InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Thirteen: Scroll Thirteen: Wealth of Riches and Knowledge ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer: I am writing this story because I don’t own Inuyasha. If I did Sesshomaru would be with Kagome already.
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The Mythological Story: I wrote a mythological story a few months back and decided to use it within this chapter. It solely belongs to me. I made the characters, the plot, and anything else within the bold story break lines and in some of Sesshomaru’s speech following it.
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Disclaimer 2: The lullaby at the end of the chapter is an actually song (actually it’s a verse of a song) that I did not make nor own it. I recall most of it from when I was in a choir at the age of 7or 8. Some of the words may be mixed up a little because that was a long time ago. I can’t remember the title or the composer (I was little and not many youngster will remember the person who wrote the song they were singing) So anyway... it does not belong to me.
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Scroll Thirteen: Wealth of Riches and Knowledge

It had taken a little time. Kagome slowly came around and everyone around her had helped. She would have to thank them when she could. Right now there were other issues to deal with. Kagome had spent four days doing what others told her to do. They complained if she lifted a single finger to fix her hair or her clothing, always stating that she shouldn’t strain herself. Today would be different. She could walk and stand on her own now thanks to the healers. For a few hours a day they had helped her move her legs and arms so the muscles would work properly again. She could move about just fine now so she had gotten up early to find her own clothing and dress herself.

That’s where the problems began. For her entire stay here so far she had wore light plain solid coloured kimonos that Seria brought to her. Kagome had seen Seria walk to the wardrobe and pull them out. But what confronted her was not what she had expected to see. The wardrobe was larger then it seemed from the outside and was filled with elegant, elaborate kimonos. Nothing simple and plain in sight. She wanted to call for Seria but she would only send Kagome back to the bed. Kagome would have to do with what was given to her and began to sort through the piles of fabric.

None of the kimonos were unattractive and they seemed to be made to fit Kagome but she couldn’t imagine why that was. They were made with the lightest of silk and would keep her cool in the warm temperatures of the late summer and early fall they were experiencing. The problem was Kagome feared she would ruin the beautiful garments. She loved to play with the children and missed running around with them. Instead she had to sit by and watched as they laughed, jumped and ran in the gardens. Sometimes they would sit with her and she often had Rin asking Kagome to teach her new things, ranging from different things to make with chained flowers to writing and mathematics.

Kagome’s eyes settled on a kimono. The back supported a cherry tree much like the one in Sesshomaru’s garden and the rest had dancing petals on white. The sleeves were cut short at the top of the wrist, while the bottom part of the sleeve trailed down further. It was beautiful to touch and she couldn’t resist putting it on. She tied the light pink obi around her. It was a shade darker then the petals on the main part of the kimono. She walked over to the full length mirror. A luxury item of this era. She had yet to gain all of her weight back but with the kimono you could hardly notice. It really was a beautiful piece of art. But she couldn’t wear it. It was too expensive for someone like her.

“I see you have risen on your own today miko.”

Kagome whipped around to face the intruder. Not that he could be a trespasser in his own home.

“I was... that is... well...” Kagome stuttered. What happened to all that courage about standing up to him and telling him you had enough?

Kagome started again. “I will not put up with being treated like I am handicap when I am perfectly fine now. I plan to do what I want, when I want to do it.”

Sesshomaru smirked and Kagome blinked.

“Very well,” Kagome blinked again. Sesshomaru didn’t even put up a fight. Kagome was shocked and on top of it all Sesshomaru had openly smirked and held it for more then one or two seconds. There must have been a mistake; Kagome knew Sesshomaru would never let his guard down.

“Since you are dressed and able, I will escort you to the dining room.”

“What? I can’t go like this?” Kagome looked down at the kimono she had tried on. Sesshomaru’s eyes followed. There was nothing wrong with what she wore. It suited her perfectly and she wore it well. He could tell she needed to put a little more weight on from her lost but that would come with time.

“Is it not to your liking?” Sesshomaru hoped the miko had not seen through his schemes yet. That would imply his fun was over before it began.

