet, if she stayed she would have to deal with Inuyasha. Now more then ever, she was glad she held no more feelings for him. He obviously hadn’t shown his true colors until now. As the sun neared the horizon, Kagome told the two laughing and playing it was time for dinner.

“Nee-chan, do we have to eat with the others? Can’t we stay at your place and color?” Souta was still a little shy of Sango and Miroku.

“All you do is stay in my hut. You need to get use to the others. Sango is like an older sister to me and I would love to see you become more comfortable with her. That and there are only so many crayons. If you are not careful they will not last.”

“Ha ha, very funny I know you got those jumbo boxes for a reason.” Souta and Shippou laughed, they had thought they had caught her.

“Yes but, not all of those are yours, you two.” Souta frowned and Shippou grinned.

“Okaa-san is giving a present to Rin?” Shippou was really bright at times.

Kagome nodded. The mention of Rin made her wonder how well Souta and Rin would react to each other.

“Come on. We are eating with Kaede and the others and tomorrow I will invite only Sango over for dinner.” This will give me a chance to talk to her alone to tell her everything

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

They were on the move again. This time Shippou and Souta had stayed in the village. Souta had been reluctant but Kagome had slightly forced it as much as she hated it. He had been in the feudal era for just under a month. There were one or two village children Souta and Shippou got along with and Souta was also more friendly with Kaede. After the day they had played in the field he had tried to get along more with Sango. Sango couldn’t help but tell Kagome he was a lot like Kohaku. This hurt the miko just knowing that some of these thoughts were paining Sango. Kagome had apologized but Sango pushed it all away.

Kagome had also told Miroku, Kaede, and Sango about her time and the whole ordeal with Souta. She had feared for nothing at all. Her friends did not look negatively at her. It was just the opposite. They had all accepted her story and were willing to help her as much as she needed as she adjusted to her new home.

“So, where are we going, Inuyasha?” Kagome knew Kikyou had heard word of Naraku and they were following her direction. Uneasiness settled deep in Kagome’s bones. Each night since they had left the village four days ago, Inuyasha would sneak off to find Kikyou, who refused to stay at the camp at night. That was fine by Kagome; she was tired of seeing the cold glares she would get from the dead miko.

“Just follow me and shut-up,” he snapped back.

Six hours of walking later with no break and Kagome was about to die. The end of summer was the worst and with it came a terrible heat wave. They had started before the sun rose in hopes that Inuyasha would keep his promise to stop during high heat of the day. He had lied. They kept going as Inuyasha made with his usual ‘humans are weak’ comments.

The sun had set and they were able to rest now but it was still hot. Kagome would not be able to take this for much longer. Each day before dawn they headed out and they traveled all day until the sunset. Today had been the worst. They were all tired and hot. She was glad Souta and Shippou were not here in these conditions.

“Sango, let’s go get some water,” Kagome suggested, picking up some water bottles.

“Hai, I think that will do us some good.”

As the girls arrived at the river, they could not help but splash around a bit, clothes and all. Even though the sun was down it was still hot and the cold, refreshing water was inviting and appreciated. The water bubbled over the stones on the bed of the river. It created a natural music in the air creating peace and calm in the little area.

“Kagome, I wanted to say thanks.” Sango turned her attention on the woman who had just walked back onto the bank.

“For what?” Kagome wrung out her kimono sleeves and whatever else of the fabric that she could. The huntress copied.

“Not giving up.” It was a simple statement.

“Um. I don’t think I am following too well.” She stopped and looked to the older woman, her brow creased in her confusion.

“You have gone through so much and I know it is hard on you. You have helped me many times and I wanted to say thank you. It is important to hear your presence is appreciated.” Kagome didn’t know what to say. She was happy that Sango acknowledge what Kagome had done but she didn’t want her to continue worrying about things.

“Thanks, Sango, that means a lot.” What else could Kagome say to the older woman she admired?

They linked arms and walked back to the camp. The bottles they had filled for the men were emptied the minute they got back to camp. Miroku thanked Sango the only way he knew how and Inuyasha tossed his back to Kagome.

