InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll 12: Revelations ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Okay so I think it is important for you to know that I didn’t purposefully mean to set this off for so long. You should also know that I actually have nearly 20 chapters of this story done. My only problem is finding a beta that can keep up with my work! So I am putting this offer out there again. I need a few people who will be interested in editing my work but you most understand that I want to be able to update regularly. I currently have two stories on the go but I am working on one other and I have another done. So I need a couple of people who can dedicate a bit of time each week to bet’ing. Please email me, message me, or leave a review telling me you are interest!!!
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Disclaimer: I am running out of cute ways to state the obvious... Me no own Inuyasha.... only this plot ... oh and Seria
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Scroll Twelve: Revelations

Sesshomaru had waited long enough. He sat at his spot on the table delaying his dinner for the pipsqueaks that were suppose to be at the table for tonight’s meal. They were ten minutes late.

One of his personal maids walked into the dining room and bowed her head looking to the floor. Her blue hair fell from behind her shoulders to the sides of her bowed head.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” Her eyes violet eyes never left her feet. It was disrespectful for someone of low status to look upon the Lord or Lady of the household without permission first.

“Hn.” This was the girl’s permission to raise her head and speak.

“The children are refusing dinner, Milord.” She looked up just in time to see rage fill the Tai-Youkai’s face.

“Is that so.”

“Sesshomaru-sama if I may be so bold to say that they are children. They worry for the woman you brought here. She is, as I have heard them say, their okaa-san and nee-chan.”

“You may go.”

“Sesshomaru-sama, please....”

“Seria you have had your words. You may go.”

“Yes, as you wish.” Seria bowed her head and exited. She had served Inu no Taisho and now the eldest of his sons. She had always watched her tongue but of all the servants she had more privilege and freedom to speak. When one of the other maids of the household had tried to gather the children for dinner and they declined, she had come to Seria. It was no wonder. Most of the time Sesshomaru would kill anyone who defied him.

Seria had to admit, it was a very shocking discover to find out he had brought a little girl home those many years ago. A human girl at that. When Rin arrived the child was cautious of everyone. She didn’t mind Seria as much and after a short while Seria was soon taken to the little girl as the girl was to her. After a few weeks Rin had to spend more and more time alone as Seria was given more to do. The Lord of the Western Lands had killed quite a few youkai of the household who had attempted to kill the youngster.

Now they had a young lady in the house. The healers had been called right away when Sesshomaru landed in the gardens. He had walked majestically into his home and barked orders to any servants that were near. The servants never knew what to think when it came to Sesshomaru’s rage. Sometimes he would leave them alone, other times a small mistake would stir the boiling pot of flames more. The look in his eyes as he enter showed Seria enough for her to know this was no ordinary human girl and she was not talking about the miko powers radiating off of her. Sesshomaru cared for the miko in his arms. He would probably deny it though. Her Lord was stubborn like that. Sesshomaru always refused to admit that he cared for the child he let live in his house as well.

Seria sighed and leaned against the door leading to the children. She didn’t know why she came back here, but she did. In a way, Seria felt bad for the children. Sesshomaru may not hurt them physically for they were children and he did care for Rin. Still it was not usual for the Tai-Youkai to have someone not follow his orders. Rin included.

Speaking of the devil, the Lord was climbing the marble staircase. Seria could smell his scent as he rose to the second floor. Seria looked to the door and then down the hall where Sesshomaru would soon appear. She hated the idea but there was nothing more that she could do. The children would not move and Sesshomaru was too stubborn to let the children get their way over him. She released a heavy breath and turned to head to the servant stairway opposite of where Sesshomaru was now coming from.

Seria loved children and had three of her own. They had lost their father long ago and she had to deal with her own sorrow as well as her children’s. That was when Inu no Taisho had taken them in. Seria wanted nothing more then to hold each of the children in turn and assure them that the woman would be fine. However, in a way Sesshomaru was right. The woman was not dead and the children needed to get out of the confines of the room.