“It is. It’s really beautiful.” Kagome couldn’t deny it.

“Then let us proceed.” Sesshomaru offered a hand.

“I can’t wear it.” Kagome took a step back.

“Why not?” He held his anger at bay. It wasn’t possible that he was being rejected. This wasn’t something he would allow. He didn’t think she was onto his scheme yet so the only reason was that her mind didn’t want him like he had thought.

“I don’t deserve something so expensive, and I might ruin it.” Her answer was innocent enough and it relieved him to know she was worried only about the condition of the clothes when she cared for the children. This could be handled easily.

“Then I will replace it should this happen. However, the fabric is not ordinary and it would take more then your everyday activities to destroy it. ”

“Oh. But it’s so expensive.”

“I won’t have you prancing around in anything less then the best.”

“Why?” Kagome could help but ask. It was driving her insane. Why was he doing all the things he had so far.

“You are a guest in my house. Come miko you need to eat.” Sesshomaru stepped forward and offered his hand again.

“I have a name you know,” Kagome mumbled but took his hand with a slight blush on her face. No one had every acted so gentlemen like and she would have never expected it from Sesshomaru. It made her admire him that much more.

He helped her descend the stairs, going slowly for her sake. As they reached the doors Sesshomaru heard her intake of breath. The sight was one that had the same effect on first time visitors. The doors were grand though not as beautiful as the doors to his personal chambers.

Sesshomaru stopped so she could take a longer look at the view before her. The top of the right door held the sun and on the reversed door was his partner the moon. Below then were the Gods that controlled the light of the moon and the sun, as the story of his time was passed down. On the right door the Sun God held out his hands to the figure kneeling to the left. The Moon Goddess had a bowed head and refused to gaze on to the face of the Sun God.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome’s voice broke through his thoughts.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru pulled her forward they had lingered tolerable sum of time.

“What does it mean?” He knew she was questioning the story of the door. He didn’t know how she knew there was a story involved. Most thought is was just a design representing his house.

“I will tell you later. We will eat now.”

“Okay.” Kagome had been looking at Sesshomaru and when she turned to face the dinning room. She was astonished. The room was large enough to fit a table for fifty, if not more, guest. The mahogany table and silver dinnerware accommodated well with the rest of the room. Everything seemed natural. The floor was a beautiful smooth stone and the room was lit by the sunlight above.

Wait? Sunlight? Kagome looked up. The ceiling was made of glass.

“Wow!” her explanation was a gasp more then words.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru pulled her to the table.

“Just hn? It’s so cool.”

“Cool?” How could the dining room structure be cold. The grand fireplace on the right side warmed the room before each meal.

“In my time it means... amazing.”

Sesshomaru nodded and motioned for her to take a seat in the chair he pulled out for her. He would have to learn more about her and the time the miko and her brother came from.

“Where are Souta, Shippo and Rin?” Kagome sat and Sesshomaru took his seat at the head of the table. Kagome sat to his left. He wondered if she knew what that meant.

“They are coming.” Sesshomaru looked to the table, all the food except the hot dished were already set out.

The three children came in the room at a running start.

“Good morning Sesshomaru-sama.” All three were in perfect unison. When it came to greeting Kagome it was the same but each child called her by a different title. Rin sat across from her on Sesshomaru right. Shippo sat next to Rin. Souta chose to move from his spot next to Shippo to the spot on Kagome’s left. He looked to Sesshomaru to see if he would be denied but he wasn’t.

Seria came in at that moment with the first tray and dropped it. Sesshomaru growled. He knew why she was surprised and he wouldn’t have her telling Kagome. Sesshomaru would have the honours at a later time.

“Sorry Sesshomaru-sama I will clean it immediately.” She left as the other maid set the table. Shocked that Sesshomaru had allowed the girl to sit on his left.

All three children filled their plate then waited. Kagome looked to Sesshomaru confused.

“It is Inu youkai tradition that a leader allow to let his pack have first choice of food. The leader is showing that his pack’s health and hunger comes before his own. To show respect the pack has their fill placed in front of them and then allows their alphas to take the first bite,” Sesshomaru looked to the miko as he explained.