“Get me some more.”

“No!” Who does he think I am? He can’t order me around. I am not his maid!

“I said...” Inuyasha began but was unable to finish.

“I know what you said. I am not deaf. But I say get it yourself.” Kagome turned around with her own bottle and bow and arrows before she walked back into the forest behind her. Unaware of what would happen from her careless mistake.

Inuyasha followed her until she was far enough from the camp and the others that any screams would not reach the others. He would teach the woman for defying him. He was alpha. He jumped from the trees, landing in front of miko.

“You leave when I tell you.”

“I thought it was you. Did you know that I can read demonic auras better?” Kagome refrained from the topic.

“I don’t care what you can do.” Inuyasha stepped forward. The little miko stepped back.

“Well, I’m not interested in what you think. If you don’t move out of my way I will use that word.”

“You will not be restraining me again Kagome,” the hanyou smirked.

“Inuyasha I am warning you.” It wasn’t like Inuyasha could choose when Kagome used her magical word.

“Feh. Just try. I dare you.” It was his own fault he was asking for it. Daring her to do. She would have to oblige.

“Sit boy.” She waited to hear the lovely euphony of Inuyasha force to be reacquainted with the ground. Nothing happened. “What?”

“Kikyou was nice enough to lift the spell on them. It’s an ordinary necklace now.” To prove his point he lifted the once enchanted beads from his neck and let them fall to the ground. They shattered and rolled into all the directions known to mankind.

“Inuyasha get out of my way now!” Kagome was peeved that Kikyou had released the spell. What if he somehow turned youkai on her?

“I will not take orders from you. I am alpha! It is time you learned that!”

“You do not own me!” Kagome could help but wonder if he was possessed.

It was only recent that who was leader was tossed around. She wondered how long he was going to go on about this alpha thing. Honestly, they had never bothered with who was leader before. It was a group effort. Each person played their part. Sure Inuyasha did most of the fighting but this didn’t give him right to be leader. He wasn’t even qualified in her eyes. A leader was supposed to care for the people who followed them. Not insult, degrade, and abuse them. Kagome would not follow someone who did not respect her.

“So you have sold yourself to my baka of a half brother.”

Wait a minute where did this come from? Is he implying again that I am involved with his brother? Kagome looked to Inuyasha. Perhaps all the times she sat him had made him lose a few too many brain cells.

“I don’t know what you are entailing but at least he treats me better than this.” Kagome turned to leave but a hand grabbed her by the wrist. “This act gets old Inuyasha. Let go!” Kagome hissed.

Inuyasha smirked. “I don’t think so. You have to learn your lesson. I am your alpha, as is Kikyou.”

“If you think I am going to listen to the orders your clay pot whore gives, you’re more insane then I had originally thought. I would rather drop dead.” Kagome tugged at her wrist locked in Inuyasha’s hand.

“Where are the shards you were speaking about before?” Typical Inuyasha. If it wasn’t Kikyou then it was the jewel. Oh and ramen. I thought men were supposed to think about sex all the time?

“I’ll never tell you.” Kagome had taken an opportunity just after her brother had returned to hide the shards were not one would be able to sense them. She would tell anyone until she could complete the Shikon-no-Tama.

Inuyasha pushed Kagome to a nearby tree. This was the third time in her life that she had been pinned to the tree by her neck. “You will tell me. Or I will force you.”

“Go ahead and try,” the miko would have to use her trick sooner then she thought.

Inuyasha applied more pressure on her windpipe. “With pleasure.”

Kagome may have let Sesshomaru get away with such an act but he could have easily beaten her. Inuyasha was another matter. He was no longer a match for her. Her reiki flowed freely through her and she formed the energy into a ball near her chest. Then she proceeded to push it out with all of the force she could muster at the hanyou before her. The instant the purple and blue ball hit his chest he let go and was flung through one tree only to be stopped by another.

“Inuyasha I will not take your attitude any longer,” Kagome informed the hanyou.

“Feh, I will make you obey my every word bitch.” Kagome watched him draw Tetsusaiga and transform it.

