InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Eleven: Bond of a Brother ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

There are a lot of different things in this chapter so I think you may need this.

Sesshomaru’s Beast
Naraku’s voice in Kagome’s head during her dreams

//Other voices Kagome hears//

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Disclaimer: Keep Inuyasha... I want Sesshomaru. It’s too bad I am only borrowing him for now since I don’t own them.
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Scroll Eleven: The Bond of a Brother

The little black haired boy woke up. The dream he had was unnerving. He watched from above as two figures stood facing each other before the taller of the two let the youngest kill her. He had a feeling this dream was telling him something but it wouldn’t help being here. He had to go. He wouldn’t wait for the others and wouldn’t depend on Inuyasha.

The kitsune next to him stirred in his sleep. He was happy in Shippou’s company and it calmed him whenever Shippou was around. Maybe he should tell him and they could leave together. Shippou knew more about the land then Souta did.

With his mind made up he moved around the hut with familiarity, grabbing anything he could think of that they might need. All those times watching Kagome pack helped him remember the basics. With the packing out of the way, he moved to wake Shippou.

“Hey!” Souta’s hand shook the sleeping youkai.

“Okaa-san, just one more minute,” Shippou batted at the appendage shaking him and turned away from the figure.

“Shippou, come on we have to leave before they wake up.”

“Uh?” Shippou sat up. “What are you talking about?”

“I promise to tell you as soon as we get a fair distance away.”

“Okay,” Shippou ran around the hut gathering his magical toys. Then dressed.

The two crept around the small village; with the help of Shippou’s youkai hearing they could sneak around without being noticed by the small amount of villagers already awake. As soon as Shippou had led them an adequate distance into a forest away from the village, he turned to the young human walking in his footsteps.

“Okay, Souta, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nee-chan, I think she is in trouble. We need to find a way to help her,” he explained his dream and the feeling he had. Shippou listened and believed every word.

“Naraku’s probably up to his old tricks again. But we can’t beat him alone. Besides, we don’t even know where okaa-san is. Naraku hides his castle in a barrier.”

“I can feel nee-chan. She is that way,” Souta pointed to a direction but Shippou wasn’t sure which way it was. It thought it might be west. The sun wasn’t up to assist the young youkai but his instinct told him west.

“Okay well, we need to find help.”

“Who is going to help us?”

“Sango, Miroku, and Kirara,” Shippou couldn’t think of anyone else that would help them willingly. Inuyasha was out of the question seeing that both youngsters knew he had been acting strange since he had returned. Now with Souta’s premonition it wasn’t hard for them to put two and two together. Any baka could figure that out. Except maybe Inuyasha.

“Okay, where are they?” the boys were at a lost. Sango and Miroku did not return with Inuyasha. They could be anywhere.

“We’ll have to go find a village and ask some questions. Though, the villagers will not answer to children so I will use my fox magic to transform into an adult as we get closer.”

“Okay, let’s hurry. I don’t want anything to happen to nee-chan.” Souta began to start forward in the direction that he felt Kagome. If anything Miroku and Sango would be in that direction, looking for his nee-chan.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome was failing in her task. She knew this and worst of all Naraku knew this. He had to admit that her attempts to resist him before were amusing. They were all in vain. He would attack the village her brother was residing and perhaps in the process kill the kitsune that the miko was fond of and the mutt that stood in his way. It was too bad that the houshi and huntress would not be present.

“Go,” he looked to Kagura, “And do not disappoint me.”

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome knew something that Naraku didn’t know. He would find out soon though. Using the power her brother had, but didn’t know much about, she hid the jewel shard she had gathered. If Naraku succeeded in killing her brother, his natural barrier around him would disappear and the shards would be Naraku’s for the taking. It was all coming to an end and she was stuck only listening to the events Naraku chose to tell her.

How she wanted death now. Maybe Naraku was right. After knowing your only family was gone or going to die, it’s only natural not to want to continue on. Did Sango feel the same way? She didn’t blame Sango anymore. Kagome couldn’t help but wonder if the woman who had helped her through the rough patch would blame her for giving in. She let the darkness slowly seep into her heart. Her mind was slowly shutting down. Only her fighting spirit was left but it wouldn’t be too long until that too was engulfed, tainting it with Naraku’s evil.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

“No, I am sorry I haven’t seen anyone with that description,” the older woman apologized to a small child with black hair and blue eyes. He looked a little down hearted so offered for him and his ‘uncle’ to join them for dinner.

“No, that’s okay we have to go,” Souta pulled on “Uncle” Shippou’s hoari sleeve. “Come on.”