“Oh. I didn’t know that.” Kagome was going to have to look up Inu traditions.

“Fill your plate miko.”

“Right.” Kagome picked her choosing, as Sesshomaru had stated, and then waited. Sesshomaru had a feeling, just watching her, she would be a quick learner. He started to fill his own plate with his picks, mainly meat, to the miko’s fruits. He took his chopsticks in hand and raised them to his mouth for his first morsel then swallowed the bite. The children didn’t move. Sesshomaru looked to the miko.

“You are alpha to these children. You need to eat before they can begin.” Sesshomaru received an ‘oh’ as an answer and the miko took a bite of the arrangement she had. They children began their own meal.

“So are there any other meal traditions I need to know?” Kagome picked at her food. Sesshomaru didn’t like that she was playing with it more then she was eating it.

“There are occasional dinners that are held. The lords and ladies of the lands must show their attendance and know the proper etiquette for each Tai- Youkai traditions. At my palace we follow the rules of the Inu youkai. It is much like this dinner with a few changes. The occassions with many guest mean the meals are prepared before hand and there is no need for a person to pick their serving. In large social gatherings the alpha male starts, followed by the alpha female, and then any pups of the house, before the guests can begin.” Sesshomaru looked from his nearly finished plate to the miko’s hardly touched one.

“How interesting? I find this subject fascinating. Will you tell me about the door?” Kagome made a gesture to the door they had arrived through.

“Miko you must eat more.”

“I’m not really that hunger,” Kagome sighed Sesshomaru was as bad as Seria. The bat youkai watched over Kagome during every meal she had. She thought it would change if she ate with the rest of the group Kagome was wrong and she almost wished that she had Seria here instead of Sesshomaru. She could fool Seria but Sesshomaru was a different matter. Kagome’s thoughts went to Seria as she had entered the dining room. Was Seria shocked to see her up?

“It is best for your health to eat more.” Sesshomaru continue with his own meal.

“I can’t I’m full.” Kagome place her chopstick down and pushing her plate away before she crossed her arms.

Sesshomaru had to hold his fury in check. The miko could calm him one moment and then one simple little phrase could flare his temper in mere seconds. The children watched the adults and were trying to find a way to excuse themselves. But they didn’t have to. Sesshomaru inspected each plate and then nodded. “You may go. Miko stay.”

“I will not tolerate being told what to do.” Kagome found herself comparing Sesshomaru to Inuyasha at times like these. However, even now, she would rather be with Sesshomaru then Inuyasha. Sesshomaru didn’t insult her with names or abuse her in anyway.

“It is my responsibility to ensure you eat properly to keep your health up.” Kagome would have to find a way out of this. But they were his traditions so she doubted he would easily forget.

“I can take care of myself Sesshomaru.” Sesshomaru had noticed long ago that when the miko was mad she dropped the honorific’s.

“Then you will eat.” By now the children were gone. They would not be there to see the action Sesshomaru may have to take.

“I told you I’m not hungry.” Kagome’s mind was frantic she had no idea what technique she could use to get out of her situation.

“I believe it is important for you to know that this Sesshomaru has ever right to make sure his pack eats right, and take any action necessary to obtain that goal.” Sesshomaru growled.

“You can’t force me.” Sesshomaru would never hurt her right?

Sesshomaru grabbed the miko’s right arm and drag his chair backwards a few inches as he pulled her into his lap. He took some meat from her plate, for his was a little bloodier then humans could handle, and brought it to her sealed lips.

“I will do this all day miko if I have to.” Kagome shook her head. The left arm that locked her to him moved upward. He manoeuvred in a way that allowed him to pinned her chest with his elbow and plug her nose with his finger. She would need air and would have to open her mouth. Kagome was shocked and knew what he was doing. What stunned her more was she hadn’t realized he had his arm back. All this time in his care and she hadn’t noticed. She was losing this battle but she could still make it a little more even.

