InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Ten: Feel how the Time Passes... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

In this chapter Naraku speaks to Kagome via her dreams sometimes. I wanted these scenes to stand out so I am changing his speech during these moments. However brief they may be. So I am giving you my new and improved legend. Ta Da:

Naraku’s Voice.

Pretty basic yeah? Okay so onward with the story....

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Disclaimer: Honestly? This is getting old! Obviously, nothing as change over the last 9 chapters. I do not own Inuyasha
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Scroll Ten: Feel How the Time Passes...

Do you feel it squeezing you, holding you in place? Can you smell it as it suffocates your airway? Is the taste to your liking as it drowns you? Hear the sound that blocks all your reason. Is it satisfying? Can’t you see it? Do you fear it?
Kagome ran; she didn’t know where. It was all the same. There was no place to hide. She was in a hallway; all the doors she opened led to the darkness she didn’t want to be in. So she ran as fast and far as she could. The hallway was never-ending, twisting and turning in all directions. A voice filled her mind and the air around her, trying to force her off her path.
Why? Why miko?
“I will not give into you. I won’t stop fighting you.” Kagome hissed out. “You are the darkness I will never give into. The hell I will eventually escape.” Her breath was heavy but she managed to spit the words out to the unseen speaker. Oh, she knew who it was but she would not give him the pleasure of speaking his name. That would be giving him too much.
We shall see how strong you are. All weaken in the darkness. Even you.
The scene changed and she was able to make out a figure in the distance. Inuyasha. He was screaming for Kikyou, who was being held by Kagura. ~Here we go again. ~
§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Naraku had taken to keeping Kagome in a long stream of nightmares when she fell asleep. Sometimes, they were of her friends and adopted son, others of Inuyasha or Inuyasha and Kikyou. One or two even contained images of Rin and her together in the cell they had inhabited. Kagome knew what Naraku was up to. He was trying to make it appear that she never left.

It didn’t work.

He had grown frustrated at this and shoved more images of Inuyasha’s rejection ofher in the nightmares. This didn’t work either. The game was growing to a new level. He wanted to know what kept her going, even in the direst of situations. He was running low on options and ideas to bring the miko to his side so he could use her power.
On her third day in his dungeon, he had told her that her true abilities were hidden away, locked deep within. He hadn’t meant to let that information out so freely but he was becoming desperate. Any normal human would have broken by now. Not Kagome, though. He had to think of something else. Anything.
She had been there just under two weeks now. He watched as she remained as defiant as ever. The same could be said of the small group that was searching for her. The exterminator and monk were using the neko-mata to search faster and farther for their friend. After hearing what had occurred in the woods, they quickly severed ties with Inuyasha. The hanyou returned to the village with his dying lover. Ironic how she would die in the same place she did 50 years ago.

Naraku slammed his fist onto the table where the mirror was. Twelve days, the miko had lasted twelve days and showed little difference from the first day she got here. What was it she clung to? He had thought to use Inuyasha but it would appear that the miko was long over the half inu. He had to think of something quickly. He wanted the Shikon no Tama and the powerful warrior that came with it as an ally. It would mean his undeniable success in ruling this miserable world.
§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome opened her eyes to the prison. The darkness was nothing now. Narakudidn’t realize she was adapting to her surroundings. She didn’t know why she feared it before but it was nothing now. Sesshomaru’s words and advice had helped her. He had been right in assuming that she had run from her fears before, but not anymore. She was never alone. People always needed her, loved her. The darkness was never eternal. There was always a light at the end of the tunnel.

As much as she wished it weren’t true, she had to admit that Naraku was probably right about one thing. If he had let her go freely, willingly, before then it was likely that no one would be able to find her so easily this time. Kagome was better off then last time and would last longer since she had no injury or a sick Rin to care for. Still, in these conditions, she wouldn’t last forever. It unnerved her that she might actually die here without seeing Souta, Shippou and Rin grow up. But even with this thought planted, she wouldn’t give up. She would show everyone how strong an ordinary human could be.
This left Kagome sighing. If she didn’t have her reiki pinned by the charm Naraku placed on her then she would have a better chance at escape. It would be even better if she could unlock the hidden powers Naraku had spoken of early on. With this and the right timing she could probably escape all on her own. Even with her power pinned away she could feel the times that Naraku’s barrier around the castle wavered.