“Souta, we need to eat sometime,” Shippou hissed.

“Fine. But let’s hurry.”

Shippou felt bad. He too wanted to find his okaa-san but they need to eat and rest. They had been traveling for two days straight. They ate on the go and took only four hours of sleep. Being so small, they were able to hide when any youkai came too near. Shippou had learned how to erect a barrier and this came in handy. They were lucky but that luck might run out soon. Shippou’s barrier was only so strong and although they didn’t have shards, or so he thought, meaning youkai were not purposefully looking for them, they were only going to get so far before they were confronted by an enemy too strong to handle.

That demon came three days later as the form of Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru had left Rin at the castle. She was asking him daily to take her to her nee-chan. He was running out of ideas, ways, to say no and postponing the meeting. So he left to patrol his lands. Without Jaken and Rin slowing his progress he was able to complete his task faster. Just over a day after his departure, Ah-Un had arrived with a message to his master. The two headed dragon was content enough to remain by Sesshomaru’s side until the Taiyoukai was finished his patrol.

Sesshomaru was due for a break, even if he really didn’t need one, thus he walked to a tree, sat down and pulled up a knee to rest his newly regenerated arm on. He opened the scroll and a few flowers fell out. He read the words that were written in very large and uncertain writing. Flowers were drawn around the border the writing.

Dear Sesshomaru-sama, (Jaken helped me spell your name.)

I found out you left. I wanted to say goodbye but you were already gone. I thought maybe you could get Kagome-nee-chan for me and bring her for a visit I want her to see the gardens and we can pick flowers and dress my doll Suki. Please bring back Kagome-nee-chan.


It would seem she had gotten better with her spelling and writing.
The inu thought upon finishing the scroll.

You’re avoiding the topic.

She can not always get what she wants.

You want this to. Why are you so stubborn?

The miko is a fair distance from here.

Surprising that her scent seems so near though.

What are you talking about?
Sesshomaru’s nose flared. Was his beast right? It wasn’t Kagome but it was so close to her scent. He had to investigate and moved toward the scent.

If you don’t care why are you going?

Hn. I am curious.

Your ‘curiosity’ is worse then that of a cat.

Do not compare this Sesshomaru to a filthy feline.

Sesshomaru stopped. His nose had brought him to the small child that was so much like his older sister. He was accompanied by the small kitsune who called Kagome mother. The scent of any of their traveling companions was not presence.

“Where is your group?” Sesshomaru looked down on the smaller forms.

“Uh...” Shippou stuttered under the intense gaze of the Taiyoukai. Souta didn’t do too much better; he was scared. This disturbed Sesshomaru; he didn’t want the miko’s brother to fear him. Sesshomaru stopped himself from growling. He took his last comment back. He enjoyed it when people were afraid of him. The child was no different.

“Where is the miko?” Sesshomaru asked again.

Souta looked to Shippou, who had never taken his eyes off of the youkai before him. Sure Sesshomaru hadn’t attacked him the last time they met but Kagome was with him at that time.

“Does he know nee-chan?” Souta whispered, he didn’t know that Sesshomaru standing before him could hear every word he spoke anyway.

Shippou nodded. “And she’s not afraid of him,” he whispered back.

“Really?” Shippou nodded. Souta looked back at the youkai before him. His silver hair moved gently in the late summer breeze. He had to find nee-chan and would die trying, if he had to. He couldn’t be afraid forever.

“I need to find my nee-chan. Can you help?”

Shippou was horrified at the boldness of Souta. He grabbed Souta and covered his mouth with his paw. “What are you doing?” he hissed in the young boy’s ear. He turned to look at Sesshomaru.

“He didn’t mean that. It was a joke. Don’t take it seriously, okay? We are going to go now.” Shippou took slow steps backwards, retreating from an amused Taiyoukai.

After a few feet, Shippou turned and tried to push Souta forward, but Sesshomaru had moved to block their way. Instead of Souta moving forward he was pushing into the bone plated armoured chest of the most powerful youkai of the time.

Sesshomaru didn’t move to help the young boy who took a few steps away from him.

“Where is the miko?” Souta shivered as Sesshomaru spoke with a voice that could almost kill.

“I don’t know,” Souta replied. “But I can feel her.”

“What happened?” Souta was getting the impression that no one messed with the youkai he had just met.

Souta tried to explain as much as he could. He lifted his eyes to Sesshomaru seemed to show little interest but on the inside Sesshomaru was fighting with himself. He was concerned about her. It would appear that the miko had fallen into the grasp of Naraku once again. On the other hand, with the miko out of his way he wouldn’t have to deal with her in his thoughts.