“That’s right. I am a bitch. I have an attitude from hell and I am proud of it.” One touch from her power and his silly fang would not be able to transform for a short while.

“Yes, I quite agree with that statement.” A voice came from behind her. She hadn’t sensed anyone but as she turned she came face to face with white fur and a baboon mask. Behind the mask she could make out the crimson eyes of their enemy.

“Naraku,” Kagome moved away from both Inuyasha and Naraku. Her new location would let her see any move one or the other made.

“Ah, it is so nice to see you again. You escaped from me last time but this time you will not be so lucky. But please, don’t stop because of me. Your fight was rather entertaining and there has not been much excitement going on for a while.”

“Go to hell.”

“I believe you have forgotten. Miko, I am hell.”

Kagome wouldn’t be able to defeat Naraku alone. She was going to need Inuyasha’s help. “Inuyasha, aren’t you going to make a move?” she asked, slightly tremulously.

“I would but you’ll just attack me from behind,” Inuyasha replied.

“As if I would sink so low,” she muttered, “Fine, I will.”

Kagome let the power she had been gathering for Inuyasha change to go toward Naraku. This shocked Naraku as he watched his barrier break. Inuyasha went to use the Kaze no Kizu but Kagura came holding a hostage that stopped Inuyasha dead in his tracks.

“Missing something?” The wind youkai pushed the dead miko she had been leading to land on her knees on the forest floor.

“You bitch!” Inuyasha screamed but he remained still.

“Heh, is that your insult to all women, Inuyasha?” Naraku mocked.

Kagome had to do something. She would not let Naraku kill her. She remembered her bow still on her back. She briefly wondered why she had even forgotten about it.

“Die, Naraku!” She released the arrow she notched.

“We have already done this dance, dear miko of mine.” He dodged the arrow with ease.

“I am not your miko!”

“So ferocious. It arouses me to no ends, the length you go through to stand up to me. You seem to forget you are weak. A mere miko. I will enjoy tainting you when I bring up back to your room. Do you remember it? It was the one you were in the last time you came to visit.” The whole time Naraku let the muscles on one side of his mouth move into a smirk. The bastard was so overconfident he wasn’t even paying attention to Inuyasha.

“You’re deranged.” Kagome knocked aside one of the tentacles that came her way. Inuyasha only stood by and watched. He wasn’t over the fact that Kikyou had been captured. “Inuyasha do something.”

“Kikyou!” That was not what Kagome had in mind. Screaming a name would not help the situation.

“I am deeming you useless,” she whispered under her breath. She was going to have to get through this alone.

“You lose miko,” Naraku boasted.

“It’s not over yet.” Kagome notched another arrow.

Naraku sent all of his tentacles to the miko and she released. Her purification spell destroyed the appendages had been making their way to her. The arrow followed its path until it hit Naraku. The immense power caught Naraku off guard. Her power had grown. The arrow hit its target purifying him on the spot. All that was left was a piece of wood split in half with a hair wrapped around it. Kagome gave herself a mental pat on the shoulder. She had taken care of Naraku’s puppet on her own.

She looked over to Inuyasha, Kagura, and Kikyou. Inuyasha was trying to attack Kagura without harming Kikyou.

“She’s already dead Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled.

“I will not harm my mate.”

Kagome sighed. She might as well help him. Before she could do anything, something moved around her. She looked to see a slimy black tentacle wrap around her waist. Another placed a chained tiara around her head.

“No more reiki for you little one,” Naraku chuckled before moving toward the other part of the battlefield. He carried Kagome as she struggled to be free. Her struggling caused Naraku’s grasp on her to tighten more and more. He wrapped another tentacle to around her neck and one more around her mouth. Then he focused his attention on Inuyasha.

Somehow Inuyasha had managed to get hold of Kikyou and pull her behind him. Both of them had their backs to him and his new present. He grabbed the dead priestess. It was time to break the miko that defied him. He had intentionally let the clay pot, now in his hold, live during their last encounter for this purpose. He planned to use her and make Kagome break. Everything was falling perfectly into place.

