InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Fourteen: Inner Turmoil, Melting a Heart of Ice ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Disclaimer: Inuyasha is not mine ... not then *points to previous chapters* not now, *points below* not even later *points to blank paper of to be chapters*
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Scroll Fourteen: Inner Turmoil, Melting a Heart of Ice

“Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome still stood in her place. The idea of running didn’t even make it to her mind. She wasn’t afraid of him. She was confused.

They had been standing here for a little over a minute. Sesshomaru didn’t make a move not even to answer. Kagome was debating if it was a good idea to step forward. She wasn’t sure what had set him off but she had a feeling it was her fault.

“Sesshomaru-sama? Is something wrong? Can I fix it?” Her questions were so innocent. Sesshomaru’s beast wanted to know how she wasn’t aware what she was doing to him... to them.

The ebony haired woman took a step forward. Sesshomaru growled causing her to stop.

Good going Kagome, nice move. Now think. What would start this? Kagome was not that slow and it didn’t take long for her to remember their discussion at dinner. It confused her that Sesshomaru would react this much to a request to leave. However, she wasn’t sure about Inu youkai traditions so maybe she insulted him.

“Sesshomaru-sama... I’m sorry.” Kagome looked down to her feet, she was feeling really guilty.

She wanted to see if her friends were okay and she had insulted Sesshomaru in the process. Kagome wasn’t sure how but it would explain a lot. She wanted to patch it all up but again she wasn’t sure how. Now Kagome had a problem. Souta and Shippo would be upset leaving Rin and Rin would be upset at Kagome leaving Rin alone taking with her Rin’s new playmates. Sesshomaru was insulted and this was all caused by Kagome’s needs and wants. Thinking about everything she figured maybe she was being too selfish. She only wanted to check on Sango and Miroku for her own reasons so it could wait. There were too many people depending on her right now. Being a person who thought about doing things for other before herself, she made a decision.

“I’ll stay Sesshomaru. I promise not to leave until you tell me to,” Kagome whispered into the dark, certain it would reach the youkai’s ears.

Sesshomaru’s beast purred in contentment and calmed at the confession. Sesshomaru was able to pull his beast under control again and study the miko standing in front of him. She was the reason he lost control of his beast more often than usual. She was the reason for these mixed feelings. She was also why he was taking a mate even after swearing he would never do so. He wasn’t happy when he heard she wanted to leave and now that she was going to stay he questioned what made her change her mind. She was normally stubborn and hard to persuade.

“Come.” Sesshomaru turned in the doorway and made his way to his study. The miko followed closely behind.

After entering the room he gestured to a pile of pillows beside the fireplace. Kagome slowly sat and looked about the room she never entered before. A large desk was positioned in front of a wide window overlooking a spacious field. There was one large chair behind the desk where Sesshomaru would obviously sit. In front were two plush chairs for his guest.

Most of the room was black. The fabric covering the windows, the furniture, the walls, the pillows she sat on. They were all jet black. The only thing that added colour to the room was a painting of a figure whom she had never seen before. The painting was of a youkai with silver hair pinned in a high tail on his head. There was a blue stripe on each cheek much like the twin magenta ones on Sesshomaru and a crescent moon on his forehead and golden eyes. There was no doubt about it. The youkai in the painting was related to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru let Kagome study the room. He sat and crossed his legs while watching the darting of Kagome’s eyes.

“It’s gloomy,” she finally stated.

“You think my study is gloomy?” Sesshomaru led his eyes dart around a bit. It was different than the rest of the castle.

“It’s black and black is gloomy.”

“Hn.” The miko could be simple minded sometimes.

“You should add more colours,” Kagome continued on as her eyes focussed on the flickering fire.

“Perhaps I will.” Sesshomaru was enchanted by her figure, as shadows moved over her form making her seem celestial. He determined he liked her even more in the moonlight.

Kagome moved her eyes to Sesshomaru when she got the feeling that someone was staring at her. The light toyed with his eyes. His face was truly beautiful. Something stirred deep within her and she turned away. Kagome was still confused when it came to her feelings about Sesshomaru. It wasn’t like it mattered how she felt though. Even if she loved him it wouldn’t matter. Kagome was a miko. Sesshomaru was a youkai. A miko and a youkai were enemies and could never be. Besides she was also human and Sesshomaru and humans did not mix either. Kagome was at a loss no matter how she looked at it.