Wouldn’t you be guilty if you left her there to die?

Of course not, she is a vexation when she is around.

What about your ward?

She would mourn and then get over it.

What of the child before you?

You ask too many questions.

I am merely forming your concerns into my own words.

I have no concerns for either of the pups standing before me.

It is interesting how you call them pups now when they were mere children before.

childrenmean nothing to be. The miko is no concern of mine.

The miko will be a powerful ally. You know this. When her true potential is unlocked no human nor youkai will be able to stand in her way.


Even if you won’t admit you feel for the miko, you should still keep her around. You said so yourself: she may play a key part in the defeat of Naraku.


Shall we go find the miko then?

I will fetch her this last time but if she is capture once more then she can find her own way to free herself.

Of course that will not happen again if she were to be around permanently.

“Which direction?” Sesshomaru was brought out of his thoughts only to focus on the boy before him.

“Huh?” Souta was watching Sesshomaru who had closed his eyes. Shippou was standing beside him.

“This Sesshomaru will fetch your troublesome miko. Which direction?”

Souta pointed. “It doesn’t feel so far away anymore.”

“Ah-Un will take you to a cave near by where you will stay until I return with the miko,” Ah-Un move towards the two children upon hearing his name and the instructions that followed.

“No,” Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow. The boy had gotten rid of his fear fast. Now he presumed he could tell Sesshomaru what to do. Sesshomaru restrained a chuckle. He was related to the miko alright. The small boy was capable of moving from emotion to emotion without a second thought, he stood up to Sesshomaru, and he was loyal to those he cared for.

“Hn. You will only get in my way,” time to put him in his place.

Souta looked fiercely at the youkai and the youkai stared right back. “I am going. I have to save my nee-chan.”

“You will not stand a chance against the miasma the surrounds the castle belonging to Naraku. Your lungs are too weak.”

“My sister needs my help,” Souta was persistent.

“You will stay. If your sister needs you, you will have to be alive. Dead, you serve no purpose.”

“But...” Sesshomaru had enough and would not take to losing his debate. He pushed a pressure point on the back of the child’s neck. Souta collapsed but did not fall to the ground. Sesshomaru pulled him up and placed him on Ah-Un. He would awaken in a few hours at most. Shippou looked from Ah-Un, to the now forcefully sleeping Souta, to Sesshomaru.

“I will do the same to you if you insist on going as well.”

“Ah, no that’s okay. But if you lied to him then okaa-san will be very upset.”


Shippou got onto Ah-Un and the two headed dragon took to the sky then head to the west. Sesshomaru followed then up but went to the eastern part of his lands. The miko was become very troublesome indeed. Although Rin would be happy if he brought the miko for a visit.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Naraku was enraged. Kagura had come back two days ago to tell him the kid brat he wanted dead was not in the village. In his raged state he had gone to the village personally and destroyed it. He killed each of the villagers one by one. Each time questioning the whereabouts of the small brat. No one knew. They hadn’t even lied to him. They honestly had no idea where the child had wandered to.

Inuyasha and his mate were not present. So he left, only to return to his castle. He would find the little terror soon enough. For now the miko didn’t have to know that he didn’t find her little brother. Make her believe that I killed him. He allowed his mind to enter her dwelling. Kagome was already asleep. It had proven to be easy to taint her after she lost hope for the safety of her brother. His death would more than likely push her over the edge. He let his power shift the images of her mind. Putting his pet into a reality he created. He was unaware of the power drawing near.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Souta was lying beside her. They were sleeping side-by-side. She reached over and pulled him close. It was comforting to her to know that he was alright. Her hand touched something thick, sticky and wet. She brought it to her face and screamed. Her hand was filled with the crimson liquid from Souta. She sat up and pulled him to his back. A hole in his gut proved to be the reason for his death. She cried. The tears flowed from her eyes and she didn’t care if she ever stopped.

My pet, why cry? I am curing you. I promise you that you’ll never feel anything again. Just give in.

Kagome was willing. She wanted the pain to go away. She opened her eyes to the cell she lived in. Something told her that she should keep fighting. Kagome was too tired to fight, though. She was sick and tired of fighting for nothing. It all didn’t matter. She had stopped accepting food and water long ago. Kagome didn’t move from her spot anymore unless Naraku came and moved her. He would pull her to her feet just to let her go and land against the stone floor. Other times she would move in her sleep but that was rare as well. At the moment she laid on her side, her right side flat against the floor. Her hair was matted to her from sweat. Her arms and legs were at strange angles. Her eyes showed the signs of surrender. This was how Sesshomaru had found her.