Seria returned to the kitchens and grabbed the items they would need. If Sesshomaru got his way as usual then he would have the children down here in no time. If the children didn’t get their way and were forced to come to the dining room to eat, then they would want to finish as quickly as possible. She grabbed a tray as did one of her co-workers and they made their way to the eating area. Seria opened the door linking the dinning room to the large grand dining room. They had finished setting the table with food and Seria nodded her approval that her partner could leave.

Seria looked down at her uniform. A short blue kimono with a silver obi it had a silver crescent moon on each shoulder. Her sleeves were currently pinned back to stay out of the way of her task as hand. She patted the kimono making sure there was nothing clinging to her. Then looked up when she hear the large white doors open. Sesshomaru entered and Seria eyes went wide.

Sesshomaru was carrying children. All three of them were in his arms. He had Rin and Souta under one arm and Shippo under the other. Each one was kicking and screaming trying to get away. The Tai-Youkai was carrying children. Seria would not believe it if she was not witnessing it right now.

“Seria have that door shut and locked from the outside.”

Seria moved to the servant entrance and told the first person she saw to shut and lock the door. She entered the dining room again and bowed. “It is done Milord.”

“Hn. You will stay here and they will not leave until they eat a considerable amount each. I will not tolerate any falsehoods on you part. When they are done you can call for someone to let them out but not before.”

“Hai, Milord.”

Sesshomaru knelt down to deposit the children in a pile on the floor. Then rose and looked back at Seria. “They will bathe after they are finished their meals. Then they will be placed to sleep in their own rooms. Rin will begin her normal schedule and have the other two quizzed on their education levels before assigning them to work.”

Seria nodded. She heard the door shut and something slam against it. The main entrance to the dining hall did not have a lock. Seria could only guess that Sesshomaru had found a temporary fix to the problem.

“Come now children, it time to eat.”

They looked at her and she could see in all three pairs of eyes the worry and fear they held for the woman laying quietly upstairs. These children really cared for the miko.

I do hope I get to talk to this woman. She must be really amazing if she can have three children and a Tai-Youkai distressed for her like this.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru growled as he moved the cabinet to hold the door shut. His house was going to be a prison for the youngsters even if it meant they hated him forever. He wouldn’t handle the disobedience anymore.

When he has entered the room of the miko, they didn’t even look to him. Rin was laying cuddle to Kagome’s side. Shippo was sitting above her head petting her. Souta laid on her other side. He ordered them downstairs. They refused. He growled at them so even the human children could hear. They shivered but moved closer to Kagome. Sesshomaru wouldn’t have this. It was his home, his castle, his domain. People followed his orders and this would include the children.

“I will use force if you do not comply.” The all shook their heads. “Hn,” Sesshomaru walked to the bed. He grabbed the one that would cause the most trouble first. Shippo also being a youkai would be able to move enough to cause Sesshomaru to chase. If even for a second, Sesshomaru did not chase children. Rin sat up shocked at her lord and move to get off the bed to also escape but he grabbed her and Souta within seconds of each other.

As the way of tradition, he was responsible for the health of his pack and guest. This left Sesshomaru no choice but to carry them to the dining room and leave them as long as possible. After seeing to other business he had to take care of first he took a direct path to the miko’s temporary room.

Now, he was free to make an attempt to save the young woman from the willing prison she had created in her mind. Sesshomaru pushed the doors open to find no change in the miko’s position. He sat on the edge of the bed. Souta’s side was what the children had called it a few days ago. The scent of the miko would forever fill this room. It already strongly smelt of her, her natural perfume penetrated the fabric and the carpets within the large room. The mixture of her scent and that of the children was highly appealing and Sesshomaru had to admit she would be a great mother to any child she may have.

Sesshomaru leaned over the miko. Her eyes were open again but her green emeralds showed not recognition or emotion. He had estimated he would need an hour or two but no more.

