InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Fifteen: Reunion ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
************************************************************************* Disclaimer: Inuyasha is not mine in any way shape or form. I make no money and write fan fics for my own entertainment as well as the entertainment of others.
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Scroll Fifteen: Reunion

Sesshomaru didn’t regret what he did. He had loved every moment of it. He was sure the miko was still standing back at the cliff sorting through her mess of emotions. Sesshomaru was certain that if she had any doubtfulness of his intentions before they were now taken care of. The miko wasn’t dense he knew she was questioning his actions more and more lately. It was only a matter of waiting until the miko gathered enough courage to ask him the many questions flooding her thoughts.

He let his eyes close. His beast wanted more. His beast wanted to ravish her mouth until she was breathless. He wanted to show her dominance as his tongue battled with hers. Sesshomaru would take it slowly though. He would let the miko have her time to think before he made his next move. This wasn’t what his beast wanted.

Her scent changed. She wants us too. Let us have her.

She is still uncertain about all of this. We will take our time. ~
Sesshomaru hated when his beast whined.

We can go slowly now.

You will have patience.

I want out. I can smell her drawing near.

I will not have you frightening her away.

She does not fear me. She has never run from us.

Sesshomaru was forced to battle his beast down as the miko made her way to camp. When Kagome entered the little clearing amongst the vast forest; she looked about to check on the sleeping arrangements. Rin was sleeping between the fire and Ah-Un. Sesshomaru had his eyes closed on the opposite side of the fire of the sleeping girl. A little distance from Sesshomaru, Souta was curled up but not yet sleeping. Shippo slept soundly under the light blanket he was sharing with Souta.

“Souta you should get some sleep.” Kagome whispered to him. Unknown to her it quietened the battle Sesshomaru was struggling to contain. Sesshomaru gained the upper hand of his beast while his beast was distracted by the miko’s hushed voice.

“Yes nee-chan,” Souta wouldn’t tell her that he was making sure she made it back to camp safely. Nor that he feared she would be taken from him again. With her in his sight Souta was able to settle down and let sleep take him.

Kagome let herself curl up with Rin. She looked at Souta as he closed his eyes and pulled the little girl closer to her chest.

“Good-night...” Kagome whispered to the camp for all to hear. If they were already asleep she was sure they could hear it in their dreams.

Kagome closed her eyes but was having a hard time sleeping. The incident with Sesshomaru was too fresh in her mind. When had it started? Was it recent or had it began long ago? Was it when he first rescued them from Naraku or after she saved Rin? When Sesshomaru saved her life? Then there was the kimono... could that have been when? Maybe the second rescue? Perhaps it was the reason Sesshomaru retrieved Shippo and Kirara? All of them had been perfectly reasonable at the time though. She had done something that would equal what Sesshomaru gave her in return. There was also the gift she gave him. The gift... what had it meant to him? What if he didn’t take it as innocent?

Kagome’s eyes snapped open and looked over the black haired head of Rin, across the fire to the resting Taiyoukai. His golden eyes were close but then opened when he felt her eyes on him. He smirked when she blushed and closed her eyes once more burying her face in the hair of the child she was cuddling with.

She was definitely thinking about things now. He could mainly feel her confusion and the different levels of it as she shuffled through the void of her mind. The moment she looked at him she smelt of shock. Sesshomaru wondered if the miko was catching on. Had she figure out everything or only a piece of the puzzle? He let his attention roam the area and figured it to be safe enough to rest. If things turned out well then the next couple of days would prove to be very interesting. He let himself relax as he listened to the miko trying to keep her breath quiet. She wasn’t asleep yet but it wouldn’t be long.

What are the courting rituals of an Inu? Kagome wished more than ever that Sango was with her so she could innocently ask. These were her last thoughts before her body forced her to take sleep. It had been a long day.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Shippo had woken to a new scent coming from his mother. Rin and Souta were up and making breakfast for the others of the camp who ate. Shippo knew the scent well, he hadn’t been sure of it the first time he had caught wind of it. Now he had been around plenty of woman who had smelt the same as his mother. Though she had a sweeter scent then other humans it wouldn’t be good for the Taiyoukai to come back to camp while she was having her dream.

Shippo walked over to Kagome and took her shoulder into his hand before giving it a gentle shake.

“Okaa-san?” Shippo called to her as another attempt to wake her. It worked and he watched her open her eyes.

“Shippo?” Kagome frowned, “It something the matter?” It was still a little early and it wasn’t required for them to wake up so early.

“Um, I think you needed to wake up,” Shippo didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to lie to his mother but he also didn’t know how to approach the subject at hand.

Kagome on the other hand made a wild guess as her dream came to her. “Um I understand Shippo. Thanks.”