Yet something in her mind reminded her of the kimono and all the other things he had done for her. Sesshomaru tolerated her being around him as well as Rin and now Souta. The time at the well also popped into her head and she remembered the things he had told her. Her head was becoming a whirlwind of confusion and Kagome was ready to call it a day. She wasn’t sure what Sesshomaru wanted and why he had brought her here, but it was easier to think when the youkai wasn’t around. She didn’t have to concern herself with hiding her emotions.

“Uh, Sesshomaru-sama?” Kagome hoped her future statement wouldn’t offend him.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru continued to stare into her eyes. It started Kagome when they flickered with unhidden, mysterious emotion.

“I’m going to turn in for the night. Is that okay?” Kagome remained sitting. She wasn’t sure why she was asking normally she did what she wanted.

“Miko, why do you wish to leave the castle?” Sesshomaru was pleased she asked for permission to leave the room but her statement at dinner had bugged him all evening.

“Oh um,” Kagome’s head turned down to her lap. Obviously the Tai-Youkai wouldn’t get over the fact that his person was insulted. “It’s nothing important. It can wait.”

“You will explain your outburst before dinner.” Sesshomaru voice was stern. He wouldn’t let her win this battle.

“I just wanted to see my friends. I don’t know if they are all right. They may not know I am safe and sound. I just wanted them to see I was fine and make sure the same could be said about them. But I’m sure if I explain things they’ll forgive me. So it can wait.” Kagome hid a yawn behind the back of her hand. “I’m sorry Sesshomaru-sama but I’m tired so I’m going to go to bed.”

Sesshomaru nodded and let his eyes linger on her retreating form. The miko was concerned for her friends. Nothing more than her tender heart worrying over the people she considered family. His beast had Sesshomaru worrying about a simple matter that could easily be taken care of.

Any reasonable person would overreact.

You have been unreasonable ever since the miko has shown up.

I will feel better when you mark her.

Leave... I have business to attend to.

You’re going to see to the miko’s companions, yes?


The miko would be very pleased if we took her to them.


When are we leaving?

Tomorrow... Now depart.

Sesshomaru moved from the fire to his chair behind the desk. He would have to deal with some issues before morning. Then he would take the miko back to her village. Hopefully her companions were there, it would save him the trouble of having to look for them.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

“You mean it?” Kagome looked to Sesshomaru for conformation. It was breakfast the morning after he had taken Kagome to his study. Kagome watched his stoical figure at his seat at the head of the table. Rin, Souta and Shippo were still sleeping. Kagome couldn’t sleep because she was worried and Sesshomaru had finished taking care of minor issues from his last patrol in order to leave. When Sesshomaru had found the miko wandering the hallways he offered an early breakfast.

“You’re serious?” Kagome was having trouble getting over the fact that Sesshomaru had offered to take her to the village to see her friends. Not only that, but Sesshomaru also explained that they would stay with her under the pretences that Rin needed to spend more time with children her age.

“I do not joke.” Sesshomaru looked to the miko who had suddenly grown an appetite after his answer and was now eating her food without her usual complaints.

If that was all I needed to do to get her to eat I would have done it sooner. Sesshomaru watched with interest as the miko pulled at the fat on the meat before putting it in her mouth. He was starting to notice that she was a picky eater. He hoped her habits would not be picked up by her adopted and future pups.

Sesshomaru had held back the topic of returning to the castle after the meeting. He would speak to the miko later and persuade her back to the grounds through the idea of improving her miko abilities. He had made plans to train her as well as help her unlock her unknown potency. This would also be the time he would give her the second gift.

“Are they up yet?” Kagome wanted to tell Souta, Shippo, and Rin as soon as possible. She knew Sesshomaru would be able to hear them if they were coming.

“It is still early.” Sesshomaru finished his plate. It wasn’t usual he would eat before the others but there were last minute things that needed to be prepared. He would have to ensure that there were supplies for all of the humans.

“Oh,” Kagome sighed. She had always hated waiting.

“Miko, what is concerning you?” Of course Kagome could always use a good argument with Sesshomaru.

“My name isn’t miko.” She hated being referred by miko instead of her name.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru smirked inwardly at the anger dripping from the woman in her seat.

“Then call me by my name. It’s not that hard to remember.” Kagome growled at him.

It was very realistic almost youkai like. Sesshomaru looked to her. He had thought he imagined it but she did it once again when he didn’t answer. She really sounded like an Inu youkai and he was intrigued how a human could manage to make such a sound.

“You are a miko. I respect you by calling you your title and just like you respect me by calling me by my title.” Sesshomaru pointed out. When did he begin to explain his actions to the infuriating woman?

“But I don’t like it. I don’t want it. I refuse to be a miko.” Kagome pouted with her arms crossed. Sesshomaru’s eyes darted at the appendage she was teasing him with. For a second time in many days he wanted to see if her lips were as soft as they looked.