“Truce!” Kagome screamed. Sesshomaru looked down at the top of her head. He hadn’t expected his victory to come so easily and quickly.

“Truce?” Sesshomaru enjoyed his victory but there must be a catch.

“Yeah, I’ll make you a deal.” The miko was going to eat more if he made a deal with her? The idea was an odd one but then the miko was a very strange creature.

“What is you proposal?” Sesshomaru was interested what she had to say.

“You have to tell me the whole story about the door and how you got your arm back.”

Sesshomaru made it seem like he was thinking about her offer when he knew he would agree to it anyway. The story of the door was one he was going to share to the girl anyway. As for his arm. There were many witnesses, so if he didn’t tell her he was sure she would find someone who would.

“Very well. You have my word as a Shiro Inu Youkai (white dog demon) that you miko may question this Sesshomaru at the next convenient time on the story about the door and my arm.” Sesshomaru finished his promise by lifting her hand and kissing it. His beast purred within.

Kagome was leaning away from him now trying to get away, so took no notice of the purr but the kiss confused her.

“You will stay here where I can be sure you eat enough.” Sesshomaru wasn’t worried about her eating but his beast was fighting to be released from his cage. Her nearness help calm the beast.

Kagome sat down on his lap once more. She sighed in frustration. It scared her that just being with him could hush the void of her mind in seconds. It scared her she could be so comfortable with him. It scared her that he was allowing her to be so close to him. But what frightened her the most was the ever changing emotions she held for him.

“Whatever.” Kagome had a lot of thinking to do later.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome had finished her meal with Sesshomaru’s help. The assistance she received was more like dictatorship. He had not let her leave until he was satisfied that she ate enough food for a woman her size.

Now she was in the massive library that Rin, Shippo and Souta had led her to. They were there to learn. Kagome was there for a personal reason. She loved books and scrolls from ancient times. She couldn’t wait to read something on the traditions of Sesshomaru’s kin. She picked out a few of the scrolls at random and moved to a pile of large, overstuffed, red pillows. She took a seat and opened the first scroll. In the background the children asked their sensei the meanings of the words he was teaching them today.

Her findings were not very exciting. It mentioned many things she already knew. Kagome rolled the scroll up and took the other one in her lap. Half an hour later Kagome had learned enough to know that she never wanted to be a rabbit demon in any way. She reached for the last scroll but it was taken from her.

“This one is of no importance to you.” Sesshomaru looked down at the miko. He was glad he came; he didn’t want her learning to much on her own. It would be better if he explained things on his own. “I am under the impression that the children will be busy for a while and you, therefore, are left with no company.”

Kagome shrugged her shoulders and reached for the scroll in his hands. He tucked it in his sleeves.

“It’s okay I like to read and I don’t mind waiting till their done.” Kagome held out her hand, wanting the scroll.

“Hn. Perhaps I will tell you the story of the door. Listening to a tale is much better then having to read one.” He reached for her hand and pulled her to her feet.

Kagome smiled. “Can we go to the gardens?”

Sesshomaru extended his arm to aid her. Kagome was excited. The story was bugging her and had been since she first laid her eyes on the door. She really wanted to know all about it. It had to be romantic. Her mind focussed on the idea of a new tale made her completely forget her current task at hand.

They reach the gardens. Kagome let Sesshomaru lead them through the maze like paths. He took her to a small little clearing where a bench sat under a large cherry blossom tree. It was the greatest of them all. Its impressive size was that of ten trees. It was the place his father broken his mother’s heart. It would be the place that Kagome would break or make his in time.

“It is a sad story, are you sure you want to hear it?” Kagome nodded and took a seat as did Sesshomaru.

“They were once a happy couple...”

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

They had lived in peace and happiness. The two lovers had been promised to each other and would remain together for all eternity. Two others became jealous, envious of what they didn’t have. One held a grudge because the beauty of the couple. The other was green-eyed over the closeness of the couple, for they were never apart where ever they went. The parents could not be prouder but on the sidelines, deep within the families, two beings looked greedily to the two star-cross lovers and all the glory they had.