“Miko, this will be the last time this Sesshomaru will help you. If you do not wake, then you have proven you are not the strong woman I talked to by the well.” Kagome’s eyes sparked. He hoped she was hearing his words. He wished she would wake on her own but it would seem that Naraku had done too great of a damage for that. He would have to risk entering her mind. He was lucky she had not developed her true potential yet. It would have then been too risky trying for both him and her if this was the case.

Sesshomaru placed his hands beside each temple and looked directly into her eyes. His power flowed between his hands through her mind. Seconds passed and he penetrated enough to form his image into her head. He began to search. It took a long time, an hour passed and Sesshomaru had still not found where she hid herself. He didn’t bother with her memories or her thoughts. He would not intrude more then he had to. He only looked for her presence but couldn’t locate it. Every once in a while he would be pushed as if not wanted. Of course, he probably wasn’t. Kagome wanted to be alone and left in peace this was probably one of her reasons for locking herself away.

More minutes passed, he was turning headed out when something tugged at him. He moved to the direction and found what made the miko hide. Images of death were unavoidable. Underneath it all, in the deepest recesses of her mind, he found her.

Miko come. Sesshomaru waited. He would not try to press pass her barrier. She would only try to get away. Perhaps bury herself deeper where no one could reach her. It may have also hurt more making her mind unsteady.

Miko? Do you not think it is time to face your fears? He waited. His energy was draining fast now but he waited needlessly. He was about to speak once more when he didn’t receive an answer but was interrupted. .

I can’t. I am scared. Kagome had realized long ago who it was that had penetrated her mind. His ways were different then Naraku’s. She felt no really danger but she continued to hide. Sesshomaru had look for a long time and as he had turn she was afraid he would leave her alone again. So she called to him, tugged at him, trying to get him to stay for just a bit longer. He was a familiar face among the death she saw everyday.

We all get scared but we move on and face the things that frighten us. Sesshomaru continued and inched his way toward her weakening barrier.

They are all gone though and it is all my fault.

You believe what Naraku tells you? He waited. It seemed the miko was searching for a way to reply. She was still fighting but just barely. Sesshomaru had made it just in time.

He figured it all out. Souta is gone. He said that he was gone.

He lied to you. You brother is safe, as well as the kitsune. They are in the company of Rin.

The voices ...all the voices. The nightmares and the death. I killed them Sesshomaru. I killed them all
. Kagome’s barrier wavered with time.

They have called for you miko. They wish to be with you.

I can’t be loved after what I have done. Kagome’s voice was fading away. Sesshomaru had to think quickly.

You are not to blame for things you have not carried out. Miko, you are loved for what you do. Those children stay by you because they need you and... love you. The human pups wish to see their nee-chan and the kitsune yearns for his okaa-san. Will you deny them their wishes?

They were the voices I heard in the dark. Kagome connected the voices she had heard over the past few days to the voices of Rin, Shippo, Souta, and Sesshomaru.

Kagome’s barrier quivered before collapsing. Sesshomaru’s suspicions were confirmed. The miko had indeed heard the children speak to her. She was just to scared to come back to them. Scared to find any truth in the images planted by Naraku.

Kagome appeared before Sesshomaru not as cheery as she once was but it was an improvement from the motionless miko that haunted the room her body was lodge in.

Come miko. They wait for you.

Kagome hesitated before making her way forward. Sesshomaru had once told her that she ran from her fears. He was right. She was running so even if it was a trap she would go back to reality. Kagome was ready to face her fears head on.

Sesshomaru allowed his energy to fade away peacefully and return to his own form. Kagome greeted him with her flashing green eyes. He could see the emotion behind them once more. But it was not cheerful, joy, happiness. Instead uncertainty, fear, worry, and a sense of loss. Kagome just stared at him for a while. She though for sure she would wake back up in Naraku’s cell. It pleased her to no end that she was safe again. But no happiness came from these thoughts.

Kagome moved to sit up and flinched. Every muscle in her body ached. “Ow.”

“You will stay here. I’ll get someone to bring you food and water.” Sesshomaru went to leave.