She didn’t wonder why Naraku had released her from her nightmare so soon. He normally kept her in them for hours upon hours. She didn’t hear the disturbance signalling a fight, nor the movement or sounds coming from outside her cell door. The darkness had consumed her so much she wasn’t aware that someone other than Naraku had entered her cell. Her vision never flickered from the nothingness that she saw as the figure picked her up and carried her out of her prison. Kagome showed no emotion whatsoever as her saviour covered her eyes from the sun and brought her outside where he could determine the extent of her injuries.

She was unfed and had lost a lot of weight. Bruises and dirt coloured her skin in various shades. To Sesshomaru, it was her eyes that hurt him the most. Her body could be mended, and it was to be expected that after a length of time one’s body would suffer through the hardships, but Kagome’s emerald eyes were dead. They didn’t flicker with want, desire, hope, relief or the fire he knew was inside of her. He had to work quickly before it was too late.

First, he removed the tiara on her head. He felt a rush of her energy and hoped that maybe the miko would respond. She didn’t. She remained limp in his arms. Naraku had succeeded in finally breaking the miko but Sesshomaru wouldn’t allow her to stay that way for long.

“I thought you were stronger then this miko. Don’t you have someone to protect?”

For a split second, something flickered within. Maybe she hasn’t completely given up yet.

Of course not, she is strong.

We have to work fast.

Take her to her brother. He will be able to help.

What is he going to be able to do?

Stop asking questions. Just go.

Sesshomaru let his aura form at his feet, creating his cloud. He would do what is beast wanted for now. It would do no good if the miko died.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome let herself float in the place where she thought she was safe. No one could reach her there. She was neither asleep nor awake. It was an accident when she found the trick out. In this place Naraku couldn’t get to her. No nightmares, no pain, no death, no worries. Nothing, just nothing.

//Don’t you have someone to protect? //

A voice had made it through and she wondered how this was possible. How had it gotten so close to her? It questioned her and the question stirred some familiarity. It didn’t matter now, though. It was all in the past. Still, she could help but think the voice sounded familiar and the question had been posed before. Do I have someone to protect? I did, but do I now?

An image of Rin reminded her of what they had gone through before. Kagome fought because Rin. It made her guilty that she wasn’t fighting now. What do I fight for when I have lost everything?

Kagome questioned it all many times before, but what if they were really all dead? Maybe Naraku had made all her nightmares a reality.

//Nee-chan.// Another voice penetrated through to her space.

Nee-chan? Who calls to me? Who has the power to make it here? Kagome was curious, she wanted to know but she didn’t want to be hurt. What if it’s a trick? A trap? I can’t. I won’t. So she stayed. If only for a little longer. She didn’t want to feel the pain.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Souta looked at his sister. Sesshomaru was true to his word and brought her back to him. Shippou and Souta had been sitting anxiously in the cave. When Souta felt his sister grow near he jumped up and headed to the entrance of the cave. The minute Sesshomaru entered the cave Souta bombarded him with questions. Souta kept asking but didn’t break to allow Sesshomaru to answer. Not that he would.

“Is she okay? Why isn’t she moving? Why is she so hurt? What happened? How did she get those injuries? Can you put her down? Why isn’t she moving? She isn’t dead, right?”

“No,” Sesshomaru put the miko down on the weird blankets the child had on the floor. He let Souta look her over. The child was careful not to disturb her. They didn’t know the full extent of her injuries, though Sesshomaru could tell there were no broken bones. Only minor nicks and cuts, bruises, and possible pulled muscles.

“Nee-chan! Nee-chan!” Souta leaned over his sister’s form. “Wake-up, nee-chan,” he whimpered pitifully.

Kagome didn’t move but Sesshomaru could see another flicker of movement in her eyes like before. It lasted a bit longer and he wondered if this was what his beast was speaking of. He looked to Shippou who had joined the human child. Kagome did love all the children Sesshomaru had seen her around. Perhaps being surrounded by them would help bring her back to the realm.

Sesshomaru mentally groaned. He had a feeling Rin could help. That would mean he would have to give in to Rin’s request and bring the miko for a ‘visit’. It couldn’t be helped. His beast was right. The miko had hidden power and this would be helpful for the final battle. He would take the miko back to his castle. There he would bring her out of the state of mind she was in and then help her release the power locked away.

“Come, we are leaving,” Sesshomaru’s mind was set. He left no room for debate.