“You were born with a great power within you. It is your birthright and something that will never go away no matter how much you deny it. It is always better to accept it.” Sesshomaru recalled the words his father had told him when he was young. Sesshomaru had tried to lock his beast up forever after he had lost control in a village.

“But sometimes my power scares me and what if it stops me from having what I want?” Kagome voice was low and her eyes drawn to the fingers now twiddling in her lap. Sesshomaru knew she was reliving some of the images Naraku placed in her head.

“All great power should be feared but by others. If you fear your own power then you will lose control of it and may live to regret it. You will learn how to properly contain your energy. You will also learn the signs of when you need to stop before it becomes too much.” Sesshomaru noticed the miko was still fidgeting with her hands as he completed his explanation. He leaned over and put his hand over her fiddling fingers.

His touch made Kagome look up and she blushed from the warmth of his hand and the intensity of his stare. Something flickered behind his eyes. Kagome wanted to read him better so she could determine what each emotion was that he let slip through his eyes.

“Will you help me?” Kagome asked not wanting to be alone as she faced another of her fears.

This made Sesshomaru’s future plans slightly change for the better. Now he wouldn’t have to persuade the miko to return to his castle. Plus, the idea of training was the miko’s own idea.

“We will return to the castle after your visit with your friends. We will commence your training then miko.”

“Kagome. It’sKagome. Please stop calling me miko.”

“Hn, we shall see. Finish eating; I need to see to a few things. The children are awake and dressing.” Sesshomaru stood and left. He would enlighten the miko when he addressed her in private but he wouldn’t tell her that yet. He enjoyed surprising her.

Kagome was happy enough. A ‘we shall see’ was better than a ‘Hn’. In addition to that she was going to be able to let the three monkeys know they were going to be travelling together again. Moments later they filed in. Kagome was trying to stop from bouncing in her seat. She really was a child at heart herself and got excited about the smallest of things.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru had them leave after an early lunch, which was welcome since the group had eaten so early. It was now just after noon and Rin, Shippo, and Souta were all playing I spy. Souta had explained the rules to the other two and was now spying something green.

“Is it a tree?” Rin guessed while Shippo had yelled “The grass!”

“Nope,” Souta shook his head, “Keep going.”

Rin and Shippo pointed out anything they could see that was green. Even Kagome was stumped on what her brother was seeing.

“The miko’s eyes are green.” Sesshomaru didn’t even stop or look back at his companions. Kagome had stopped in her tracks. She had been walking beside Ah-Un carrying Souta, Rin, and Shippo. Jaken was bringing up the rear. He must not have heard his lord for he kept moving forward. But it really shocked her that Sesshomaru would join in a very childish game.

“No okaa-san’s eyes are mostly blue,” Shippo explained. He looked to Kagome who began to start forward again after overcoming her shock. Shippo glanced to her eyes and looked to Souta. He hadn’t even noticed that his okaa-san’s eyes were different. But they were indeed emeralds instead of sapphires.

“Not anymore Shippo they’re green now.” Souta explained. “Sesshomaru-sama was right. I spied nee-chan’s eyes.”

“Sesshomaru-sama it’s your turn,” Rin exclaimed. “You have to spy something.”

Sesshomaru shouldn’t have even bothered. He pondered what possessed him to answer in the first place. He was going to have to answer something. He would not have Rin upset.

“Miko, I believe it is your turn.” He loved his ideas. If she was to be his mate, she would have to entertain his pups. Although she already showed those skills, it would do to have her to be out of practice.

“Of course it is,” Kagome’s voice dripped with sarcasm. She played a few rounds before she slowly dropping out of the game and then picked up her pace to walk beside Sesshomaru.

“You so owe me.” Kagome half hoped he wouldn’t know what she was talking about. It would be entertaining to make him guess.

“Do you wish me to tell you the story of my arm now?” Sesshomaru, on the other hand, had thought that the miko had forgotten.

“Yes I would.” She wasn’t too disappointed when he didn’t even hesitant to answer. It wouldn’t be Sesshomaru if he forgot something such as a bargain.

“It happened just after you were captured. Inuyasha was there. Do you still want to hear?” Sesshomaru had only held the story back for fear of the miko’s memories. He wouldn’t keep it from her if she wanted to know it.

Kagome nodded but before Sesshomaru could even begin they were interrupted.

“Kagome nee-chan it’s your birthday soon!!” Rin shouted form behind. It was growing closer as it ended and Kagome turned. Rin had jumped down while shouting to her and taking off before lunging at her for a hug.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Rin asked.