“What about Rin? Souta and Shippo, are they okay? Where are they?” Kagome reached a hand out to grab his sleeve, preventing him from leaving.

Sesshomaru let his senses move through his house to find the locations of the children. They must have finished their meals and bath for now they were in Rin’s room. Their breathing slow and steady.

“They have eaten, bathed and now sleep.” He did not mention that, at the last minute he ordered his healers to use a sleeping tea to get them to do so, if the children did not abide by his orders. He was positive this was what happened but the miko would not accept that. “As you will too.”

Kagome again attempted to push herself up but her strength failed her and she only managed to raise her back a few inches from the soft futon. Sesshomaru place hand on her shoulder and push her back down.

“Stop moving.” He rose of the bed and left through the doors on Kagome’s right. With nothing else to do she looked around the elegantly, distinguished room. She assumed that Sesshomaru had bought her to his castle. Rin had mentioned it before. Her hand rubbed the fabric that surrounded her figure. Then, she realized that she was in completely different clothing. She wore a crème juban and seemed to match the room of green and white. Kagome couldn’t get the image of Sesshomaru dressing her out of her mind and she prayed, to every Kami she knew, that this wasn’t the case.

There was a knock on the door before it opened inward. A small youkai came it. Blue hair and light blue skin was enough for Kagome to know she was a youkai. When she looked up after bowing her head Kagome found herself staring vivid violet eyes. Small wings tucked within each other on her back. Kagome smiled and tried to sit up.

“No!” The woman placed the tray down on a nearby table before running over to the edge of the bed and stopping Kagome from moving. “I will help you sit up but you can’t do much then that right now.”

Kagome let the woman prop her up on the pillows and fetch the abandoned tray. Kagome looked at it. The foods were all light and easy on the stomach. Still she didn’t eat much. Nibbling on the fruit she turned to the woman still sitting on her bed.

“My name is Kagome.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Milady.”

Kagome shook her head and frowned. “Just Kagome.”

“I can’t. Sesshomaru-sama would find it most disrespectful if I called his guest so informally. He would have my job and my head.” The woman explained. Kagome didn’t like it still and she wasn’t one to not express her opinions.

“Right. Well then tell him: I don’t care. I won’t be called something I am not, and I am not of high status. What is your name?”

“My name? What I am called is of no importance.”

“Figures. That cold hearted jerk. Only he would be able to run his household out of fear and no emotion whatsoever.” Kagome mumbled.


“Nothing. Never mind. I will have to deal with him later.”

Seria was astonished. The human woman was planning something that no human or youkai alike would ever consider doing. Most would never live to tell their tale if they stood up against the Tai-Youkai. This miko was special if she could casually talk about telling Sesshomaru what to do. Seria had a feeling that this wasn’t the first time she had done so. It concerned her though that there was a depressed aura about the miko. Whatever had occurred to put her in a state of sleep for that long would take some time to overcome.

“Please finish eating, then I will help you bath and dress.” Seria warned herself to be careful. Humans were fragile things. It would not do good to push the miko too far or too hard. She would also have to watch what she said. Any reminder would put her into a relapse perhaps. Though Seria didn’t know how strong the young woman was.

“Did.... Who dressed me before?” Kagome couldn’t let this idea fade until she had an answer.

Seria almost laughed. The miko appeared to be modest. “I did Milady. With the help of a female healer we bathed and dressed you. You are quite lucky. You had no major injuries when you arrived.”

Kagome finished and Seria took the tray. She came back a few minutes later and lifted Kagome from the bed. Sesshomaru walked in at that moment.

“The enclosed springsare closer. Take her there.” Seria nodded and walked pass Sesshomaru and down the hall to the door just passed Sesshomaru’s personal chambers. Seria was about to have a heart attack. Sesshomaru offered for the miko to bath in his own hot spring. It was a considerable distance closer but not even Rin was allowed to enter it. Seria opened the door and a stream of steam piled out of the room. She walked in and closed the door. The fingers on her wings were really handy if you knew how to use them and your hands were full.