Solaris was of the Sun. His mother the Earth, his father the Sky. He had hair as golden as field of wheat in the summer. His tan complexion matched nicely to the hair that flowed past his shoulders to his waist. His eyes completed the golden look. The amber irises were a path to the emotions hidden within him.

Minako was of the Moon. Her mother the Stars, her father the Sea. Her hair was as silver a starlight flowing like silk down her back to her knees in ringlets. The pale white skin colour was a contrast to her eyes that sparkled blue, midnight like the night sky.

The arranged marriage had been set and at first the two youngsters could not get along. Solaris was known for his temper and Minako for her peacefulness. She had complained she could never marry a man who would destroy all her calming settings. Solaris complained that she was too calm of his tastes. But the parents never gave up.

For ten years the families would take turns visiting one another at least once every three months. The grave state of affairs between the two slowly gave way. They could often be seen in the gardens together, having a picnic, or roaming the castle they were residing at the time. After a decade, Solaris had decided he loved Minako and would take her as his mate. He asked her the next time her saw her.

“Minako, I fear I cannot bear to be parted from you. Will you do the honour of becoming my wife?”

She had accepted his offer and within another year the two happy couples were to be married. Solaris had Minako made plans for their future.

Enter Aoi, a high class lady serving under Solaris’s father’s command. An envious woman that had admired the beautiful god, for beauty was the only word to describe him. She wanted Solaris for her own selfish reasons. A plan was hatched to hide Solaris away where no one else would be able to see her. Aoi would have him as her own.

A long time ago Minako had no other to play with. Nobaru was brought to the castle by Minako’s father to keep the young girl company. They were cousins, and the best of friends, who went everywhere together. Before the betrothment Minako would have gone to Nobaru for help or to talk to. Slowly the amount of time they spend together became less and less. It was rare to even see the goddess in her own castle. Her time was spent learning the ways of her mate-to-be’s traditions.

On the fateful day when the two lovers were married the only unhappy people met. Nobaru had heard Aoi in the gardens of the reception crying. He listened to the words she uttered from her mouth.

“It seems you too have fail.” Nobaru’s plan to stop the wedding was ruined. But it didn’t stop him from finding another way. The opportunity before him was too good to pass up.

“I know not of what you speak.” Aoi had failed in her plan. She was caught and warned not to interfere again. She had given up.

“I wish to have Minako back. You want Solaris. Why don’t we help each other?” Nobaru was never one for giving up. When he wanted something, he went for it and wouldn’t stop until he had it.

“What do you plan to do?” Aoi was curious. She would take any chance of have Solaris for herself.

“A spell of sorts.” Nobaru had to give up the idea before. It took two people. Two wishes. The spell he had wanted to use before could now be obtained.

“A spell? What kind of spell?” It all was too good to be true.

“Yes. A spell of wishes. Two wishes to be granted by a union of two people.” Nobaru explained.

“But union doesn’t that mean marriage.” Aoi would only marry Solaris but that was out of the question now. Right?

“A union is merely an association formed by people with a common interest.” Nobaru looked to the woman still on the ground leaning against the edge of a fountain.

“Okay,” Aoi got up as she agreed. “My name is Aoi. I would be happy to assist you if you help me.”

“You may call be Nobaru. Meet me in the eastern tower ten minutes before midnight.” Nobaru left to gather the things he needed. Because of the late reception there was only two hours left to prepare. But this would be plenty of time.

Aoi showed up to the tower. Nobaru was already there. He had symbols of the old language on the floor. Candles were lit in a circle every other one was white the others were black. A sliver bowl was placed in the centre. When Aoi entered the small room, use only for lookout during the many wars that raged the land, Nobaru had her sit on the east side of the circle. Nobaru took a sit in front of her.

“What do I need to do?” Aoi had never heard of this spell before.

“Merely ask your question when I look to you.” Nobaru began.

There were no incantations required. He prepared a powder of weird herbs Aoi had never seen. The scent was strong but not unpleasant. He added what looked like water then blood. A stone was placed in last and the mixture turned silver. Nobaru looked up at Aoi.