Shippo grinned widely thanking the gods that Kagome had understood and then went to help Souta and Rin. Kagome pushed the images of the recollection of her dream away. She blamed Sesshomaru’s kiss as the only reason she had the dream. Kagome shook her head.

“Okaa-san, breakfast is ready.” Rin called to her.

Kagome looked to Rin and smiled. She needed a way to get the images of the dream out of her head. This would be perfect. Rin, Souta and Shippo would help cure her temporarily of the troublesome and baffling ways of the Taiyoukai.

“Thanks Rin and Souta it looks really good,” Kagome took the small fish Rin gave her.

Sesshomaru re-entered the campsite. A lower-class youkai had decided to wander too close to his pack and proved to be too stupid to leave like he was demanded. Though insect youkai are weak and easy to handle, Sesshomaru let his beast take out his frustration on the poor creature. Earlier this morning the miko scent of arousal was too much for his beast to handle and Sesshomaru was unable to stay too close to her. He was grateful she was now awake.

“We are leaving once you are done.” Sesshomaru stayed in his spot and turned away from the group who were still eating their meal.

Sesshomaru determined they were three days from the village at the pace they were going. It wouldn’t be as long until the miko saw her friends. He could just barely make out the unmistakable scents. By late afternoon the slayer and the monk would cross paths with Sesshomaru’s group.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Kagome watched as Rin chased Jaken around Ah-Un. Souta and Shippo beside her were finding the game amusing. They were still travelling after stopping for a short lunch break. Rin and Kagome then began making chains as they walked. They had crossed a field of wild flowers and Rin filled everyone’s pockets with flowers so they girls could still make chains as they walked through another forest. Kagome had finished her third strand of flowers and Rin her second so the little girl had told her she could now ‘prettify’ the little toad youkai.

At the present time, Rin followed pursuit with her hands extended, chains dangling from them. Jaken created a path of zigzags trying to get away. They looped around the two headed dragon. Who slowed his pace a little as to not step on the little ones. Jaken then ran ahead of Sesshomaru going in circles and back around to hide behind his lord who continued to walk. Rin giggled and followed only to chase Jaken around Sesshomaru.

“Sesshomaru-sama, please make her stop!” Sesshomaru made no move to help Jaken. He was careful when Rin passed in front of him but did not intervene in any way.

Jaken realized Sesshomaru would be no help and ran to Kagome. Rin ran towards her too. Jaken dodged behind Kagome and Rin slipped, sliding into the woman with more force than Kagome had anticipated. The miko tried to catch Rin but both girls fell to the ground with a gentle thump. Jaken had moved to walked on the opposite side of Ah-Un that the girls were on.

“Rin are you okay?” Kagome questioned.

“Yep, I’m fine okaa-san.” Rin grinned and got up to brush the dirt off of her kimono.

Kagome stood also brushing the dirt off of herself. She would have to find her own little bit of revenge on Jaken. After all, from the look in his eyes before he ran behind her, he had planned things this way.

“Where’d Jaken go?” Rin asked before noticing his feet on the other side of Ah-Un. “Oh there he is!”

Rin ran. Jaken ran. Sesshomaru stopped. Kagome assumed it was because she and Rin had fallen behind the small group. Shippo and Souta had stopped before to make sure Kagome was not injured. Ah-Un had continued to walk in a slow pace and had stopped when his master had. Kagome close the distance to stand beside the dragon.

Sesshomaru didn’t begin moving again. Kagome looked to him. It was the first time she had directly looked at him all morning. She was trying to avoid anything that would make her think about the dream, the kiss, and all her emotions that were confusing her more. She really wasn’t sure how to take the situation but she continued to remind herself nothing could happen between them. She was human. She was miko. He was a youkai. The way things were would never work out. Even if they were together she would just die an old woman in the years to come and he would remain as young as he is today.

No things were better if she ignored it all. Now how was she to tell this to Sesshomaru who was keen on getting his way? That is if he was thinking of courting her. She still wasn’t sure about all this. What if he didn’t mean anything and was only messing with her? It was possible. Kagome sighed. This was what she was trying to avoid. Just looking at him was all it took for her to recall the issues she didn’t want to think about, especially with him around.

An image of Sesshomaru leaning over her floated back into her mind. No Kagome bad. Stop. Stop that right now! Find out what’s going on instead.

“Sesshomaru, why did you stop?” Kagome asked still behind him.

Shippo and Souta took in the exchange as well Rin and Jaken still running around the group. The two were oblivious that the group was stopped as they ran about Ah-Un once again.