Shortly after coming here it was weakened. Kagome wondered why he would allow this to happen before it struck her. He had to change into his ‘human’ self. Once a month there was a night that he was at his weakest. Of course, unlike Inuyasha, he got to choose this night, but it still happened. This would be the only time Kagome could hope to escape. Now she just needed to find a way to get her powers back.

“Kagome, my precious jewel,” Naraku cooed as his voice made its way into the darkened room. “How is everything? Is the room to your liking?” He wasn’t there in person but he was watching. Always watching.
“I am not yours.” Never give in. She had taken a tone when talking to Naraku. It showed nothing about her feelings or uncertainties. It gave him no leverage to use against her.
“Of course, you say that now.” Kagome could hear his amused tone. He was too arrogant and she would display proudly how strong she could be.
“What do you want?” Naraku would tell her anyway but Kagome like things straight and to the point. It took less energy away, energy she would need later.
“I have merely come to inform you that the half breed mutt will not be rescuing you. He has taken to that village of yours with his bitch.”

“I don’t need him anyway.” Kagome had thought about the possibility of Inuyasha not even bothering to save her. She didn’t think he would. It would have shocked her more if Naraku came and told her that he was searching. Although, she couldn’t believe everything that Naraku said. Perhaps, Inuyasha was looking for her and Naraku still didn’t know that she wasn’t in love with him anymore. “I don’t care.”
“Your friends, on the other hand, are searching but it is only a matter of time before they give up. The houshi grows weaker with each passing day.”

This worried her and she let it slip. A mistake on her part. Naraku struck a nerve. It wasn’t much but he could work with anything. Until he could find whatever it was she clung too, then he would use small discoveries to break her. “Should I send Kohaku to visit his sister once more?”
“Leave them alone.”
“I wish I could, but you are not cooperating. Besides, they stand in my way.”

“Naraku, you bastard. Are you that weak? You hide behind your minions and let them do the dirty work. You’re a sick twisted man that enjoys manipulating people. It’s disgusting. What kind of weird circuits are making your brain work?” Kagome was tired of his mind games; any normal person would kill their enemy and be done with it. Why did she always have to deal with the sick maniacs? First the Thunder Brothers, then there was the Peach Man and his god awful tree. Now there was Naraku.
“It’s good to heard that someone has noticed my work.” Naturally the bastard would see her remarks as a compliment.
“Drop dead.”

“If only words could kill.” Naraku chuckled and faded from the small room.
“One day I’ll make you eat your words. Just wait and see.” Kagome pulled her knees into her chest and sighed.
The one thing she clung to was knowing her brother and son were okay. Naraku didn’t seem to know about Souta yet and he hadn’t gone after her little kitsune. This left a little hope for her. She would be find as long as they were.
§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Where are you going? You can’t hide from me.
Kagome was running again. It seem like she was always doing that. She couldn’t stop. It was like her body was being controlled. Her mind was in a void and she could only watch the actions she did. The images were forever burned into her mind. Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara. They had all been killed but not by Naraku. No. He had used another maneuver. His newest nightmare was her. She had killed them all. He began this new turn of evens three days ago. As soon as the nightmare finished a new one would begin again. Each dream was a plague. Each a scene of death and destruction. Each an act of betrayal. They were all a little different yet all the same.
Kagome moved to looked at the small camp where she and her companions camped for the night. They were unaware she had just finished exterminating the little neko-mata of the group.
“Kagome, let’s go to the hot spring.” Sango, her sister like friend, asked. Kagome nodded.
Kagome never talked in her nightmares. It was a law she was bound to. Naraku was the law.
As they passed the tree line and headed to the hot spring Kagome stopped, as did Sango.
“Is there something wrong, Kagome?” How innocent the question sounded.
Kagome pulled the dagger out of a hidden pocket in her sleeve.
“Kagome, what are you doing?”
Kagome hesitated. Her body did anyway. Her mind was going crazy. Kagome knew what was coming.
What are you waiting for Kagome? Kill her. It is no different then what you hear in reality. You prevent her from the death she seeks. Isn’t she unhappy? She wants to go to the afterlife with her brother.

Kill the girl now. Let her be free from you and your torture.