“I wish to have Solaris in a place where no one will be able to directly see him again.” Aoi waited.

“I wish to have Minako forever separated from Solaris in a place I can see her all the time.” Nobaru finished his wish.

There was a tremble. Then a few screams. The liquid turned golden then pitch black. It was done. Aoi and Nobaru got up quickly and ran to the gardens. Many people had fled to the gardens thinking earthquake but about all the ruckus, Aoi and Nobaru heard the shouts of the guards looking for Solaris and Minako. Their plan had worked. Now all they had to do was find the god and goddess for themselves.

This would not prove to be an easy feat. They had not specified any details in their wishes.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

“Ah! Sesshomaru-sama, don’t stop there!” It amazed him how much like a child the miko was. She had listened to his every word. Gasping and awing at all the right moments. She really would make an excellent mother. The story was interrupted by his thoughts and he had paused in his tale.

“Sesshomaru-sama. What happens next? Where were they? Do they meet up again?” Kagome tugged at his sleeve trying to get him to continue. The story really was fascinating. She didn’t even notice the sun was in the first stages of setting.

Seria had set up a small table and chair set for the two to eat lunch at. Kagome was leaning over the small tea set that was placed at the table after the light meal. Her hand tugged again.

“They were found but it was months later. Aoi had wished for no one to be able to directly see Solaris. Nobaru had requested that Minako was separated from Solaris but in a place where he could watch her all the time. They were too broad in their wishes.”

“So where were they?” Kagome fidgeted in her sit. The story was more suspenseful then she had first assumed.

“Solaris became the sun. The light of the sun is so bright that you could never look directly at it without hurting your eyes. No one would be able to see his beauty directly again. But they would feel it and could see the effects it had on the land every time they walked in the gardens in the sunlight.” Sesshomaru watched as Kagome looked up at the sun at his last comments. Then to the garden before looking back at him waiting for him to tell her the rest of the story.

“Minako became the moon. A place where Nobaru could watch her no matter where he was. At the same time she would never be able to be will Solaris again.” Kagome’s eyes watered. Sesshomaru was startled when he smelt salt. Surely the miko knew it was only a story.

“Miko, it is only a story.” Sesshomaru wished to complete the story but he would ensure the miko was fine first. She could have been remembering her time with Naraku. One never knew what would trigger sorrowful events.

“I know, but it’s still sad,” she wiped at her eyes once more. “Okay you can continue.” Sesshomaru nodded.

“However, there were events that prevented the lovers from begin too far apart even after the wishes made by Nobaru and Aoi. Solaris deeply loved Minko and their loved created more loopholes in the wishes made.

Solaris’s beauty was reflected onto Minako who would shine the little comfort she had to the earth for all to see. Except for on the night that Minako is farthest from her lover.” Sesshomaru finished.

“That’s it?” It seemed the miko wasn’t expecting that ending. “It doesn’t have that happy of an ending.” Kagome frown. Her lower lip pressed in a way that made it look fuller. Sesshomaru wanted to pulled the miko into his lap and devour the lip that teased him. He forced his eyes away.

“I told you it was a sad story.” Sesshomaru watched in silence. She thought things over.

“Well, that explains the images on the door but what about your arm.” With one of her request satisfied, her new questions went to Sesshomaru’s arm. She really had not noticed that it was back.

“There is time for that tomorrow. For know you with bathe and join us for dinner in the dining room.” Sesshomaru stood and walked away.

Kagome pouted. She was going to have to sit through another meal with Sesshomaru. Lunch wasn’t so bad since she could sit and pick her way through the meal while listening to the story. Dinner would be different issue. She made her way out of the garden and to her room where she sighed and sorted through her presents from Sesshomaru. Before heading to the hot spring.

She disrobed and entered the hot water. Seria had been right, the hot water really help her sore muscles. Kagome let her eyes roam the room and they settled on the kimono she had chosen to wear for dinner.