Kagome looked about. It was amazing. But probably hell to keep clean, and such, not that she would know but it was beautiful. In the centre was a hot spring the size of a swimming pool though not so deep. It was surrounded by rocks and boulders except for one side. Plants covered the walls and steam heated the room. It was if they were in the middle of the forest.

Seria didn’t bother to undress either of them. It would be easier to undress her in the water. “The hot water will help the pain in your muscles. It will take some time before all the pain goes away since you haven’t move for days.”

“How long have I been here?” Seria began to wash Kagome.

“Three days.” Seria began taking off the juban on the woman.

“What’s your name?”

“I told you...” Seria vision was downward as she answer but was interrupted before she continued.

“Please?” Seria had looked up to see Kagome with the brightest green eyes and pouted lip. Her look was irresistible even with half the feeling in it and Seria wondered how many people could say no to her when she did that but with full emotion.

“Seria.” She hoped the girl had enough common sense to not call her by name in the presence of the Western Lord.

“Nice to meet you Seria.” Seria nodded and finished washing the stubborn woman.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru laid in his bed. Hands under his head, right ankle crossed over his left. The miko had been bathed and was now sleeping in her room. As relieved as he was that the miko was up and about, he couldn’t sleep. He could hear the miko’s breathing in the room next to his. Each inhale and exhale one after another. Listening to her every move was hypnotic.

The moonlight would have normally poured into the room from the balcony and directly on the bed where he laid but tonight was the night of the new moon. It was well into the early morning hours with only the stars lighting the way in the darkness. How he wish that sleep would take him so he wouldn’t have to deal with the emotions that filled his heart more each passing day.

Sesshomaru jumped from his bed and walked to the balcony. He let his golden eyes flow over the gardens below. His mother’s pride and joy. She had lived her once and cared for the flowers before she moved on to live in her castle in the sky. She was never fully mated. His parents were betrothed at one point. His father courted his mother and had begun the first part of the mating ritual. They never completed the final mating step, for his father broke it off. Sesshomaru was never really sure why this was. Inu no Taisho had only told him there was a war to fight and other things his father had to attend to. Sesshomaru knew this wasn’t the only reason. His mother had stayed in the castle, pregnant with Inu no Taisho’s heir, where she cared for Sesshomaru. All three were content with their lives.

Sesshomaru would often find her in the garden below. A gift his father had given her. Another place in the castle that was off limits to everyone. When Sesshomaru’s mother was around only his mother would care for the flowers. Now Rin, with some help from Jaken and Seria, cared for the flowers. No one else could walk among the family garden.

A sudden moan caught Sesshomaru’s attention. Rustling of fabric and shuffling of body parts, uneasy breathing and the smell of salt. Signs of a nightmare. He pulled away from the balcony heading towards the adjoining door. He found the miko tangled in her covers. Her skin was glistening with a thin film of sweat. Tears ran down her cheeks as she struggled to get away from her unseen enemy.

Sesshomaru moved closer and sat with his back to the headboard. He encircled the miko prior to pulling her onto the Tai-Youkai’s lap. Her struggles ceased, her breathing calmed and she leaned into Sesshomaru’s chest, seeking the warm and comfort that his presence brought. Her head was support by his left arm and lean against his shoulder. His right arm draped over her waist holding her against him. He didn’t want to let her go knowing that she would suffer from the nightmares of the images she feared. Sesshomaru established that he was indeed giving into his beast but he had tried to fight it for too long. Each time he fought against the feelings that came with the miko, they consumed him more. The moment he held her in his arms he realized all his beast had said was indeed inescapable. What he felt might not be love but it was something.