“What? Where? I don’t think it is a good idea to move okaa-san,” this didn’t stop the concerned children. Shippou and Souta scents of fear were increasing and ricocheting of the cave walls. It made his nose itch. This would not do. They would learn to obey every command Sesshomaru made. He glared at the two still clinging to the woman laying motionless other then for light breathing.

“The miko will be better where she can be properly cared for. We will set forth at once. Gather your things and -Unor I will leave without you,” Sesshomaru moved to pick up the miko.

He enjoyed the feel of her in his arms and would only wish that it was under different circumstance. He growled. There was no way he would let these thoughts continue. Shippou and Souta thought the growl was from how long they were taking and they quickened their pace. This proved favourable to Sesshomaru, who would not tell them otherwise.

When they were finished, he led Ah-Un to the sky and continued, taking the quickest route to his castle. He stole glances at the woman in his arms. She looked small and fragile when she slept. When she was awake she was not a force to be reckoned with. But asleep she looked like she could be snapped into two pieces. Sesshomaru wanted to protect her from anyone who would attempt to harm the miko again. Naraku wouldn’t be given the chance to finish his work on the woman. Unconscious of his actions, he pulled the girl to his chest. Holding her firmly, his low instinctual croon in his chest.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome could hear muffled sounds. A third voice penetrated her wall of sanctuary. She wondered if her place, unknown to the outside world, was becoming weaker. She didn’t want to go out. Outside was darkness, pain, death, suffering, confusion and Naraku. She let sleep claim her as she felt a vibration sooth her uneasy soul. She wasn’t ready to face the world yet but maybe later. Much, much later. So she succumbed to the sleep her body sought.

Before too long something was speaking to her again. It seemed no one would leave her alone.

//Nee-chan. Kagome nee-chan. Come back, Kagome nee-chan.//

Too many voices. Too many intrusions. Kagome tried to bury herself deeper. She found the peace she sought for the outside. Somehow she felt a little content. Like someone was watching over her, helping her. It made it less difficult to ease into a deep sleep.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome had been in the palace for three days. Her wounds were healing but she wouldn’t last without food. The healers had all told him if she didn’t regain enough consciousness to eat she wouldn’t live. He passed by his chambers on his way from his study. The chamber next to him held the sleeping miko. He knew she wasn’t always sleeping. She spent as much time sleeping as she did locked away in her mind.

Sesshomaru opened the large door to Kagome’s chamber. The crescent moon reminded all who passed this was a room for family. It had been his room as a pup for it had a door that linked this room and the master chambers to create an easy access to a pup that would need to be attended to in the early hours. In their later years, the pup would be place in a room further away. Now, it housed the miko. His beast wouldn’t let the miko be placed too far from him. Sesshomaru was not arguing. If his beast was happy then he could take care of other issues.

Sesshomaru’s hand briefly slid across the surface, feeling the indents of the design. He pushed pass the entrance of the room and looked in. Rin, Shippou and Souta were piled around the miko on the king size mattress. Green and white fabric covered the four forms in the bed and pillowed each of their heads. Matching fabric hung from the windows and the ceiling of the bed draping down to the floor.

He sighed mentally. If there was no change in her state by the end of dinner he would take matters into his own hands. He had excused Rin from her lessons but enough was enough. She had spent the last three days in the bed that the miko occupied. As a matter of fact, none of the youngsters moved from the bed.

Sesshomaru left the room. It was nearly lunch. He would allow them lunch in her room but come dinner they would eat in the dining room. He went back to his study. There were some things he would have to look up before her proceeded with tonight’s exercises. He had never attempted them on a human. He didn’t even bother with the youkai anymore. It was easy killing answers out of people then trying to sort through the mess of a person’s mind. But at this point, Sesshomaru was desperate.
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I do not know what colour Souta’s eyes really are. He is never in any colour pictures in the manga and I have not seen any episodes with him in it. So I made up a colour. I am not going to go back and change it but if someone is kind enough to correct me in one of there reviews then I will be sure to fix it for any future stories he may star in.

Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008

theblackangels – I agree with much of what you say. Naraku is wrong and sick but that is his character and it works well for the story. I too also write my stories on fanfic. It’s a good way to get a few other readers. If you can’t log in why don’t you get try the forgot my password button? The last bit of your review was quite adorable. ttyl.

Due to the soon to be read only format occuring on a-single-spark I will be posting the reviews I got on each of the sites I post on for this chapter...

Single Spark

Kagome-chan – Oh it’s not only because of you and the other readers. I’m changing him back because I had a really great idea (not all the details yet) pop into my wicked little mind one night. I decided a week or so ago before the last chapter that I would eventually make Inuyasha be his normal self. So please don’t worry about all that.

Kya 77- Thanks!