Kagome raised the blade and let it plunge into the heart of her best friend. She pulled and the small blade releasing its victim, who fell to the ground. Kagome took a place beside Sango’s dying figure.
Kagome eyed her friend. She wanted to talk, to tell her that she was sorry, but this wasn’t the real Sango. The real Sango had recently thanked her. Told her that she was happy Kagome was with her. The real Sango had fallen in love with her little brother and adored him to death.
Kagome raised the dagger again and again each time letting it fall until Sango’s eyes blurred over. Her hair was loose from its usual ponytail. Her cloths were soaked through. She laid in a puddle of her own blood. As if nothing had happened Kagome got up, changed her bloody clothing so the others wouldn’t be suspicious and walked back to camp.
As she arrived, Miroku questioned Sango’s whereabouts. “Did Sango stay in the hot spring?”
Kagome nodded then worked her way to the fire. She pulled out five cups, one for each of them, even the dead. It wouldn’t do to have the others suspect something. Inuyasha was gone and Shippou slept. It was Miroku’s turn.
You realize that in doing this you are helping him. He will only die anyway. His wind tunnel will consume him eventually, miko. This is your gift to him, your gift to everyone who has to suffer through your presence. Death is the gift you give to them. You are death.
Kagome didn’t believe him. Her mind fought against his words. Miroku helped her more then she could ever imagine. The lecherous monk was definitely more considerate then she had thought. He had only weeks ago proposed to Sango. His ways were slowly changing and he now only groped his soon-to-be wife. Miroku had come to her for help. He asked her what he should do. She was Sango’s best friend after all. So she guided him a little, like how he had guided her through some of her training.
Kagome poured tea into the cups and in the last one she added a deadly poison. There was nothing she could do as she watched her body approach the houshi with the cup in hand.
“Why, thank you, Kagome.” Kagome nodded and watched. She attempted to close her eyes but they focused as the last of the cup’s contents emptied. Moments later Miroku’s eyes were blood shot. He clutched his heart and looked to Kagome.
“Why?” It was the same innocent question. A question she was unable to answer.
Miroku closed his eyes and his breathing died away. She looked over her shoulder. Shippou continued to sleep and Miroku looked to be sleeping. Now where was Inuyasha?
As if on cue she felt his presence drawn near. Kagome could feel the muscle of her mouth moving into a smirk. Inuyasha made his way to the small clearing.
“Oi, wench I want something to eat.” Even in her dreams he ordered her around.
Kagome walked towards him. She had no intention of taking his orders.
“What are you doing? I said I wanted food.” Kagome shook her head.
She felt the familiar tingle of her power flowing to her fingers. Inuyasha looked at her with a shocked look.

“Kagome, I thought you were over all of this. I came for you didn’t I? I saved you.”

She continued forwarded and didn’t even flinch away as he drew his fang. It wouldn’t be long before it was an ordinary, useless, sword.
The fight was quick. Kagome dodged Inuyasha’s swings and grazed one of her fingers on the metal. It shrunk.

“Kagome, why are you doing this?”
She didn’t know anymore. Everything was a blur to her.
You seek this miko. You want revenge. He left you here. He isn’t coming for you. He is never there for you when you need him. He leaves to be with Kikyou. Not you. Look where his choice has left you.
Kagome wanted to block out all of his words. It was true that she was here because of him. She couldn’t deny the truth. But it was her fault too. She was physically weak and incapable of overcoming Naraku on her own. She didn’t blame Inuyasha. He had never received the time to mourn his dead love. He was pinned to a tree for 50 years. How was he to know that Kikyou had died? When Kagome came along he could see Kikyou in her. Kagome now knew that he would never love her. He would have to get over his love for Kikyou. Mourn her death properly and then move on. Kagome would always remind him of her. This didn’t matter; though. She didn’t care. She didn’t love him.
Inuyasha swiped at her with his claws. “Kagome, stop this now or I will kill you.”
Inuyasha had it wrong. It was Kagome who did all of the killing that night. She watched in horror as her power built within her finger and she released it into hundreds of tiny balls that surrounded Inuyasha. It would appear the Naraku had watched her learn her newest trick.
Each of the reiki balls was deadly to a lesser demon. She could command their movement at will. Together, all of the balls combined would be too powerful for someone like Inuyasha. As she moved her hand to signal the beginning of their movement she heard Inuyasha scream for Kikyou. A figure moved from the shadow of the trees but could only watch as Kagome purified a small piece of Inuyasha at a time. Kikyou could not stand up against the power Kagome now had. The dead miko couldn’t do anything and was forced leave as her lover lay dying.
The last words were always the same but this time it wasn’t directed to her.
“Why?” It was Kikyou whom Inuyasha questioned.
Only one left for you. One more and your done. Then what will you do?
Kagome looked over he shoulder. Shippou was curled into her sleeping bag. He slept so peacefully. She wondered how he could sleep with the smell of death and betrayal so thick in the air. It was suffocating.
She walked to his little form. Kagome had noticed how much he was growing now. She had wanted to ask about a normal youkai’s growth. She knew nothing at all about how long they stayed little, how quickly they grew, what to expect, what to teach them. Sango didn’t know much either and Inuyasha wouldn’t answer her.
Shippou moved in his sleep. Kagome knelt beside him. He was now just a little smaller then Souta but in her dreams he was always closer to the size he was when she had first known him. She shook Shippou awake. He looked up at her so trustingly and a little confused.
“What is wrong, okaa-san?”
Kagome smiled, then grasped Shippou by the neck.