Sesshomaru eyes darted to the two in the corner of his eyes. He turned his head to look at the miko. The red tint he had saw last night made its way back to her cheeks. He liked how modest his miko was.

“Are you hurt?” Sesshomaru asked. Kagome shook her head in the negative and then lowered her eyes.

“Your friends are here.” Sesshomaru stated. The exterminator and houshi were only a short distance away and would be here momentarily.

“Sango and Miroku?” Kagome let her eyes rose to stare at Sesshomaru. All her bothersome thoughts went away at the thought of seeing Miroku and Sango again. “Where are they?”

Sesshomaru let the people in question speak for themselves. Kirara was leading them and she passed through the tree line a few seconds after Kagome asked her question.

“Kirara!” Kagome screamed and ran to the nekomata then pulled her into a hug.

Sango and Miroku appeared a few seconds later. They didn’t even get a chance to look around before a figure lunged to them.

“Sango! Miroku!” Kagome hugged Miroku but quickly released him for fear of his hand. She then attached herself to Sango. The slayer wrapped her arms around Kagome slowly in disbelief.

“Kagome?” Sango asked.

They had searched and searched. Nothing came up. They were heading back to the village to find out if there was any news. Kirara had stopped yesterday and pulled, hissed, and bit Sango and Miroku to get them to follow her. So they did since the nekomata was giving them little choice in the matter.

Miroku looked between his fiancee and the miko. He was very grateful that Kagome was okay. Sango was never the same without her. Miroku had even given up his ‘cursed’ hand thing. But now that things were indeed fine he decided to celebrate.

Sango pulled Kagome at arm’s length and looked at her shocked. “How is it possible?”

Kagome laughed but then both girls tensed up. Sango right fist met Miroku’s left cheek as Kagome’s left fist met his right.

“Ah Kagome how I have missed you.” he exclaimed.

“Hentai!” Sango yelled.

Kagome shook her head at the two. They never changed. But Kagome was stopped in her thoughts. She had thought she heard a low growl. She didn’t want to turn around to see where Sesshomaru was but it reminded her of the many reasons why she wanted to see Sango.

“Sango, where are you going?” Kagome asked hoping they were heading in the same direction.

“Well, when we couldn’t find you we thought we go back to the village and see about any rumours that would help us.” Sango explained.

Kagome was overjoyed. She would be able to get some information that may make the situation a little less confusing. Now she only had to get Sesshomaru to agree.

Miroku stood back rubbing his cheeks when he glanced over to the youkai a short distance from the miko and huntress talking. A growl had caught his attentions and he could swear it was directed to him. Narrowed golden eyes rimmed in red made him rethink his actions in the future. He would have to stick to only his woman if he wanted to live to see his own children. The monk lowered his head and whispered an apology low enough for only the alpha of the group to hear.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Sango and Kagome were hanging in the back of the group. Rin had seen Kirara and right away asked Sesshomaru if the newcomers could travel with them. Sesshomaru had agreed. Now Kagome had to find a time that she could speak with Sango but at a distance that Sesshomaru wouldn’t be able to overhear them. This created a problem.

Rin was riding on Kirara who was between Kagome and Sango. The older woman knew something was bothering Kagome but would bring it up. It was possible that with the little girl around Kagome wouldn’t say a thing. Rin filled the uneasy atmosphere with bubbly conversation topics. Flowers and her doll, Suki, apparently were her favourite things to talk about.

Sesshomaru was walking in the front as usual. His eyes were weary of the monk who dared to touch his chosen one. Miroku was currently with Shippo and Souta beside Ah-Un. Jaken was pulling flowers from his form. Rin had finally pounced on him and covered him from head to toe including his Staff of Two Heads.

Sango was really confused about many things. She wanted to ask Kagome how she had managed to escape again as well as how it was that she was with Sesshomaru’s group. Though she couldn’t ask all of her questions yet she could ask a few.

“Say Kagome, weren’t Shippo and Souta in the village? We left them there before we went to look for Naraku.”

“Yeah, Sesshomaru found them when Souta came to look for me.” Kagome had heard the story from Souta and Shippo. She was happy when she heard it for it showed that Souta was coming out of his shyness. At least he had left the village. There was a time when he would have run and hid away from all to see. Her little brother was changing before her eyes.

“I’m glad Souta came with okaa-san. I like playing with Souta he is like a big brother.” Rin interrupted. She was brushing her doll’s hair before placing a flower in it.

“Okaa-san?” Sango wasn’t sure she liked the sounds of that. Was the little girl calling Kagome mother now too? “Isn’t Kagome your nee-chan?” the exterminator as politely.