He would find out later when he had time to think of it. For now he would soothe the miko. Sleep sought him out. Ironic that it came when Sesshomaru finally accepted, if only to himself, that there was more then respect for the miko. Something unknown stirred deep within him every time she was near. He wanted to believe it was lust but he knew better then that.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome remembered the nightmare and the mental pictures they brought. The picture of her brother’s death was fresh in her mind and haunted her during the night. Surprisingly they had vanished this time almost as soon as they came. Warmth had consumed her when they were gone. When Kagome had waked up she was alone in the bed just as she had been when she went to sleep. Seria had helped her back to her room after bathing and dressing, then told her if she needed anything through the night that Kagome just had to call out. Well, she hadn’t even waked which was strange. Any time she had gone through a grievous situation she had trouble sleeping. Nightmares would plague her sleep and keep her awake from the fright of reliving those images when she left back to sleep. Something about the room must have helped her. Unless they had drugged her food.

A knock pulled her from her train of thoughts. Seria opened the door and Kagome smiled. “Good morning Seria.”

Seria couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the sight before her. Kagome must have been feeling better for she was now sitting up, leaning against the green silken cover pillows.

“Morning Milady,” Kagome glared frowning.

“My name is Kagome. I told you to stop that formal nonsense.” Seria was curious to know how long it would take the small woman to rebound from her experience. Most humans would mope, become depressed and stress over a hardship. The little miko before her was nothing like that. Kagome wore a smile that met her eyes. It wasn’t its full potential, Seria knew this, but it was much better then last night.

“The children are awake. They are waiting for you in the garden. I was asked to help you down.”

“Okay,” Kagome half smiled returned. Seria admired her strength. Not many people could bounce back so easily but Kagome must really be a strong spirited woman if what Rin had told her was true. The children would probably act as a therapy for the miko. But only time would tell.

Seria let Kagome slide to the edge of the bed before she lifted the small woman. Kagome was way too thin for Seria’s liking, she wished for the woman’s appetite to return quickly. Down in the gardens, a small breakfast was prepared. Seria had set it up. There were too many shocking things that had to do with her lord lately. Sesshomaru had agreed without hesitation when Rin asked him if Shippo and Souta could take Kagome to the gardens. He had said that the miko would not move from her spot among the blankets and pillows piled on the lush green grass of the ground. His other condition was they would wait for her in the garden. Each one nodded before helping Seria and Jaken by dragging various items out.

“Wow,” Kagome had passed the arch that led to the gardens. The only entrance other then the sky. “It’s so beautiful.”

Marble stones marked a few different paths. Cherry blossoms danced and twirled off of their branches of the only trees in the area. Roses, daisies, mums, lilies and every other flower you could imagine filled the area. “This must be Rin’s favourite place.”

Seria laughed. The woman had Rin figured out. It was indeed Rin’s favourite place in the castle. “Hai, she helps to care for the flowers.”

They had taken a path to the right that led them deeper into the garden. It wasn’t a long walk, but Kagome loved every second and couldn’t wait till she could walk on her own. She hoped that Sesshomaru would let her return. Soon she saw a sight that made her happy she had followed Sesshomaru out of her comatose-like state. Souta, Rin, and Shippo sat fidgeting on a fabric rainbow.

“They went overboard I see.” Seria regretted letting the children set up a ‘cozy’ spot for Kagome. The laundry was going to take a long time today and she was grateful that was not her job.

“Kagome-nee-chan!” Rin was the first to spot them coming out from behind a group of cheery blossom trees.

“Okaa-san!” Shippo jumped up to join Rin in running towards the bat youkai carrying the admired woman. Souta remained standing back. Seria set Kagome down.

“Remember you have to be easy on her.” Rin and Shippo carefully attached to her. They hugged her like there was no tomorrow. Souta still stayed back. Kagome looked at kitsune and little girl and grinned. She hugged them back and kissed the top of each of their heads. “I am happy you are okay.”

“So are we!” Rin looked up her eyes filled with tears of joy.

Kagome looked to her brother noticing he wasn’t coming any closer to her.

“Souta?” Kagome could help but worry. The images of her brother in her dreams returned. She trusted Sesshomaru he told her things were fine. Nothing in her dreams really happened. So why was Souta looking at her like that. He showed fear and his eyes were a cold stare.