“Um, I forgot. I never really keep up with dates here.” Kagome looked to Souta and Shippo who were whispering to each other. Behind her, hidden from Kagome’s view, Sesshomaru smirked. Kagome was trying to estimate the date. She knew it was September but how far in the month were they.

“Kagome how many days are there until your birthday is here?” Rin kept questioning her, “Souta said it was soon but how many days?”

“I uh...don’t know.”

“Today is the quarter after the new moon.” Sesshomaru offered.

“That would mean it is just about twenty days in the month right?” Kagome thought out load. Rin nodded in response. Souta and Shippo were now listening and she could see Sesshomaru behind her. Jaken was mumbling about delaying his lord.

“Well my birthday is on the full moon this month. That means just over a week.” Rin grinned and jumped up and down in excitement.

“Rin when is your birthday?” Kagome asked. Shippo’s was late in the winter. Souta had his just before he came, in the summer. Kagome had never bothered to ask Rin when hers was.

“My birthday is in the spring when the snow melts. I picked it to be the day I came back.” Kagome smiled and held onto Rin’s hand.

Sesshomaru had begun to move forward again followed by Ah-Un. Kagome remembered that Rin had told her before that Sesshomaru had saved her in the spring.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sesshomaru looked over the area before determining it was a good place to stop for the night. Kagome stepped up beside him.

“Is there a hot spring nearby?” Sesshomaru looked to the wooded area concealing the naturally heated water. He debated on sending her there with a fear that Naraku would attempt to capture the miko again. However he trusted his nose and ears to warn him of anything out of the ordinary. He almost reluctantly pointed the way to the nearest spring.

“Thanks. I’m going to take Rin with me.” Souta and Shippo were getting to be too old to share baths with the girls. So it was known as Rin called it ‘girls time alone’.

“Kagome be careful.” He went to the tree he would claim for the rest of the time they would remain at the camp.

Kagome was moving away when her brain registered what he had said. Rin came before she could turn back around and ask him what he had said. Did he really call her by name? She hadn’t imagined it... she was almost certain she didn’t but then again there were many things she often thought she had heard and never really did.

Rin tugged for Kagome to undress faster so they could get into the hot water. They had a light conversation while washing. Kagome had learned the name of the plants that would create soap. Sesshomaru had also given the girls a liquid that smelt of flowers to put in their hair. Rin had said it was a secret lotion to make her hair soft.

Yet Kagome’s mind was not fully focussed on her conversation with Rin. She remembered the story of Sesshomaru’s arm. He had told her after Rin was quieted down from the birthday incident.


He explained that his arm had grown back all at once on its own. This was after his sword Tokijin had been broken in two. When he told her this, her eyes darted to the two swords at his hip.

“So what sword is that?” Kagome knew that the hilt was different. Its aura wasn’t as evil as Tokijin’s had been but it was just as powerful if not more.

“Bakusaiga,” Sesshomaru told her. “A fang made of my own tooth.”

“Who made it?” Totosai had been the one to make Sesshomaru’s father blades that were given to his sons. She had hoped the old man had come around and made Sesshomaru a blade.

“It came from within when my arm was restored.” Sesshomaru was sure the miko wouldn’t understand but he needed time to find words for what had occurred and what they meant.

“What do you mean from within? Like inside of your arm?” Sesshomaru was not disappointed when the miko questioned the events.

“I have surpassed my sire and have found my own inner strength. My sword is now as powerful as I am in person. It is one with me.” Sesshomaru hoped this would make sense to the woman he was walking with.

“Wow, really? So that makes it pretty powerful right?”

“Indeed.” At least the miko comprehended how powerful he now was. With their powers combined they would make an unconquerable pairing.

“So that’s it? What did Inuyasha do? You said that he was there right? He didn’t trouble you too much did he?” Kagome showed no concern for the hanyou. He was certain she wasn’t feeling anything for him any longer. This would only help him accomplish his goals with little difficulties and obstacles in his way.

“He took his clay pot in the direction of the village we are now heading to. His insults were nothing that I could not handle.” Sesshomaru explained but Kagome went white.

“Miko, what is the matter?” Kagome didn’t answer him. She was walking but her face was pale and lacking its normal colour.

“Miko,” Sesshomaru touched her shoulder, “Kagome.”

“Uh...” Kagome looked up.

“What is the matter Kagome?” Sesshomaru caught slight fear in her eyes.

“I am causing trouble for you. I know you don’t like his company.” Sesshomaru admired the miko even more. She was concerned about what he would want. This had to stop a little. She concerned herself too much about other’s feelings before her own.