“Inuyasha!” the dead woman screamed.

“Kikyou! Let her go, you bastard!” Inuyasha turned his back to Kagura, who faded into the background. Her job had been completed and she was no longer needed.

“Now Inuyasha, I have a proposal for you.” Naraku stared at Kagura as she vanished. He would take care of her later.

“What do you want?”

“Actually, it is the other way around. What do you want, Inuyasha? Listen carefully. I will not repeat myself.” Naraku paused; he loved the scent of fear, chaos. It filled the air, an aroma he would always crave. “Here on my right is your beloved Kikyou. A woman who died just over 50 years ago. Here on my left is the living breathing reincarnation of your mate. Your Shard Detector. Now chose, Inuyasha. You can have one but not the other.”

“Feh, you lie. If I pick you will kill them both.” Inuyasha tightened his grip on his fang.

“I promise you neither will die this day. Tomorrow may be a different matter.”

“I want Kikyou.” The obvious answer.

Naraku tossed the worthless piece of trash to the ground. She would die soon anyway. On his last faithful chance upon her he had injected her with his miasma. She would die slowly and painfully with no antidote.

“Here, a present.” Naraku knew that Inuyasha would choose the dead miko. It was too obvious. From the beginning he knew he would get his prize. “I have what I want.” Naraku looked to Kagome who had long ago passed out from the lack of oxygen to her lungs. But she would see this scene in her dreams and nightmares to come. All was going according to plan.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome didn’t want to open her eyes. She had remembered everything before she had regained full consciousness. By the cold, dampness, of the room she was in and the feel of the floor and familiar chains on her wrist, she knew she was back in the small cell she once resided in. How is this possible? I thought his last castle dissolved into nothingness? She cracked an eyelid. “Damn.”

Kagome sat up and moved the chains to better accommodate her position. The dark wasn’t as bad as it had been but it still held the idea of mystery. What lurked in the veil right before her eyes?

“I see you have awaken, pet. Shall we begin?”

“Naraku, you son of a bitch! Don’t you ever get tired of the same worn out lines?” Kagome stood. It made her feel a little better knowing he wasn’t looking downward at her so much.

“So defying.” Unknown to the miko, Naraku took a few steps forward.

“I won’t give into you. I didn’t before. I won’t now. I won’t ever.”

“You talk of repetition but you too are spewing out the same nonsense. I have every intention of bringing you into the darkness where it will consume you. Then I will control you.”

“Over my dead body.” Kagome spat.

“Ah,” Naraku’s shadow approached her and she saw it. He let a finger hook under her chin and directed her green emeralds to look into his rubies. His touch nauseated her.

“It would be no fun to kill you out right. If you die, it will be with great difficulty. You will rot painfully slow where you stand or under my commands.” He let her go. “You will have no one to fight for this time. No one will find you. No one will even look for you. You are very much alone.” He let her have time realize the meaning behind his words.

“You let me escape last time.” Kagome fell to her knees.

“That I did. How very clever of you to notice. I will not be so gracious this time around.” Naraku moved into the darkness behind him.

“I hate you.”

“You and so many others.” He left her alone with her thoughts, her dreams, her nightmares, and her vanishing hope.
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Ja ne
angelic memories

To my reviewers who keep me going....THANKS!!

Crystal_Flame - I commonly do that too when the story is really good. So that is one of the best compliments you can get as a writer. Thank you!!!

loretta537 - Thanks... I love hearing responses from my readersxkagomexThanks!!!

theblackangels_ - okay well your review was really long and I loed every bit of it. Unfortunately, due to spoiler issues I cant directly answer your concerns. There is a purpose for the well to be destroyed but I cant tell you any more then that. Another very unlucky thing is a lot of your questions come into play near the end. So ummm to help your curiosity I guess I can tell you that this doesnt change her meeting people but you know that would make a good fan fic. It was your idea though so I will give you chance to claim it. But if you dont mind I wouldnt mind writing a story with the idea of destroy the well so it does affect the future and such... or if you do please let me know I would like to read it.