“No. Kagome nee-chan became my okaa-san. Okaa-san said yes.” Rin pointed out. The mind of a child was really simple. You had a mother, a father, and siblings. Your mother and father told you yes and no to certain things and you obeyed. Rin now had a mother and Sesshomaru-sama was like her father. Souta and Shippo were her siblings.

“Oh.” Sango looked to the miko.

“I’ll explain later.” Kagome told her. They really had to talk; they were both thinking the same thing.

“We will stop here.” Sesshomaru’s voice cut it from the distance. He took to the sky, leaving the group behind.

“Where’s he going?” Sango asked.

The miko shrugged to her and helped Rin dismount Kirara who transformed into her kitten self. The timing was a little perfect since without Sesshomaru around Kagome wouldn’t have to worry about him overhearing their conversation.

“Just let me make sure everyone gets something to eat and then we can talk. Okay?” A smile on her face, her eyes gleaming and the slayer just couldn’t help but nod in return.

Jaken built a fire. Rin, Souta, and Shippo were playing tag, in sight, dodging around the trees. They had finished eating and Kagome had made tea. Jaken had vanished after his task, leaving probably to avoid Rin. Sango was sitting a little away from the group to get a little privacy for her conversation with Kagome. She was watching Miroku intently a fair distance from them across the fire. He was mediating but Sango had soon learned that whenever the holy man mediated he inched closer…

“Sesshomaru saved you again?” Kagome had just finished recounting the recent events. Both women were whispering.

“Look, I’m sorry to put it bluntly but it wasn’t like Inuyasha was going to save me. So I’m glad that Sesshomaru came to the rescue.” The miko and huntress both knew it was true.

“I know. I’m sorry Kagome I didn’t mean for you to take offence but I am a little worried. Why did he save you?” Sango’s previous concerns for her younger sister figure were still bothering her.

“I don’t really know that. I do know that he likes me taking care of Rin. She doesn’t have many companions to play with,” Kagome lowered her head in a sigh. The whole thing was frustrating.

“Has anything strange happened? Something that isn’t usual in Sesshomaru’s behaviour?” Kagome knew she was going to be interrogated but maybe that was the best way to get answers without Sango being too concern.

“No, not that I can think of.” Of course she wasn’t going to mention the kiss or the possible meaning behind the kimonos. So a beaming smile was directed to the woman beside her.

“Has he given you any gifts or such?”

“Gifts? What do you mean? Maybe if you told me everything I would know what to look for.” Kagome hated to trick the older woman but there was no other way.

“Remember I told you mating rituals are different between each species of youkai?” always start out slowly. Sango knew her friend could burst out sometimes at things that she was offended by. The huntress had to think her words through first so Kagome wouldn’t take it the wrong way.

The miko only nodded gradually to her friend waiting for her to continue with her explanation.

“Inu and Ookami such a Koga have a long mating ritual. There are a few slight differences but they are basically the same. Inu show their affection to a woman they wish to mate. The youkai would do small favour for the woman. If the female picks up on the advances that the male makes she will give him a gift. It signs that the male can start the first steps of his mating.”

“I understand that but what about the gifts?” Kagome was impatient one never knew when Sesshomaru would return.

“That’s next. There are normally two gifts unless the male is of high status then there are three. I know that a youkai that is wealthy must show his wealth through a gift but the other two I’m not so sure of. I think they might change.”

“Three gifts.” the little woman stored this information away. “Okay then what?”

“Why are you so interested?” Sango inquired. It was like there might be something going on that she wasn’t aware of. It was possible that Kagome could be hiding something from her.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just curious. I don’t really know much about youkai and I will be living in this era permanently. It’s only rational that I learn about these things in more depth. Just so I don’t find myself in a very bad situation later.” Kagome really wanted the exterminator to take the bait.

“I suppose your right.” Sango started out slowly, “However, I don’t know the rest of the ritual. Inu’s are not so common and their habits are rather secret.”

Sesshomaru came into the camp at that moment. Green eyes met his and their owner blushed before turning her head down. Sesshomaru inwardly smirk. He hadn’t gone far. He knew that Kagome would want to talk to the huntress and he also knew that she wouldn’t if she thought he was nearby. He made it appear he had gone but it was near by the whole time. When Jaken left he intercepted the little toad and set him off on a little quest. Then he perched in a tree to listen to his mate to be and the exterminator talk.

Sesshomaru looked for another tree to claim a little farther from the humans. He sat beneath its branches to watch over the camp for the night. He felt a gaze on him and turned his eyes to see the slayer looking at him with warning in her eyes. His eyes closed and he crossed his arms folding his hands into his sleeves. A woman would not stop him from his mission. He would have the miko as his own. No one would be able to take her from him now that his mind was made up.

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Ja ne
Angelic Memories.
© 2008