“I will deal with the hanyou should I need to. You will see to your friends.” Sesshomaru reassured her.

Flashback End

Kagome was still a little worried about it all. She could not help but wonder why Sesshomaru was going out of his way to help her. It wasn’t like him to show an interest in other people’s issues. So why show interest now? She shook her head wanting to clear the thoughts suffocating it. Why did she want it to be something more then what it was? Kagome knew that nothing could happen between them but no matter how many time she told herself this she could help the feeling the consumed her when she was close to him.

Kagome really needed to think about something else. She was brought back to her bath. Rin was still rambling on. They had finished bathing and were now dressing. Kagome pulled Rin to her in a hug after they were dressed.

“Rin I love you. You’re so adorable.” Kagome didn’t know what had come over her. Maybe it was because she was guilty that Kagome hadn’t really listened to everything that Rin had said the whole time.

“Kagome nee-chan I was wondering, could I ask a request?” Rin choked the words out slowly.

“Of course you can Rin. Ask me anything. I promise to help you with whatever it is.” Kagome looked to Rin expecting the child to ask her some strange child like question. Something like ‘where do babies come from?’

“Could I... could I called you what Shippo calls you?” Rin stuttered.

Kagome was a little shocked but not by much. Rin had been getting a little comfy with Kagome. It was only natural, considering that Kagome was caring for Rin as a mother did, that Rin would feel like Kagome was her mother.

“Yes Rin, I would love for you to call me okaa-san.” Rin hugged Kagome and ran to camp. Probably so she could tell the rest of the group the good news.

Kagome followed her but when she made it to camp Sesshomaru was not there. Jaken had made a fire and Shippo and Souta were playing with a pack of cards Souta had brought with him. Rin was now joining them whispering excitedly to the two as she picked up her cards.

As Kagome let her eyes wander the area they were in she noticed a cliff through the trees. She wanted to see it and let her feet carry her there. It only took a minute for her to make it to the edge. It over looked acres of forest below; all lit in the light of the night. It was beautiful and very secluded since the trees hid anyone on the cliff from the prying eyes of the view all around.

It had hid Sesshomaru so well she didn’t see him until he was beside her. She saw a light movement on her left and jumped clutching her heart while turning to the one who startled her.

“Damn it Sesshomaru you’re not supposed to sneak up on people like that.” Kagome screamed too low for the children to hear.

“You should pay more attention. I would not have been able to scare you if you had looked for danger.” Sesshomaru pointed out. He was right. She knew it. Worse still was that he known she knew.

“Bad habit I guess. I will fix it though, Kagome confessed, straightening and looking to the view before the two.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru knew that Kagome was one who improved her flaws. If she was going to do something, she would.

“Oh I think you should know that... Rin picked up on Shippo’s terminology.” Kagome would try being subtle first.

“Which exactly would that mean?” Sesshomaru turned to look at the miko. It would have to be something important for the miko was playing with her fingers again. He reached to stop her; his hand engulfed her two and tugged them to get her to face him. Her eyes darted from her hands, to his hand, then to his face.

“She asked me and I said it would be fine... if she called me ...okaa-san.” Sesshomaru smirking was not the response Kagome was expecting. He was inching closer to her and she felt the hand on hers twitch.

Sesshomaru lifted his left hand to hook two fingers under her chin. His eyes never left hers and studied them as confusion flittered back and forth through his next actions. Sesshomaru let his fingers glide upwards across her cheek to her ear. They continued a path behind her head and his vision was focussed on her lips. The hand behind her head pulled her a little closer before lowering his head to hers.

Sesshomaru’s lips met Kagome’s for the first time. She was shocked from the first contact and could feel as he added a little pressure to the soft gentle caresses his lips were making. He didn’t make any other move; after a few seconds drew back and retreated to camp, leaving Kagome alone with her very confused and emotionally overloaded mind and once again something deep within her started aching for something. Something she had no control over.

Kagome pressed a finger tip to her lips still feeling the presence that was there only moments ago. She had received her first kiss from Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru had kissed her. She couldn’t get this thought out of her mind. It floated around pulling at everything Sesshomaru had done for her.

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Ooooo!!! Look we’re getting somewhere!!! YEAH!!! Hope you all enjoyed!!
I want to thank my new beta Golden-Eyed-Girl for helping me with this chapter!!!

Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2008

-xkagomex- - Thanks… it took me a while to figure out the details of that story things just weren’t working out at first and I thought at one point I might have to take it out. Thanks!!!

Sango-san – Thanks so much!!!