Shippo pulled Rin a little ways away and Rin looked to him. Shippo whispered something in her ear and she smiled before they retreated, showing a sudden interested in picking flowers for Kagome.

“Souta what is wrong?”

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru left the miko early in the morning. It would do her no good if she knew he had slept in her room. He was sure that he would hear an earful if he was noticed and would not take the chance of stressing the miko in her condition. No matter how much he enjoyed the scent of hr anger.

Rin came with a proposal when she heard that her nee-chan was all right. He agreed before he walked to his study where he would be shut away from the noise that was sure to come. But it never did. There was no high-pitched squeals or screams. Rin must have changed while around the miko. It was true that the miko had taught Rin how to speak properly and even write some words. He never realized how ladylike she was becoming. His ward was indeed growing up.

He could hear the voices in the garden but was concern when he smelt the scent marking Kagome’s worry. There were no second thoughts as he left his study and rushed to the area the miko and children were accommodated.

“Souta?” he heard this coming from his studying giving him an idea what the miko was fretting about.

“We should let them talk. Souta hasn’t been the same as he usually is and I think okaa-san needs some time with him. We can pick some flowers for her for later.” Sesshomaru smirked, the kitsune was wise beyond his years. Sesshomaru stayed out of sight. He would interfere only if things became to hard on the human siblings. He himself had noticed that as the days passed Souta became more and more introverted.

“Souta what’s wrong?” Sesshomaru leaped onto a branch of a tree and leaned onto the trunk.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry nee-chan I will be fine.”

“Souta please tell me what is wrong.” Sesshomaru could see them through the foliage a little over twenty feet away.

“I am really glad your okay.” Kagome held her arms open to him.

“Souta give me a hug.” Souta walked over to her and knelt in front of her before wrapping his arms around her small waist.

“Ha, ha.” Kagome cried in triumph as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled the child into her lap. “I got you now. There is no hope for you. I will not let you escape until you pay the price.”

“Nee-chan your suppose to be taking it easy.” Souta had to hold back his struggles. He couldn’t be too rough with his sister for she was still too weak.

“Fess up then. What is wrong?” Sesshomaru smirked. The miko had many schemes to get what she wanted. He enjoyed seeing the many was she could take advantage of the situation. It prepared him for anything she threw at him. It also proved the miko was slowly returning to her old self. Perhaps his beast was right. The children were a help to her helping souls and spirit.

“Nee-chan, you have so much things to worry about and take care of. Please don’t stress about me.”

“That’s for me to decided. Spill it. Or else.”

“You know your scary like that Sesshomaru fellow.”

“I’m your nee-chan I am suppose to be scary to you. Besides I am nothing like Sesshomaru-sama. And he ever hears you calling him fellow and speaking of him so casually he would chop your head off or torture you in some painful way. I would never go that far to scare someone. So don’t compare me to him.” Kagome hugged him closer. She wasn’t a fool she knew what Souta was up to. “Nice way to change the topic by the way.”

Sesshomaru chuckled. He stopped immediately. He hadn’t laugh in any way for years. Hundred of years.

“It’s nothing. Really.” Souta tried to pull away. Kagome held tight. Souta understood he wasn’t going to win. His sister was the only one who knew him well enough to avoid every trick in the book.

“Okay. I was having these dreams for a while and it wasn’t until the last one I had that I even bothered to look for you nee-chan. If I had looked into the dreams sooner or tried harder to find you then you...wouldn’t be like this.” Souta’s small confession came out in a whisper. “I’m sorry nee-chan. I let you down when you have done so much to help me.”

Kagome laughed. “Souta. I love you more then anything in the world. I love Shippo and Rin too. You all mean so much to me. You kept me going in the beginning. The idea of you being alive let me resist Naraku’s trap. I didn’t give up knowing you were okay. I thought he had found you and you were lost to me forever. But I won’t do that again. I am not giving up anymore Souta and you shouldn’t either. How about we fight our fears together?”