Then it struck her. Sesshomaru didn’t give gifts. Rin had told her it was rare. So why so many kimonos? She wasn’t going to be able to wear them all in a short stay. She briefly remembered a conversation she had with Sango a few times. What if Sango was right? She had mention that presents were involved in courting. Kagome couldn’t recall all of what Sango had said but she was sure that she mentioned gifts. Was Sesshomaru trying to court her? If she asked would he tell her the truth? Did she even like the idea of Sesshomaru courting her? Was it custom to not let the woman know your intentions? Maybe it was only sincere? Sango and Kagome had both agree Sesshomaru would never mate with a human.

Things were so confusing when it came to the ways of the Tai-Youkai who was helping her. But what confused her more was how, during her entire stay here, she had not once asked about Sango, Kirara and Miroku. She moved to change as fast as she could. Her mind was set on one thing now. Her friends would worry and she had done nothing to ease that worry.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru watched the beautiful deity enter the room. She had chosen a purple kimono with black obi. The kimono was decorated with a spiral that wrapped around her figure from shoulders to feet. The pattern only a shade darker then the rest of her outfit. The obi was pure black except for the edges that were the same shade was the spiral on her outfit.

Too taken by how well the kimono clung to her curves, he didn’t notice her emotions. Kagome sat and looked to Sesshomaru.

“Sesshomaru-sama, I have to leave.” Sesshomaru barely heard what she had said. His beast whispered to him telling him he hadn’t imagined it. The miko was trying to leave.

“You are not fit to travel.” A reasonable argument for her to stay without her thinking there was any other meaning behind what he was saying.

“I can’t Sesshomaru-sama. I have to leave.” Sesshomaru held in his growl. His mate-to-be was trying to leave. He was suddenly not hungry.

“We will discuss this after.” Kagome sighed and nodded. It wouldn’t do for Rin to become upset during dinner. Shippo and Souta were attached to the young girl now so it would make the topic more difficult to touch on in front of them.

“Okay,” Kagome watched and Rin was dragging Shippo and Souta into the room. One on each of her arms.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

“Nee-chan. Can you sing to us?” Souta asked as Kagome tucked Shippo in. All three of the children were still sleeping in the same room but each in their own futon.

“What do you want me to sing?” she briefly wondered why Souta was asking all of a sudden.

“That song when jii-san was in the hospital.” Souta picked a song their mother had sung to them. A song handed down in her family through the generations.

“I don’t know it’s been a while?” Kagome hadn’t sung in a long time and she didn’t like to in front of people.

“Please Kagome nee-chan?” Rin sat up in her bed with her hands clasped in front of her chest. Her eyes were watering as if she were about to cry.

“Okaa-san I want you to sing to.” Shippo joined into to the begging.

Kagome sighed. The children were her family so she didn’t mind singing for them.

“Okay but lay down and I am turning off the lamp.” Kagome blew the flame out on the oil lamp lighting the room.

She could see quite well in the dark and watched as each of the children settled back into place. Their covers were disarranged now so she went to each child tucking them back in as she started her song:

hush little child
do not be afraid
for we are watching over you
slumber in peace until tomorrow
sleep till the morning light
you are the future
you are the promise
of a dawn that’s fresh and new
you are the hope
of all the world tonight

As Kagome repeated the verse she turned her back to the door while sitting on the edge of Rin’s bed. The figure in the doorway had heard her from his room and couldn’t stop himself from coming to investigate. He enjoyed the sight of the miko moving about the room. She took care of each child and by the end of the lullaby they were asleep. He was reminded that the miko wanted to leave. This made him anger. She could have everything here but she was insisting on leaving.

Kagome could hear the breathing signalling the children’s sleep and turned to leave. Her eyes met crimson.

************************************************************** *************************************
Okay I’m going to let you on a little secret. I forgot about Sango and Miroku until the hot spring scene. Yeah I’m sad but it works so no worries. It fits in with the next chapter anyway.

Ja ne
angelic memories
© 2008

Thank you ....

loretta537 – Thanks!!

-xkagomex- - Thank you!!