What do you think, Kagome? What would be a suiting death for the little kitsune, who has chosen to allow a human woman be his mother? Watch him; he’s asking for this. He doesn’t struggle against you at all. He wants to die. What youkai would want to acknowledge a human as his mother? It is unnatural. Release him. Show him mercy.
Kagome pulled her fist closed around the Shippou’s neck. Her strength wasn’t enough to break his neck. Naraku wouldn’t have let her that anyway. Her friends had to struggle in their final moments. It had to be tortuous to them and to her. Instead, her firm grip left the kitsune breathless. He was the only one unable to ask that stupid question over and over again. He couldn’t ask her, the person he trusted, something so innocent as ‘why’. Why was she doing all of this?
Shippou went limp in her hand and she let him drop to the ground with a sickening thud. She was done.
You are so obedient, my pet. I have a special gift for you for completing your task.
Kagome couldn’t understand how he could make it seem like she had a choice in what she did. Naraku always complimented her on a ‘job well done’. She listened to him talk as if she chose on her own free will to attack and kill all her friends over and over.
Kagome let her feet lead her. Normally her nightmare would be finished by now and she was free to wake up or repeat it. She couldn’t even imagine what Naraku had planned next. Before she let her thoughts wonder she let a presence behind her. Kagome turned and nearly cried at the sight. Naraku had figured it all out.
§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Naraku grinned the day he had decided to watch the village Inuyasha was occupying. He couldn’t contain his excitement about using his new discovery on the miko. He had found it at last. All of his questions were answered and they came in the form of a little boy that looked very much like the miko he was holding in his cell. He would break her before the next time he had to change.

He had been worried. He knew the miko could sense the times he was weak. It wouldn’t do for her to escape and break the hold he had on her powers. No, he had nothing to worry about. He had one more week but it wouldn’t take that long. He would break her in a matter of hours.
§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Before her was her little brother. Souta was clearly under the control of Naraku. She stood there, watching. She didn’t move at all. Souta carried a katana. It gleamed in the moonlight. It flashed as he raised it. It drew near as he moved toward her. It pierced skin and Souta widened his eyes.

Kagome let the tears flow down her cheek. “I’m sorry Souta.”
Souta vanished. His figure faded right before her eyes.
Welcome to my world my miko. There is nothing you can do now. He will die before the next new moon.
Kagome knew he was right. If he got her brother there would be nothing she could do. Inuyasha wouldn’t help him. He had shown less and less interest in the little boy. Kagome let her eyes close. It signaled her death in the dream and her awaking in reality.
Naraku might actually win this time.

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Right, well I don’t think I did too badly. It was a little difficult... okay more then a little but I managed. I was having trouble keeping everything in character and more morbidity like. There are only so many original ideas you can have when it comes to Naraku. He mainly manipulates, causing chaos, and manipulates some more. Pretty basic sorry to cut it off there but there’s a reason. You all have to wait and see... *evil grin*

Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008

Thank you all for being so patient with me.

Infinite Silence – I am hoping that I will be updating a little more now that it is summer. Or maybe the chapters will be a little longer. I will have to see about how busy I am. I think the reason many people make Inuyasha abusive is that it is an easy way to get him out of the picture and push Kagome away. But I don’t plan to keep in him this state. I use dog like traits to get Kagome to go to Sesshomaru for now but Inuyasha will be returning. Think of it like not seeing the whole picture right away and then suddenly understand what’s going on exactly and realizing your mistakes.

theblackangels_ - very amusing but if you kill Kikyo by having her run over then I will be unable to kill her later in my story…Thanks for the entertaining review.