Sesshomaru watched as Souta and Kagome sat satisfied in each and others arms. He was slightly jealous of Souta but it was meaninglessness for him to be jealous of a child. He would have more. The time would come when he would have the embrace of her entire body. He concluded that he could not let the miko go. For more then one reason.

It’s about time.

All good things take time.

As does the courting you need to complete before the next heat.

Fear not my beast. I will have her willingly accept me by then. She’s already at ease when I am around. Even if she is not conscious of this. Her body and soul will call for me whenever she is in distress.

Presents. Tonight.

I will take care of that later.

I knew it was all in good time that you would give me what I want.


Rin and Shippo had made their way back to Souta and Kagome. Kagome had Shippo under her right arm, Rin across her lap and Souta hands feeding her pieces of fruit. Sesshomaru need to think of a present to give the miko. It tugged at the chain hidden under the layers of material he wore. The miko’s present could easily be seen as the first courting gift. A gift that signified that a woman was ready to mate; the only gift that the male would have received from a female. Oddly enough it was the perfect gift. One that showed protection and loyalty from the power woven into the metal.

Normally this custom was not seen in human traditions. The miko had no idea how her innocent gift could be taken for the first step of Inu mating. It was Sesshomaru turn. He needed to express to the woman how much she would gain from the relationship but she wouldn’t know what he was doing. Her actions would be pure and this would work to his advantage for she would subconsciously reject or accept his motivates. He would tell her after the second gift. By then she may have a slight idea what was going on. After all, his future mate was very intelligent to not notice a sudden change.

First was the gift of wealth. He would prove he could care for her properly. Unlike the hanyou who had little interest in the health of the miko. But what would the miko want that would show he could give her anything? It wasn’t an easy task. Sesshomaru was still unsure what he felt for the miko. Was it love? What was love precisely? Did he truly love the miko? He knew she would be worthy for him when it came to power. Once she was properly trained and her true powers were unleashed from their deep, hidden prison then she would make a worthy ally and partner to the Western Lands. He knew that if he had no interest in her he would have still try to obtain the miko as an ally when it came to war.

The miko was also educated. Sesshomaru had caught the miko reading many funny shaped scrolls in the firelight of her camp when she travelled with Inuyasha. She could read and write better then some of the other Tai-Youkai of the provinces. The miko was loyal beyond belief and would sacrifice herself for those she care about. All of her traits proved she would be a good choice for a mother of his future pups.

But did he love her? His father had said he loved once. He had fallen in love with a princess of a human village. Inuyasha’s mother Izayoi. When Sesshomaru asked his father why he was going to face a situation that would mean certain death, Inu no Taisho had said he loved her. At the time Sesshomaru had thought his father had gone mad. Inu no Taisho stated that the hime was his to protect, as was his newly born child. He had question Sesshomaru then, asking if Sesshomaru had someone to protect. Sesshomaru had never answered his father.

Inu no Taisho turned to him and as his goodbye he said ‘I am proud to die for the woman I love. I wouldn’t change anything even if I could.’ The image was clear and vivid in Sesshomaru’s head. Even after all these years.

Did loving a person mean that they would die for that person? The miko nearly died for Rin but they had barely known each other. However, Kagome claimed to love his little ward. She declared the same for the kitsune that she protected. He had witnessed this dedication when she stood up to Sesshomaru after he threatened the life of the kitsune. Her protection for her brother was the same. All these acts were representations of her love. This was what she had told him the night he helped her retrieve the shard from the Bone Eater’s Well. Kagome, like his father, was willing to die for the people she loved.

Would he die for Kagome?
************************************************************** *************************************
Yeah for me!! And for you!! Its now my longest chapter yet. I’m so happy I could dance....

There is one thing though, for those of you who may, or may not, wonder. In the manga Sesshomaru’s mother is not given a name. So I didn’t give her a name. I thought about it a lot but I wanted to stick to the anime series and maintain the mysterious aura about her character.

Until the next time....

Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008